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As we all know, it is necessary for all of us students to protect our campus environment.

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As we all know, it is necessary for all of us students to protect our campus environment. The campus is where we live and study, so we have the responsibility to protect our campus environment.

However, there exist some problems about the campus environment protection among some schoolmates. Some of them throw rubbish here and there, making our campus dirty and untidy. What¡¯s worse, some students pick the flowers, even break the young trees.

Concerning how to protect our campus environment, I have some suggestions as follows: Above all, we can call on all the schoolmates to form the good habit of not throwing rubbish everywhere but putting different rubbish into different dustbins. Also, some proper measures should be taken to fight against the behavior of destroying our campus environment.



¡¾ÁÁµã˵Ã÷¡¿·¶ÎÄÖÐÔËÓÃһЩ³£¼ûµÄ¶ÌÓïhave the responsibility toÓÐÔðÈÎ×öijÊ£»What¡¯s worse¸üÔã¸âµÄÊÇ£»Above allÊ×ÏÈ£»The campus is where we live and study, so we have the responsibility to protect our campus environmentÕâ¸ö¾ä×ÓwhereÒýµ¼±íÓï´Ó¾ä£»Some of them throw rubbish here and there, making our campus dirty and untidy.Õâ¸ö¾ä×Ómaking×ö°éËæ×´Ó



Two billion children in the developing world can¡¯t receive good education¡ªthe key to human development.However,technology offers an answer which allows the poor in developing countries to learn.It is a tool which holds the ability to change the lives of the poor,as it provides a means of learning and communicating.

Educational programmes must break away from old systems.New companies such as One Laptop(±Ê¼Ç±¾µçÄÔ)Per Child(OLPC),an organisation founded by MIT Professor Nicholas Negroponte have been active in solving the world¡¯s education problem.

The Internet has changed the world,allowing educational services to help with the global fight against poverty.Khan Academy is one such service.Like OLPC,it is an organisation founded by Harvard Business School graduate Salman Khan with the task of ¡°providing a world-class education to anyone,anywhere¡±.The education offered includes a large number of math-related topics.

The GMAT Pill Review is another company that trains MBA candidates(Ó¦¿¼ÈË)worldwide to prepare for the GMAT exam on both the Quant and Verbal section.Founded by Stanford graduate Zeke Lee,the company offers services which are priced at about 75% less than other similar programmes.It allows students from developing countries who might not be able to afford similar courses to have access to these services.

Whether paid or free these services provide educational opportunities to those who would never have had the chance in the past.As a result of the technology revolution(¸ïÐÂ),business schools may see more students from different corners of the world.Because of the Internet,people in developing nations have access to better and more affordable educational opportunities.More and more people will try to improve their lives through educational opportunities outside of their homeland¡ªan idea usually uncommon in developing countries.

¡¾1¡¿According to the text,technology can .

A.improve people¡¯s reading ability

B.solve the problems facing the whole world

C.help the poor to reduce poverty

D.cause poverty in developing countries

¡¾2¡¿We can learn from the text that Khan Academy aims to .

A.help the poor pay for good courses

B.provide every child with a computer

C.help train MBA candidates

D.make everyone receive good education

¡¾3¡¿In the past,people in developing countries .

A.had no educational opportunities in their homeland

B.seldom thought of receiving foreign education to change themselves

C.always believed education was of great importance

D.wouldn¡¯t leave their homeland to reduce poverty

¡¾4¡¿Why did the author write the text?

A.To introduce some organisations in developed countries to help developing countries by technology.

B.To explain why education and technology revolution are very important to developing countries.

C.To describe relationships between developed countries and developing countries.

D.To show how educational programmes in developed countries are started.

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
