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Dear sir£¬
I am Li Hua£®I'm writing toapply for the chance to invite one of the competitors£¬Oliver£¬to stay at my home during the International Olympic Maths Competition to be held in Yushan No.1 Middle School£®I am a student in Senior Grade two of our school£®I can speak fluent English and I am outgoing£¬so I'm sure I will have no difficulty communicating with the student£®We live in a three-room apartment located in a beautiful and quiet neighborhood£®My family meets all the needs of a foreign student who is coming to stay£®My parents are kind and hospitable£®We also have a private car£¬which makes it convenient for us to get around£®More importantly£¬we hosted an exchange student from Germany last year£¬through which I and my parnents have gained lots of experience£®I love western culture and want to learn more about it£®I would greatly appreciate it if I could have the chance£®I expect to make friends with him£®
Looking forward to your early reply£®
Li Hua£®

·ÖÎö ÕâÊÇÀ¸øÕÅÀÏʦдµÄÒ»·âÓ¢ÎÄÐÅ£®¸ù¾ÝÌâÄ¿ÒªÇó¿ÉÖªÓõÚÒ»È˳ƺÍÒ»°ãÏÖÔÚʱ̬£®ÄÚÈÝ°üÀ¨£ºÒ»±íÃ÷ÊéÐÅÄ¿µÄ£»¶þ½éÉܱ¾È˺ͼÒÍ¥Çé¿öÒÔ¼°ÉêÇëµÄÀíÓÉ£»ÈýÏ£ÍûµÃµ½Õâ¸ö»ú»á£®
1£®I'm writing to apply for the chance to invite one of the competitors£¬Oliver£¬to stay at my home during the International Olympic Maths Competition to be held in Yushan No.1 Middle School£®¾ä×ÓÀïapply for ±íʾ"ÉêÇë"£» to be held in Yushan No.1 Middle SchoolÊÇthe International Olympic Maths Competition µÄ¶¨Ó±íʾ"¼´½«ÔÚÓñɽһÖоÙÐеÄ"£®
2£®We also have a private car£¬which makes it convenient for us to get around£®¾ä×ÓÀïwhichÒýµ¼·ÇÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬´úÖ¸Ö÷¾äWe also have a private car£®

½â´ð Dear sir£¬
      I am Li Hua£®I'm writing to apply for the chance to invite one of the competitors£¬Oliver£¬to stay at my home during the International Olympic Maths Competition to be held in Yushan No.1 Middle School£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»¡¿£¨±íÃ÷ÊéÐÅÄ¿µÄ£©I am a student in Senior Grade two of our school£®I can speak fluent English and I am outgoing£¬so I'm sure I will have no difficulty communicating with the student£®We live in a three-room apartment located in a beautiful and quiet neighborhood£®My family meets all the needs of a foreign student who is coming to stay£®My parents are kind and hospitable£®We also have a private car£¬which makes it convenient for us to get around£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ¡¿More importantly£¬we hosted an exchange student from Germany last year£¬through which I and my parnents have gained lots of experience£®I love western culture and want to learn more about it£®I would greatly appreciate it if I could have the chance£®I expect to make friends with him£®£¨½éÉܱ¾È˺ͼÒÍ¥Çé¿öÒÔ¼°ÉêÇëµÄÀíÓÉ£©
     Looking forward to your early reply£®£¨Ï£ÍûµÃµ½Õâ¸ö»ú»á£©
                                                                                                                                                  Li Hua

µãÆÀ ¿¼²éÌá¸ÙÀà×÷ÎÄ£®

3£®A few years ago£¬a company called Space Marketing came up with a plan to send a mile-long advertisement into space£®To advertising agencies£¨»ú¹¹£©£¬it would have been¡®a dream come true'£®However£¬advertising standards agencies finally decided not to allow Space Marketing to go ahead with their plans and they were forced to give them up£®
Space may indeed be the final place for advertisers£¬because on Earth we are already surrounded by advertising wherever we are and whatever we are doing£®Apart from the obvious ads that we see every day on TV£¬and in newspapers and magazines£¬there is a whole¡®other world'of advertising messages fighting for our attention£®There are ads that we see on the side of the bus we catch to work£¬for example£®And what about the logos£¨É̱꣩we see on the clothing of the people we walk past in the streets£¿
Most of the time£¬we are probably not even aware of£¨Òâʶµ½£©these less obvious advertising methods£¬but that doesn't mean that they don't work£®Take¡®product placement'£¬for example£®You are in a cinema£¬watching the latest Hollywood movie£®Look carefully at the make of car your favorite actor is driving£®And what about his watch£¿Can you see what brand it is£¿Chances are that you can£¬and the company that owns the brand is likely to have paid thousands for it to appear in the film£®
So£¬whether Space Marketing finally succeeds in spending ads into space or not is perhaps less important than it might seem£®This would not change a thing£®Our everyday lives are already strongly influenced by advertising£¬whether we realize it or not£®

32£®What happened to the plan of sending an ad into space£¿A
A£®It came to nothing£®
B£®It was a dream come true£®
C£®It had to wait a few years before it was carried out£®
D£®It was supported by the advertising standards agencies£®
33£®How does the author explain the'other world'of advertising messages£¿D
A£®By showing research findings£®
B£®By explain reasons£®
C£®By giving suggestions£®
D£®By using examples£®
34£®As a form of advertising£¬product placementC£®
A£®costs a little£®
B£®doesn't work£®
C£®is less obvious than TV ads£®
D£®mainly appears in Hollywood movies£®
35£®What does the author suggest at the end of the text£¿A
A£®We live in a world of advertising£®
B£®We've changed a lot because of advertising£®
C£®Space Marketing leads in the advertising industry£®
D£®Space ads will mark the beginning of a new world£®
6£®A classic joke goes like this£ºA nurse rushes into an exam room and says£¬"Doctor£¬doctor£¬there is an invisible man in the waiting room£®"The doctor says£¬"Tell him I can't see him£®"Pretty simple£¬right£¿
Here is how I tell it£º"A nurse-her name is Joyce-feels a presence in the waiting room£®She looks around but sees nothing£®She jumps up from her desk£¬carefully replaces her chair£¬and runs down the hallway to the doctor's office£®She knocks on the door£®No response£®He's not there£®Where can he be£¿She continues down the hall£¬admiring a picture of an 18th-century Mississippi boat along the way£®"By the time£¬my audience has left£¬but I go on£®"She bursts into the exam room and says£¬¡®Doctor£¬doctor!'The doctor£¬I should mention¡­"
You get the idea£®I can't leave a simple joke alone£®
I'm not the only joke-challenged member of the family£®My sister's worse than I am£®Her problem£ºShe can't remember them£®"¡®A nurse rushes into an exam room and says¡­'Uh£¬let me start all over again£®¡®A nurse rushes into a waiting¡­'No£¬it's not the waiting room£®She just came from the waiting room£®Let me start all over again£®¡®A doctor rushes into¡­'No£¬wait¡­"
My uncle's different£®"Okay£¬this is a good one£®Ready£¿No£¬really£¬ready£¿Okay£¬¡®A nurse¡­'Got it£¿A nurse£¿Okay£¬ready£¿¡®A nurse rushes into an exam room and says£ºDoctor£¬there's an invisible man in the waiting room£®'Now£¬this is where it gets funny£®Ready£¿'No one is ever ready£¬so they leave before he gets to the funny part£®
No one in my family has ever finished this joke£®
Next time you see my family and someone is telling a joke£¬do yourself a favour£ºMake yourself invisible£®

19£®What's the passage mainly about£¿D
A£®How to tell a classic joke£®
B£®The author has a happy family£®
C£®Telling a classic joke is not easy£®
D£®The author's family are not good at telling a joke£®
20£®When the author tells a joke£¬he tends toA£®
A£®add too many extra details
B£®forget it
C£®act like the host of a show program
D£®leave it alone
21£®The last sentence implies thatD when the author's family tell a joke£®
A£®you should stop them
B£®you can't see anything
C£®you will become invisible
D£®you would not like to listen£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
