
Gus put his paws(爪子) on the window and looked out at the street. His tail began to wag (摇摆) .Mr. and Mrs. Riaz were coming back  36  . They were  37  in something new — a   38  . “   39   , this is Anna,” said Mrs. Riaz. Gus wasn’t   40  if he liked Anna.
Mr. and Mrs. Riaz spent a lot of time with   41  . Gus watched while they held the baby. He watched them   42  her and talk to her. “Why   43  they talk to me like that?” He   44  to say. Mr. Riaz made Gus feel   45   , too. He said, “ Gus, you watch the baby   46   we’re in the other room.” Gus liked that. He sat      47  Anna’s bed. He watched her   48  and play. As time went by, Gus became very   49   of the baby. When visitors came to the house, Gus would   50   to the baby’s bed. He would sit up very   51   and wag his tail quickly. “See how  52   I take care of Anna” he seemed to say.
There was one thing about Anna that made Gus   53   . He   54    like to hear her cry. He always wanted to make her   55   better.
36. A. out                     B. home                       C. away                        D. close
37. A. taking                 B. fetching                   C. bringing                   D. leading
38. A. god                    B. cat                           C. baby                        D. friend
39. A. Gus                    B. OK                          C. Hello                       D. Morning
40. A. sure                    B. true                         C. clear                        D. happy
41. A. him                    B. her                          C. baby                        D. dog
42 .A. save                   B. beat                         C. feed                         D. help
43. A. do                      B. don’t                       C. will                         D. won't
44. A. tended                B. wanted                     C. hoped                      D. seemed
45. A. important            B. impossible                C. easy                         D. difficult
46. A. before                B. after                        C. while                       D. as
47. A. on                      B. by                           C. against                     D. in
48. A. cry                     B. jump                        C. sleep                        D. run
49. A. proud                 B. nervous                    C. sad                          D. nice
50. A. walk                   B. run                          C. climb                       D. lit
51. A. carefully             B. angrily                     C. sadly                        D. straight
52. A. nice                    B. well                         C. important                 D. hard
53. A. unhappy             B. happy                      C. glad                         D. pleasant
54. A. did                     B. didn’t                      C. would                      D. wouldn’t
55. A. get                     B. become                    C. sound                       D. feel


Ship tourism to Antarctica is on the rise: More than 35,000 tourists are expected to visit Antarctic this summer. In 1992-1993, 6,750 visited Antarctica, according to the Antarctica Treaty. All of this tourism, however, is putting both tourists and the environment in great danger.
Among the tourist ships that visit the continent, the Explorer, a Canadian ship, was one of the first. Put to use in 1969, it was built to carry tourists to Antarctica. Last week, however, it became the first commercial passenger ship to sink beneath the waters. Fortunately, all of the passengers and crew members were rescued from the ship. However, the sunken ship endangered the Antarctic’s fragile(脆弱的) environment. The ship was estimated to be holding 48,000 gallons of fuel.
The accident was not unexpected. Both the US and UK had warned a conference of the Antarctic Treaty member countries in May that the tourism situation in this area was a potential disaster. The US said in a paper, people “should take a hard look at tourism issues now, especially those related to ship safety.” Although the Antarctic seas are relatively(相对地) calm, floating ice causes a potential threat to ships. The owner of the Explorer blamed the sinking on a fist-like hole in the ship created by ice.
Many of the other large ships now visiting Antarctica are not designed especially against thick ice. Such ships generally can only come to the continent in summer. But the tourist rush is pushing ships into dangerous situations. “The increasing number of ships operating in Antarctic means that the ship are under great pressure to get there in time for the key visiting sites,” the British government wrote in a paper at the meeting of member countries.
As a natural frontier, Antarctica is in a messy legal situation. There are no obvious answers as to who is responsible for dealing with the threat that tourist may cause to human life and the environment.
There is no coast guard for Antarctica. Do we want it to become Disneyland, or do we need some controls?
76. Which of the following is true according to this passage?
A. Antarctica tourism has a history of about 17 years
B. The number of tourists to the Antarctic is over 5 times as large as that of 17 years ago.
C. The tourism boom has caused holes in the floating ice in the Antarctic.
D. The Antarctica Treaty is responsible for the problem.
77. The sinking of the Explorer____________.
A. led to a conference about the tourism situation in the Antarctic.
B. was caused by the rough seas
C. had been predicted
D. did harm to the Antarctic.
78. It can be inferred from the passage that_________.
A. a Disneyland will be built in the Antarctic
B. fewer people are visiting the Antarctic because of the warnings given
C. not all the ships are suitable to go to the Antarctic
D. some ships take risks visiting the Antarctic in other seasons rather than in summer
79. In this passage, the writer suggests that___________.
A. people had better not make a tour of the Antarctic
B. ships to the Antarctic should be built strong enough
C. there should be legal controls over tourism in the Antarctic
D. the Antarctic’s environment is fragile
80. What attitude does the writer hold towards Antarctic tourism?
A. Supportive.     B. Positive.       C. Indifferent.        D. Anxious.

  If you ask people to name one person who had the greatest effect on the English language, you will get answers like“Shakespeare”,“Samuel Johnson”and“Webster”but none of these men had any effect at all compared with a man who didn't even speak English---William the Conqueror.
  Before 1066, in the land we now call Great Britain lived people belonging to two major language groups. In the west-central region lived the Welsh, who spoke a Celtic language, and in north lived the Scots, whose language, though not the same as Welsh, was also Celtic. In the rest of the country lived the Saxons, actually a mixture of Anglos-Saxons, and other Germanic and Nordic peoples, who spoke what we call Anglo-Saxon (or Old English), a Germanic Language. If this state of affairs had lasted, English today would be close to German.
  But this state of affairs did not last. In 1066 the Normans led by William defeated the Saxons and began their rule over England. For about a century, French became the official language of England while Old English became the language of peasants. As a result, English words of polities and the law come from French rather than German. In some cases, modern English even shows a distinction(区别) between upper-class French and lower-class Anglo-Saxon in its words. We even have different words for some foods, meat in particular, depending on whether it is still out in fields or at home ready to be cooked, which shows the fact that the Saxon peasants were doing the farming, while the upper-class Normans were doing most of the eating.
  When Americans visit Europe for the first time, they usually find Germany more“foreign”than France because the German they see on signs and advertisements seems much more different from English than French does. Few realize that the English language is actually Germanic in its beginning and that the French influences are all the result of one man's ambition.
46.The two major languages spoken in what is now called Great Britain before 1066 were _____.
  A. Welsh and Scottish          B. Nordic and Germanic
  C. Celtic and Old English        D. Anglo-Saxon and Germanic
  47.Which of the following groups of words are, by inference, rooted in French?
  A. president , lawyer, beef        B. president , bread, water
  C. bread , field, sheep          D. folk , field, cow
48.Why does France appear less foreign than Germany to Americans on their first visit to Europe?
  A. Most advertisements in France appear in English.
  B. they know little of the history of the English language.
  C. Many French words are similar to English ones.
  D. They know French better than German.
49.What is the subject discussed in the text?
  A. The history of Great Britain.  B. The similarity of Great Britain.
  C. The rule of England by William the Conqueror. D. The French influences on the English language.

Identifying young people with the potential to be great athletes has become a serious, business around the world. Many countries, including Australia, have sophisticated(复杂) programs for identifying and nurturing(培养) talent.
The AIS (Australian Institute of Sport) already runs a program that identifies potential winners starting from the age of 12 based on their physical and physiological(生理的) abilities.
Could genetics improve these programs? The problem is that no one gene test is ever going to do an accurate job of identifying someone with the physical attributes of a sporting champion, says Professor North.
"We can think of the elite athlete as what I'd call a complex phenotype(表现型)," she says. “There are going to be a large number of different genes involved. Any one single test is unlikely to be highly predictive.”
Professor Peter Fricker, director of the AIS, agrees. Although he is intrigued in the possibilities of genetic testing, he says using such tests to identify athletes would be difficult. "The feeling I have is that it won't be that easy," he says. "Talent selection is not just about your genes."
Since 2004, the AIS has been forbidden by government from any involvement in genetic work, including genetic testing. But Professor Fricker thinks that is likely to change in the near future. "There's been a shift in view more recently," he says.
When it does, the AIS will resume its work on the genetics of sports performance, Professor Fricker says. They would be particularly interested in looking for more genes that might help shape elite performance, but also for genes that increase the risk of injury.
Last year, the Human Genetics Society of Australasia issued a position statement on gene testing for sport, after concerns that people could use tests to steer children into particular sports.
“The Human Genetics Society thinks there are not enough data to use these tests for determining what sport kids should do,” said Professor David Thorburn, president of the society.
He stressed that genetic tests should not be performed on children, except in very specific medical circumstances.
57.The aim of the AIS’s program is to        .
A.predict how genes are connected with injuries
B.find potential great athletes
C.find out what qualities a professor has through gene tests
D.turn an athlete into a champion by transferring genes
58.By saying “Talent selection is not just about your genes”, Fricker means         .
A.effort is more important than genes in most cases
B.you can’t choose an athlete just depending on genes
C.to research one’s genes takes a long time
D.most people don’t believe in genetic tests
59.The underlined word “resume” in Para. 7 can be replaced by              .
A.stop B.complete   C.reduce      D.continue.
60.What’s Professor David Thorburn’s attitude towards genetic tests?
A.Genetic tests have a negative effect on children.
B.Genetic tests, under certain conditions, can be conducted on children.
C.Genetic tests can reduce the risk of athletes’ injuries.
D.People could use genetic tests to decide what sport kids should take.

From good reading we.can get pleasure, companionship, experience, and instruction.A good book may absorb our attention so completely that for the time being we forget our surroundings and even our identity.Reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures in life.It increases our contentment when we are cheerful, and lessens our troubles when we are sad.Whatever may be our main purpose in reading, our contact with good books should never fail to give us enjoyment and satisfaction.
With a good book in our hands we need never be lonely.Whether the characters portrayed are taken from real life or are purely imaginary, they may become our companions and friends.In the pages of books we can walk with the wise and the good of all lands and all times.The people we meet in books may delight us either because they resemble human friends whom we hold dear or because they present unfamiliar types whom we are glad to welcome as new acquaintances.Our human friends sometimes may bore us, but the friends we make in books need never weary us with their company.By turning the page we can dismiss them without any fear of hurting their feelings.When human friends desert us, good books are always ready to give us friendship, sympathy, and encouragement.                                              
One of the most valuable gifts bestowed by books is experience.Few of us can travel far from home or have a wide range of experiences, but all of us can lead varied lives through the pages of books.Whether we wish to escape from the seemingly dull realities of everyday life or whether we long to visit some far-off place, a book will help us when nothing else can.To travel by book we need no bank account to pay our way; no airship or ocean liner or stream-lined train to transport us; no passport to enter me land of our heart's desire.
Through books we may get the thrill of risky adventure without danger.We can climb lofty mountains, brave the danger of an Antarctic winter, or cross the hot sands of the desert, all without hardship.In books we may visit the studios of Hollywood; we may walk among the gay crowds of the Paris wide streets; we may join the picturesque peasants in an Alpine village or the kindly natives on a South Sea island.Indeed, through books the whole world is ours for the asking.The possibilities of our literary experiences are almost unlimited.The beauties of nature, the enjoyment of music, the treasures of art, the triumphs of architecture, the miracles of engineering, are all open to the wonder and enjoyment of those who read.
67.Why do we sometimes forget our surroundings and even our identity while reading?
A.No one has come to disturb you.
B.Everything is so quiet and calm around you.
C.The book you are reading is so interesting and attractive.
D.Your book is overdue; you are finishing it at a very fast speed.
68.What can we leam from this passage?
A.Your wish to visit some far-off place can be realized through the pages of the books.
B.To escape from the dull realities of everyday life you should take up reading.
C.Books can always help you to live a colorful life.
D.You may obtain valuable experience from reading good books.
69.The underlined word "weary" means ____.
A.to attract someone's attention  B.to distract someone's attention
C.to make someone very tired  D.to make someone interested
70.The last paragraph of the passage implies that through books ____.
A.the whole world is more accessible to us
B.we can ask to go anywhere in the world
C.it is possible for us to make a round-the-world trip free of charge
D.we can ask for everything in this world

Some people are lucky enough to be born with a good sense of direction and even if they have only visited a place once, they will be able to find it again years later. I am one of those unfortunate people who have    36    sense of direction and I may have visited a place time after time but I still get    37    on my way there. When I was young I was so    38   that I never dared ask strangers the way and so I used to   39   round in circles and hope that I would happen to get to the place I was heading for. I am    40   too shy to ask people for directions, but I often   41    replies that puzzle me. Often people do not like to admit that they didn’t know their hometown and will   42   on telling you the way, even if they do not know it ; others who are   43  to prove that they know their hometown very well, will give you a long    44    of directions which you cannot possibly hope to remember, and still others do not seem to be able to    45   between their left and their right and you find in the end that you are going in the    46    direction. If anyone ever asks me the way to somewhere, I always tell them I am a   47   to the town in order to avoid giving them wrong   48   but even this can have embarrassing (尴尬的) results. Once I was on my way to work when I was stopped by a man who asked me if I would   49   him the way to the Sunlight Building. I gave my    50    reply, but I had not walked on a few steps when I   51   that he had asked for directions to my office building. However, at this point, I decided it was too late to turn back and    52   him in the crowd behind me    53  I was going to meet with someone at the office and I did not want to keep him waiting. Imagine my embarrassment when my secretary showed in the   54   man who had asked for directions to my office and his   55  when he recognized me as the person he had asked.
36.   A. good                 B. instant               C. poor                 D. fine
37.   A. lost                   B. disappeared              C. stuck                 D. missing
38.   A. brave                B. nervous             C. afraid                D. shy
39.   A. come                B. show                 C. look                  D. wander
40.   A. still                  B. no longer          C. any more           D. often
41.   A. receive              B. accept               C. give                  D. import
42.   A. advise               B. suggest              C. insist                 D. persuade
43.   A. glad                  B. anxious             C. interested          D. angry
44.   A. line                  B. list                    C. page                 D. paragraph
45.   A. say                   B. know                C. divide               D. tell
46.   A. right                 B. same                 C. other                 D. opposite
47.   A. friend               B. policeman         C. stranger             D. foreigner
48.   A. direction           B. advice               C. answer                     D. road
49.   A. direct                B. tell                   C. take                  D. point
50.   A. similar                    B. common            C. usual                 D. general
51.   A. noticed             B. realized             C. believed            D. considered
52.   A. look                 B. find                  C. discover            D. search
53.   A. when                B. then                  C. while                D. as
54.   A. only                 B. certain                     C. very                  D. just
55.   A. astonishment     B. excitement         C. judgment           D. embarrassment

Summer camps provide boys and girls with a great summer experience. Whether you are seeking a traditional camp or an adventurous camp, there is a summer camp for you!
1. Camp Voyageur
Adventure Camp: Canoeing, Wilderness
Boys’ camp, operated since 1951 by the Erdmann family. Full in-camp program of land and water sports but 4 weeks or so will be spent paddling, hiking & camping at the nearby BWCA Wilderness. One trip leader stays with four campers. American Camping Associated Accredited. Address:
PO Box 420
Ely, Minnesota 55731
(800) 950-7291
2. Rockbrook Camp for Girls
Girls Only — Overnight Camp
Rockbrook is a traditional overnight summer camp for girls located in the mountains of North Carolina. Established in 1921, it offers a diverse program of horseback riding, outdoor adventures, white water rafting, crafts and more. Girls ages 6-16 attend for 2-, 3- or 4-week sessions. Address:
4000 Greenville Highway
Brevard, North Carolina 28712
(828) 884-6151
3. Glen Helen EcoCamp
Coed — Day and Overnight Camp
Choose from a variety of five-day-long overnight and day camps in the midst of a l,000-acre nature park with on-site raptor (猛禽) center. It features hands-on & fun educational programming with trained naturalists. Camp sizes kept under 12. Day camps $180, overnights $275. Ages 5-l5. June 16-July 25. Address:
1075 St. Rte. 343
Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387
(800) 538-4893
4. Backyard History Day Camp
Coed — Day Camp
Heritage House is featuring a series of 7 summer day camps, from July 8 till August 19. The camps are for children ages 6-12 and run from 9:30-3:30 on Wednesdays. Camps cost $20 per child/day if you register & pay by June 8 and $25 per child/day after. Each day features a different theme! Address:
11 Old Slys Rd
Smiths Falls, Ontario K7A 4T6
(613) 283-8560
60. How long will Camp Voyageur last?
A. Five days.                                                  B. At most seven weeks.
C. Two weeks.                                                 D. At least four weeks.
61. Sixteen-year old Mary loves adventures in nature. Which number could she dial?
A. (800) 950-7291.                                     B. (800) 538-4893.
C. (828) 884-6151.                                      D. (613) 283-8560.
62. Susan always dreams of becoming another Charles Darwin when she grows up. Which camp would interest her most?
A. Camp Voyageur.                                          B. Glen Helen EcoCamp.
C. Rockbrook Camp for Girls.                           D. Backyard History Day Camp.
63. How is Backyard History Day Camp different from other camps?
A. It is in Canada.                                            B. It offers a 5% discount.
C. It is for both boys and girls.                          D. Campers gather on Sundays.
完形填空 (共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)
Before the 29th century the horse provided day to day transportation in the United States. Trains were used only for long-distance transportation.
Today the car is the most popular sort of transportation in all of the United States. It has completely    41   the horse as a means of everyday transportation. Americans use their cars for nearly 90 percent of all personal    42  .
Most Americans are able to buy cars. The average price of a    43   made car was $ 2,500 in 1950, $ 2,740 in 1960 and up to $ 4,750 in 1975. During this period American car manufacturers set about    44   their products. As a result, the yearly income of the average family increased from 1950 to 1975   45   than the price of cars. For this reason purchasing a new car takes a smaller    46   of a family’s total earnings today.
In 1951 proportionally it took 8.1 months of an average family’s    47   to buy a new car. By 1975 it only took 4.75    48    income. In addition, the 1975 cars were technically superior to models from previous years.
The    49   of the automobile extends throughout the economy as the car is so important to Americans. Americans spend more money    50   their cars running than on any other item.
41. A. denied        B. reproduced           C. replaced                  D. repeated
42. A. trip             B. works                 C. business                  D. travel
43. A. quickly        B. regularly                C. rapidly                      D. recently
44. A. raising        B. making                   C. reducing                  D. improving
45. A. slower        B. equal                     C. faster                     D. less
46. A. part             B. half                       C. number                  D. side
47. A. income        B. work                      C. plan                       D. debts
48. A. months’             B. dollar’s                  C. family                 D. year
49. A. running             B. notice                 C. influence                D. discussion
50. A. starting        B. leaving                   C. keeping                  D. repairing

Most American kids love Halloween treats, but a bucket of Halloween candy can be a dentist’s nightmare. Some parents try to get rid of half of the candy after their children go to bed, but dentists say parents also need to separate the good kinds of treats from the bad.
It is not exactly what a child eats that truly matters, but how much time it stays in his mouth. According to pediatric dentist Dr. Kaneta Lott, the most damaging stuff is something that is sticky or very hard and thus stays in the mouth for a long time. This is because we all have bacteria in our mouths. When we eat, the bacteria take our food as their food and produce an acid that destroys the surface of the teeth, causing cavities to form. The longer the food stays in the mouth, the more likely cavities will develop. Therefore, potato chips are worse than candy because they get stuck between teeth. For the same reason, raisins and crackers are not the best choice. Hard candies take a long time to consume and are also a bad choice for Halloween treats
If children really love candy, dentists recommend that they eat chocolate instead. Unlike hard candies, chocolate dissolves quickly in the mouth. Besides, chocolate contains tannins, which help to kill some of the bacteria in the mouth. But no matter what a child eats, brushing after each meal is still the best way to fight cavities.
55.What is the main purpose of this passage?
A. To discuss how cavities can be treated.
B. To point out the problems with Halloween celebrations.
C. To tell parents what sweets are less damaging to their children’s teeth.
D. To teach parents the meaning of Halloween candies for their children.
56.Why are hard candies especially bad for teeth?
A. They may break the child’s teeth.
B. They contain too much sugar.
C. They help bacteria to produce tannins.
D. They stay in the mouth for a long time.
57.According to the passage, which of the following is a better choice for Halloween treats?
A. Chocolate.                     B. Crackers.                        C. raisins.                            D. Potato chips.
58.According to the passage, which of the following is true of tannins?
A. They are produced when the bacteria digest the food.
B. They help to get rid of some bacteria in the mouth.
C. They help chocolate to dissolve more quickly.
D. They destroy the surface of the teeth.

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