
From good reading we.can get pleasure, companionship, experience, and instruction.A good book may absorb our attention so completely that for the time being we forget our surroundings and even our identity.Reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures in life.It increases our contentment when we are cheerful, and lessens our troubles when we are sad.Whatever may be our main purpose in reading, our contact with good books should never fail to give us enjoyment and satisfaction.
With a good book in our hands we need never be lonely.Whether the characters portrayed are taken from real life or are purely imaginary, they may become our companions and friends.In the pages of books we can walk with the wise and the good of all lands and all times.The people we meet in books may delight us either because they resemble human friends whom we hold dear or because they present unfamiliar types whom we are glad to welcome as new acquaintances.Our human friends sometimes may bore us, but the friends we make in books need never weary us with their company.By turning the page we can dismiss them without any fear of hurting their feelings.When human friends desert us, good books are always ready to give us friendship, sympathy, and encouragement.                                              
One of the most valuable gifts bestowed by books is experience.Few of us can travel far from home or have a wide range of experiences, but all of us can lead varied lives through the pages of books.Whether we wish to escape from the seemingly dull realities of everyday life or whether we long to visit some far-off place, a book will help us when nothing else can.To travel by book we need no bank account to pay our way; no airship or ocean liner or stream-lined train to transport us; no passport to enter me land of our heart's desire.
Through books we may get the thrill of risky adventure without danger.We can climb lofty mountains, brave the danger of an Antarctic winter, or cross the hot sands of the desert, all without hardship.In books we may visit the studios of Hollywood; we may walk among the gay crowds of the Paris wide streets; we may join the picturesque peasants in an Alpine village or the kindly natives on a South Sea island.Indeed, through books the whole world is ours for the asking.The possibilities of our literary experiences are almost unlimited.The beauties of nature, the enjoyment of music, the treasures of art, the triumphs of architecture, the miracles of engineering, are all open to the wonder and enjoyment of those who read.
67.Why do we sometimes forget our surroundings and even our identity while reading?
A.No one has come to disturb you.
B.Everything is so quiet and calm around you.
C.The book you are reading is so interesting and attractive.
D.Your book is overdue; you are finishing it at a very fast speed.
68.What can we leam from this passage?
A.Your wish to visit some far-off place can be realized through the pages of the books.
B.To escape from the dull realities of everyday life you should take up reading.
C.Books can always help you to live a colorful life.
D.You may obtain valuable experience from reading good books.
69.The underlined word "weary" means ____.
A.to attract someone's attention  B.to distract someone's attention
C.to make someone very tired  D.to make someone interested
70.The last paragraph of the passage implies that through books ____.
A.the whole world is more accessible to us
B.we can ask to go anywhere in the world
C.it is possible for us to make a round-the-world trip free of charge
D.we can ask for everything in this world


Decisions, decisions! Our lives are full of them, from the small ones to the life-changing. The right to choose is central to everyone. Yet sometimes we make bad decisions that leave us unhappy or full of regret. Can science help?
Most of us know little about the mental processes that lie behind our decisions. Luckily, what psychologists are finding may help us all make better choices. Here are some of their amazing discoveries to help you make up your mind.
Consider your emotions. You might think that emotions are the enemy of decision-making, but in fact they are a part of it. Whenever you make up your mind, your brain’s emotional centre is active. University of Southern California scientist, Antonio Damasia, has studied people with damage to only the emotional parts of their brains, and found that they were unable to make basic choices about what to wear or eat. Damasia thinks this may be because our brains store emotional memories of past choice, which we use to help the present decision-making.
However, making choices under the influence of an emotion can greatly affect the result. Take anger for example. A study by Nitika Garg of the University of Mississippi and other scientists found the angry shoppers were more likely to choose the first thing they were offered rather than considering other choices. It seems that anger can lead us to make quick decisions without much thinking.
All emotions affect our thinking and motivation,so it may be best to avoid making important decisions under their influence. Yet strangely there is one emotion that seems to help us make good choices. The American researchers found that sad people took time to consider the various choices on offer, and ended up making the best choices. In fact many studies show that people who feel unhappy have the most reasonable view of the world.
1. What does the underlined word “central” mean?
A. in the middle    B. easy to reach          C. important      D. having power
2. Damasia’s study suggests that ________.
A. emotions are the enemy of decision-making.
B. our brain has nothing to do with decision-making.
C. people with physical damage find it hard to make up their minds.
D. our emotional memories of past choices can affect present decisions.
3. According to the text, what may help us make better decisions?
A. To think about happy times.                  
B. To make many decisions at a time.
C. To stop feeling regretful about the past.
D. To learn about the process of decision-making.
4. Why are angry shoppers more likely to choose the first thing they are offered?
A. They often forget their past choices.         B. They make decisions without much thinking.
C. They tend to save time when shopping.  D. They are too angry to bargain.
5. What do we learn from the text?
A. Emotions are a part of decision-making.
B. Sad people always make worse choices.
C. No emotion seems to help us make good choices.
D. Only sad feelings affect our thinking and motivation.

Romantic comedies have long been regarded as the perfect movie for a first date. But according to a study, romantic comedies such as Bridget Jones's Diary and Notting Hill could be bad for your love life.
Rather than being harmless entertainment, 'rom-coms' give people unrealistic and potentially unhealthy expectations about real-life relationships, scientists say.
Researchers found that those who watched romantic comedies were more likely to believe in predestined love (缘份) than those who preferred other kinds of movie.
They were also more likely to believe that perfect relationships happen instantly, and were less likely to believe that couples need to work at relationships.
Watching just one romantic comedy is enough to sway people's attitudes to romantic love, they found.
Dr Bjarne Holmes, who led the research, said: "We are not killing joys -- we are not saying that people shouldn't watch these movies. But we are saying that it would be helpful if people were more aware and more critical of the messages in these films. The problem is that while most of us know that the idea of a perfect relationship is unrealistic, some of us are still more influenced than we realize."
For the first part of the study, Dr Holmes and colleagues at the Family and Personal Relationships Laboratory at Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, studied 40 box office hits from 1995 to 2005.
Most of those comedies described couples falling instantly in love and promoted the idea of fate --the belief that there is just one perfect companion out there, they found.
"There's a belief of destiny and couples in romantic comedies immediately understand each other," said Dr Holmes. "If you think that's how things are, you are setting yourself up to be disappointed."
In a second study, Dr Holmes asked around 100 student volunteers to watch Serendipity -- the 2001 romantic comedy starring Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack, while 100 watched a David Lynch drama.
In a questionnaire after the film ended, students watching the rom-com were far more likely to believe in fate and destiny than those who had watched the 'straight' film.
72. According to the passage if you are fond of watching romantic comedies, you ____.
A. are more likely to believe in future love
B. must be influenced by films
C. may expect a perfect relationship in your love life
D. may fall instantly in love with one of your classmates
73. The underlined word "destiny" most probably means __     .
A. fate             B. love            C. beauty          D. romance
74. The purpose of Dr Bjame Hohnes' research is __     .
A. to promote the idea of fate
B. to ask us to keep away from romantic comedies
C. to show how romantic comedies have influence on our life
D. to remind us of the negative effect of watching romantic comedies
75. It is implied in the passage that        .
A. watching comedies is harmful to a stable marriage
B. it is necessary for couples to work at their relationship
C. couples falling instantly in love end up with an unhappy marriage
D. we should watch more 'straight' films instead of romantic comedies

  In ancient Japan, if you saved someone’s life, they would make it their duty to spend the rest of their life serving you. Nowadays, if you rescue someone’s story, he or she will feel the same kind of gratitude (感激).
  It happens all the time. Someone in a group is telling a story and, just before their big point, BOOM! There’s an interruption. Someone new joins the group, a waiter with a plate of biscuits comes over, or a baby starts crying. Suddenly everyone’s attention turns to the new arrival, the food on the plate, or the “charming” little child. Nobody is aware of the interruption — except the speaker. They forget all about the fact that the speaker hasn’t made his or her point.
  Or you’re all sitting around the living room and someone is telling a joke. Suddenly, just before their big punch line (妙语), little Johnny drops a dish or the phone rings. After the crash, everyone talks about little Johnny’s carelessness. After the call, the subject turns to the upcoming marriage or medical operation of the caller. Nobody remembers the great punch line got unfinished — except the joke teller. When it’s you entertaining everyone at a restaurant, have you ever noticed how you can almost set your clock by the waiter coming to take everyone’s order just before your funny punch line?
  Most joke and story tellers are too shy to say, after the interruption, “Now, as I was saying …” Instead, they’ll spend the rest of the evening feeling bad they didn’t get to finish. Here’s where you come in. Rescue them with the technique I call “Lend a Helping Tongue.”
  Watch the gratitude in the storyteller’s eyes as he stabilizes where his story sunk and he sails off again toward the center of attention. His expression and the appreciation of your consideration by the rest of the group are often reward enough. You are even more fortunate if you can rescue the story of someone who can hire you, promote you, buy from you, or otherwise lift your life. Big winners have excellent memories. When you do them subtle favors like Lend a Helping Tongue, they find a way to pay you back.
  53. Very often, a storyteller cannot make his point because _________.
  A. people are more interested in food than his story
  B. many guests bring their babies to the party
  C. he is interrupted by something unexpected
  D. his story is easily forgotten by the listeners
  54. From Paragraph 3, we know that when someone is telling a joke, _________.
  A. something bad will surely happen just before their punch line
  B. listeners’ attention is often drawn to something else
  C. the only person really interested in the joke is the joke teller
  D. the waiter knows when to take everyone’s order
  55. How can we help the joke and story tellers when they are interrupted?
  A. By giving them a chance to finish.
  B. By comforting them to make them happy.
  C. By going on telling the story for them.
  D. By teaching them some useful techniques.
  56. What is the text mainly about?
  A. People should learn how to take turns in a conversation.
  B. We can win someone’s heart by getting him back to his story.
  C. Telling jokes will make you the center of attention.
  D. It is impolite to cut in on someone’s talk.

Having reached the highest point of our route according to plan, we discovered something the map had not told us. It was impossible to climb down into the Kingo valley. The river lay deep between mountain sides that were almost vertical(垂直).We couldn’t find any animal tracks, which usually show the best way across country, and the slopes were covered so thickly with bushes that we could not see the nature of the ground. We had somehow to break through to the river which would give us our direction out of the mountains into the inhabited lowlands.
Our guide cut a narrow path through the bushes with his long knife and we followed in single file. Progress was slow. Then, when we thought we had really reached the river, we found ourselves instead on the edge of a cliff with a straight drop of 1,000 feet to the water below. We climbed back up the slope and began to look for another way down. We climbed slipped, sweated and scratched our hands to pieces and finally arrived at the river. Happily we came downhill along its bank without having to cut our way. However, after a few miles the river entered a steep-sided gap between rocks and suddenly dropped thirty-five feet over a waterfall. There was no path alongside it and no way round it.
Then one of the guides saw a way of overcoming the difficulty. There was a fallen tree lying upside down over the waterfall with its leafy top resting on the opposite bank below the falls. Without hesitation he climbed down the slippery trunk to show us how easy it was. Having got to the fork of the tree, he moved hand over hand along a branch for four or five feet with his legs hanging in space, then he dropped onto the flat bank the other side, throwing his arms in the air like a footballer who has scored goal, and cheerfully waving us on.
74.Having reached the highest point on their route, the travelers expected to be able to    .
A.track animals to the river
B.put away the maps they had been using
C.come near to the river from a different direction
D.get down to the river without much difficulty.
75.The travelers wanted to get to the river because      .
A.it would lead them to the waterfall
B.it would show them which way to go
C.it was the only possible way out of the mountains
D.it was a quicker way than going over the mountains
76.One reason why the travelers took so long to get to the river was that      .
A.it was too hot to move quickly
B.there was no proper path
C.they all tried to go different ways
D.they could not follow the animal tracks
77.To get past the waterfall the guide had to      .
A.use a fallen tree as a kind of bridge
B.cross the river above the waterfall
C.slide down a steep river bank
D.swing across the river from a high branch

The job of raising children is a tough one. Children don’t come with an instruction manual(说明书). And each child is   36  . So parents sometimes pull their hair out in frustration(挫折),not   37  what to do. But in raising children—as in all of life—what we do is   38  by our culture. Naturally then, American parents teach their children basic American   39 .   To Americans, the goal of parents is to help children  40   on their own two feet. From  41   , each child may get his or her own room. As children grow, they get more   42 to make their own choices.  43  choose their own forms of entertainment, as well as the friends to   44  them with. When they   45 young adulthood, they choose their own jobs and marriage   46  . Of course, many young adults still   47  their parents’ advice and approval for the choices they make. But once they “leave the   48 ” at around 18 to 21 years old, they want to be on their own, not “  49  to their mother’s apron strings (围裙带).   The relationship between parents and children in America is very informal. American parents try to  50 their children as individuals—not as extensions of themselves. They allow them to achieve their own  51  . Americans praise and encourage their children to give them the   52  to succeed. When children become adults, their relationship with their parents becomes more like a(an)   53 among equals. But   54  to popular belief, most adult Americans don’t make their parents pay for room and board when they come to   55  . Even as adult, they respect and honor their parents.
36. A. strange                         B. different                  C. new                        D. unlike
37. A. noticing                  B. remembering       C. knowing                  D. deciding
38. A. influenced             B. made                     C. controlled              D. changed
39. A. services                     B. standards             C. rules                   D. values
40. A. sit                               B. get                          C. stand                   D. rise
41. A. adulthood              B. girlhood            C. boyhood                  D. childhood
42. A. freedom                  B. space                   C. time                        D. money
43. A. Adults                   B. Teenagers            C. Americans                  D. Parents
44. A. help                    B. join                   C. share                   D. provide
45. A. gain                    B. pass                       C. become                   D. reach
46. A. wives                    B. partners                    C. husbands             D. couples
47. A. seek                          B. invite                    C. try                          D. choose
48. A. room                         B. house                         C. nest                         D. place
49. A. connected            B. held                         C. stuck                   D. tied 
50. A. serve                    B. treat                        C. describe                   D. recognize
51. A. jobs                          B. plans                   C. dreams                    D. hopes
52. A. dependence              B. trust                        C. belief                         D. confidence
53. A. friendship             B. companion             C. membership             D. association
54. A. known                    B. similar                    C. contrary                  D. due
55. A. travel                    B. visit                        C. see                          D. live

If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view.
By training your thoughts to concentrate on the bright side of things, you are more likely to have the incentive(刺激,诱因) to follow through on your goals. You are less likely to be held back by negative ideas that might limit your performance.
Your life can be enhanced(增强的), and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change your perspective(远景、希望). Don't leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.
Always believe that good things are possible, and remember that mistakes can be lessons that lead to discoveries. Take your fear and transform it into trust; learn to rise above anxiety and doubt. Turn your "worry hours" into "productive hours". Take the energy that you have wasted and direct it toward every worthwhile effort that you can be involved in. You will see beautiful things happen when you allow yourself to experience the joys of life. You will find happiness when you adopt positive thinking into your daily routine and make it an important part of your world.
64. What is the best title for the passage?                                 
A. Live every day                                                           B.Treat every day actively                        
C. Turn your "worry hours" into "productive hours"       D. How to live      
65. ______ is the most likely to prevent your being successful?
A. Positive thinking                               B. Negative ideas      
C. Worry hours                                  D. Productive hours
66. What does the word “aspirations” mean in the passage?                      
A. ambition        B. expectation        C.wish        D. desire
67. What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?                  
A.Change your opinion, and change your dream.  
B. Negative ideas will limit your life.
C.Turn your "worry hours" into "productive hours".
D. Positive thinking will make you successful. 

Gus put his paws(爪子) on the window and looked out at the street. His tail began to wag (摇摆) .Mr. and Mrs. Riaz were coming back  36  . They were  37  in something new — a   38  . “   39   , this is Anna,” said Mrs. Riaz. Gus wasn’t   40  if he liked Anna.
Mr. and Mrs. Riaz spent a lot of time with   41  . Gus watched while they held the baby. He watched them   42  her and talk to her. “Why   43  they talk to me like that?” He   44  to say. Mr. Riaz made Gus feel   45   , too. He said, “ Gus, you watch the baby   46   we’re in the other room.” Gus liked that. He sat      47  Anna’s bed. He watched her   48  and play. As time went by, Gus became very   49   of the baby. When visitors came to the house, Gus would   50   to the baby’s bed. He would sit up very   51   and wag his tail quickly. “See how  52   I take care of Anna” he seemed to say.
There was one thing about Anna that made Gus   53   . He   54    like to hear her cry. He always wanted to make her   55   better.
36. A. out                     B. home                       C. away                        D. close
37. A. taking                 B. fetching                   C. bringing                   D. leading
38. A. god                    B. cat                           C. baby                        D. friend
39. A. Gus                    B. OK                          C. Hello                       D. Morning
40. A. sure                    B. true                         C. clear                        D. happy
41. A. him                    B. her                          C. baby                        D. dog
42 .A. save                   B. beat                         C. feed                         D. help
43. A. do                      B. don’t                       C. will                         D. won't
44. A. tended                B. wanted                     C. hoped                      D. seemed
45. A. important            B. impossible                C. easy                         D. difficult
46. A. before                B. after                        C. while                       D. as
47. A. on                      B. by                           C. against                     D. in
48. A. cry                     B. jump                        C. sleep                        D. run
49. A. proud                 B. nervous                    C. sad                          D. nice
50. A. walk                   B. run                          C. climb                       D. lit
51. A. carefully             B. angrily                     C. sadly                        D. straight
52. A. nice                    B. well                         C. important                 D. hard
53. A. unhappy             B. happy                      C. glad                         D. pleasant
54. A. did                     B. didn’t                      C. would                      D. wouldn’t
55. A. get                     B. become                    C. sound                       D. feel

Sweet potatoes are fat-free, high in fiber and full of the vitamins that research suggests reduce your risk of life-shortening diseases. To stay healthy, we must eat more fruits and vegetables, and sweet potatoes are a great source of beta carotene(胡萝卜素) and other carotenoids(which the body turns into vitamin A). According to a study of the diets of almost 90,000 nurses, eating about one cup a day of fruits and vegetables rich in carotenoids can cut your risk of stroke in half and reduce your risk of heart disease by 22 percent. Other research suggests beta carotene protects against breast, lung and stomach cancers.
Beta carotene is the most famous member of the carotenoids family. In face, a medium-sized sweet potato contains nearly 12mg of beta carotene(anti-aging experts usually suggest 6 to 11 mg per day). Sweet potatoes are also a low-fat source of vitamin E. Research has linked high E diets with a lower risk of heart disease. This vitamin pill in an orange jacket also packs a vitamin C punchit which has more C than apricots (a kind of fruit). Research suggests that vitamin C protects against ailments (小疾) ranging from cataracts(an eye disease) to cancer. In addition, a UCLA (University of California Los Angeles) study linked high vitamin C diets with a longer life. Recent studies have showed that antioxidant Vitamins C, E and beta carotene fight a fierce battle against free radicals (自由基),which cause cell damage and lead to various illness. Therefore, to keep fit, eat more sweet potatoes.
72. According to the text, there exists a lot of ______in sweet potatoes.
A. fiber, beta carotene, other carotenoids, Vitamin E and C
B. beta carotene, other carotenoids, fiber, Vitamin A and E
C. Vitamin A, beta carotene, fiber, Vitamin E and C
D. beta carotene, other carotenoids, Vitamin A and E
73. This text as a whole suggests that eating sweet potatoes can help______.
A. cut your risk of stroke and heart disease
B. protect against breast, lung and stomach cancers
C. protect against ailments ranging from cataracts to cancers
D. you stay healthy and reduce your risk of life-shortening diseases
74. “ This vitamin pill in an orange jacket” in the passage refers to______.
A. sweet potato     B. vitamin C pill
C. vitamin E pill    D. beta carotene
75. The best title of this passage might be______.
A. On sweet potatoes             B. The vitamin superstar
C. Beta carotene and vitamins      D. Diet and disease

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