


My grandma is good at gardening. She could make anything bloom(开花). __ __ me. In my eyes, she was inspiring and __ __. For most of her life, she lived on a farm, where she brought up four children, and buried my grandpa.

I visited her on weekends. After the gardening work, I was _ __ to climb the mountain, singing songs and gathering flowers. Sometimes the plants scratched me. She would say, "Beauty has a __ __. I hope it was worth it."

"Yes, ma' ma," I'd say. "__ _ was."

I loved gathering flowers on my own. But what I loved best was gathering them with her. Even then, as a child, I knew what I wanted most from my grandma was not her flowers, but her __ __. She's been gone for years, but sometimes, when I __ _down to pick a flower or pull a weed, I see her ___, not mine.

I thought I'd grow up to be a gardener too. I told myself, someday my children had children, I'd be a gardening grandma. Then the grandbabies started showing up, and I discovered 1'd much rather run after them __ __ go digging. Actually I'm no gardener. I'm a ____, not a planter. I differ from my grandma in lots of ways, but this: I will always carry ____ me a heart she made from her own.

I needn’t plant a garden. My children are my flowers. They delight and complete me with a beauty that is worth any price. All I need to do is ____ them with time, water them with love, and hope that someday, when they hold their first grandchild, they might see my hand.

1A. Not B. Even C. Only D. Often

2A. famous B. humorous C. caring D. amusing

3A. determined B. anxious C. curious D. free

4A. standard B. range C. price D. quality

5A. It B. I C. She D. That

6A. possession B. promise C. beauty D. time

7A. climb B. reach C. look D. sit

8A. smile B. spirit C. soul D. hand

9A. than B. until C. unless D. since

10A. worker B. teacher C. picker D. farmer

11A.to B. within C. beyond D. for

12A. attend B. miss C. promote D. influence















1考查副词辨析A. Not不;B. Even甚至;C. Only只有;D. Often经常;句意:她会让一切东西开花,甚至是我;根据语境可知也包括让我,故选B项。

2考查形容词产床的A. famous有名的;B. humorous幽默的;C. caring关心的;D. amusing令人愉快的;句意:在我的眼里,她是令人鼓舞的和关心的。根据inspiring可知选C项。

3考查形容词辨析;A. determined有决心的;B. anxious焦虑的;C. curious好奇的;D. free自由的;句意:经过劳动之后,我非常悠闲地去爬山,唱歌和采花;根据After the gardening work可知悠闲去玩,故选D项。

4考查名词辨析A. standard标准;B. range范围;C. price价格;D. quality品质;句意:她会说美丽也是有代价的,我希望这一切值得。根据上文提到Sometimes the plants scratched me有时这些植物会碰到我,故这是外婆对此的解释,故选C项。


6考查名词辨析 A. possession财产;B. promise承诺;C. beauty美丽;D. time时间;句意:在当时,作为一个小孩,我知道我想从外婆那得到的不是她的花而是她的时光。根据上文But what I loved best was gathering them with her我最喜欢的与她呆在一起,故选D项。

7考查动词辨析A. climb爬;B. reach到达;C. look看;D. sit坐;句意:当我摘花或扔下种子时,我看到的是她的手而不是我的。根据She's been gone for years,她已经去世多年,可知我能看到她在做这些事,故选B项。

8考查名词辨析A. smile微笑;B. spirit精神;C. soul灵魂;D. hand手;句意:当我摘花或扔下种子时,我看到的是她的手而不是我的,根据文章最后一句话提到they might see my hand.故选D项。

9考查连词辨析 A. than比;B. until直到;C. unless除非;D. since自从;句意:当孙子开始出现时,我发现我宁愿跑在他们后面也不愿意去挖掘。Would rather do than do 与其。。也不愿意做某事在,故选A项。

10考查名词辨析A. worker工人;B. teacher老师;C. picker采摘者;D. farmer农民;句意:我是一个采摘者不是个种植者。根据句意可知选C项。


12考查动词辨析A. attend参加;B. miss错过;C. promote提升;D. influence影响;句意:我所需要的是与他们一块度过,用爱呵护他们,希望某天当他们有了孙辈时,也能看到我的手。


【题目】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Worry problems are everywhere in our daily life. How to solve them? The answer is that we must equip ourselves to deal with different kinds of worries by learning the three basic steps of problem analysis. The three steps are:Get the factsWhy is it so important to get the facts? Unless you have the facts, you can’t possibly attempt to solve your problem intelligently. Without the facts, all you can do is wondering around in confusion. It is not an easy job to get facts. When you are worried, your emotions are riding high. 1.When trying to get the facts, you can pretend that you are collecting this information not for yourself but for some other person.2. You can also pretend that you are a lawyer preparing to agree. Try to get all the facts both on your side and the other side of the case. You will generally find the truth lies somewhere in between.3Whenever you are worried, write down the questions that make you worry. And write out all the various steps you could take and then the probable consequences of each step. For example, what am I worrying about? What can I do about it? Here is what I’m going to do about it. After carefully weighing all the facts, you can calmly come to a decision.Act on that decision.4.How can you break the worry habit before it breaks you? Crowd worry out of your mind by keeping busy. Plenty of action is one of the best ways to cure worry 5. If you know a situation is beyond your power, say to yourself: “ It is so; it can’t be otherwise.” Don’t permit little things to ruin your happiness. Try to cultivate a mental attitude that will bring you peace and happiness.

A. Analyze the facts.

B. Accept what can’t be avoided.

C. But here are two ideas that can help you see the facts in a clear and objective way.

D. There comes a time when you must decide and never look back.

E. Unless you take your action, all your face-finding and analysis is a sheer waste of energy.

F. Decide how much anxiety a thing may be worth.

G. This will help you to take a cold and fair view of the evidence


请阅读下列电视节目的信息, 然后阅读以下各人的信息。请从A、B、C、D、E和F中为他们选出想看的电视节目,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。


A. TV 1 7:20 p.m. Find out more about Australia’s animal life. This film was made last year by one of Australia’s best-known cameramen, Dougie Bond. He spent over 200 hours filming the birds, animals and fish that settle on this beautiful continent and for the first time brings some of these unusual animals to our TV screens.

B. TV 3 9:00 p.m. The popular science programme is back with the latest in technology and medicine. This week, there are programmes about cars that run on sunlight.

C. TV 2 8:10 p.m What do you think goes into the food most of us eat every day of the week? Tonight’s programme takes a serious scientific look at the bread industry. Whether you make your own bread or just enjoy buying it, this programme will give you an interesting insight into something most of us eat every day of the week.

D. TV 1 5:15 p.m. Busy parents? Bored children? Do you want something educational to interest your children while you do something else? This popular magazine programme is for the under-fives. More music, fun, songs and games with Caria and Larry.

E. TV 3 8:45 p.m. If you’ve always wanted to cook, now’s your chance to learn. In the studio are two chefs who will take you through some simple recipes step by step. This is a repeat of the popular series shown last year, and available from good bookshops.

F. TV 3 7:40 p.m. The latest new music. Pete Hogg looks at the best of the current rap, raga and new jack swing and new video releases. This is the programme that tells you all about what’s happening on the music scene and brings you interviews with tomorrow’s young artists.


【1】Although Rob leads a quiet life in a small village, that doesn’t stop him from wanting to find out about the latest scientific development.

2Bella enjoys eating out but can’t afford to spend very much at the moment as she is saving for a holiday. She has never learnt how to cook, so now might be quite a good time to find out!

3Dan is interested in taking wildlife photographs and enjoys the kind of programme which gives him a chance to see a professional photographer at work.

4Gina is a music teacher. Although she prefers classical(古典)music, she likes to follow the kind of music that interests the teenagers she teaches.

5Ron’s wife is in hospital. He wants to find a programme for his three-year-old son while he gets on with the housework and prepares a meal.


【1】Certain drugs which are safe when taken separately are lethal (致命的) in c_________ (混合)

【2】The Nobel Prize winner owed his success to his parents’ e_________ (鼓励).

【3】I have a big family to support, so I need a p_________ (长久的) job.

【4】The man was in a hurry; unfortunately, he was caught in a t_________ (交通) jam.

【5】As a proverb goes, there is no rule without e_________ (例外).

【6】The students have been active p_________ (参与者) in the discussion in their classes.

【7】It is o_________ (显而易见的) that students in Shenzhen Senior High School are making

great progress in their academic achievements.

【8】We have to be r_________ (现实主义的) about our chances of winning.

【9】The heavyweight champion is fighting an unknown c_________ (对手).

【10】The history teacher gave us a lecture on a_________ (古代) Greece.

【11】Tom p_________ (假装) to be asleep when his mother called him.

【12】Can you name all the seven c_________ (洲) in the world?

【13】The Chinese government spares no effort to get rid of p_________ (贫穷) throughout the country.

【14】An unhappy home e_________ (环境) can affect a child’s behaviour.

【15】The book gives s_________ (具体的) instructions on how to start a business on the Internet.

【16】This bus is c________ (连接) to electric wires.

【17】I’ll be very glad to accept i_________ (邀请) to your party.

【18】A well-balanced student should like both intellectual things and a_________ (田径运动).

【19】Nowadays more and more college graduates go to work in m_________ (多山的) areas.

【20】May I have your attention please? I have an a_________ (声明) to make.

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