

【1】What an _______ (非凡的) thing to happen!

【2】Mr. William was chosen to ____________ (代表) the company at the conference.

【3】The first living ____________(生物) sent into space was a dog named Laika.

【4】The dream of my _____ (青春) was to be a scientist.

【5】Look! The excellent dancer is dancing ____________(优雅地) on the stage.

【6】If you go to New York, you can enjoy the beauty of the S____________ of Liberty by yourself.

【7】While traveling, we often find many r____________ paintings on the walls of temples.

【8】Mr. Cooper went there with the p____________ of exploring the new land.

【9】An a____________ is a person who designs buildings.

【10】I’m e_______ sorry to have troubled you.















【2】represent 考察单词拼写。Represent,动词意思是代表。该句意思为威廉先生在会议上被选为公司代表。

【3】creature 考察单词拼写。Creature,名词,意思是生物。该句意思为:第一个送上太空的生物是一个叫莱卡的狗。

【4】youth 考察单词拼写。Youth,名词,意思是青春。因为前面是名词性物主代词my,所以后一个应该是名词。该句意思为:我年轻时候的梦想是成为一名科学家。

【5】elegantly 考察单词辨析。Elegantly,副词,意思是是优雅地。修饰前面的dancing,该句意思为:看,那个优秀的舞者在舞台上优雅的起舞。

【6】Statue 考察单词拼写。Statue名词,意思是雕像。Statue of Liberty是自由女神像的意思。该句意思为:如果你去纽约,你可以欣赏到自由女神像的美丽。

【7】religious 考察单词拼写。religious,形容词,意思是宗教的。该句意思为:在旅行的时候,我们经常能够在寺庙的墙上找到很多宗教色彩的绘画。

【8】purpose 考察单词拼写。Purpose,名词,意思是目的。该句意思为:库伯先生带着探索新大陆的目的去的那里。

【9】architect 考察单词拼写。Architect,名词,意思是建筑师。该句意思为:建筑师是设计建筑的人。

【10】extremely 考察单词拼写。Extremely,副词,意思是极端的。该句意思为:打扰到你我非常抱歉。


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