


        The goat (畜棚) at a Putnam County market in Greencastle,Indiana,will soon be full of,well,goats. But right now it’s full of tables (堆积) with clothes,books and housewares.

At the tables are families,lots of them. Some waited in line for more than an hour to have the right to get the larger things,like furniture. Carrie Ardito was first in that line and ran to the back to get a clothes dryer.

     Yeah,I wasn’t expecting one. But I saw it,and it was wonderful!w Ardito says. “It s something I can't afford on my own."

With so many eager new owners,it's hard to believe that most of these things were voluntarily left behind by students at DePauw University, about a mile up the road. For the last six years,the school of about 2 ,200 has developed a yearly program,encouraging students as they move out of the dorms each year to give things away — not throw them away.

     Ed Sparks is helping his wife search on the tables.

     She was mainly after a bed — a couch-bed, whatever you want to call it — for the little one,” Sparks says.

The little one is their daughter,Madlynn,who was smiling and playing with a large,yellow foam hand from some past DePauw sporting event.

It means a lot,Sparks says. ^Nqw she has something a little bit better than what she's got right now."

     Allen Denhart,who was moving his daughter Emily out after her first year,sardTTe movea his kids out of dorm rooms before but was doing it differently this year because of the continual reminders to give away.

      Yeah,normally I would have just taken it to the garbage can if I didn’ t know,” he says. “Like that big piece of carpet there,it will probably save somebody $50 or $100 if they need a piece of carpet for next year."

only about a dozen families benefited. This year it's more than 100.

1. Which word can be used to describe Ardito,s feelings?

   A. Afraid.               B. Proud.

   C. Satisfied.              D. Worried.

2. Who started the program?

   A. A Putnam County market.

   B. Some college students.

   C. Some local farmers.

   D. DePauw University.

3. What did Madlynn need according to Sparks?

   A. A small toy.

   B. A couch-bed.

    C. A bigger dinner table.

   D. A sporting event ticket.

4. When Denhart moved his kids out of dorms


   A. he threw unwanted things away

   B. he usually gave things away

   C. he tried to bring everything home

   D. he sold used carpets at low prices

5. What can we learn about the program?

   A. It helps local families save some money.

   B. It has become less popular over the years.

   C. It improves communication among farmers.

   D. It is a chance for students to know about animals.

1.C 2.D 3.B 4. A 4. A 5. A

1.C. 推理判断题。由第乒段内容可知, Ardito找到了自己需要的东西,感到很 满意,故选C项。

2.D. 细节理解题。由第四段中的the school of about   2. 200 has developed a yearly program可知,这项捐献活动是迪堡大学发起的,故选D项。

3.B. 细节理解题。由文中的Shewas mainly after a bed …for the little one 和The little one is their daughter,Madlynn 可知,Madlynn需要一张床,故选B项。

4. A. 细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的 normally I would have just taken it to the garbage can 可知,以前 Denhart 帮孩子们搬离宿舍的时候,会把不用的The little one is their daughter,Madlynn 可知,Madlynn需要一张床,故选B项。

4. A.细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的 normally I would have just taken it to the garbage can 可知,以前 Denhart 帮 孩子们搬离宿舍的时候,会把不用的东西丢掉,故选A项。

5. A.推理判断题。综合全文尤其是最 后一段的benefited可知,这项活动让 学生把不用的物品捐献给当地的家 庭,故A项说法正确。



    Gold fever In 1848,when gold was discovered in California,John Sutter was already one of the wealthiest people in America. 36 Sutter built a fort(要塞) there,and soon he had 12 ,000 head of cattle (牛) and hundreds of workers.

    By the mid-1840s,more and more Americans were coming to California. 37 He saw them as part of his new Aiwgdom (王国) .However,he had no idea that this would destroy his dream some day.

     At the beginning of 1848,Sutter sent James Marshall and about twenty men to the American River to build a sawmill. 38 Later he wrote, “I reached my hand down and picked it up; it made my heart beat fast,for I was certain it was gold."

    39 Hundreds of thousands of people,almost all of them men,began to prepare for the journey west. They said their goodbyes and tried to take a chance on gold: a year of pain in return for a lifetime of riches. They were called “Forty-Niners” because they left home in 1849.

40 Sutter did not have gold fever. He wanted an agricultural kingdom and refused to give up his dream. In the new California,he was simply in the way. The Forty-Niners destroyed his crops and pulled down his fort for the building materials. In the end,he was very sad and left California.

   A. Sutter welcomed the newcomers.

   B. A few films were made about the story of John Sutter.

   C. He was a European and moved to California in 1839.

   D. However,few people believed the discovery was a fact.

   E. The news soon spread to every village and town.

   F. By the end of 1850,Sutter's kingdom completely broke down.

   G. It was nearly complete when something unusual caught Marshall's eyes.



    This is Tornado and severe Weather (龙卷风与恶劣天气) Awareness Week. It's important to know what to do and where to go during severe weather. A Wisconsin couple says an early warning could have been the difference between life and death when a tornado hit last summer.

     Larry and Rita Krznarich were camping in. northern Wisconsin last year. The day started off nice,but took a turn for the worse in the evening. So they turned on their weather radio.

ul turned the radio on and fli are was a specific warning'. A storm is about to hit the Turtle-     Flambeau. Take cover immediately,says Larry Krznarich. ul said to Rita, Head for the table. going to wam'the neighbors.

     Larry joined Rita under the picnic table and within minutes a tornado hit. A falling tree hit Larry and broke his leg bone,but without the warning the couple says things could have been worse.

“The tent,where we may have been if not for the weather radio,was completely covered by trees; all of our things were completely covered/' says Rita Krznarich.

      With spring here,people are being reminded to plan for severe weather. That includes buying a weather radio.

     The great thing about the weather radio is that it's instantaneous. It's directly from the weather service,so vou,re getting information al of the total amount to continue her treatment. If she doesn,t receive this blood,she will not live to I start kindergarten.

       Examples like Brooke,s are becoming all too common these days,with only in 20  Americans donating blood and this number keeps dropping : each year. These facts are extremely worrying  considering that nearly half of us here will need blood sometime in our lives.

       You can now see the seriousness of the I problem with the lack of blood donations             Fortunately,it is a problem that can be easily I solved. Each and every one of you can be part of the solution. All you have to do is go to the nearest I Red Cross and donate your blood.

28. How does the author explain the problem  mentioned in Paragraph 2 ?

   A. By answering questions. 

   B. By making comparisons.

   C. By presenting research findings.

   D. By describing his own experiences.

29. What qan we learn from the American Red 

Cross Web pages?

   A. The suffering of patients.

   B. The strong need for blood.

   C. The efforts of the Red Cross. 

   D. The benefits of taking vacations.

30. The three-year-old girl Brooke .

   A. doesn,t get fair treatment in the hospital 

   B. will need another 250 units of blood

   C. stays alive by receiving blood daily

   D. can't wait to start kindergarten

31. What is the purpose of the text?

   A. To persuade people to donate blood.

   B. To present some new medical results.

   C. To call on people to save a little girl.

   D. To explain the risks of blood donation.

      For many years,people have wondered whether we are the only living things in the universe. Some scientists believe that there must be 1on other planets because the universe is so big. 2.other scientists don' t think so,because plants 3 a very specific environment for life to 4. There are facts that 5 both sides of the argument.

    On the one hand,the universe is 6 . There are billions of stars and thousands of solar systems (太阳系) .Many of these solar systems have pjanets that go round and round a sun like Earth

7 there are so many pl^iets in space,it is 8 that one of these planets could have theright conditions needed for life. Recently,experts found 54 planets similar to Earth. They 9 that one of these planets has the 10 atmosphere (大气层) and temperature needed for life. 11 in our solar system,scientists have found 12 of water on Mars. They believe that this could 13 that there is,or was,a form of very simple life on these planets.

    On the other hand,a planet needs very special 14 to have life. A planet would need to have water,the right temperature and the right mix of (化学物质) in the atmosphere.

In addition, 15 scientists believe that life might exist on other planets,we have never found evidence to 16 it. A recent report 17 that it is very unlikely that there is life on other planets. They believe we don't have enough evidence to 18 whether there is life on other planets.

     in conclusion(综上所迷) ,i do not 19 that there is life on other planets. I do not think that any other planets could have 20 the same conditions as Earth. Therefore,I do not think that there could be life on other planets.

1. A. wonder   B. life   C. water   D. air

2. A. . Besides   B. So   C. However   D. Then

3. A. need   B. provide

   C. create   D. protect

4. A. continue   B. spare   C. start   D. save

5. A. cause   B. develop

   C. win   D. support

6. A. beautiful   B. huge   C. dark   D. open

7. A. Because   B. If   C. When   D. While

8. A. strange   B. likely   C. important   D. hard

9. A. realize   B. hear

   C. believe   D. remember

10. A. right   B. wet   C. clear   D. heavy

11. A. Just   B. Soon   C. Yet   D. Even

12. A. pictures   B. bottles

   C. evidence   D. plenty

13. A. find   B. mean   C. answer   D. add

14. A. places   B. chances

   C. attentions   D. conditions

15. A. although   B. unless

   C. as   D. until

16. A. improve   B. study

   C. collect   D. prove

17. A. doubts   B. suggests

  C. changes   D. expects

18. A. ask   B. guess

   C. decide   D. discover

19. A. agree   B. know   C. imagine   D. forget

20. A. always   B. only   C. simply   D.exactly

                                Yash Gupta 

       Yash Gupta has worn glasses for many years. When they broke one day and he was not able to wear them to school,he had a big problem. 36 At the end of the day,he realized that he had learned nothing that day!

Yash quickly got his glasses fixed,but his experience changed his life. He realized that there were probably many kids around the world that did not have proper glasses to help them learn in school. 37 He found out that 13 million children around the world don't have proper glasses to help them see in class. Instead of just shaking his head at this problem,he decided to do something about it. 38 Its goal is to help find glasses for other kids and teens that need them.

     He created Sight Learning in 2011 and since then he has changed the lives of thousands of young students around the world!The organization has tried to provide eyeglasses to students who need them but cannot afford them. It has collected and given away、over $1,000,000 worth of eyeglasses. 39

     As Dr. Seuss,a famous writer,once said, "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,nothing is going to get better. It's not." 40 He has taken action to not only improve his own life,but those of others.

   A. Yash is stich a teenager.

   B. So,he did some research.

   C. Yash started a small organization,Sight Learning.

   D. Here is an easy way to help Yash and Sight Learning.

   E. He could not see much of what was going on in his classroom.

   F. He learned that not having glasses can cause a 20% loss in learning!

   G. This has helped over 20 ,000 young people in 5 countries to see better!

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