
                                Yash Gupta 

       Yash Gupta has worn glasses for many years. When they broke one day and he was not able to wear them to school,he had a big problem. 36 At the end of the day,he realized that he had learned nothing that day!

Yash quickly got his glasses fixed,but his experience changed his life. He realized that there were probably many kids around the world that did not have proper glasses to help them learn in school. 37 He found out that 13 million children around the world don't have proper glasses to help them see in class. Instead of just shaking his head at this problem,he decided to do something about it. 38 Its goal is to help find glasses for other kids and teens that need them.

     He created Sight Learning in 2011 and since then he has changed the lives of thousands of young students around the world!The organization has tried to provide eyeglasses to students who need them but cannot afford them. It has collected and given away、over $1,000,000 worth of eyeglasses. 39

     As Dr. Seuss,a famous writer,once said, "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,nothing is going to get better. It's not." 40 He has taken action to not only improve his own life,but those of others.

   A. Yash is stich a teenager.

   B. So,he did some research.

   C. Yash started a small organization,Sight Learning.

   D. Here is an easy way to help Yash and Sight Learning.

   E. He could not see much of what was going on in his classroom.

   F. He learned that not having glasses can cause a 20% loss in learning!

   G. This has helped over 20 ,000 young people in 5 countries to see better!

37. B 38. C 40. A

36. E。由该空前的a big problem和空后的 he had learned nothing that day 可 知,E项内容符合此处语境。 

37. B. 由该空后的 He found out that ... in class可知,他做了一些调查研究, 故选B。

38. C. 由该空后的Its goal和下文的He created Sight Learning in 2011 可知, 这里是说他成立了 Sight Learning这一组织,故选C项。

39. G。由该空前的 It has collected and given away over $1. 000.000 worth of eyeglasses可知,G项内蓉符合此处语境。

40. A. 由该空前Dr. Seuss所说的话可 知,Yash就是这样一个人,故选A项。




        The goat (畜棚) at a Putnam County market in Greencastle,Indiana,will soon be full of,well,goats. But right now it’s full of tables (堆积) with clothes,books and housewares.

At the tables are families,lots of them. Some waited in line for more than an hour to have the right to get the larger things,like furniture. Carrie Ardito was first in that line and ran to the back to get a clothes dryer.

     Yeah,I wasn’t expecting one. But I saw it,and it was wonderful!w Ardito says. “It s something I can't afford on my own."

With so many eager new owners,it's hard to believe that most of these things were voluntarily left behind by students at DePauw University, about a mile up the road. For the last six years,the school of about 2 ,200 has developed a yearly program,encouraging students as they move out of the dorms each year to give things away — not throw them away.

     Ed Sparks is helping his wife search on the tables.

     She was mainly after a bed — a couch-bed, whatever you want to call it — for the little one,” Sparks says.

The little one is their daughter,Madlynn,who was smiling and playing with a large,yellow foam hand from some past DePauw sporting event.

It means a lot,Sparks says. ^Nqw she has something a little bit better than what she's got right now."

     Allen Denhart,who was moving his daughter Emily out after her first year,sardTTe movea his kids out of dorm rooms before but was doing it differently this year because of the continual reminders to give away.

      Yeah,normally I would have just taken it to the garbage can if I didn’ t know,” he says. “Like that big piece of carpet there,it will probably save somebody $50 or $100 if they need a piece of carpet for next year."

only about a dozen families benefited. This year it's more than 100.

1. Which word can be used to describe Ardito,s feelings?

   A. Afraid.               B. Proud.

   C. Satisfied.              D. Worried.

2. Who started the program?

   A. A Putnam County market.

   B. Some college students.

   C. Some local farmers.

   D. DePauw University.

3. What did Madlynn need according to Sparks?

   A. A small toy.

   B. A couch-bed.

    C. A bigger dinner table.

   D. A sporting event ticket.

4. When Denhart moved his kids out of dorms


   A. he threw unwanted things away

   B. he usually gave things away

   C. he tried to bring everything home

   D. he sold used carpets at low prices

5. What can we learn about the program?

   A. It helps local families save some money.

   B. It has become less popular over the years.

   C. It improves communication among farmers.

   D. It is a chance for students to know about animals.

      Bart Weetjens has always loved rats. As a kid in the Netherlands,he raised them as pets. He was amazed by their intelligence and their great sense of smell. Today,Weetjens is using rats for a good cause identifying (确认) a disease called tuberculosis (肺结核) , or T B. in Africa. Through his organization,called APOPO,Weetjens trains rats to find TB by using their noses. The rats that APOPO trains are called “HeroRats."

    Tuberculosis affects millions of people every year. Usually,if a patient is thought to have the disease,doctors run lab tests to identify it. A doctor takes a sample of mucus (枯液样本) from the patient's lungs. Then lab workers examine the sample to see whether the person has the disease.

   But Tanzania and Mozambique,two African countries with high rates of T   B. are short of medical workers and labs. As a result,it can take a long time to diagnose (诊断) the disease. In the meantime,more people can get sick as the disease spreads.

     In 2002,APOPO began training rats to smell TB in mucus samples. It trains African giant rats,which are friendly and hardworking. To detect T B. the rats smell mucus samples through holes in a glass cage. When a trained rat finds a sample with T B. it pauses over the hole.

     HeroRats train for months before they start working. To teach a rat to identify T B. a trainer presents the rat with several mucus samples. The trainer already knows which are samples with TB.

     If the rat spends a long time smelling a diseased sample,the trainer gives the .rat a treat. This teaches the rat that finding TB will earn it tasty food.

      “The rats learn quickly,since they love food/' says Beyene,an APOPO scientist. The rats are faster than lab workers. In 10 minutes,they can screen as many samples as a person could examine in two days. At centers in Tanzania and Mozambique,HeroRats have found thousands of TB cases that labs missed. Thanks to them,sick people can now be treated earlier than ever before. In the future,APOPO hopes to train its rats to identify other diseases too.

1. What can we learn about Bart Weetjens?

   A. He works as a rat trainer.

   B. He has studied TB all his life.

   C. He has a very sensitive nose.

   D. He has a deep interest in rats.

2. What' s the main problem with the diagnosis of TB in Tanzania and Mozambique?

   A. It is very slow.

   B. It is full of mistakes.

   C. It brings pain to people.

   D. It wastes a lot of money.

3. During the training,the rats.

   A. have better food than usual

   B. behave intelligently

   C. work long hours

   D. get bored easily

4. HeroRats’ jobs .

   A. seem dangerous

   B. need improving

   C. prevent TB in Africa

   D. are helping save lives

5. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. Noses at work

   B. Lovely HeroRats

   C. Man with a big heart

   D. TB — a deadly disease

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