Steven Jobs,who passed away on October 5 ,2011,was an American computer enterpriser and inventor. He was co-founder,chairman,and CEO of Apple Corporation. Jobs also previously served as CEO of Pixar Animation Studios; he became a member of the board of directors of the Walt Disney Company in 2006,following the acquisition of Pixar by Disney.

In the late 1970s,Jobs-along with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak,Mike Markkula and others-designed,developed,and marketed one of the first commercially successful lines of personal computers,the Apple II series. In the early 1980s,Jobs was among the first to see the commercial potential of Xerox PARC's mouse-driven graphical user interface(界面),which led to the creation of the Macintosh. After losing a power struggle with the board of directors in 1985,Jobs resigned from Apple and founded NeXT,a computer platform development company specializing in the higher-education and business markets. Apple's 1996 buyout(收购)of NeXT brought Jobs back to the company he co-founded,and he served as its CEO from 1997 until August 2011. In 1986,he acquired the computer graphics division of Lucasfilm Ltd,which was turned out as Pixar Animation Studios. He remained CEO and majority shareholder at 50. 1 percent until its acquisition by the Walt Disney Company in 2006.Consequently Jobs became Disney's largest individual shareholder at 7 percent and a member of Disney's Board of Directors. On August 24 ,2011 ,Jobs announced his resignation from his role as Apple's CEO. Jobs died in California at age 56,seven years after being diagnosed with cancer. At the time of his resignation,and again after his death,he was widely described as a pioneer and genius-perhaps one of the foremost-in the field of business,innovation,and product design, and a man who had“deeply" changed the face of the modern world,revolutionized at least six different industries,and an“exemplar for all CEOs”.His death was widely mourned and considered a loss to the world by reviewers across the globe.

1.Why did Steve Jobs leave Apple Corporation in 1985?

A. He found it was hard to work with his partners.

B. He was defeated in the attempt of controlling Apple Corporation.

C. He wanted to found another company.

D. Apple Corporation will soon be defeated by another company.

2.We can know from this passage that .

A. People all over the world think highly of Steve Jobs.

B. Steve Jobs was CEO of Pixar Animation Studios in 2007.

C. Steve Jobs retired at the age of 50 because of cancer.

D. Steve Jobs is the Einstein of our times.

3.What does the underlined word "exemplar" in the last paragraph mean

A. Companion. B. Model.

C. Friend. D. Inventor.

4.The best title of this passage can be ·

A. Stories of Steve Jobs B. Background of Steve Jobs

C. Life of Steve Jobs D. Death of Steve Jobs

Every year, billions of kilograms of fresh produce are wasted in the United States. Meanwhile, millions of poor Americans go hungry, without access to healthy and affordable meals.

Evan Lutz, CEO and founder of Hungry Harvest, was inspired to act after seeing extreme

poverty in areas of Baltimore, Maryland. He wants to reduce the so-called food desert in that area. His work is to make sure no food goes to waste and no person is ever hungry in America. And he

combines that goal with a love for business.

Hungry Harvest is a business which collects and sells "ugly produce". These are fruits and

vegetables that most food companies will throw away. More than six billion pounds are wasted each year due to "ugly" surface. Everything doesn't grow the same way on a farm. But all that is too big or too small gets thrown out. That is why everything in a grocery store looks similar, shiny and perfect. Hungry Harvest will box those imperfect ones and deliver them to customers once a week.

For Evan Lutz, giving back to others came from his upbringing.

When I was growing up my parents taught me the values of giving back, and giving is a lot

more powerful than receiving. We sell produce with a purpose and that doesn't just mean we reduce food from going to waste. We hire people that were formerly in prison and were formerly injured or sick living in homeless shelters. They really wanted to get back on their feet for a second chance in life."

In January 2016, Lutz appeared on the American business competition television show "Shark Tank" and got even more than he expected: $100,000. Lutz is using the money to realize his great mission that can really revolutionize the food industry in America.

1.The underlined part "food desert" in the second paragraph means .

A. food that grows in the desert B. the poor areas in Baltimore

C. a lack of fresh and healthy food D. the desert where food can grow

2.The food delivered by Hungry Harvest is .

A. popular with local fruit farmers B. easy to be found in grocery stores

C. fresh but hard to keep for food companies D. healthy and available to hungry people

3.Which of the following words can be used to describe Evan Lutz?

A. Strong-willed and smart. B. Kind-hearted and creative.

C. Warm-hearted and strict. D. Open-minded and humorous.

4.What can be a suitable title for this passage?

A. Giving Unused Produce a Purpose B. Making Profits from Shiny Produce

C. Creating Jobs for the Less Fortunate D. Helping the People in Hungry World

Marco Polo: The Boy who Traveled The Medieval World

Author: Nick McCarty

Pages: 64

ISBN: 0-9225 8932

Divided into four chapters,"A Boy in Venice","Setting,Out","The Long Journey",and "Working for Kublai Khan",Marco Polo examines the fascinating life of the merchant and traveler.Marco was a teenager by the time his father and uncle returned home.Both men were full of tales from their travels through China,including a story about meeting the great Kublai Kahn,the ruler of the Mongols.

Rabbit's Gift

Author: George Shannon

Illustrator: Laura Dronzek

Pages: 32

ISBN: 0152060731

Rabbit's Gift is a modern retelling of the "giving" fable.Through the eyes of the adorable forest creatures the reader sees that while he is not responsible for the happiness of others,his actions can deeply impact those he comes in contact with.

A Little Peace

Author: Barbara Kerley

Pages: 32

ISBN: 1426300867

A Little Peace is a book with an important message.The spare,refreshing text winds its way around and through full-color photographs.Each vividly captures the universal emotions and peaceful pursuits of everyday people around the world: a young girl in Kenya smiling into a mirror;a group of waving school children in Bali.Near the end of the book a double-page spread offers pictures along with an explanation of where it was taken.

How One Small Loan Made a Big Difference

Author: Katie Smith Milway

Illustrator: Eugenie Fernandes

Pages: 32

ISBN: 9781554530281

The families in Kojo's village come up with an idea.Each family contributes a small amount of savings so that one family at a time can borrow the money to buy "something important".Kojo's mother uses the loan to buy a cart with which to carry firewood to the marketplace as well as rent out to those who need to transport items.

1.What is the feature of Nick McCarty's book?

A. It is made up of four chapters.

B. It introduces the scenery in China.

C. It was intended for children.

D. It invites Macro Polo to read it.

2.When Marco Polo was young, .

A. he often travelled with his father

B. he heard a lot about China

C. he developed an interest in travelling

D. he lived a fascinating life

3.What is the book A Little Peace about?

A. It is about description of forest creatures.

B. It is about how to send important messages.

C. It is about people's life around the world.

D. It is about children's life in Kenya and Bali.

Chinese people read less than eight books last year, including both print and e-books, but the average(平均) time spent on mobile reading has for the first time exceeded one hour per day, showed statistics(数据) published by Chinese Academy of Press and Publication on Monday.

This is the academy’s 13th report regarding Chinese people’s reading habits in 17 years. The survey looked at the reading habits of both adults and children from 0 – 80, placing them in four different age groups, across 29 provinces in China.

The number of print books the average person read last year was 4.58, which basically remained the same level as that in 2014. The figure is rather low compared with other countries, with France being 12, South Korea being 11, Japan being 9 and the US being about seven, according to a report by Xinhua last year.

However, in contrast to the tiny increase in books being read last year, people’s interest in mobile reading has seen a rise. The average time Chinese people spent reading on their cellphones is 62.21 minutes, which nearly doubles the previous year’s average time of 33.82 minutes.

And more people are reading via their WeChat app as well. The most popular social networking phone app in China has also been providing public account services, which allow people to read comparatively long articles using the app. In 2015, 51.9% Chinese adults had used WeChat to read, a 17.5% increase on 2014.

But does that mean e-reading is replacing traditional reading in China? 

Wei Yushan, president of the Academy of Press and Publication told People’s Daily that it doesn’t seem likely to him. “Having gone through a rapid development between 2011 and 2013, e-books are seeing a slowdown in their sales. Taking the US as an example, the sales growth of e-books has fallen behind that of print books in the past year.” In China, nearly 60% of people still prefer traditional reading to e-reading.

1.What does the underlined word “exceeded” in paragraph 1 mean?

A. rejected

B. designed

C. outnumbered

D. explained

2.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A. The time spent on e-reading is more than that on traditional reading.

B. Extra services have been provided to allow people to read short articles.

C. Compared with Chinese readers, the number of Americans is larger.

D. An increase in the interest of mobile reading has been seen.

3.How does the writer develop the text?

A. By giving explanations.

B. By analyzing reasons.

C. By listing figures(数据).

D. By comparing books.

4.What does the last paragraph talk about?

A. All Chinese people like print books better.

B. Print books still gain popularity of readers.

C. The Sales of E-books have been improved.

D. Wei Yushan isn’t willing to give up e-reading.

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