

(1)What you have just read is a _______.
(2)What is going to take place on 2 February, 2013?
A.A big event to welcome a Chinese new year.
B.A social gathering to raise money for wildlife.
C.A party for close friends to meet and have fun.
D.A meeting of Kwun Tong High School students.
(3)How much do you have to pay in total if four of you go together?
(4)Which of the following statements is true?
A.Tickets are sold in Kwun Tong High School.
B.It's unnecessary to take soft drinks with you.
C.Free digital cameras are provided for everybody.
D.Festival food will be served without extra charge.

(1)考查推理判断。根据形式以及标题fun day:to celebrate the year of the snake可以得出本题答案为poster(海报)。
(2)考查细节理解。根据第三行以及标题fun day:to celebrate the year of the snake可以得出本题答案为A。
(3)考查细节理解。根据第五行fee:$20(buy three get one free)买三张送一张可以得出本题答案为60美元。选C。
(4)考查细节理解,根据海报free soft drinks 免费软饮料可以得出本题答案为B。


【题目】 People can reduce, reuse or recycle waste instead of throwing it away. Matt and Sam decided to do an experiment to see how much waste the three R's could save.

First, they collected the rubbish from six classrooms at their school and then divided the rubbish into three groups:

things that were reusable, such as a pencil or a marker

things that could be recycled, such as cans, glass, or paper

things that were truly waste

Then, Matt and Sam weighed each of the three groups. They discovered that 84% of the total rubbish thrown away that day could be recycled or reused. They decided to do something about it.

Matt and Sam presented the idea of starting a recycling programme to the school leaders. Then they worked with the Student Council. They prepared brochures for the students and their families about recycling. After thinking over the possibility of the programme, the school bought colored containers for each classroom. Besides, each room received a blue container for paper and a green container for glass and cans as well as a red container for real rubbish.

Within a short time, each classroom in the school was sorting recyclable materials from rubbish before it was thrown. To check the school’s progress, Matt and Sam weighed the rubbish one more time. They collected the rubbish from the red containers from the same six classrooms as before, sorted the rubbish into three groups again and weighed each group. This time, they found that the red containers were filled with 90% real waste. Only 10% of recyclable materials had been thrown into the red containers. Matt and Sam were pleased with their efforts.

1Why did Matt and Sam do the experiment?

A.To see what could be reused.

B.To see what could be recycled.

C.To see how much waste students produced.

D.To see how much waste the three R's could save.

2What did Matt and Sam do in the recycling programme?

A.They worked by themselves.

B.They made a speech on recycling.

C.They wrote brochures about recycling.

D.They bought colored containers for each classroom.

3How much real rubbish was thrown into the red containers after the experiment?


4Which word can best describe Matt and Sam?


【题目】Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

It was 1that students did not write details of how they arrived at their answers or conclusions. I decided to help students write in more detail about what they were thinking when they solved their problems or when they wrote about their ideas.

I chose a common, everyday task that all of us 2 in: choosing what to wear. When I asked them how they decided what they wore that day, there was a(n) 3 moment of silence. It seemed a 4 silly question. A few just said “they wore what they wore.” This was a perfect beginning as it was the same kind of response they were giving as to how they were getting their math answers. I told them how I decided what I wore that day.

First I checked the weather in the paper and by looking outside. I had to decide between wearing a dress or skirt since either one could make a difference in the 5 I wish to give. Most of the girls related to this one. I had to be sure what I wanted to wear was clean and ironed. They 6 no one ironed clothes any more. I had to check to see if I had shoes that went with the possible outfit. I thought about what I had worn 7 as I usually don’t wear the same clothes in the same week. I thought about the color I felt like wearing. I thought about the 8 I would be doing that day both at school and after school.

Each new consideration brought out comments from the students. I could expand on each or just mention it and go on, 9 on how long I wanted the lesson to go. After this discussion, it was clear to students that their thinking process is richer than they first suspected. It was a good lesson for showing details of the thinking process of which we weren’t 10.


If you can’t seem to catch enough Z’s during the week, you’re not alone. But bad things happen to your body when you’re sleep-deprived, not least of which is weight gain. Well, here’s some good news: Sleeping in on the weekend to make up for sleep lost during the week is 1 with lower body mass index (BMI), according to a study published in the Oxford University Press journal Sleep.

The researchers, a collaboration of scientists based in Boston, Massachusetts, and the Republic of Korean, sought to determine if what they refer to as “catch-up sleep”2 body mass index (BMI) in the general population. To do so, they conducted face-to-face interviews of a random sampling of 2,156 adults, comparing their sleep habits with their BMI scores. The 932 participants who slept in – “catch-up sleepers” (people who sleep longer on the weekend than on weekdays by approximately two hours) had a(n)3lower BMI than the other subjects. What’s more, every additional hour of catch-up sleep was linked with a decrease in BMI.

As to why sleeping in on weekends can lead to weight loss, one of the study co-authors, Robert Thomas, MD, MMSc, of the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Department of Medicine at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston,4 Reader’s Digest of the “substantial(大量的) experimental and epidemiological(流行病学的) data that short sleep contributes to weight gain.” He notes, “our best 5as researchers are that there are balances to be kept, and the body can adjust and 6 within reason. Catch-up sleep allows the basic balance to be maintained.”

Although the study showed significant differences in BMI with the 7of two or more hours of catch-up sleep, Dr. Thomas points out that there are “substantial individual differences,” such that the benefit we get from those extra hours will vary 8 on how much sleep each of us generally needs. “To determine your optional sleep, you can track the time spent sleeping on nights when there is no need to wake up to an alarm,” suggests Liza Baker, a health coach at Simply Health Coaching. That tells you about how many hours of sleep your body likes to get, since it 9greatly across the population, from just 4 to 5 hours to 9 to 10 hours.

So can you actually lost weight by sleeping in on the weekend? Only if you’re paying off a sleep 10from the week, according to the result of this study. It helps if you’re also eating less, Dr. Thomas adds.

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