
Not many people can say that they have lived in two totally different environments, and technically neither can I. I have lived in the same house in the same Connecticut town my whole life, but a lot of my childhood and teenage years have been spent visiting my family in New York City.

Wethersfield is a typical New England town, a small close community (社区) where almost everyone knows your name. My friends all go to the same high school and my parents are friendly with my friends’ parents. Most of my friends don’t realize what life is like outside this little town. Maybe every so often a few take a day trip to Manhattan or Boston, but none really knows what it’s like to live in an urban environment.

My parents are both from New York City and since they have siblings and friends who still live there, we visit a lot. From an early age I have been exposed to urban life. Jeff, one of my cousins, lives with his mother in a one-bedroom apartment in Brooklyn. He has never had his own room and has always been very much on his own. I don’t think any of my friends could understand how someone could live like that. www.manfen5.com

When I go to the city I see things I would never see in my hometown. I see poverty and people struggling to make a living. I observe a whole different pace; there, you’re just one guy living with millions of others who will never know your name.

I feel blessed to have experienced the lifestyles of two completely different places. I am grateful for the opportunities I have had. I feel that living in Wethersfield has given me a solid base in forming my character and the ability to deal in a close-knit society. On the other hand, my time spent in New York has exposed me to diverse cultural experiences. I feel that I would be comfortable in any environment and could make the best of any situation.

1.According to the author, most of his friends in the town _____.

A. have never experienced city life

B. can only understand the rural life

C. prefer the small close community

D. know little about the real city life

2.The underlined word “siblings” in paragraph 3 means _____.

A. schoolmates B. colleagues

C. relatives D. parents

3.The author’s life in New York has brought him _____.

A. his present character B. the social ability

C. the comfort of city life D. diverse cultural experiences

4.What could be the best title for the passage?

A. A Small Town and a Big City

B. A Man of Two Different Worlds

C. Experience Various Environments

D. Make the Best of Diverse Cultures


Samuel looked at his sister, Emily, and said, “I wouldn’t have thought Everett would be a thief.” Emily replied, “Whoa, we don’t know that for sure.” Samuel said, “But who else could it be? He was there, he had them in his hands, and now they are missing.”

Samuel remembered two days ago when he had brought out his coin collection for Everett to see. At the end of that day, Samuel’s mother asked him to take a note to Mr. Bates down the street, so he asked his friend, “Is it okay if I leave you for a few minutes?” Everett had said, “Go ahead. I’ll clean up here,” pointing at the piles of coins on the floor. When Samuel had returned, he had done his homework, had eaten dinner, and had read for a while before bed. It was not until two days later that he realized the quarters were gone.

Emily said, “Why don’t you just ask him?” “Ask him what? Hey, Best Friend, did you steal my coin collection?” Samuel thought for a moment, deciding if that would be a good idea. The theft of his collection left him with a feeling of betrayal (背叛). “How could I have misjudged my friend?”

The next day Samuel went over to Everett’s house. Everett was acting funny. In fact, Samuel thought Everett was acting like someone with a secret. Suddenly, Everett cried, “I can’t stand it anymore!” and pulled something from underneath the chair. “Go on — open it! I was going to wait until your birthday tomorrow, but I can’t wait!”

Slowly, Samuel lifted the top of the box. Laid out in front of him were all of the quarters from his coin collection. Each quarter was in its own place in a new collection case. Each quarter shone like it was new.

Samuel felt heat rush over his neck and ears. He weakly said, “Thank you — this means ... a great deal to me.” He was thankful that Everett had cut him off before he said something bad. Everett was exactly the type of person he wanted as a friend!

1.From Paragraph 1-3, we know that ________.

A. Samuel’s coins were missing B. Everett had stolen Samuel’s coins

C. Samuel has a bad memory D. Everett lives down the street

2.The word “misjudged” in Paragraph 3 means ________.

A. agreed with B. been wrong about

C. cared about D. been troubled by

3.What kind of person is Everett?

A. He makes quick decisions. B. He is not an honest boy.

C. He enjoys surprising his friends. D. He is helpful.

4.The story wants to tell us that ________.

A. trust is an important part of friendship

B. special interests make life more colorful

C. advice from family members can solve problems

D. friends enjoy giving surprising gifts to each other

We all know that early birds get more things done by making the most out of their mornings and setting the day right for successful completion of all goals and tasks. 1. Successful people not only have healthy morning habits, they also know how to finish off their day right. Here are some habits that can help plan a more productive tomorrow:

1. Read a book. Successful people read daily. 2. By reading daily, they can achieve better results in their professional and personal lives. Reading will not only make you more likely to succeed, but if you do it before going to bed, it can really help you to reduce stress and progressively calm you down.

2. Unplug from social media. At the end of each working day, the most important thing is to switch off distractions such as WeChat, emails and messaging to create some time for yourself.

3. Go to bed earlier, take a bath, go to that cooking class you have been putting off for so long, or spend quality time with the person you love.

4. Organize the following day. 4. It is really difficult to remember all the things you need to do, so why not write them all down in a journal or a to-do list? Successful people know the importance of a well-planned day and this allows them to enjoy themselves in the evening. So before you go to bed, grab a planner or a notebook and write down your 3 most important goals for tomorrow. 5.

A. But what about the evening habits?

B. Do something you love every night before you sleep.

C. It is also really useful for improving your creative thinking.

D. They all know the importance of educating themselves every single day.

E. Having a well-written plan can really benefit the tasks you have set for the day.

F. Simply lying down and focusing on your breath and body is a significant stress reliever.

G. Be honest with yourself in setting the right amount of time to achieve each individual goal.

Failure is probably the most exhausting experience a person ever has.There is nothing more tiring than not succeeding.

We experience this tiredness in two ways: as start-up fatigue(疲惫) and performance fatigue.In the former case, we keep putting off a task because it has either too boring or too difficult.And the longer we delay it,the more tired we feel.

Such start-up fatigue is very real,even if not actually physical,not something in our muscles and bones.The solution is obvious though perhaps not easy to apply: always handle the most difficult job first.

Years ago,I was asked to write 102 essays on the great ideas of some famous authors.Applying my own rule,I determined to write them in alphabetical(按字母顺序),never letting myself leave out a tough idea.And I always started the day's work with the difficult task of essay-writing.Experience proved that the rule works.

Performance fatigue is more difficult to handle.Though willing to get started,we cannot seem to do the job right. Its difficulties appear so great that,however hard we work,we fail again and again.In such a situation,I work as hard as I can-then let the unconscious take over.

When planning Encyclopaedia Britannica (《大英百科全书》),I had to create a table of contents based on the topics of its articles.Nothing like this had ever been done before,and day after day I kept coming up with solutions, but none of them worked.My fatigue became almost unbearable.

One day,mentally exhausted,I wrote down all the reasons why this problem could not be solved.I tried to convince myself that the trouble was with the problem itself,not with me.Relived,I sat back in an easy chair and fell asleep.

An hour later,I woke up suddenly with the solution clearly in mind.In the weeks that followed,the solution which had come up in my unconscious mind provided correct at every step.Though I worked as hard as before,I felt no fatigue.Success was now as exciting as failure had been depressing.

Human beings,I believe must try to succeed.Success,then,means never feeling tired.

1.What does the author recommend doing to prevent start-up fatigue?

A. Writing essays in strict order. B. Building up physical strength.

C. Leaving out the toughest ideas. D. Dealing with the hardest task first.

2.On what occasion does a person probably suffer from performance fatigue?

A. Before starting a difficult task. B. When all the solutions fail.

C. If the job is rather boring. D. After finding a way out.

3.What could be the best title for the passage?

A. Success Is Built upon Failure B. How to Handle Performance Fatigue

C. Getting over Fatigue: A Way to Success D. Fatigue: An Early Sign of Health Problems

Jennifer was halfway down the stairs when she turned and took one last look at her room. ______ high school and going away to college was like the ______ pause at the ending of a chapter in a good book, and she was ______ to turn the page.

Jennifer went down the stairs to where her mother and father, ______ quiet, were waiting. She even felt a sense of guilt deep ______ her when she admitted to herself how longingly she had ______ getting away from her home and starting a new life in the college.

They went out through the front door. Dad put the suitcases in the back of the ______, and then came forward to hold the front door open. “Sit in the ______, dear,” her mother suggested, touching her arm gently, and Jennifer noticed that her mother was ______ one of those sad-looking smiles. In fact, she was afraid her mother might even ______ at the train station.

Her father pulled out of their driveway and Jennifer turned for one last look at the house.

They pulled up at the station then. The train was coming. There were last-minute questions, words of advice, and then ______.

“Well, I’m on my way. Don’t worry about me, everything will be OK,” Jennifer said ______.

When her father took the picture, she noticed her mother wasn’t weepy at all---the smile on her face wasn’t ______ sad-looking.

Through the window, Jennifer held ______ with her eyes as the train moved away slowly. They were standing close together, and somehow it ______ the memory of that day when she was seven-when she had persuaded them to let her ______ the big Ferris wheel(摩天轮) all by herself. She had sat still in the ______ middle of the seat as she did just now in the car, feeling ______ that even if she fell, even if the Ferris wheel itself fell, she had known they would catch her.

Suddenly she felt tears ______ her eyes. She wiped her eyes and found her parents out of ______ when she looked back again.

1.A. Finishing B. Attending C. Entering D. Continuing

2.A. frequent B. sudden C. brief D. regular

3.A. sad B. slow C. eager D. quiet

4.A. strangely B. badly C. normally D. definitely

5.A. from B. within C. into D. of

6.A. looked up to B. got used to C. got bored with D. looked forward to

7.A. seat B. wheel C. car D. driveway

8.A. middle B. back C. front D. side

9.A. flashing B. wearing C. forcing D. shaping

10.A. arrive B. escape C. faint D. cry

11.A. decisions B. hugs C. changed D. rushes

12.A. proudly B. sadly C. impatiently D. heartily

13.A. all B. even C. only D. once

14.A. it B. her C. him D. them

15.A. kept away B. stuck to C. wiped off D. brought back

16.A. ride B. catch C. play D. drive

17.A. same B. proper C. exact D. similar

18.A. afraid B. certain C. sorry D. peaceful

19.A. controlling B. rolling C. emptying D. flooding

20.A. sight B. mind C. station D. memory

Christmas 1940 makes me misty-eyed every time I think about it. In the hard times, people ______one another. We _______food, clothing, bedding and household items and gave them to the needy.

That Christmas we students found ourselves _______toys we collected and lading packages for _______. As we presented the gifts, we saw ______in many faces, especially those of the children.

We had a few more ______to make on Christmas morning. The air was heavy and frozen to the bone. For several hours, we knocked on doors. But as the cold hours passed, our________gradually faded.

When we _____headed home, someone ______a small house down a canal bank. None of us knew who lived there, _____we wondered if there were ______. We still had a doll, two trucks, some small toys, chocolate Santas and a box of groceries. We decided to make one last visit. When we knocked on the door, a young woman answered it, looking at us ______. Three small children watched from behind her skirt---a little girl of about 2, and boys perhaps 4 and 5 years old.

“Merry Christmas,” we ______as we bent down and handed the gift-wrapped packages to the children and the box of groceries to the ______, whose eyes widened ______. She slowly smiled, then quickly said, “Come in”.

The room was ______as the children looked at their mother, wondering if the gifts were really for them. The little girl ______her doll, and the boys grasped the trucks as they sought a(an) _____ . She put her arms_______them and said in a ______voice, “I told you Santa Claus would come.”

1.A. escaped from B. struggled against C. competed with D. depended on

2.A. bought B. borrowed C. collected D. begged

3.A. wrapping B. cleaning C. making D. sending

4.A. sale B. delivery C. storage D. production

5.A. fear B. envy C. sadness D. joy

6.A. toys B. calls C. visits D. promise

7.A. pain B. love C. strength D. enthusiasm

8.A. finally B. gradually C. happily D. worriedly

9.A. arrived at B. looked for C. pointed to D. shouted to

10.A. and B. but C. so D. for

11.A. guests B. gifts C. adults D. children

12.A. eagerly B. questioningly C. anxiously D. calmly

13.A. whispered B. cried C. chorused D. added

14.A. father B. mother C. son D. daughter

15.A. with amazement B. with relief C. in horror D. in sorrow

16.A. empty B. silent C. noisy D. tidy

17.A. hugged B. hid C. dropped D. hit

18.A. suggestion B. answer C. box D. place

19.A. behind B. before C. over D. around

20.A. surprised B. familiar C. choked D. loud

Teen Conference

Are you ready to explore the University of Idaho campus, learn life skills for beyond high school, meet new friends and get reacquainted with old ones? Then Idaho 4-H Teen Conference is for you.

●June 27---30 , 2017

●Moscow, Idaho

●Grades 8 to 12

At this conference, teens will:

●Gain leadership skills

●Participate in educational workshops

●Experience campus life and learn about opportunities at the University of Idaho

●Learn about state, national and international 4-H opportunities

●Develop a passion for 4-H

●Make new friends throughout the state of Idaho

Adults at Teen Conference

Adults are welcome to attend Teen Conference as chaperones(监护人). Please review adult chaperone position description and discover if this opportunity is for you. To apply, please complete the online chaperone application.

College students may also attend as collegiate(学院的)volunteers. Please review the collegiate volunteer position description. To apply, please complete the collegiate volunteer application.


Please contact your local UI Extension country office to learn how to apply. All participants will be informed by April 1 before registration begins.. Scholarships include:

●Youth scholarships sponsored by the Friends of 4-H

●Adult chaperone scholarships

Conference Proceedings

●Gem State News 2016

Be sure to visit the Idaho 4-H Teen Conference Facebook page.

For more information, contact Shana Codr, 4-H Program Specialist.

1.Who is the Idaho 4-H Teen Conference intended for?

A. Program specialists.

B. Adults as chaperones.

C. College students only.

D. Teens of Grades 8 to 12.

2.How can the participants possibly know about scholarships of 4-H?

A. By calling the Friends of 4-H Teen Conference.

B. By visiting the university’s official website.

C. By visiting the Idaho 4-H Teen Conference Facebook page.

D. By contacting the local UI Extension country office.

3.Where can you probably find this passage?

A. In a personal diary.

B. In an official report.

C. On a campus website.

D. In a tourist guidebook.

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