
6.-Have you heard that the international company is advertising for employees?
-Of course,and I heard that there were more than 2,000applicants (申请人)

分析 --你听说那家国际大公司正在招聘员工吗?

解答 答案:applicants.
分析句子的结构可知,第一句话中that引导一个宾语从句,根据从句中的谓语部分is advertising for employees以及句末的汉语提示词可知,应该使用名词employee的复数形式;故答案为applicants.

点评 做翻译填空的题目要注意解题步骤:1.分析每道题目需要完成部分的语法属性 2.划出已给出部分的中心词.依据空格前后成分,确定空格的语法属性:词性、单复数、时态等.

15.You may have heard some of the fashion industry horror stories:models eating tissues or cotton balls to hold off hunger,and models collapsing (昏倒) from hunger-induced (因饥饿所致的) heart attacks just seconds after they step off the runway (T台).
Excessively skinny models have been a point of controversy (争论) for decades,and two researchers say a model's body mass (体重) should be a workspace health and safety issue.In an editorial released Monday in the American Journal of Public Health,Katherine Record and Bryn Austin made their case for government regulation of the fashion industry.
The average international runway model has a body mass index(BMI)under 16-low enough to indicate starvation by the World Health Organization's standard.And Record and Austin are worried not just about the models themselves,but about the vast number of girls and women their images influence.
"Especially girls and teens,"says Record."Seventy percent of girls aged 10 to 18 report that they define perfect body image based on what they see in magazines."That's especially worrying,she says,given that anorexia(厌食症) results in more deaths than does any other mental illness,according to the National Institute of Mental Health.
It's commonly known that certain diseases are linked with occupations like lung disease in coal miners.Professional fashion models are particularly vulnerable (脆弱的) to eating disorders (失调) resulting from occupational demands to maintain extreme thinness.
Record's suggestion is to prohibit agents from hiring models with a BMI below 18.
In April,France passed a law setting lower limits for a model's weight.Agents and fashion houses who hire models with BMI under 18 could pay $ 82,000 in fines and spend up to 6 months in jail.Regulating the fashion industry in the United States won't be easy,Record says.But with the new rules in France,U.S.support could make a difference."A designer can't survive without participating in Paris Fashion Week",she says,adding,"Our argument is that the same would be true of New York Fashion Week."
32.What do Record and Austin say about fashion models'body mass?B
A.It has caused needless controversy.
B.It affects models'health and safety.
C.It is but a matter of personal taste.
D.It is focus of the modeling business.
33.What are Record and Austin advocating in the Monday editorial?D
A.Prohibition of models eating non-food stuff.
B.A change in the public's view of female beauty.
C.Elimination (淘汰) of forced weight loss by models.
D.Government legislation (立法) about models'weight.
34.Why are Record and Austin worried about the low body mass index of models?C
A.It contributes to many mental illnesses.
B.It defines the future of the fashion industry.
C.It has great influence on numerous girls and women.
D.It keeps many otherwise qualified women off the runaway.
35.What do we learn about France's fashion industry?B
A.It has difficulty hiring models.
B.It has now a new law to follow.
C.It allows girls under 18 on the runway.
D.It has overtaken that of the United States.
13.Mickey Mouse wants to help kids kick the junk habit.The Walt Disney Company announced that it plans to advertise only healthier foods to kids.
By 2015,all food and drink products that are advertised on its TV channels,radio stations and websites will have to meet the company′s nutrition standard for limiting calories and reducing fat,sodium and sugar.Many foods,such as fruit drinks,candy and snack cakes,won′t meet the standard.
The first lady,Michelle Obama,called it a"game changer"."Disney is doing what no major media company has ever done before in the US-and what I hope every company will do in the future."
"This is a landmark,because a major media company is taking responsibility for what food they advertise to children,"says Margo Wootan,director of nutrition policy for the Center for Science in the Public Interest."This should be a real wake-up call to Nickelodeon(an American channel) and the Cartoon Network to do the same."
But the company will still be able to advertise"better-for-you versions of products that are not perfectly nutritious".Under the new standards,breakfast cereals that are advertised will have to contain fewer than 10grams of sugar in a serving,Wootan says."That′s a good step forward,but it′s not ideally nutritious."
Jon Leibowitz,chairman of the Federal Trade Commission,says Disney is making this move"at perhaps some risk of affecting their incomes,so that′s why we should praise them".
Food marketing is really"important because it shapes the way kids are fed,"Wootan says."If we don′t deal with food marketing to kids,we don′t have any chance of addressing childhood obesity (肥胖)."
Currently,a third of children are overweight,putting them at a greater risk for serious health problems.
At its theme parks,Disney began offering healthier kids′meals,serving carrots and other vegetables and fruits and low-fat milk and yogurt at meals instead of fries and soft drinks.

60.What does Margo Wootan think of Disney′s new move?B
A.He thinks it is a risk.
B.He thinks very highly of it.
C.He thinks it will cause great discussion.
D.He thinks it will affect their incomes.
61.According to Disney′s new standards,A.
A.fruit drinks are not allowed to be advertised
B.foods that are advertised should be fat-free
C.only perfectly nutritious products can be advertised
D.foods advertised should contain fewer than 10 grams of sugar
62.What can we learn from Margo Wootan's words in Paragraph 7?B
A.The cause of children obesity.
B.The importance of food marketing.
C.Childhood obesity is not a big problem.
D.Many kids are worried about their shapes.
63.What is the main idea of the text?D
A.Disney calls for a ban on junk food.
B.Disney aims to help kids lose weight.
C.Disney is to serve healthier food for kids.
D.Disney is to quit taking ads for junk food aimed at kids.

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