
While attending a conference, I returned to my hotel room late one evening. The overhead light outside my door was burned out and I had       finding the keyhole. When I       to open the door, I       around the wall for a light switch. I found a plate where a switch was       installed... but no switch! 
Not discouraged easily, I remembered       a lamp by the bed when I deposited my luggage      in the day. I found the bed in the       and then the lamp, but when I switched it on, nothing     ! I thought that perhaps if I opened the curtains I might be able to use whatever light comes in from the       to find another lamp. So I  my way slowly across the room to the curtains and... no drawstring(拉绳)! I finally stumbled(跌跌撞撞地走)around        I found a desk lamp which actually     !
That evening I discovered in a whole new way just how dark the world       be and how   necessary light is! But even more necessary than       light is the light that shines from people --the light of       and faith. Because, for many people, the world is a dark and       place. For someone today just may be stumbling in discouragement or sadness or fear and in        of some light. So let your light shine. Whatever light you       may be a beacon(灯塔) of hope and encouragement. And if you feel that your light is       a candle in a forest remember -- there isn’t enough darkness in all the world to       the light of one small candle.
A.happenedB.operatedC.fired D.developed
A.after B.untilC.while D.since
A.canB.shallC.will D.must
A.existenceB.loveC.truth D.wisdom
A.lonely B.colorful C.friendly D.complex
A.not more thanB.other thanC.no more thanD.rather than


小题1:考查名词辨析:A. confidence自信,B. respect尊敬,C . admiration敬佩,D. difficulty困难,从下文的:The overhead light outside my door was burned out and可知作者找到钥匙孔有困难,have difficulty (in) doing,选D。
小题2:动词词义辨析。A. managed 设法,B. failed失败,C. wished 希望,D. meant意味着,门外头顶的灯坏了,我最后设法把门打开了。选A。
小题3:考查动词辨析:A. touched触及,B. felt感觉,摸索,C. sensed 感觉, D. looked看,在墙上摸索找开关。选B。
小题4:考查副词:A. already已经,B. never从不,C. still 仍然, D. once曾经,一度,从看见曾经安装开关的塑料线板。选D。
小题5:考查动词:A. equipping配备,B. producing 制作,C. noticing注意,D. removing 移开,去除,上文提到这是一个旅馆,自己是暂时住在这里,排除A,从下文的when I deposited my luggage,可推知C正确,此处应该是“注意到,看到,发现”选C。
小题6:考查形容词:A. later更迟,B. earlier 更早,C. lower 更低,D. upper 上层的,从上文remembered可知,“我”在那天早些时候发现有开关,现在仍然记得,故选B。
小题7:考查名词辨析:A. light 光,B. dark黑暗,C. room房间,D. corner角落,因为是晚上,所以选择dark。选B。
小题8:考查动词辨析:A. happened 发生,B. operated操作,C. fired解雇,D. developed发展,根据文意排除了C、D。句子的主语是nothing而非lamp,故动词operated不正确。因此,只有A项正确。
小题9:考查名词:A. machine机器,B. street街道,C. room房间,D. car汽车,根据文意和下文curtains可推知,“我”现在处在黑暗中,只能拉开窗帘,靠外部街道上的光来找到另一盏灯,故选B。
小题10:考查动词:A. wound one’s way蜿蜒前行,B. forced one’s way强行挤出,C. Make one’s way “前往,到……去”, D. lost one’s way迷路,根据文意和下文slowly across the room可知,“我”现在摸索着去拉窗帘。Make one’s way符合文意。选C。
小题11:考查连词:A. after在…后面,B. until直到,C. while虽然,然而,D. since自从,根据文意和下文actually可知,我最终找到了灯,故选until。选B.
小题12:考查动词辨析:A. helped帮助,B. affected影响,C. worked工作,运作,D. inspired激发,根据主语a desk lamp和副词actually可知,这盏灯亮了。此意只有work可以表达。选C。
小题13:考查情态动词:A. can能够,有时会……,时而可能,B. shall应该,C. will将会,D. must必须,根据文意,“我”此时心有所感,世界有时是多么黑暗,而灯是如此必要!故选A项。
小题14:考查形容词辨析:A. mental精神的,B. psychological心理的,C. electrical 电的,D. physical 物理的,身体的,根据文意和下句the light that shines from people可知,人们“内心的灯光”比实际的灯光更有必要。Physical在此意为“物质的,有形的”。选D。  
小题15:考查名词辨析:A. existence存在,B. love爱,C. truth事实,D. wisdom明智,由文意可知,我们心中应该有“爱和信任”之灯,才能战胜discouragement、sadness、fear,故选B:love。
小题16:考查形容词辨析:A. lonely孤单的,B. colorful彩色的,C. friendly友好的,D. complex复杂的,由文意和dark可知,有时我们中许多人会处在黑暗和孤独的世界,故选lonely。选A。
小题17:考查词组:A. in short of简言之,B. in favor of支持,赞同,C. in face of面对,D. in need of需要,由文意可知,当人们失望、难过和害怕时会需要帮助,因此选D项need。
小题18:考查动词辨析:A. make制作,使得,B. offer提供,主动提出,C. take拿,D. contribute贡献,由上文So let your light shine.可知,作者在鼓励我们要主动去帮助别人,故选B。
小题19:考查词组辨析:A. not more than最多,B. other than除了,C. no more than仅仅,D. rather than而不是,细心揣摩文意可知,我们的爱心之灯在茫茫的黑暗中是如此渺小,好象是森林中的一只蜡烛,故选no more than正确。选C。
小题20:考查动词短语:A. put out扑灭,B. give out分发,泄漏,C. get over克服,D. set up建立,由文意可知,黑暗再强大,也没有足够的力量扑灭小如蜡烛的“爱心之灯”,故选A项put out最佳。
  Exchange a glance with someone, and then look away. Do you realize that you have made a statement? Hold the glance for a second longer and you have made a different statement. Hold it for 3 seconds, and the meaning has changed again. For every social situation, there is a permissible time that you can hold a person’s stare without being friendly, rude, or aggressive. If you are on a lift, what stare-time are you permitted? To answer this question, consider what you typically do. You very likely give other passengers a quick glance to size them up and to assure them that you mean no harm. Since being close to another person signals the possibility of interaction, you need to send out a signal telling others you want to be left alone. So you cut off eye contacts. That is what sociologist Erving Goffiman calls “a dimming of the lights”. You look down at the floor, at the indicator lights, anywhere but into another passenger’s eyes. Should you break the rule against staring at a stranger on a lift, you will make the other person extremely uncomfortable, and you are likely to feel a bit strange yourself.
  If you hold eye contacts for more than 3 seconds, what are you telling another person? Much depends on the person and the situation. For instance, a man and a woman communicate interest in this manner. They stare at each other for about 3 seconds at a time, and then drop their eyes down for 3 seconds, before letting their eyes meet again. But if one man gives another man a 3-second-plus stare, he signals, “I know you”, “I am interested in you” or “You look peculiar and I am curious about you.” This type of stare often produces hostile feelings.
  60. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ______.
  A. every glance has its significance
  B. a glance carries more meaning than words
  C. a stare longer than 3 seconds is unacceptable
  D. staring at a person is an expression of interest
  61. If you want to be left alone on a lift the best thing to do is ______.
  A. to look into another passenger’s eyes
  B. to keep a distance from other passengers
  C. to avoid eye contacts with other passengers
  D. to signal you don’t mean to do harm to anyone
  62. By “a dimming of the lights”, Erving Goffiman means ______.
  A. closing one’s eyes         B. turning off the lights
  C. stopping glancing at others     D. reducing stare-time to the minimum
  63. The passage mainly discusses ______.
  A. the limitations of eye contacts
  B. the exchange of ideas through eye contacts
  C. proper behavior in different situations in people’s daily life
  D. the role of eye contacts in communication between people
The Little Angel
Sally jumped up the moment she saw the surgeon(外科医生) come out of the operating room. She asked, “How is my little boy?”
The surgeon said, “I’m ____. We did all we could, but your boy didn’t ____ it.” 
Sally ____into the chair. The surgeon asked, “Would you like some time with your son before he was transported to the ____?” Sally nodded. While saying goodbye, she ran her fingers ____ through his thick curly hair. “Would you like a lock(一撮)of his hair?” the surgeon asked. Sally nodded yes. The surgeon cut a few hairs, and handed them to Sally. The mother said, “It was Jimmy’s idea to ____ his body to the university for study. He said it might ____ somebody else. “I said no at first, ____ Jimmy said, ‘Mom, I won’t be using it after I die. Maybe it will help some other little boy spend one more day with his Mom.’”
“My Jimmy had a heart of ____, always thinking of someone else, always wanting to help others if he could.” she went on.
Sally walked out of the hospital. She put the bag with Jimmy’s ____ on the seat beside her in the car. The drive home was ____. It was even harder to enter the ____ house. She carried Jimmy’s belongings, and the lock of his hair to her son’s room. She started placing the model cars and other personal things back in his room ____ where he had always kept them. She lay down across his bed and, hugging his pillow, ____ herself to sleep.
It was around midnight when Sally ____. Lying beside her on the bed was a letter. The letter said,
“Dear Mom,
I know you’re going to ____ me, and me too. I will always love you, Mom, even more ____ each passing day. Someday we will see each other again. Until then, if you want to ____a little boy so you won’t be so lonely, that’s OK with me. He can have my room and old toys to play with.
Don’t be sad thinking about me. I don’t hurt any more. The cancer is all ____. I don’t have to stand that ____any more. The angels in Heaven are so tender. They say I’m a Special Angel! I  love you, Mom.”
A.worried B.sorryC.happy D.grateful
A.make B.passC.winD.like
A.house B.churchC.hospital D.university
A.goldB.stoneC.wisdom D.bravery
A.putB.sent C.criedD.buried
A.lostB.goneC.cured D.spotted
A.depressionB.sadness C.painD.stress
My daughter Allie is leaving for college in a week. Her room is piled with shopping bags filled with blankets, towels, jeans, sweaters. She won’t talk about going.
I say, “I’m going to miss you,” and she gives me one of her looks and leaves the room. Another time I say, in a voice so friendly it surprises even me: “Do you think you’ll take your posters and pictures with you, or will you get new ones at college?”
She answers, her voice filled with annoyance, “How should I know?”
 My daughter is off with friends most of the time. Yesterday was the last day she’d have until Christmas with her friend Katharine, whom she’s known since kindergarten. Soon, it will be her last day with Sarah, Claire, Heather... and then it will be her last day with me.
 My friend Karen told me, “The August before I left for college, I screamed at my mother the whole month. Be prepared.”
 I stand in the kitchen, watching Allie make a glass of iced tea. Her face, once so open and trusting, is closed to me. I struggle to think of something to say to her, something meaningful and warm. I want her to know I’m excited about the college she has chosen, that I know the adventure of her life is just starting and that I am proud of her. But the look on her face is so mad that I think she might hit me if I open my mouth.
 One night — after a long period of silence between us — I asked what I might have done or said to make her angry with me. She sighed and said, “Mom, you haven’t done anything. It’s fine.” It is fine — just distant.
 Somehow in the past we had always found some way to connect. When Allie was a baby, I would go to the day-care center after work. I’d find a quiet spot and she would nurse — our eyes locked together, reconnecting with each other.
 In middle school, when other mothers were already regretting the distant relationship they felt with their adolescent daughters, I hit upon a solution: rescue measures. I would show up occasionally at school, sign her out of class and take her somewhere — out to lunch, to the movies, once for a long walk on the beach. It may sound irresponsible, but it kept us close when other mothers and daughters were quarrelling. We talked about everything on those outings — outings we kept secret from family and friends.
 When she started high school, I’d get up with her in the morning to make her a sandwich for lunch, and we’d silently drink a cup of tea together before the 6:40 bus came.
 A couple of times during her senior year I went into her room at night, the light off, but before she went to sleep. I’d sit on the edge of her bed, and she’d tell me about problems: a teacher who lowered her grade because she was too shy to talk in class, a boy who teased her, a friend who had started smoking. Her voice, coming out of the darkness, was young and questioning.
 A few days later I’d hear her on the phone, repeating some of the things I had said, things she had adopted for her own.
 But now we are having two kinds of partings. I want to say good-bye in a romantic way. For example, we can go to lunch and lean across the table and say how much we will miss each other. I want smiles through tears, bittersweet moments of memory and the chance to offer some last bits of wisdom.
But as she prepares to depart, Allie has hidden her feelings. When I reach to touch her arm, she pulls away. She turns down every invitation I extend. She lies on her bed, reading Emily Dickinson until I say I have always loved Emily Dickinson, and then she closes the book.
Some say the tighter your bond with your child, the greater her need to break away, to establish her own identity in the world. The more it will hurt, they say. A friend of mine who went through a difficult time with her daughter but now has become close to her again, tells me, “Your daughter will be back to you.”
“I don’t know,” I say. I sometimes feel so angry that I want to go over and shake Allie. I want to say, “Talk to me — or you’re grounded!” I feel myself wanting to say that most horrible of all mother phrases: “Think of everything I’ve done for you.”
Late one night, as I’m getting ready for bed she comes to the bathroom door and watches me brush my teeth. For a moment, I think I must be brushing my teeth in a way she doesn’t approve of. But then she says, “I want to read you something.” It’s a brochure from her college. “These are tips for parents.”
I watch her face as she reads the advice aloud: “ ‘Don’t ask your child if she is homesick,’ it says. ‘She might feel bad the first few weeks, but don’t let it worry you. This is a natural time of transition. Write her letters and call her a lot. Send a package of candies...’ ”
Her voice breaks, and she comes over to me and buries her head in my shoulder. I stroke her hair, lightly, afraid she’ll run if I say a word. We stand there together for long moments, swaying. Reconnecting.
I know it will be hard again. It’s likely there will be a fight about something. But I am grateful to be standing in here at midnight, both of us tired and sad, toothpaste spread on my chin, holding tight to—while also letting go of—my daughter who is trying to say good-bye.
小题1:Why is there a period of silence between the author and Allie one night?
A.Allie is tired of the author’s suggestions.
B.The author is angry with Allie’s rudeness.
C.Allie is anxious about talking about leaving.
D.The author is ready to adjust her way of parenting.
小题2:How did the author deal with the possible distance with Allie when Allie was in middle school?
A.She would chat with Allie till late at night.
B.She would invite Allie and her friends home.
C.She would visit Allie at school and take her out.
D.She would communicate with Allie by telephone.
小题3:It can be inferred from the passage that__________.
A.Allie is emotional and only has a few good friends
B.the author is not satisfied with the college Allie has chosen
C.there is a lack of communication between the author and Allie
D.there are different attitudes to parting between the author and Allie
小题4:What Allie reads to the author is__________.
A.the tips to parents on how to educate their children
B.the suggestion on how to deal with the generation gap
C.the tips to parents on when they depart with their children
D.the suggestion on how to ease the homesickness of children
小题5:The author doesn’t say anything to Allie when they are standing together because_________.
A.she can’t read Allie’s mind
B.she is afraid that Allie will leave
C.she is too excited to speak a word
D.she doesn’t know how to speak to Allie
小题6:From the underlined part in the last paragraph we can know that___________.
A.the tie between the author and Allie is broken
B.Allie doesn’t need the author’s care any more
C.the author expects Allie to live an independent life
D.the author will keep a close relationship with Allie as before
People say, you can not change the environment, but can change their own; you can not change the facts, but can change attitudes; you can not change the past, but can be changed now; you can not control other people, but can be masters of our own; you can not do everything well, but can be conscientious in everything; you can not about the weather, but you can change the mood; you can not choose looks, but it can show a smile.
Indeed, one key to the success lies in his (her) mind. The difference between successful people and the losers are: winners will be setbacks and difficulties due to personal ability, experience, imperfect, to emphasize the inherent, they are willing to continuously improve and develop the right direction; and the losers will blame on the opportunity, and the environment injustice, emphasizing external and uncontrollable factors that created the position of their life, they always complain, wait and give up!
In many cases, is a humble person who is looked down upon his own. Person's appearance, his family, and so a priori condition that can not be changed, but at least inner state, the spirit of the will is entirely their own control. Mentality, the final decision of life high. There is no absolute bad thing, only the mentality of the absolute poor people. If even the state of mind will not adjust, how they deal with things more complicated than the mentality of it!
No matter what the situation, a person's attitude is very important. Passion put to work, and numbness sluggish to work completely different. Emerson said: "A move toward their goals is always people who gave him the whole world to give way." On the contrary, failure is not because we do not have the strength, but because we are susceptible to all around us, used to go along with the lack of assertive, attitude unstable, easily frustrated reason.
As long as we believe that the strength of mind, change their attitude and courage to face a number of disappointments in life, do not despair, brave go on. I believe the power of mind, mind you're in the height of the final decision.
小题1:The underlined word “humble” in Paragraph 3 probably means _____.
小题2: Where can you probably find the text?
A.In a popular magazineB.In a tourist guidebook
C.In a physics textbookD.In an official report
小题3:Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.You can change nothing.
B.The Power of Mind.
C.The secret of success.
D.The difference between successful people and the losers
小题4: Which best describes the writer’s tone in the passage?
Growing up, I remember my father as a silent, serious man—not the sort of person around whom one could laugh. As a teenager arriving in America, knowing nothing, I wanted a father who could explain the human journey. In college, when friends called home for advice, I would sink into deep depression for what I did not have.
  Today, at twenty-seven, I have come to rediscover them in ways that my teenage mind would not allow—as adults and as friends with their own faults and weaknesses.
  One night after my move back home, I overheard my father on the telephone. There was some trouble. Later, Dad shared the problem with me. Apparently my legal training had earned me some privileges in his eyes. I talked through the problem with Dad, analyzing the purposes of the people involved and offering several negotiation strategies(策略).He listened patiently before finally admitting, “I can’t think like that. I am a simple man.”
 Dad is a brilliant scientist who can deconstruct the building blocks of nature. Yet human nature is a mystery to him. That night I realized that he was simply not skilled at dealing with people, much less the trouble of a conflicted teenager. It’s not in his nature to understand human desires.
  And so, there it was—it was no one’s fault that my father held no interest in human lives while I placed great importance in them. We are at times born more sensitive, wide-eyed, and dreamy than our parents and become more curious and idealistic than them. Dad perhaps never expected me for a child. And I, who knew Dad as an intelligent man, had never understood that his intelligence did not cover all of my feelings.
  It has saved me years of questioning and confusion. I now see my parents as people who have other relationships than just Father and Mother. I now overlook their many faults and weaknesses, which once annoyed me.
  I now know my parents as friends: people who ask me for advice; people who need my support and understanding. And I have come to see my past clearer.
小题1:What was the author’s impression of her father when she was a teenager?
A.Friendly but irresponsible.
B.Intelligent but severe.
C.Cold and aggressive.
D.Caring and communicative.
小题2:Why did the author feel depressed when her friends called home?
A.She did not have a phone to call home.
B.Her father did not care about her human journey.
C.Her father was too busy to answer her phone.
D.Her father could not give her appropriate advice.
小题3:After the author overheard her father on the telephone, _________ .
A.he blamed her for impoliteness.
B.he rediscovered human nature.
C.he consulted with her about his problem.
D.he changed his attitude towards the author.
小题4:Which of the following is the best title of this passage?
A.My Parents as Friends.
B.My Parents as advisers.
C.My father—a serious man.
D.My father—an intelligent scientist.
“Confidence” is probably one of the most noticeable traits(品质)in the Americans.They show confidence in the way they talk,the way they smile,the way they dress and the way they walk.Living and competing with all these confidence American students,I find it extremely important to be confident as an international student and instructor.As a student,being confident means you should never hesitate to raise your hand whenever a question or a point comes to your mind.Don’t mind if it sounds simple or silly.Otherwise you will never get a chance to speak in class at all.What’s worse,the professors may think you are not prepared for the discussion or you do not have your own opinion on the issue—this is the last comment any graduate would like to receive.
Being confidence for me as a foreign instructor means calmly asking the student to repeat what he or she has said if I did not get it.Pretending to understand what you actually did not may just bring yourself embarrassment or even disgrace.But the time I most need to be confident is when my students come to my office and bargain about the grades I have given for their Speeches.(The course I’m teaching here is Public Speaking).Modesty is a trait highly valued in China,but it won’t be of much help here if you want to survive and succeed in a good American graduate program.
小题1:To compete with American students it’s very important to    .
A.be quite confident
B.be polite and friendly
C.have more discussions with them
D.understand what they think about
小题2:A professor will have the worst opinion of a student who            .
A.gives a silly or simple answer
B.tries to seize any chance to speak in class
C.shows no interest in the course
D.is considered to have no opinion of his own
小题3:The author is most likely to feel embarrassed if         
A.he asks a student to repeat what he has said
B.the students bargain with him
C.he pretends to know what he doesn’t
D.he has to give a speech
小题4:We learn from the second paragraph that      .
A.we should also remain modest in America
B.modesty doesn’t help you much in America
C.Americans also like modest people
D.modesty can help you through an American graduate program
小题5:The passage is mainly developed by       
A.providing examples
B.making comparisons
C.giving different figures
D.telling personal experiences
(2013·南通模拟) “It is never too late and you are never too old to start something new!”says Englishtown _____ Ellen Rema.Ellen began to learn English at the age of 50,and in just a few years,she has made ____ progress!
Ellen chose to study at Englishtown because no evening classes were ____ in the German countryside where she lives.At Englishtown,she joins ____ classes online and speaks with live native English?speaking teachers.
“Englishtown is a wonderful place to ____,”she says.“My son always says,mom,you are a bit ___.He cannot understand why I spend so many hours studying,____ love it,I do it for myself.”
In 2001,Ellen began with the first level of Englishtown and quickly ____.“I spent hours and hours studying.”she said.“Maybe I wanted too much in a short time.I finished all my ___ after 2 years,but noticed I still had ____ difficulties.”
Instead of ____,she chose to press on.After four years at Englishtown,she's still studying in the online classroom,but now to perfect her already ____ English,she has set new ____ for herself and ___ understanding grammar points.
“Studying online is never ____,but you need self?discipline,self?motivation and staying power,”she says.“If you really want to learn,never quit even when you notice difficulties or when you think there is no____.Practice,practice,practice!”
Ellen says studying English isn't all about hard work.It should also be ____!“I really like the online conversation classrooms,”she says.“I have learned so much about other cultures and traditions.I'm open for all____.”
Ellen has been able to ____ her English to use by visiting England five times!“I'm very thankful to Englishtown because most of the English I know now was learned here,”Ellen says.“My life has ____ with Englishtown.”
A.fighting backB.giving up
C.turning awayD.looking around
A.turns offB.gets off
C.focuses onD.puts up
Maybe you've lost your job.Maybe you didn't get the ____ in your job.Maybe your sweetheart ____ with you.People say “Don't take it personally”and “Don't let it get to you”,but that's very ____ to do.
If you're feeling disheartened,___ are some strategies (策略) for making yourself feel better?It's pretty clear that ____“I'm the greatest!”or winning a prize along with every other second­grade soccer player isn't a good way to ____  healthy self­respect.
Then what can you do to feel better?Here are some ____ to follow:
Do a good deed.This is as selfish as it is selfless;you'll ____ as much as the person you're helping.I had a friend who ____ a period of vast rejection:she was fired from her ____,she didn't get into the graduate program to which she'd ____,and her boyfriend split up with her.Everything worked out fine ____,and I asked her how she got through such a(n) ____ time.She said,“I was ___ addicted to doing good deeds for other people.It was the only way I could make myself feel like I wasn't a total loser.”
Keep a resolution (决心).Not only will you benefit from exercising or ____ out your garage,but you'll also get a boost (激励)from the mere fact that you made a ____ and stuck to it.
Boost your ____.Studies show that when you're feeling energetic,you're much more likely to feel good about yourself.Most important:get enough sleep.
Challenge yourself ____.This strategy doesn't work for me,but I know that many people feel great ___ white­water rafting,bungee jumping,or roller­coaster­riding.For the less daring,a great run,or bike ride can do the ____.
A.promotion B.gift
A.kept upB.put up
C.broke upD.made up
C.dangerous D.pleasant
C.reject D.demand
A.went throughB.came across
C.looked forD.waited for
A.in the beginningB.in the end
C.in a momentD.in a sense
C.successfully D.naturally

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