

假定你是李华,你去美籍交换生卡尔的宿舍邀请他参加你的生日聚会,但是他有事外出了。清给他 写一个留言条,要点如下:

1. 邀请他本周五晚7点参加聚会;

2. 有人来接,会提前给他打电话;

3. 你的聚会安排。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

    3. 开头和结尾己给出,但不计入总词数。



Li Hua

One possible version:


   I came to visit you this afternoon,but you were away. I want to invite you to my birthday party at my home. It’11 start at 7 p.m. this Friday. I will ask my friends to pick you up,and they will give you a call in advance.

   At the party,I will first make a short speech to express my appreciation for my family and friends. Then there will be a big cake and a big meal. Afterwards,we can sing songs,play games,and watch TV. If you have any amazing ideas for the party,please let me know.

                                          Li Hua


   In a wheat field in France,a cat meets a black-bellied hamster(仓鼠) .Too far from her burrow(洞穴) to run for shelter,the wild hamster rises on her back legs to face her enemy. The cat backs away.“They’re afraid of nothing,says Alexandre Lehmamij a biologist who has worked with these wild hamsters for the past 12 years. “They fight against cats and dogs and even farmers. They try to fight against tractors." It's a good thing that the black-bellied hamster won’t go down without a fight. Because in France,where only 500 to 1,000 remain in the wild,they are in a fight for their lives.

   At the Stork and Otter Reintroduction Centre in Alsace,Lehmann and his colleagues breed captive hamsters and set the young hamsters free into the wild. But raising black-bellied hamsters isn't exactly easy. Remember,they have attitude. Forget humans 一 they don't even like each other. “You have to make sure the male and female don't kill each other ,” Lehmann says.

   Black-bellied hamsters might think of themselves as tough guys. But to a fox or an eagle,theyJ re just a four-legged snack. To survive,hamsters need to be set into a field with lots of leafy hiding places. That's a problem in Alsace,where most farmers plant com. The com hasn't sprouted(发芽) in early spring,when hamsters come out of their burrows from winter hibernation(冬眠). In the bare fields the hamsters are easy targets for their enemies.

   Some older farmers don't want hamsters in their fields because of their reputation as crop-chewing pests. But most are willing to help,especially since the French government will pay farmers to grow early-sprouting crops such as alfalfa and winter wheat and allow hamsters to be set free on their lands. It's a way to protect not just the hamsters,but also other small animals in leafy fields.

24. By saying “It's a good thing that the black-bellied hamster won't go down without a fight” in Paragraph 1 ,the author means “ ”.

   A. The black-bellied hamsters are bom fighters

   B. The number of hamsters won’t go down quickly quickly

   C. It's good for the increase of hamsters’ population

   D. It's a quite great experience to see hamsters fighting 

25. Why is it hard to raise black-bellied hamsters?

   A. They will run into the wild.

   B. They are not fond of humans.

   C. The male and female won't live in peace.

   D. The male can't understand the female's attitude.

26. What problem do hamsters trying to survive in Alsace have?

   A. Their burrows are always taken by foxes.

   B. They are unable to feed themselves on com.

   C. Their winter hibernation is disturbed frequently.

   D. They are exposed to their enemies in early spring.

27. Those farmers who are willing to help hamsters will .

   A. plant more corn

   B. try to get rid of pests

   C. grow plants that shoot early

   D. separate them from other animals

   In my first year at university,-I joined Orchestra Council(管弦乐队) .One day,we had the 41 to run for Council. “If you decide to run,” our conductor Ms. Mauro 42 , “You must give a 43 in front of the entire orchestra. There are 44 open seats — President,Vice President and Secretary." I was interested in the position of President but when I expressed my 45 to my friend Shannon,she responded,“No,I'm running for President. Why don't you 46 for Vice President?” Clearly,it left me ambivalent(有矛盾情感的) .

   Finally,I 47 to run for President,even against Shannon's 48 . Together,my friend Karen and I wrote our speeches. I 49 my experiences in the New Jersey Regional and All State orchestras,50 some of the leadership positions I had in middle school in my 51 . By the time I memorized my speech,I had lost my 52 because I had been practising so much. When 53 day rolled around,I felt nervous and 54 . However,when I delivered my speech,I remained calm and performed 55 . After everyone was done,Ms. Mauro declared that 56 would be posted after school. Hours later,I got a piece of pleasant information on my phone 一 an 57 from the Orchestra Council. 58 I reached the end of the email I read: President — Michelle Liu. I had made it.

   In the end,I felt 59 that I had taken the opportunity to run for Council. From this 60 ,I not only learned how to write an exciting speech,but more importantly,to have confidence in myself.

41. A. attempt   B. opportunity   C. plan   D. desire

42. A. advised   B. warned   C. predicted   D. announced

43. A. performance   B. speech   C. description   D. position

44. A. many   B. enough   C. three   D. four

45. A. interest   B. worry   C. happiness   D. surprise

46. A. work out   B. try out   C. speak out   D. look out

47. A. decided   B. hoped   C. managed   D. continued

48. A. order   B. goal   C. rule   D. will

49. A. missed   B. remembered   C. included   D. accepted

50. A. instead of   B. as well as   C. due to   D. in spite of

51. A. competition   B. advertisement   C. presentation   D. interview

52. A. voice   B. mind   C. balance   D. confidence

53. A. training   B. school   C. celebration   D. election

54. A. excited   B. pleased   C. anxious   D. stupid

55. A. automatically   B. satisfactorily   C. effectively   D. correctly

56. A. rules   B. results   C. purposes   D. functions

57. A. email   B. introduction   C. excuse   D. invitation

58. A. Because   B. Unless   C. Though   D. When

59. A. comfortable   B. shocked   C. strange   D. glad

60. A. experiment   B. year   C. experience   D. text

   “Is anyone coming?” Jade Blossom whispered.

   “How come you guys don't bunt(顶撞) ?”

   “It's only a rumor(传闻) ,” Abuji said as I cleared the table.

Dear Scope readers,

   Those are the first lines of three of my books. As you can see,I often use a line of dialogue to open a story. But here's an example of a first line that isn’t dialogue: Patrick and I became friends because of a vegetable.

   First lines are important. They draw the reader into the story and set the tone. My favorite first lines of books share a quality that I can sum up in one word: intriguing(引人入胜的) .

   Because first lines are so important,I often find them difficult to write. For one of my books,I tried out more than 30 first lines before I found the one that worked best!It was a lot of work,but it was worth it in the end.

   Scope has asked me to contribute a short story. I aid yes — but only if YOU write the first line for me!Send me your idea by November 15 ,2015. I'11 pick the one that I find most intriguing and write the rest of the story,which will appear in an issue this spring.

   I can't wait to see what you come up with!

                                           Good luck and have fun,

                                                 Linda Sue Park 

   WIN BIG!Send your idea for a great first line to Sdope s First-Line Contest. If Linda Sue Park picks YOUR entry to start her story,you will win $50. Plus,we'11 send your teacher a free subscription to Scope,and you and your classmates will each get a copy of Linda Sue Park's beautiful novel A Long Walk to Water.

33. The first three paragraphs .

   A. are examples of first lines

   B. were written by some students

   C. are the beginning of a short story

   D. were created by some great writers

34. Linda wants Scope readers to .

   A. read her new novel

   B. finish her short story

   C. help her with a short story

   D. learn to write short stories

35. What will the winner's teacher get?

   A. Fifty dollars.

   B. A free subscription to Scope.

   C. A copy of Linda's short story.

   D. The novel A Long Walk to Water.

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