
Joshua,Helmut,and Bethlehem  Michelle O.DonovanISBN 9781462058679Life is not easy for nine-year-old Joshua during World War II.

Because of his family's Jewish background,they are sent to live in the concentration camps (集中营).Scared and alone,Joshua one day makes friends with a little mouse he calls Bethlehem who becomes his closest friend.

Encourage Me!Inspirational PoetryGloria CoykendallISBN 9781412027854It is an easy to read collection of poems originally written to encourage

in faith and to be a cure for chromic depression(长期抑郁) …cure to strengthen identity and purpose.
More Things in HeavenBill BosworthISBN 9780595433582In his More Things in Heaven,Bill Bosworth presents

presents the highlights of his 83years of life,including his trips to India and the study of the writings of several great spiritual leaders.
More things in Heaven will appeal to anyone who insists on finding the deepest meaning for their existence based on their own experience.
Creation or Evolution  Michael EbifeghaISBN 9781450289023Were humans created,or did they evolve?

How old is the Earth?The debate between science and religion continues to be heated.In Creation or Evolution,Michael Ebifegha examines these two opposed world views within the structure of empirical(实证的) science.
Seeking the Edge  Dr.Joseph L.RoseISBN 9781462031795Seeking the Edge provides the tools and techniques to find that edge in one's life.-driving readers to achieve

success whether in your current job,finding a new job,in education,family,or even hobbies.
46.Who wrote the story about a little boy and a little mouse?B
A.Bill Bosworth.B.Michelle O.Donovan.
C.Dr.Joseph L.Rose.D.Gloria Coykendall.
47.The ISBN for the book of poems isB.
A.9781462031795  B.9781412027854
C.9780595433582   D.9781462058679
48.What kind of readers will probably like reading More Things in Heaven?A
A.Those who are searching for the meaning of life.
B.Those who are trying to be spiritual leaders.
C.Those who study the art of writing.
D.Those who like traveling abroad.
49.Which of the following books explores the origin of humans?B
A.Seeking the Edge. B.Creation or Evolution.
C.Joshua,Helmut,and Bethlehem. D.More Things in Heaven.

分析 此篇文章是关于几本书的介绍.如果喜欢探索生命的意义,读者可以选择《More Things in Heaven》一书;如果想了解地球和人类的话,可以选择《Creation or Evolution》,在这本书中,作者就进化论和上帝创造世界分别进行了阐述.此外还有故事类以及诗歌类书目的介绍.

解答 46.B  细节理解题. 从"Joshua,Helmut,and Bethlehem"书内的介绍可知作者Michelle O'Donovan在书中讲述了一个小男孩和小老鼠的故事.所以B选项正确.
47.B细节理解题.题干中"poems"是关键词,据此信息查找到"Encourage Me!"就可找到ISBN 9781412027854,所以选择B项.
48.A 细节理解题.题干中的"More Things in Heaven"是关键词.据此信息查找到"More Things in Heaven",再根据本海报的最后一句"More Things in Heaven will appeal to anyone who insists on finding the deepest meaning for their existence based on their own experiences."可知答案为A.
49.B细节理解题.题干中的"the origin of humans"是关键词.根据这个关键词查找相关的海报,就会发现"Creation or Evolution"涉及人类的起源,故选择B项.

点评 解答此类题目可遵循以下步骤:第一步,通读全文,了解文章大意,获得整体印象,同时初选出一批较有把握的答案.第二步,边核对初选答案边补填留下的空格.如果短文难度较大,则可复读几遍,核对和确定答案.有些空一时决定不了,可作个记号,待复查时再确定. 第三步,复查定稿.从整体理解角度出发,仔细审核答案,确保意义上、语法上没有错误,同时对遗留下来的少数几个空格作最后选择.

3.When I learned that my 71-year-old mother was playing Scrabble-a word game-against herself,I knew I had to do something.My husband suggested we give her a computer to play against.I wasn't sure my mother was ready for it.After all,it had taken 10years to persuade her to buy an electric cooker.Even so,we packed up our old computer and delivered it to my parents'home.And so began my mother's adventure in the world of computers.
It also marked the beginning of an unusual teaching task for me.I've taught people of all ages,but I never thought I would be teaching my mother how to do anything.She has been the one teaching me all my life:to cool and sew; to enjoy the good times and put up with the bad.Now it was my turn to give something back.
It wasn't easy at the beginning.There was so much to explain and to introduce.Slowly but surely,my mother caught on,making notes in a little notebook.After a few months of Scrabble and other games,I decided it was time to introduce her to word processing.This proved to be a bigger challenge to her,so I gave her some homework I asked her to write me a letter,using different letter types,colors and spaces.
"Are you this demanding with your kindergarten pupils?"she asked.
"No,of course not,"I said."They already know how to use a computer."
My mother isn't the only one experiencing a fast personal growth period.Thanks to the computer,my father has finally got over his phone allergy.For as long as I can remember,any time I called,my mother would answer.Dad and I have had more phone conversations in the last two months than we've had in the past 20years.

29.What does the author do?B
A.She is a cook.
B.She is a teacher.
C.She is a housewife.
D.She is a computer engineer.
30.The author decided to give her mother a computerD.
A.to let her have more chances to write letters
B.to support her in doing her homework
C.to help her through the bad times
D.to make her life more enjoyable
31.The author asked her mother to write her a letterC.
A.because her mother had stopped using the telephone
B.because she wanted to keep in touch with her mother
C.so that her mother could practice what she had learned
D.so that mother could be free from housework
32.After the computer was brought home,the author's fatherB.
A.lost interest in cooking          
B.took more phone calls
C.played more games             
D.began to use it.
9.Tips for the perfect selfie(自拍)
You can take a selfie with a hand-held digital camera or mobile phone and later share it on the Internet.So selfies have been especially popular over the years.(36)C Love them or hate them,selfies show no sign of stopping.
After all,the selfie is the most important way to show off on holiday.Everyone has his own way to take the holiday selfies.How can you take the best holiday selfies?(37)G
◆‘Food chew'style
Want to let everyone know how exciting your holiday food choices are?(38)FYou can also cut off a piece to show off what's inside.But don't have food hanging out of your mouth.Remember,food always looks best before being eaten.
◆‘I'm so adventurous'style
Rock climbing,hiking,surfing,or skiing?(39D Just let the natural settings make people go"wow".One commonly used gesture is spreading out an arm to show how thrilled you are.But remember that no one likes a sweaty selfie.
◆‘I am cultured tourist'style
(40)A You can also try an optical illusion(视错觉)by making it look like you're holding up the leaning tower of Pisa,touching the top of the Eiffel Tower,or picking the Sphinx's nose.

A.Just taking a selfie against a famous cultural site makes you look great.
B.Some people have no idea where to travel.
C.According to a recent survey,haft of the interviewees admitted to taking a selfie while on holiday.
D.These adventurous holiday moments are great for a selfie.
E.Different cultures have different characteristics of food.
F.Hold up some food on your fork or chopsticks.
G.Here are some useful posing tips for you.
16.My wife Julie and I were out on the road that runs around where we live.Two dog walkers passed by and we heard one of them say,"Never seen that dog around here before."
We looked down the hill and saw an old black dog stumbling(蹒跚) painfully up the hill.We bent down,talked gently to the dog and patted it.I checked and there was a collar.There was a phone number on the collar,but no one answered.
The dog was painfully thin.It didn't have many teeth left and,well,it just seemed done.
Julie ran home to get some of our dog's food while I tried to encourage the dog to come along with me.Julie got home and back again when I was only half way there.So,we sat down on the sidewalk while our new friend made short work of the food.
Eventually we got her home.We gave her a blanket,more food,kept her warm and wondered what to do next.
After trying for many times we got a response from the number.A lady came around with a bunch of flowers for us.She explained that Tara had been her father's dog.She was very old and should probably be put to sleep,but the lady just couldn't bring herself to do it.So,Tara was safely returned home.
Here is the truth of the story:
Actually Julie and I were out that morning because I was leaving.She was trying to persuade me to come back,but I wasn't hearing anything that made that sound likely.
I was about to turn and go when an old,worn out dog walked between us and collapsed.Suddenly we had something more important than (our problem) to worry about.There was a creature in need right before us and we had to work together to help it.
We did help it.And here am I writing the story in my own home,in my own family.
In the song"Love Is Not a Fight"Warren Barfield talks about marriage.At one point he sings,"And if we try to leave,may God send angels to guard the door."
Sometimes angels come disguised (伪装) as dogs.

36.Which of the following statements is true?C
A.The two dog walkers didn't like the dog.
B.The old black dog was sick and weak and couldn't walk.
C.After finding the dog,the writer phoned its owners.
D.Most of the dog's teeth had been pulled out by someone.
37.We can infer from Paragraph 4thatB.
A.Julie bought some food for the dog  B.the writer had his own pet dog
C.the dog didn't go with the writer  D.the dog didn't eat any of the food
38.After they got the dog home,the coupleB.
A.decided to raise the dog       B.took good care of the dog
C.learned that it liked flowers  D.found it hard to get to sleep
39.The underlined part"our problem"in the passage refers to the fact thatD.
A.the writer didn't want to take Julie's advice
B.Julie disagreed with the writer's travel on business
C.an old and worn out dog appeared in front of them
D.the couple had some trouble with their marriage
40.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?B
A.A Helpful Couple.  B.An Angel Dog. C.Saving the Dog. D.A Famous Song.
14.The biggest danger facing airlines nowadays may not be a terrorist with a gun,but the man with portable computer in business class.In the last 16 years,pilots have reported well  over 100 incidents that could have been caused by electromagnetic interference  (电磁干扰).The source of this interference remains not proved,but increasingly,experts are pointing the  blame at portable electronic devices such as portable computers,radio and cassette players  and mobile telephones.
      RTC.A.an organization which advises the aviation  (航空 )industry,has suggested that all  airlines ban such devices from being used during"critical"stages of flight  particularly take-off and landing.Some experts have gone further,calling for a total ban during all flights.Cur-rently,rules on using these devices are left up to individual airlines.And although some air-lines prevent passengers from using such equipment during take-off and landing,most are un-willing to carry out a total ban,given that many passengers want to work during flight.
     The difficulty is predicting how electromagnetic fields might affect an aircraft's computers.Experts know that portable devices send out radiation which affects those wavelengths which aircraft use for navigation and communication.But,because they have not been able to reproduce these effects in a laboratory.they have no way of knowing whether the interference might be dangerous or not.
     The fact that aircraft may be fragile to interference raises the risk that terrorists may use radio systems in order to damage navigation equipment.As worrying,though,is the passenger who can't hear the instructions to turn off his radio because the music's too loud.
25.What is said about the over 100 aircraft incidents in the past 16 years?D
A.They may have been caused by the damage to-the radio systems.
B.They may have taken place during take-off and landing.
C.They were proved to have been caused by the passengers portable computers.
D.They were suspected to have resulted from electromagnetic interference.
26.Why is it difficult to predict the possible effects of electromagnetic fields on an airplane's computers?C
A.Because it is extremely dangerous to conduct such research on an airplane.
B.Because it remains a mystery what wavelengths are liable to be interfered with.
C.Because research scientists have not been able to produce the same effects in labs.
D.Because experts lack adequate equipment to do such research.
27.Few airlines want to perform a total ban on their passengers using electronic devices becauseB
A.they don't believe there is such a danger as radio interference
B.the harmful effect of electromagnetic interference is yet to be proved
C.most passengers refused to take a plane,which bans the use of radio and cassette players
D.they have other effective safety measures to fall back on
28.The passage is mainly aboutC.
A.a new rule for all airlines
B.the disadvantages of electronic devices
C.a possible cause of aircraft incidents
D.effective safety measures for air flight.

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