
16.There will be a twenty-minute break during the performance,______ people can go to the restroom or buy some snacks.(  )

分析 在表演中将有20分钟的休息时间,这时人们可以去休息室买点零食.

解答 答案:C、
这里考查非限制性定语从句,定语从句修饰a twenty-minute break(20分钟的休息时间),从句中不缺少主语、宾语或表语,所以用关系副词when引导定语从句,表示时间范畴,充当时间状语.

点评 考查定语从句时,要分析从句中的句子成分,如果缺少主语、宾语,一般用关系代词,如果不缺,则用关系副词.

5.I was never tired of heating their story.As a little girl,I'd sit beside my mom with their wedding album spread across my lap,slowly turning the pages of 8 x l0 glossy black and white photographs.I'd trace my fingers along their faces,along that white wedding dress.
"Tell me again,"I said."Tell me again about you and dad."
And she'd smile and her eyes would crinkle(眯起来)and she'd get that loving look and then she'd repeat once more Their Love Story.
I'd smile too and stare at that photo of my mom looking so beautiful and my dad so tall and handsome.
"Your dad was tall and really good-looking as he stood by his classroom door greeting his students.Besides coaching,he taught history and social studies.I often stole a few looks since my classes were nearby.That year I had many conversations with‘Mr.Kehoe',sometimes when he had lunch duty,sometimes when I had cheerleading practice.He was appointed cheerleader sponsor and I'd been a cheerleader for four years.
We were married that November during the Thanksgiving holiday.1 went from a graduate one year to a teacher's wife the next!
But part of the story that I loved most,that all my life I thought was magical and wonderful and amazing and exciting and oh-so romantic.
So,what do you think?Did God speak to me?
"I'd catch and hold my breath,then exclaim,"Oh,yes!God told you that you'd marry Dad!"
Now can you see why I loved heating Their Love Story?And SO their wedding.Then their
marriage.Then their family.Three babies in three years,then a fourth.Then,what else would you expect after heating the Voice of God-years and years and years of Happy Moments!
Now it's come to this:60 years of marriage!

56.The underlined  word"trace"in Paragraph 1 probably means"D"
57.According to the passage,we know the girl'S dad was aA
58.We can learn from the passage thatC.
A.the couple has three children in all
B.the album was all the photos of the girl
C.the girl heard her parents'love story many times
D.the girl's mother got married in December after graduating
59.The author enjoyed listening to her parents'love story because ofA
A.their happy marriage    
B.God's blessing for them
C.a romantic beginning    
D.a girl's curiosity.
Joshua,Helmut,and Bethlehem  Michelle O.DonovanISBN 9781462058679Life is not easy for nine-year-old Joshua during World War II.

Because of his family's Jewish background,they are sent to live in the concentration camps (集中营).Scared and alone,Joshua one day makes friends with a little mouse he calls Bethlehem who becomes his closest friend.

Encourage Me!Inspirational PoetryGloria CoykendallISBN 9781412027854It is an easy to read collection of poems originally written to encourage

in faith and to be a cure for chromic depression(长期抑郁) …cure to strengthen identity and purpose.
More Things in HeavenBill BosworthISBN 9780595433582In his More Things in Heaven,Bill Bosworth presents

presents the highlights of his 83years of life,including his trips to India and the study of the writings of several great spiritual leaders.
More things in Heaven will appeal to anyone who insists on finding the deepest meaning for their existence based on their own experience.
Creation or Evolution  Michael EbifeghaISBN 9781450289023Were humans created,or did they evolve?

How old is the Earth?The debate between science and religion continues to be heated.In Creation or Evolution,Michael Ebifegha examines these two opposed world views within the structure of empirical(实证的) science.
Seeking the Edge  Dr.Joseph L.RoseISBN 9781462031795Seeking the Edge provides the tools and techniques to find that edge in one's life.-driving readers to achieve

success whether in your current job,finding a new job,in education,family,or even hobbies.
46.Who wrote the story about a little boy and a little mouse?B
A.Bill Bosworth.B.Michelle O.Donovan.
C.Dr.Joseph L.Rose.D.Gloria Coykendall.
47.The ISBN for the book of poems isB.
A.9781462031795  B.9781412027854
C.9780595433582   D.9781462058679
48.What kind of readers will probably like reading More Things in Heaven?A
A.Those who are searching for the meaning of life.
B.Those who are trying to be spiritual leaders.
C.Those who study the art of writing.
D.Those who like traveling abroad.
49.Which of the following books explores the origin of humans?B
A.Seeking the Edge. B.Creation or Evolution.
C.Joshua,Helmut,and Bethlehem. D.More Things in Heaven.
2.There is no second chance…there is no chance of making mistakes."
 That's why Dr.Omer Mei-Dan and others who enjoyed base-jumping and wingsuit(翼装) flying were sad but not surprised by the recent deaths of three extreme sports enthusiasts.
Mark Sutton,the English parachutist(跳伞者),died on August 14 in Switzerland when he flew into a rocky ridge(山脊) in a wingsuit.Not even a week afterward,Mario Richard,a Canadian base-jumper,died in Italy during a wingsuit flight,when he"apparently failed to clear a rock by three meters."And most recently,Hungarian wingsuit flyer Victor Kovats died in Tianmen Mountain National Forest Park in Zhangjiajie on Oct.9 during a practice flight ahead of the World Championships.
According to Mei-Dan,six to seven percent of the 3,000 or so base-jumpers who use wingsuits or parachutes die each year-a huge number when you consider the most dangerous job in America,logging which has an annual death rate well under one percent of the workers.
Base-jumpers and wingsuit flyers are experienced.They have hundreds of practice before trying to fly from buildings,cliffs and towers.The same goes for those who drop from helicopters above mountains and valleys and then use their wingsuits to try to whiz by(飞速掠过) as close as possible to the rocks and ridges below.
Among the dangers,said Mei-Dan,is the temptation to"push the envelope":To try to get close to a rock wall,for example,than anyone else."When you push the envelope and you can not have any error at all,or you have to pay for it with your life."
So why do it?The experience of flying toward the ground in a wingsuit is almost indescribable."It's something that you really have to try to understand-what type of feeling you get when you're free falling next to a cliff,"Mei-Dan said.
41.What's the main idea of the first paragraph?D
A.Trying wingsuit flying once is enough.
B.Wingsuit flying is always easy to do.
C.Wingsuit flying lasts only a short time.
D.Even a single mistake in wingsuit flying is disastrous.
42.How did other flyers react to the recent deaths of their fellows?D
A.They thought the deaths could have been avoided.
B.They felt the need of reconsidering the safety of wingsuit flying.
C.They were sad and were in deep sorrow.
D.They felt sad but did not find the deaths surprising.
43.What does the third paragraph tell us?A
A.How the three wingsuit flyers died
B.Why wingsuit flying is so dangerous.
C.Where wingsuit flying is most dangerous
D.What a wingsuit flyer's career is like.
44.What does the underlined phrase"push the envelope"mean?D
A.To attempt to push further in a wingsuit.
B.To risk moving the envelope away.
C.To be determined to give up on oneself.
D.To try to go beyond the normal limits of something.
45.The extreme sports enthusiasts like wingsuit flying because theyC.
A.want to know what it feels like           
B.wish to describe the experience
C.enjoy the wonderful experience        
D.devote themselves to scientific research.

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