
A new word has suddenly become wildly popular in China—“tuhao”—which loosely means “nouveau riche”. There have been more than 100 million references to the word “tuhao” on social media since early September.

It’s being used to describe everything from the new people’s daily building, to expensive celebrity weddings full of millionaires, and the new gold-colored iPhone.

In Chinese “tu” means earth and “hao” means rich. To say someone is tuhao is to imply they come from a poor peasant background, and have made it rich quickly—but don’t quite have the manners to go along with it. “It’s like the term ‘nouveau riche’”, says Professor Steve Tsang at the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies in Nottingham, “but has even more negative meanings, suggesting a certain vulgarity(粗俗).”

“Tuhao” is actually an old word, dating back perhaps as far as the Southern Dynasty—1,500 years ago, but it has always meant something rather different. During the communist revolution, from the 1920s to early 1950s, it was widely used to refer to landholders and gentry(乡绅)who would often do bad things to those beneath them.

This new usage of the term took off in September after a widely-shared joke about a rich, but unhappy man, who goes to a Buddhist monk for advice, expecting to be told to live a more simple life. The monk replies instead with a sentence, “Tuhao, let’s be friends!”

Chinese Internet users are highly creative in their use of language, and are constantly inventing, and re-inventing words as a way of getting past censorship(审查) rules. But in this case, its popularity seems to be down to the fact that it expresses China’s changing society so well—many people sneer at those with wealth, but are secretly jealous.

1.What is the best title of the passage?

A. Tuhao, a newly popular word in China

B. The long history of Tuhao

C. The new usage of Tuhao

D. Tuhao, a newly-invented Chinese word

2.Which of the following may NOT be considered “tuhao”?

A. A vulgar nouveau riche.

B. A landholder.

C. A quick-rich peasant without proper manners.

D. A Buddhist monk.

3.The last but one paragraph mainly tells us ________.

A. what the new usage of the word is

B. how the word becomes popular again

C. why the unhappy man went to the Buddhist monk

D. what advice the monk gave the unhappy man

4.What does the underlined word in the last paragraph mean?

A. Respect. B. Envy. C. Laugh. D. Disbelieve.




My kids and I were heading into the supermarket over the weekend. On the way ,we spotted a man holding a piece of paper that said, “ _____ my job. Family to Feed.”

At this store, a _____ like this is not normal. My 10-year-old noticed him and make a ______ on how bad it must be to have to stand _______ in the cold wind.

In the store, I asked each of my kids to _____ something they thought our “friend” there would ______. They got apples, a sandwich and a bottle of juice. Then my 17-year-old suggested giving him a _______. I thought about it. We were _____ on cash ourselves, but… well, sometimes _____ from our need instead of our abundance is _____ what we need to do! All the kids ______ something they could do away with for the week.

When we handed him the bag of ____, he lit up and thanked us with _____ eyes. When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for ______his family might need, he burst into tears.

This has been a wonderful _____ for our family. For days the kids have been looking for others we can _____! Things would have played out so ______ if I had simply said, “No, we really don’t have _____ to give more.” Stepping out not only helped a brother in _____, it also gave my kids the ______ taste of helping others. It’ll go a long way with them.

1.A. Lost B. Changed C. Quit D. Finished

2.A condition B. place C. sight D. show

3.A. suggestion B. comment C. decision D. call

4.A. outside B. proudly C. by D. angrily

5.A. draw B. say C. arrange D. pick

6.A. order B. supply C. appreciate D. discover

7.A. dollar B. job C. hot meal D. gift card

8.A. easy B. low C. soft D. loose

9.A. giving B. saving C. spending D. begging

10.A. yet B. even C. still D. just

11.A. declared B. shared C. ignored D. expected

12.A . toys B. medicine C. food D. clothes

13.A. sleepy B. watery C. curious D. sharp

14.A. whoever B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever

15.A. experience B. example C. message D. adventure

16.A. rely on B. respect C. learn from D. help

17.A. suddenly B. vividly C. differently D. perfectly

18.A. time B. power C. patience D. money

19.A. fear B. love C. need D. memory

20.A. strong B. sweet C. strange D. Simple

Satellites(卫星) are an important part of our ordinary lives.For example, the information for weather forecasts is sent by satellite.Some satellites have cameras which take photographs of the Earth to show how clouds are moving.Satellites are also used to connect our international phone calls.

Computer connections of the World Wide Web and Internet also use satellites. Many of our TV programs come to us through satellites.Airplane pilots also sometimes use a satellite to help them find their exact location.

We use satellites to send television pictures from one part of the world to another.They are usually 35,880 kilometers above the equator(赤道).Sometimes we can see a satellite in the sky and it seems to stay in the same place.This is because it is moving around the world at 11,000 kilometers an hour—exactly the same speed that the earth rotates.A satellite must orbit the Earth with its antennae(天线)facing the earth.Sometimes, it moves away from its orbit(轨道),So there are little rockets on it which are used to put the satellite back in the right position.This usually happens about every five or six days.

Space is not empty! Every week, more and more satellites are sent into space to orbit the Earth.A satellite usually works for about 10-12 years.Satellites which are broken are sometimes repaired by astronauts or sometimes brought back to Earth to be repaired.Often,very old or broken satellites are left in space to orbit the Earth for a very long time.This is very serious because some satellites use nuclear power and they can crash(撞)into each other.

1.Which of the following is NOT done by satellites according to the passage?

A.Sending information for weather forecast.

B.Taking photographs of the Earth.

C.Sending TV pictures.

D.Providing food for airplane pilots.

2.What’s the speed the earth rotates at?

A.35,880 kilometers per hour.

B.335,880 kilometers per hour.

C.11,000 kilometers per hour.

D.110,000 kilometers per hour

3.Why does the satellite move around the world at the same speed as the Earth rotates?

A.In order to take photographs.

B.In order to stay in a certain position in the orbit.

C.In order to move away from its orbit.

D.In order to send television pictures.

4.What does the underlined word “This” in the 3rd paragraph refer to?

A.A satellite.

B.A little rocket.

C.A satellite seems to stay in the same place in the sky.

D.The satellite puts the rockets in the right position.

Several years ago, the mayor of Chicago, Illinois, visited Germany, a leader in green roof design. Later he decided to have vegetation planted on Chicago City Hall. Today, the tops of many other buildings also look like parks. In Canada, the Coast Plaza Hotel in Vancouver has a forest on its roof. New York City has an unusual example farm for hydroponics. The farm is on a boat called the Science Barge. Rainwater and river water are used to grow lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. The farm shows the possibilities for designing rooftop systems.

Green roofs are designed to save energy and capture rainwater. Rooftops covered with plants help keep buildings cool. They can extend the life of a roof. And they can reduce water running off into streets and storming water systems.

Experts say green roofs usually do not get much above 27℃. So temperatures might not be a problem for growing. But rooftop gardeners have to be careful not to put too much weight on the roof. This is true whether plants are grown in soil or water.

Earlier in 2008, researchers in Texas reported that green roofs can reduce a building's air conditioning costs by about one?fifth compared to black?top roofs. But they also reported that not all green roofs perform equally well. They found that designs differ in their ability to keep buildings cool and to capture rainwater. The researchers put experimental roofs on top of metal insulated (隔热的) boxes, to recreate green roof conditions. The study compared products from six companies to help businesses understand how to improve their designs. Each rooftop had sixteen different kinds of plants native to Texas. The researchers say the presence of native plants likely helped all the green roofs capture water better compared to sedums. Sedums are plants that need little water and often are used on green roofs. The native plants could take in more water and release more of it to the atmosphere.

1.The author gave Paragraph 1 to ________.

A. tell us what is green roof design

B. tell us Germany is the country that leads or guides the green roof design

C. introduce some famous hotels in the world

D. lead to the topic of the passage

2.The advantages of green roofs are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT ________.

A. changing the local weather

B. prolonging the roof's life

C. keeping the house cool

D. reducing the house's air conditioning costs

3.According to the passage, which conclusion is WRONG?

A. Sometimes green roofs may break down the house.

B. Not all the green roofs can reduce the building's air conditioning costs equally.

C. Different designs of green roofs have different effects on buildings.

D. Sedums are a kind of plants native to Texas.

4.The experiment is mentioned in the last paragraph ________.

A. to find out how many different plants in Texas

B. to show us how to design green roofs

C. to introduce a kind of roof made of metal

D. to provide proofs to improve the design of green roofs

Even at school there had been an unhealthy competition between George and Richard.

“I’ll be the first millionaire in Coleford!” Richard used to boast(吹嘘).

“And you’ll be sorry you knew me,” George would reply “because I’ll be the best lawyer in the town!”

George never did become a lawyer and Richard never made any money. Instead both men opened bookshops on opposite sides of Coleford High Street. It was hard to make money from books, which made the competition between them worse.

Then Richard married a mysterious girl. The couple spent their honeymoon on the coast—but Richard never came back. The police found his wallet on a deserted beach but the body was never found. He must have drowned.

Now with only one bookshop in town, business was better for George. But sometimes he sat in his narrow, old kitchen and gazed out of the dirty window, thinking about his formal rival(竞争对手). Perhaps he missed him?

George was very interested in old dictionaries. He’d recently found a collector in Australia who was selling a rare first edition. When the parcel arrived, the book was in perfect condition and George was delighted. But while he was having lunch, George glanced at the photo in the newspaper that the book had been wrapped in. He was astonished—the smiling face was older than he remembered but unmistakable! Trembling, George started reading.

“Bookends have bought ten bookstores from their rivals Dylans. The company, owned by multi-millionaire Richard Pike, is now the largest bookseller in Australia.”

1. George and Richard were ______ at school.

A. competitors B. good friends C. roommates D. booksellers

2. George got information about Richard from ______.

A. a dictionary collector in Australia

B. Richard’s wife

C. a rare first edition of a dictionary

D. the wrapping paper of a book

3. How did George feel about Richard after his disappearance?

A. He envied Richard’s marriage.

B. He thought of Richard from time to time.

C. He felt lucky with no rival in town.

D. He was guilty of Richard’s death.

4.What happened to George and Richard in the end?

A. Both George and Richard became millionaires.

B. Both of them realized their original ambitions.

C. Richard became a millionaire while George had no great success.

D. George established a successful business while Richard was missing.

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