
----We ____ at the station so early. The train leaves at 9:20.

---- I thought it would go at 8:00, and you didn’t refuse to set off so early.

A. needn’t have arrived

B. didn’t have to arrive

C. shouldn’t have arrived

D. mustn’t arrive




This morning, as I was getting close to the supermarket, I saw a small ______ gathering around an elderly woman with blood under her face. I stopped and asked if I could______. I told her I was certified(授予证书的)in first aid. Then I ______ someone for a first aid kit(工具箱). But she didn’t want help, saying she was fine. But she wasn’t fine. I asked her to ______ with me and we ______ about her routine of getting groceries. People brought out ice packs, water and paper towels from the ______ nearby. I put on the gloves from the first aid kit, and cleaned her up a bit, but ______ I just talked to her and held her hand.

Two ______ happened to be passing by and ______ to help check her out a bit. Finally, after ten minutes the ______ arrived and I talked to the emergency medical team and they _______ .

I was certified in first aid years back, and I got re-certified a month ago, but I never ______ it once. However, I realized being certified isn’t ______ about providing the aid. I didn’t stop the bleeding. I didn’t______ to examine her. Mostly it was about providing comfort for people in a difficult ______ . The certification gave me the ______ to do that: to kneel on the sidewalk, holding an old woman’s hand, and to help make those ______ few minutes just a little bit better.

If you’re not certified in first aid, I can’t ______ it strongly enough. It takes four hours of your time at your ______ Red Cross. With what you’ll ______ , maybe you’ll be able to help someone like the old lady one day.

1.A. people B. crowd C. traffic D. public

2.A. help out B. look out C. watch out D. make out

3.A. paid B. scolded C. applied D. sent

4.A. accompany B. walk C. stay D. shop

5.A. talked B. cared C. looked D. quarreled

6.A. hotel B. office C. station D. supermarket

7.A. simply B. maybe C. mostly D. extremely

8.A. policemen B. doctors C. clerks D. volunteers

9.A. refused B. woke C. lay D. stopped

10.A. driver B. family C. ambulance D. officer

11.A. operated on B. took over C. ran away D. turned up

12.A. used B. noticed C. liked D. met

13.A. hopefully B. possibly C. necessarily D. commonly

14.A. want B. try C. permit D. teach

15.A. place B. position C. life D. situation

16.A. harm B. wish C. lesson D. confidence

17.A. scary B. moving C. confusing D. friendly

18.A. support B. demand C. recommend D. explain

19.A. local B. national C. formal D. private

20.A. recognize B. learn C. allow D. offer

A new word has suddenly become wildly popular in China—“tuhao”—which loosely means “nouveau riche”. There have been more than 100 million references to the word “tuhao” on social media since early September.

It’s being used to describe everything from the new people’s daily building, to expensive celebrity weddings full of millionaires, and the new gold-colored iPhone.

In Chinese “tu” means earth and “hao” means rich. To say someone is tuhao is to imply they come from a poor peasant background, and have made it rich quickly—but don’t quite have the manners to go along with it. “It’s like the term ‘nouveau riche’”, says Professor Steve Tsang at the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies in Nottingham, “but has even more negative meanings, suggesting a certain vulgarity(粗俗).”

“Tuhao” is actually an old word, dating back perhaps as far as the Southern Dynasty—1,500 years ago, but it has always meant something rather different. During the communist revolution, from the 1920s to early 1950s, it was widely used to refer to landholders and gentry(乡绅)who would often do bad things to those beneath them.

This new usage of the term took off in September after a widely-shared joke about a rich, but unhappy man, who goes to a Buddhist monk for advice, expecting to be told to live a more simple life. The monk replies instead with a sentence, “Tuhao, let’s be friends!”

Chinese Internet users are highly creative in their use of language, and are constantly inventing, and re-inventing words as a way of getting past censorship(审查) rules. But in this case, its popularity seems to be down to the fact that it expresses China’s changing society so well—many people sneer at those with wealth, but are secretly jealous.

1.What is the best title of the passage?

A. Tuhao, a newly popular word in China

B. The long history of Tuhao

C. The new usage of Tuhao

D. Tuhao, a newly-invented Chinese word

2.Which of the following may NOT be considered “tuhao”?

A. A vulgar nouveau riche.

B. A landholder.

C. A quick-rich peasant without proper manners.

D. A Buddhist monk.

3.The last but one paragraph mainly tells us ________.

A. what the new usage of the word is

B. how the word becomes popular again

C. why the unhappy man went to the Buddhist monk

D. what advice the monk gave the unhappy man

4.What does the underlined word in the last paragraph mean?

A. Respect. B. Envy. C. Laugh. D. Disbelieve.

Every year, millions of Americans see their personal information leak into the wrong hands. Maybe there’s spyware on the their computer, or a service they use suffered a security reach, leaving customers at the risk of exposure. Or perhaps their password is easy to guess.

Don’t fear: You can easily set up proper defenses. Here’s how.

● Clean Your Computer and Smartphone

Before you put new security measures into place, make sure your devices are as spotless as possible. This means installing a good antivirus program and taking the time to clear out any spy — or malware that may have already infected your system. These days, it’s also worth it to make sure your phone is safe from viruses. Iphones are less likely to be targeted by spyware, but Android users should download the Lookout app to scan their devices and ensure everything is as it should be.

● Secure Your WiFi.

It’s fairly easy for potential criminals to gain access to your information if they’re able to share your connection — that’s why you want to be careful when using public WiFi. Even though you put security measures into place a couple of years ago, it’s a good idea to refresh your settings.

● Use passwords

What you’ve heard is true: Passwords should use a variety of special characters, numerals, letters, and cases when possible.

● Check the shopping security

Take care when shopping online. Always check the security symbols when using an online site for shopping. If the lock icon encryption (加密) is not there, do not give out credit details. Also, check that the site is legal — never go to a site from a random email and start shopping online.

Keep a separate credit card just for online shopping. This will make it easier to cancel if something bad does happen and your other credit card for “in real life” can still be used uninfluenced.

Don’t store information on any store’s website. It may be convenient but it’s also a possible loss to you if the site is hacked.

1.This passage is mainly about ___________.

A. ways of avoiding identity theft

B. tips of freeing computers from viruses

C. measures to ensure network security

D. steps to keep track of passwords

2.To put new security measures into place, we need to ___________.

A. clear out everything in the system

B. make a random selection of network

C. get rid of potential spyware

D. refresh the infected system

3.According to the passage, the risk of exposing personal information may possibly be caused by ___________.

A. the applications of antivirus programs

B. the practice of using public WiFi

C. the difficult access to passwords

D. the separate credit card for online shopping

4.Which of the following is an improper way to shop online?

A. Adopting a unique password for every website.

B. Shopping online at reliable websites.

C. Keeping credit details safe by checking security symbols.

D. Monitoring credit card by storing information online.

What are the biggest problems that society will have to deal with in the new age? There are diseases like AIDS and cancer. There’s climate change, of course. And what about producing enough cheap food and energy for the world’s growing population? Who’s going to solve all these terrible problems? Yes, politicians and world leaders will have a big part to play. Yes, businesses will need to create the economic wealth to pay for some of these things. But who’s going to make a much greater difference to something like AIDS or climate change? It’s going to be a scientist. It is the scientist who can turn some new bit of science into a new technology to solve these problems.

If you like thinking about the world around you, why not become a scientist? It doesn’t mean you have to wear a white coat and plastic glasses and spend all your time in a lab as most people often imagine! Scientists do all kinds of amazing things that are actually interesting!

Military scientists develop not only new weapons but new military technologies that could help make wars out of date. Forensic(法医的) scientists work with the police to find quite small clues to catch criminals. Scientists work in schools and colleges as the teachers and professors who will train tomorrow’s scientists. Don’t think a scientist is far away! Maybe you like cooking? You could be a food technologist helping to keep fruit and vegetables fresher for longer. Perhaps sport is your thing? Do you know that most top athletes work with sports scientists in order to improve their performance? You could even be the science writer who gets to spend the life studying the latest advances and sharing them with the world.

Looking for something to do for the rest of your life? My advice? Take a long and hard look at science. It is interesting and ever.

1.Many problems are mentioned in the first paragraph to ____.

A. suggest they are impossible to be solved

B. introduce the causes of these problems

C. show the writer’s worry about the future world

D. show scientists play an important part in solving them

2.What is needed to solve these problems?

A. Advanced weapons. B. Enough energy.

C. New technologies. D. A growing population.

3.Most people think the life of scientists is ____.

A. amazing B. boring C. colorful D. unreal

4.Which of the following statement is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Military technologies could help prevent wars in the future.

B. For those interested in cooking, food technologies may be a choice.

C. Forensic scientists play an important part in dealing with crimes.

D. Politicians and world leaders can solve all the social problems.

5.The passage is intended for people who ____.

A. haven’t decided on their career

B. have no interest in science

C. hope for the world peace

D. have little knowledge of science

Sometimes,you just can’t help it.Maybe you’re watching a sad movie,or thinking about the friend who moved away.Next thing you know,your eyes are watering,and you have tears running down your cheeks.Why do people cry when they are emotional? What are tears? Scientists are working hard to find the answers to these questions.

Ad Vingerhoets is a professor of psychology at Tilburg University,in the Netherlands.He is one of the few scientists in the world who have studied crying.According to Vingerhoets,there are three types of tears.Basal tears are the first type.They lubricate(润滑)the eyes and act as a protective barrier between the eye and the rest of the World.Next are reflex tears.They wash your eyes clean when something gets in them.Finally,there are emotional tears. “These are released in response to emotional states,”explains Vingerhoets.“Especially when we feel helpless.”

Scientists believe that crying has something to do with how humans developed and learned to depend on each other.“Humans are very complex social creatures,”says Lauren Bylsma,a professor at the University of Pittsburgh,in Pennsylvania.“It seems that tears serve to arouse help and support from others,’’She says.“Another reason we weep is that humans have the longest developmental period of almost any animal.It takes a long time to grow up.”

Vingerhoets agrees.“I think that the reason why humans shed tears(流眼泪)has something to do with our childhood,”he says.“That’s the time when we are stir dependent on adults for love and protection and care.The major advantage of emotional tears is that you can target them at a specific person.”Vingerhoets says this ability to target someone could have come in hand in prehistoric times,when humans were living among dangerous animals.Crying could attract predators(捕食者).Tears were a safer way to get attention.In this case,it is better to use a silent signal to ask for help,”he says.

Vingerhoets and Bylsma do frequent studies to better understand why humans cry.According to Byhma,there is still much more to discover.“It’s surprising,”she says,“how much we still don’t know.”

1.Which of the following is reflex tears?

A.Tears when eyes are dry.

B.Tears moved by a story.

C.Tears released when crying.

D.Tears when dirt gets into eyes.

2.What’s the function of tears according to Bylsma?

A.It helps human develop longer.

B.It helps humans attract predators.

C.It helps arouse attention.

D.It helps people to be independent.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Emotional tears are better than reflex tears.

B.Basal tears are a type of protective barrier.

C.Tears helped frighten predators away.

D.It’s easy to understand why humans cry.

4.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A.Why people shed tears. B.When people shed tears.

C.How people shed tears. D.Where people shed tears.

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