

A recent study found that some people could be devoted to their cell phones. The study was c__【1】___ at Staffordshire University in England. About 40 percent of students 2 (survey) said they couldn’t do without their cell phones. About 90% said they took their 3 with them everywhere. One third of students surveyed said they used cell phones to c 4 themselves up.

The study also asked students 18 to 25 questions designed to check addictive behavior. The results found that one in six cell phone users have a lot in5 with gambling addicts. Some people said they sometimes lied about their cell phone use. The others admitted __6___(steal) to pay for their cell phone habit.

Dr David Sheffield, 7 conducted the study, said he wasn’t surprised by the results. “Students use their phones frequently, and this has both p_8___ effects such as staying in touch with friends and family, and negative ones too, such as financial costs and social costs,” he told Weekly Reader. “The most 9 (surprise) finding was that a number of people reported they had l__【10a relationship or job because they spent too much time on mobile phones .”













【1】这个研究是在Staffordshire University进行的。



【4】三分之一的学生说他们带手机是为了让自己高兴起来.cheer up振作起来,高兴起来。

【5】对手机有瘾的人和有赌瘾的人有很多相同之处.have sth in common。

【6】其他人承认他们为了付手机费用偷窃.admit doing承认做某事。

【7】进行这项调查的Dr David Sheffield说他对这个结果不惊讶。先行词是Dr David Sheffield,定语从句中缺少主语,用who引导定语从句。





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