
15.There is a small shop about 200meters from where I live that sells groceries,meat and other basic necessities.About 10years ago,there was a beggar who would go into the shop every day and ask the owner for a (36)C.The owner,although he would love to help,simply didn't have any jobs available,so he kept (37)D the man's request.
This situation continued daily for a few months,until the owner (38)A to give the homeless man a job which (39)B sweeping outside the shop.Every single day from 5am,the homeless man was there doing the very best he could for the (40)C,and it did earn him some pennies.(41)D,the owner saw how good a job the man was doing and gave him a job working as a cashier.He was watched closely to make sure that he didn't (42)B any of the money received from the sales.He was still homeless,after all.The homeless man did a/an (43)A job as a cashier for over 2years,and did such a good job that he was promoted to(44)D the finance for the whole shop.
To my knowledge,this was the arrangement up until 2years ago,when the owner (45)C.In his will,he only had one request,to give the whole shop to the now stable,"homeless"man.Now,I could walk into that shop and see him working as hard as ever,with his own business that is still (46)B and active 10years after getting his job as a sweeper.
From this story,we can probably get the inspiration:work hard and give everything your best effort,even if it isn't your (47)A situation,it may turn out to be very good some day in the future.
45.A.got downB.grew upC.passed awayD.gave up

分析 文章大意:有一个乞丐每天都去商店,恳请老板给他一份工作.虽然老板愿意帮他,但他没有任何空缺的职位.迫于他的坚持,老板最终给了他一份清理商店外卫生的工作.勤奋的乞丐受到老板的青睐,最后,店老板去世前将商店赠给了他.

解答 36.C 考查名词:A.coin硬币,B.home家,C.job工作,D.meal饭,十年前,有一个乞丐每天都会到商店去恳请老板给他一份工作.下句中的"…he would love to help,simply didn't have any jobs available…"是答案提示. 所以选择C.
37.D  考查动词:A.ignoring忽视,B.considering考虑,C.accepting接受,D.refusing拒绝,尽管老板愿意帮助,但是他没有任何空缺的职位,所以他一直"拒绝"这个乞丐的要求. 所以选择D.
38.A  考查动词:,agreed同意,wanted想要,planned计划,expect期望,agree to do sth.同意做某事.最终老板同意给这位无家可归的人一份工作.所以选择A.
39.B  考查动词:A.meant意图,B.involved涉及,需要,包含.C.permit允许,D.kept 保持,句意为:工作需要他打扫商店外的卫生. 所以本题选择B.
10.C    考查名词:A.family家庭,B.shop 商店,C.owner主人,D.money钱,上文提到商店的老板给了这位无家可归的人一份工作,此处表示这位无家可归的人尽自己最大的努力为老板工作. 所以答案:B

41.D  考查副词:A.Normally 正常地,B.Accurately 事实上,实际上   C.Generally一般来说,D.Eventually最终,句意为,店主看到他工作兢兢业业,最终就给他换了一份收银员的工作.eventually 最后,终于. 所以本题选择D.
42.B  考查动词:A.lose失去,B. pocket 做动词:表示"盗用,窃取,侵吞".  C.spend花费,D.save 救:他被密切监视,以确保他没有偷钱.答案:B
43.A  考查形容词:A.honest诚实的,B.practical 实际的     C.fantastic极好的,D.kind 善良的. 句意为,两年多来,这个无家可归的男人当收银员干得很踏实.所以本题选择A.
44.D  考查动词:A.take拿起,取      B.raise   提高,饲养    C.provide提供,D.manage管理,由于工作出色,老板提拔了他,让他"管理"全店的财务.所以选择D
45.C   考查词组:A.got down 下来,B.grew up成长    C.passed away去世,D.gave up放弃,根据下一句中的"In his will"可知,两年前老板去世了.pass away"死,逝世". 答案:C
46.B 考查形容词:A.big大的,B.popular受欢迎的       C.different不同的   D.new新的,句意为,十年前他的老板给了他一份清洁工的工作,现在老板把整个商店给了他,生意依旧很受欢迎.所以本题选择B.
47.A.考查形容词:A.ideal理想的  B.current 目前的      C.reasonable 合理的 D.financial财政的,经济的,句意为,即使不是理想的工作,你也要努力工作,付出你最大的努力.ideal 理想的,最合适的.故选择A.

点评 巧解完形填空题,考生必须进行通篇考虑,掌握大意,综合所学词法、句法和常识进行分析判断.

20.Early one morning,more than a hundred years ago,an American inventor called Elias Howe finally fell asleep.He had been working all night on the design of a sewing machine but he had run into a very difficult problem:It seemed impossible to get the thread to run around the needle without any problems.
Though he was tired,Howe slept badlyHe turned and turned.Then he had a dream.He dreamt that he had been caught by terrible savages whose king wanted to kill him and eat him unless he could build a perfect sewing machine.When he tried to do so,Howe ran into the same problem as before.The thread kept getting caught around the needle.The king flew into the cage and ordered his soldiers to kill Howe.They came up towards him with their spears raised.But suddenly the inventor noticed something.There was a hole in the tip of each spear.The inventor awoke from the dream,realizing that he had just found the answer to the problem.Instead of trying to get the thread to run around the needle,he should make it run through a small hole in the center of the needle.This was the simple idea that finally made Howe design and build the first really practised sewing machine.
Elias Howe was not the only one in finding the answer to his problem in this way.Thomas Edison,the inventor of the electric light,said his best ideas came into him in dreams.So did the great physicist Albert Einstein.Charlotte Brone also drew in her dreams in writing Jane Eyre.
To know the value of dreams,you have to understand what happens when you are asleep.Even then,a part of your mind is still working.This unconscious(无意识的),but still active part understands your experiences and goes to work on the problems you have had during the day.It stores all sorts of information that you may have forgotten or never have really noticed.It is only when you fall asleep that this part of the brain can send messages to the part you use when you are awake.However,the unconscious par acts in a special way.It uses strange images which the conscious part may not understand at first.This is why dreams are sometimes called"secret messages to us".

21.The problem Howe was trying to solve wasD.
A.what kind of thread to use
B.how to design a needle which would not break
C.where to put the needle
D.how to stop the thread from getting caught around the needle
22.Thomas Edison is spokenof becauseB.
A.he also tried to invent a sewing machine  
B.he got some of his ideas from dreams
C.he was one of Howe's best friends        
D.he also had difficulty in falling asleep
23.Dreams are sometimes called"secret messages to ourselves"becauseA.
A.strange images are used to communicate ideas
B.images which have no meaning are used
C.we can never understand the real meaning
D.only specially trained people can understand them.
3.Good relationships are definitely good sources of happiness in life.We all want happy relationships but if we do not keep that relationship alive,it can also be one of the most  distraughtthings in life.There may be no hard and fast rules in making good relationships,as each of us has different preferences and points of view as to what is a great relationship.The following are some major key points in making relationships work.
It is often said that building good relationships is all about communication.Good communication indeed governs a good relationship-knowing the right thing to say,when to say it,how to say it,and accepting that some things are better left unsaid.I personally think communication must be broadened because relationships involve more decisions to make.From study to work,from money to entertainment and even in things about yourself or about your friend that you do not know,communication is essential in these aspects of the relationships.
Of course,being with someone is not saying that you totally agree with him all the time.You and your friend come from different family backgrounds,raised in different environments so there may be disagreements here and there.However,it is important in making relationships work to express disagreements without pushing the relationship to end.Again,good communication and learning to compromise (妥协) at times are necessary.
As the relationship lasts longer,you may also discover things about you and your friend that you may not have known before.Therefore,supporting each other on both your"hidden selves"can also make a good relationship.
Love is an important aspect of building relationships and for me,I always believe that love needs open communication,respect,support and understanding each other in making relationships work.

53.The underlined word"distraught"in Paragraph 1probably meansD.
54.To communicate well with people,you should know thatC.
A.supporting each other in anything helps build a good relationship
B.compromises are essential at any time
C.a white lie is necessary sometimes
D.your friends need to have the same backgrounds with you
55.According to the text,which of the following are important for a good relationshipD?
a.communication       b.support      c.love        d.hidden selves
56.What would be the best title for the textB?
A.The Importance to Express Disagreements
B.Keys to Making Relationships Work
C.Different Opinions on Good Relationships
D.Forbidden Rules in Building Good Relationships.
2.Red roses were her favorites; her name was also Rose.And every year her husband sent them,tied with pretty bows.The year he died,the roses were delivered to her door.The card said,"Be my Valentine(情人),"like all the years before.
Each year he sent her roses,and the note would always say,"I love you even more this year,than last year on this day.My love for you will always grow,with every passing year."She knew this was the last time that the roses would appear.She thought,he ordered roses in advance before this day.Her loving husband did not know that he would pass away.He always liked to do things early.Then,if he got too busy,everything would work out fine.She cut away some stems,placed them in a very special vase,and set the vase beside the picture of his smiling face.She would sit for hours in her husband's favorite chair,staring at his photo and the roses sitting there.
A year went by,and it was hard to live without her mate.Loneliness and solitude had become her fate.Then,the very hour,as on Valentine's Day before,the doorbell rang,and there were roses,sitting by her door.She brought the roses in,and just looked at them in shock.Then,she went to get the telephone to call the florist(花匠)shop.The owner answered,and she asked him,if he would explain why someone would do this to her,causing her such pain.
"I know your husband passed away,more than a year ago,"the owner said,"I knew you'd call,and you would want to know.The flowers you received today were paid for in advance.Your husband always planned ahead.He left nothing to chance."
"There is a standing order that I have on file down here.And he has paid,well in advance; you'll get them every year.There is also another thing that I think you should know.He wrote a special little card…he did this years ago.""Then,should ever,I find out that he's no longer here.That's the card…that should be sent to you the following year."She thanked him and hung up the phone,her tears now flowing hard.Her fingers shaking,she slowly reached to get the card.Inside the card,she saw that he had written her a note.Then,as she stared in total silence,this is what he wrote:"Hello my love,I know it's been a year since I was gone.I hope it hasn't been too hard for you to overcome.I know it must be lonely,and the pain is very real.If it was the other way,I know how I would feel.The love we shared made everything so beautiful in life.I loved you more than words can say.You were the perfect wife."
"You were my friend and lover; you satisfied my every need.I know it's only been a year,but please try not to grieve.I want you to be happy,even when you shed your tears.That is why the roses will be sent to you for years."
"When you get these roses,think of all the happiness that we had together,and how both of us were blessed.I have always loved you and I know I always will.But,my love,you must go on; you have some living still."
"Please…try to find happiness,while living out your days.I know it is not easy,but I hope you find some ways.The roses will come every year,and they will only stop when your door's not answered,when the florist stops to knock.He will come five times that day,in case you have gone out.But after his last visit,he will know without a doubt.To take the roses to the place,where I've instructed him,and place them where we are,together once again."
55.How did Rose feel when she received roses a year after her husband's death?D
A.Surprised and disappointed
B.Happy but confused.
C.Proud but frightened
D.Sad and puzzled.
56.What can we know about Rose's husband when he was alive?B
A.He knew his wife loved roses more than himself.
B.He preferred to make arrangements ahead of time.
C.He gave his wife a pleasant surprise every Valentine's Day.
D.He was so busv that he had to order roses in advance each year.
57.The writer presents many details of the note intended for Rose to show thatA
A.true love is permanent whatever happens
B.remembering the happy times is inspiring
C.sending roses is the best wav to express love
D.forgetting about the past means a sense of relief
58.The underlined word"grieve"(Paragraph 7)is closest in meaning toB
A.kill yourself
B.feel deep sorrow
C.marry again
D.buy roses
59.It can be inferred from the last paragraph thatC
A.roses won't be delivered anywhere if no one answers the door
B.Rose won't be able to get through the difficult days without her husband
C.someday roses will be sent where Rose and her husband are buried
D.sometimes the florist comes five times a day to check whether Rose is out
60.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A
A.Roses for Rose 
B.Be My Valentine
C.An Unexpected Gift 
D.A Loving Couple.

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