Ever since Canadian psychiatrist Michael R. Phillips, who works in China, released his report saying China’s suicide rate from 1995 to 1999 reached 0.023 percent, the country has been ranked among those with the highest suicide rates in the world. But Jing Jun, a professor of sociology in Tsinghua University, challenges that view and presents the true picture through his nationwide research.

Jing and his students took one year to set up the first national database on suicide rate to grasp the overall trend of suicides in China. They collected data from the Health Statistics Annuals of the World Health Organization (sample size 10 million), and the country’s Health Statistics Annuals (which cover 100 million people). The database covers 23 years, from 1987 to 2009. Jing calculates the suicide rate in China based on these data. Though the suicide rate was comparatively high in the early years, his study shows it has dropped in recent years, as opposed to the ascending trend in the rest of the world.

According to Jing’s calculation, China’s suicide rate had dropped to about 0.01 percent in 2004. In 2009, the figure dropped further to 0.007 percent, which is rather low compared with the global rate of 0.016 percent. Even if the “missing” suicides were added, China’s suicide rate in 2009 would still be below 0.008 percent.

Jing has found that one of the main reasons why the suicide rate has dropped was the steady and big decline in the number of suicides committed by rural women. In the early years, researchers generally agreed that the suicide rate among Chinese women was higher than among men, which is pretty rare in the rest the world. But the suicide rate among Chinese women, especially in rural areas, has declined remarkably in recent years. In fact, it is almost equal to that of Chinese men.

As a sociologist, Jing regards suicide as a social issue, and believes improvement of social policies will reduce the suicide rate even further. More people’s lives can be saved if the authorities adjust to social environment for the better, he concludes.

1.From Jing’s search, we can see ________.

A. China has been ranked among those with the highest suicide rates in the world

B. in the rest of the world suicide rate has been rising quickly in the last few years

C. different from Michael R. Philip’s idea, the trend of suicides in China is declining

D. the suicide rate among Chinese women is lower than that of men

2.The data in Para. 2 is mainly to prove that ________.

A. the result from Jing’s research is believable

B. Jing’s research is more complicated than Michael R. Phillip’s

C. Jing has made great efforts to make the research

D. China’s suicide rate was comparatively low all the time

3.Why has the suicide rate in China dropped steadily according to Jing Jun?

A. Because the life level of Chinese people has improved a lot.

B. Because China’s government has adopted measures to reduce the suicide rate.

C. Because the number of Chinese women who commit suicide has declined.

D. Because the world environment affects the suicide rate in China.

4.In Jing’s opinion, what should be done to reduce the suicide?

A. Pay more attention to rural women.

B. Continue to improve social environment.

C. Set up more mental health centers.

D. Make policies to prevent suicides.

5.We can infer that the text is _______.

A. a news report

B. a research report

C. a description of suicides

D. an introduction to a professor


When I entered the classroom, our teacher announced we were going to have a math test. I took a look at the full of what looked like hieroglyphs(象形文字) to me and began to . I did the best that I could, and then left my to put my paper in a pile on the front desk with a(n) .

I returned to my seat and then an idea came to mind. I where the teacher was before I made my . She was walking in the of the room with her back turned. I left my seat and went back to the pile of test papers already handed and when I picked up my paper I also the paper right below it before returning to my seat. When I looked at the paper I had taken, I discovered it was the work of the girl in our class. I copied her answers to my paper.

The next day the teacher handed back our papers turning them facedown on everyone’s desk. When I my paper over, I was to see an “F” on it. After class I went to the girl whose answers I had and said to her, “That math test was difficult. I it. I guess we need to study more.” Her was, “Not me, I got every question and got an A”.

The teacher knew. She never embarrassed me in front of the class and me to keep my dignity(尊严). I made a to myself never ever to cheat again. I would remember to always be in the things I do. I never forgot that teacher who failed me when, really, I had failed myself.

1.A.blackboard B.paper C.book D.picture

2.A.think B.cry C.worry D.sleep

3.A.seat B.classroom C.partner D.teacher

4.A.joy B.sign C.idea D.problem

5.A.believed B.found C.ignored D.checked

6.A.choice B.mind C.move D.comment

7.A.front B.middle C.back D.outside

8.A.out B.in C.over D.on

9.A.saw B.brought C.remembered D.included

10.A.extra B.new C.clean D.difficult

11.A.tallest B.oldest C.prettiest D.smartest

12.A.got B.turned C.put D.took

13.A.shocked B.angry C.happy D.excited

14.A.copied B.read C.marked D.examined

15.A.knew B.made C.failed D.lost

16.A.reply B.attitude C.opinion D.purpose

17.A.ready B.right C.done D.good

18.A.told B.reminded C.allowed D.advised

19.A.speech B.joke C.wish D.promise

20.A.honest B.friendly C.careful D.hopeful

Windbreaks are barriers(屏障)formed by trees and other plants.Farmers plant these barriers around their fields,which help prevent the loss of soil,and stop the wind from blowing soil away.They also keep the wind from damaging or destroying crops.Besides,extra trees and plants can be cut down and used or sold for wood.

Windbreaks can be highly valuable for protecting grain crops.For example,in parts of West Africa grain harvests were as much as twenty percent higher in fields protected by windbreaks compared with fields without them.

But here is something interesting about windbreaks.They seem to work best when they allow some wind to pass through the barrier of trees or plants around a field.If not,then the movement of air close to the ground will lift the soil.Then the soil will be blown away.For this reason,a windbreak works best if it contains only 60 to 80 percent of the trees and plants that would be needed to make a solid line.An easy rule to remember is that windbreaks can protect areas up to 10 times the height of the tallest trees in the windbreak.

There should be at least two lines in each windbreak.One line should be large trees.The second line,right next to it,can be shorter trees or other plants with leaves.Locally grown trees and plants are considered the best choices for windbreaks.Trees reduce the damaging effects of wind and rain.Their roots help protect soil from being washed away.And trees can provide animals outdoors with shade from the sun.

1.The advantages of building a windbreak are as follows except _____.

A. providing humans with shade from the sun

B. increasing the production of grain harvests

C. keeping the wind from destroying grain crops

D. reducing the damaging effects of wind and rain

2.The author thinks windbreaks are interesting because ______.

A. windbreaks can stop the wind getting through

B. the movement of air lifts the soil

C. large trees are lined with short ones

D. windbreaks allow some wind to pass through

3.If the trees grow to a height of 30 feet, the areas the windbreak can protect are ______.

A. 150 square feet B. 100 square feet

C. 300 square feet D. 240 square feet

4.What can be inferred from the text?

A. The environment is going from bad to worse.

B. Windbreaks can contribute to agriculture harvests. .

C. Trees and plants from abroad are the best for windbreaks.

D. Extra trees and plants can be cut down for wood

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