
4.Grand City Tour with Griffith Park Observatory &Hollywood Sign
 Los Angeles,Hollywood,homes of the movie stars-it's all here on this Grand Tour!Your tour guide takes great pride in offering amazing customer service,too.Hotel pickups are available at almost any hotel in Hollywood,Downtown LA,Mid-Wilshire,West Hollywood and North Hollywood.
 From:$69 US Dollars
Movie Star Homes GPS Self-Guided Bike Tour
 Want the flexibility of taking a"whenever you feel like it"Hollywood tour?Here's the perfect solution.Explore and experience the best of West Hollywood and Beverly Hills on your own time,at your own pace!Cycle past legendary homes and all the places where the rich and famous live,shop,eat and play.And your tour is guided by GPS with an iPad fixed to the bicycle!
 From:$34.95 US Dollars
Amazing Scavenger Quest in Los Angeles
 ONLY $44 FOR UP TO 5 PEOPLE!This Amazing Scavenger Quest is an interactive(互动的)adventure that combines the fun of the"Amazing Race"with a three-hour sightseeing tour of historic downtown Los Angeles.Offered at a fixed price for a group as opposed to per person pricing,this city tour/game offers a great value if you're on a budget.
 From:$44 US Dollars
Disneyland Excursion from Los Angeles
 See Disneyland in Anaheim,California-roundtrip transportation from any of the designated (指定的)hotels and admission for a day of Disney fun.Pick-up from Downtown Los Angeles,Los Angeles International Airport,Beverly Hills,Santa Monica,Marina del Rey,Culver City and South Bay area hotels.
 From:$179.95 US Dollars

21.If you like to travel at your own pace,you will most probably be interested inA.
A.Movie Star Homes GPS Self-Guided Bike Tour
B.Amazing Scavenger Quest in Los Angeles
C.Grand City Tour with Griffith Park Observatory & Hollywood Sign 
D.Disneyland Excursion from Los Angeles
22.How much will a family of 4 pay for the Amazing Scavenger Quest in Los Angeles?C
B.35.20 US Dollars.
D.176.00 US Dollars.
23.The price of the Disneyland Excursion from Los Angeles includes all the following expenses EXCEPTD.
A.pickup service at some locations    
B.a one-day ticket to Disneyland
C.transportation back to some hotels    
D.a guided tour around Hollywood.

分析 本文是一篇广告类应用文,介绍了四个在洛杉矶市可以参加的一日游项目,内容包括活动特色的介绍,行程安排及费用等信息.

解答 21.A,细节理解题,根据第二部分"Movie Star Homes GPS Self-Guided Bike Tour"中"Explore and experience the best of West Hollywood and Beverly Hills on your own time,at your own pace!",可知答案为A.
22.C,细节理解题,根据第三部分"Amazing Scavenger Quest in Los Angeles"中"ONLY $44 FOR UP TO 5 PEOPLE!"和"Offered at a fixed price for a group as opposed to per person pricing",可知答案为C.
23.D,细节理解题,根据第四部分"Disneyland Excursion from Los Angeles"内容,可知答案为D.

点评 解答任务型阅读理解题,首先对原文材料迅速浏览,掌握全文的主旨大意.因为阅读理解题一般没有标题,所以,速读全文,抓住中心主旨很有必要,在速读的过程中,应尽可能多地捕获信息材料.其次,细读题材,各个击破.掌握全文的大意之后,细细阅读每篇材料后的问题,弄清每题要求后,带着问题,再回到原文中去寻找、捕获有关信息.最后,要善于抓住每段的主题句,阅读时,要有较强的针对性.对于捕获到的信息,要做认真分析,仔细推敲,理解透彻,只有这样,针对题目要求,才能做到稳、准.

12.As the morning school bell rings and students rush in,teenagers in one classroom settle onto mats and meditation (冥想)pillows.They fall silent after the teacher taps a"singing bowl".
These students are in a for-credit,year-long mindfulness class,which is meant to ease youth anxiety and depression and to prevent violence.For 90 minutes,three days a week,they practice a mix of yoga,sitting,and walking meditation,deep breathing,journaling,and non-judgmental listening.
Yoga and meditation have gained popularity among Americans in recent decades,supported by studies showing benefits to emotional,mental,and physical health.The centuries-old practices have roots in eastern religions,but Western culture has long focused on physical postures (姿势),breathing,and relaxation techniques.
Some people have greeted the move with less than enthusiasm.Last year,an elementary school in Ohio ended its mindfulness program after parents complained it was too closely linked to religion.But many school districts are reporting success.In Richmond,California,schools have reported drops in school problems among low-income,at-risk youths.The school district in South Burlington,Vermont,introduced a successful mindfulness course as part of a health and wellness program,and now administrators there have advocated mindfulness into K-12 currculums.
Two years ago,Caverly Morgan developed the after-school mindfulness program teamed up with Allyson Copacino,who teaches yoga.After hundreds of students signed up,Principal Brian Chatard took note.The school was dealing with a student,s suicide (自杀),and few resources were available to address students'emotional and mental health.
"High school is the hardest period of time for kids,"Mr.Chatard said."You've got emotional changes,physical changes,and all the social pressures.It's also the onset of mental illness for some kids,depression hits,and there's the pressure of college and sports.All these things kids do is over?whelming without having a strategy (策略)to deal with it."And now schools all over the country are introducing the practices.

25.What do Western people value more about yoga and meditation?C
A.Non-judgmental listening.
B.Religious meaning.
C.Physical benefits.
26.What can we infer about the mindfulness class?B
A.It is supported by parents.
B.It relives pressure of students.
C.It mainly builds students up physically.
D.It improves students'academic performance.
27.Who started the mindfulness class?C
B.Brian Chatard.
C.Caverly Morgan.
D.Allyson Copacino.
28.What is Mr.Chatard's attitude towards the program?A
19.When asked to point out one or two things that are most important to themselves,many put friends ahead of homes,jobs,clothes and cars.
A true friendship carries a long history of experience that determines who we are and keeps us connected.It is a treasure we should protect.Unfortunately,the better friends you are,the more probably you'll have disagreements.And the result can be what you don't want--an end to the relationship.
The good news is that most troubled friendships can be mended.First,don't let your pride get in your way.Most of us can forgive each other when differences are brought out in the open.Second,apologize when you're wrong-even if you've been wronged.Over the course of a friendship,even the best people make mistakes.Sometimes,it may be best if the wronged person takes the lead and apologizes.When you apologize,give your friend a chance to admit that he has been wrong.Third,see things from your friend's point of view.And finally,accept that friendships change as our needs and lifestyles change.Making friends can sometimes seem easy.The hard part is keeping the connections strong during the natural ups
and downs that have an effect on all relationships.My suggestion:Consider friendship an honor and a gift,and worth the effort to treasure and nurture.

25、What would be the best title for the text?D
A.Easy Ways to Make Friends
B.Ups and Downs in Friendship
C.How to Take the Lead in Making Friends
D.How to Mend a Troubled Friendship
26、The"wronged person"underlined in the text refers to a personA.
E.who has been blamed unfairly.
B.who has been mistaken for another
C.who has treated friends badly                    
D.who has admitted his mistakes
27、According to the text a friendship can last long only ifC.
A.we have much in common                          
B.we know our friends'mistakes
C.we treat our disagreements wisely             
D.we have known one another for long
28、What should we do if we follow the author's second suggestion?A
A.Make an apology first                               
B.Avoid making mistakes
C.Stick to our own prints of view                   
D.Change our lifestyles.
9.The 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics is shared by three scientists,the Royal Academy of Sciences announced in Stockholm on Tuesday.The Nobel Prize in Physics 2016 was divided,with one half awarded to David J.Thouless,the other half jointly to F.Duncan M.Haldane and J.Michael Kosterlitz"for theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter.(物质拓扑相变和拓扑相)."
Haldane said he was"very surprised"at the news,adding that he was glad that their discoveries found something previously unnoticed by many,and that they revealed"more possibilities for looking for new materials."He particularly pointed out that a lot of work was still ongoing.
The year's prize amount is 8million Swedish krona (0.93 million US dollars),and will be split properly between the three winners.
The winners are given a sum of money when they receive their prizes,in the form of a document confirming the amount awarded.The amount of prize money depends upon how much money the Nobel Foundation (基金会) can award each year.The purse has increased since the 1980s,when the prize money was 880,000 SEK per prize.In 2009,the monetary award was 10million SEK(US$1.4million).In June 2012,it was lowered to 8million SEK.
If there are two winners of a particular prize,the award money is divided equally between the winners.If there are there,the awarding committee can choose to divide the money equally,or award one-half to one winner and one-quarter to each of the others.It is common for winners to donate prize money to benefit scientific,cultural,or charitable causes.

32.How much prize money does Thouless get?C
A.8 million Swedish krona.
B.6 million Swedish krona.
C.4 million Swedish krona.
D.2 million Swedish krone.
33.According to the passage,Haldane thought that his wordA.
A.was far from ending
B.was based on many previous studies
C.had perfectly been completed
D.had surprised the whole world
34.The amount of prize moneyD.
A.has been ever increasing since the 1980s
B.has been ever decreasing since the 1980s
C.remains 880,000SEK each year after 2012
D.differs according to the Noble Foundation's affordability
35.What does the last paragraph talk about?D
A.The purpose of the award money.
B.The number of winners per prize.
C.How the winners are selected.
D.How the award money is dealt with.

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