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My brother Tom was very selfish when he was a little boy. He didn't want share things with other people. For an example, when he bought a chocolate cake,he put them in a secret place. Then he eats it all by himself. He never helped other. He said he is busy. That is,a game of tennis making him very busy. He didn't care if something he did made people angrily. For instance,on a cold night he played strong and loudly music till 4 o'clock in the morning. But he is difference now. He often helps Grandma with house?work. Mum with cooking and his classmates with their lessons.


My brother Tom was very selfish when he was a little boy. He didn't want A


share things with other people. For ^ example,when he bought a chocolate cake,he put them in a secret place. Then he eats it all by himself. He never helped other. He

it                          ate others

said he  is busy. That is,a game of tennis making him very busy. He didn't care if

was made something he did made people angrily. For instance,on a cold night he played strong

angry •

and loudly music till 4 o'clock in the morning.  But he is difference now.  He often

loud different helps Grandma with housework, Mum with cooking and his classmates with their les?sons.




Healthy habits for living longer

By keeping your daily habits healthy? you can add years to your life. Here are some tips for living longer.

Keep daily habits healthy. Many of us are set in our daily habits. We eat the same meal, wear the same clothes, take the same route to work and work the same old job. But what we sometimes fail to recognize is the huge
influence that our daily habits can have on our health. It is very important
for us lo keep oar daily habits healthy. 16. _________

Take some exercise every day. Daily exercise does improve our health.In fact, studies show that daily exercise can add three years to our life. Opportunity for exercise is everywhere―just be creative. Whenever we can,
walk to work. 17.___________ It's really that simple.

Eat a healthy breakfast. Researchers have found that those who eat an early morning meal are less likely to be too fat and get diseases compared with those who con't. 18.___________  All in all, eating breakfast is a great

and healthy way to start our day.

   Have enough sleep. 19.___________Failing to get at least seven hours of sleep appears to increase the risk of major illnesses including cancer, heart disease, diabetes and many more.

   Get chances to communicate. 20_________ Any social communication can positively affect our physical and mental well-being because we can have more time and chances to communicate with others. All of these can add years to our lives.

A.  A lack of quality sleep can shorten our life.

B.  Exercise also helps us keep away from illnesses.

C.  If we live or work in a tall building, just take the stairs.

D.  Breakfast eaters also report feeling better both mentally and physically.

E.  There's an old saying that says a good friend is cheaper than treatment.

F.  Finding time for structured exercise can be much impossible for many people.

G. By making just a few small changes and sticking to them, we can add a few years to our life.


My grandmother was from a town in Michigan. Summer after summer, I enjoyed staying with my grandparents as a young child. I was from the city and loved the small town they lived in. People knew everyone, their kids, their pets, their ancestors. The bond with them continued to grow as I grew and they got older. Grandma was always using her hands for something ex?citing. She would make little sandwiches and we'd have tea parties. She'd make beautiful quilts for each one. I remember the small thimble (顶针)she would use while doing her needle work.

A few years ago, when grandma left this earth, I bid farewell to a loving grandmother. How quickly our lives can change. We had just had tea together a couple of months earlier, on her 91st birthday.

I missed her very much. On one particular birthday, when I was feeling a little low, something happened to make me feel like she was sharing that special day with me. I was arranging some colourful pillows that she had made, and suddenly I felt something inside one pillow. It was small and hard. I moved the object to a seam (接缝)that I carefully opened, and to my delight out came a tiny silver thimble ! How happy I was to find some?thing that had been a part of her. Not realizing it had fallen off her finger, I pictured her sewing it in that little pillow that I just happened to place on my bedspread that day. I carefully laid the thimble alongside the others I've col?lected over the years, where 1 could continue to see the gift God chose to re?veal to me. What a precious memory of a very special lady who somehow, I knew, was laughing in delight at sewing her thimble inside my pillow.

I made some tea, using my best china, as grandma always did* and en?joyed my tea and grandma's thimble. What a wonderful birthday that was!

9. The author liked staying with her grandparents because •

A.  they often bought her some gifts

B.  she was curious about people and things there

C.  she could have tea parties and eat sandwiches

D.  she could learn to sew quilts

 10.  How did the author feel when she found the silver thimble?

A. Sad.                          B. Proud.

C. Lucky.                       D. Cheerful.

11.  It can be inferred from the passage that the silver thimble_ .

  A.  was the item the author had been trying to find

B.  was the most treasured possession of grandma

C.  was very precious to the author

D.  was a birthday gift grandma had given the author


It is a hot summer day,and you feel thirsty. A friend gives you a glass of cold lemonade. How do you feel when you see the glass? Will you describe your feeling as happiness or as pleasure? I believe you will say it is a feeling of pleasure. There is a connection between these two kinds of feelings and sometimes one causes the other,but they are not the same. Pleasure is more dependent on the five senses while happiness is independent of them.

When you are happy, little unpleasant events usually do not disturb you. When you are unhappy, you feel as iP everything is against you. You may compensate for it by eating chocolates and sweets because this gives you pleasure, yet you stay unhappy. A person may smoke cigarettes because it gives him pleasure, yet this does not make him happier4 especially if he knows the fact that it is not good for his health.

The physical world is always in a changing state. At each moment a new thing is being created, changed, transformed and then destroyed. This Ls the normal state of things and no one can change it. If we stay still in a cer?tain state, we are sure to experience unhappiness sooner or later. On the other hand, if we adjust to the environment, nothing can influence our moods. Then outer events have nothing to do with our inner joy of mind.

The room of the mind is filled with worry or fear. If you are free of thinking about them, the room has been emptied,and then you will see what is happening and experience it. When your mind stays quiet, you will see that happiness comes from the inside.

12.  What does the underlined phrase "compensate for" in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?

  A.  To make a suitable payment for.

B.  To let out your anger for.

C.  To provide with a balancing effect for.

D.  To solve the problems for.

13.  According to the passage, in which of the following situations can you feel happy?

  A.  A friend gives you a glass of cold lemonade when you feel thirsty.

B.  You eat chocolates and sweets when you feel as if everything is against you.

C.  Smoke cigarettes even though you knew the fact that it is not good for your health.

D.  You are free from worry or fear when your mind stays quiet.

14.  We can learn from the passage______ .

  A.  happiness is more dependent on the five senses

B.  pleasure sometimes arouses happiness

C.  you feel happy when nothing around you changes in a certain state

D.  you feel unhappy because you have to adjust to the environment

15.  Which can be the best title for the passage?

A. Pleasure leads to happiness    B.  Happiness changes us

C..Happiness is within us       D.  Stay a quiet mind





The search for life in the universe took a step forwards last month with the opening of the Allen Telescope Array(艾伦望远镜阵歹!]) in Hat Creek, California. The telescopes were partly made possible by a gift of twenty-five million dollars from Paul Allen. The total cost of the project is already fifty million dollars.

At present, there are 42 radio telescopes working at the Hat Creek ob?servatory. The signals they receive are combined to create what is equal to a single, very large telescope. The telescope will be used to observe objects like exploding stars, black holes and other objects that are predicted but have not yet been observed. Seth Shostak of the SETI Institute says this is the first telescope whose main purpose is to search for signals from intelli?gent life in space. The SETI Institute is based in Mountain View, Califor?nia. The organization supports the search for other life forms in the uni-verse.

What makes the Allen Telescope Array unusual is that it can collect and study information from a wide area of the sky. In addition, the 42 tele?scopes can study information about several projects at the same time. That means studies of large areas of the sky can be made faster than ever before.

Some officials think the Allen Telescope Array will be completed in three more years. 350 individual radio telescopes are planned. The new abil?ities of the Allen Telescope Array will make searching for stars similar to the sun much faster.

An earlier search by SETI, Project Phoenix, studied about 800 stars to a distance of 240 light years. The project ended in 2004. With the Allen Telescope Array, astronomers hope to gather thousands of times more in?formation in the search for life beyond our planet.

1. The main purpose of the Allen Telescope Array is_____ .

  A.  to serve for the research of weather predication

B.  to prepare for the wars against life from the universe

C.  to search for signals from intelligent life in space

D.  to observe exploding stars, black holes and other objects

2. From this passage we know that_______ .

  A.  the 42 radio telescopes at Hat Creek observatory can work together

B.  the total cost of the project came from Paul Allen

C.  Hat Creek observatory can receive signals from all parts of the world

D.  Hat Creek observatory is operated by an American named Paul Allen

3. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

  A.  The Allen Telescope Array takes much more room than former telescopes.

B.  The Allen Telescope Array is still being built at present in the United States.

C.  Another 42 radio telescopes will be fixed in the Allen Telescope Array.

D.  The SETI Institute is against the search for other life forms in the universe.

4. With the help of the Allen Telescope Array, ____ .

  A.  astronomers can gather more information than before from other planets

B.  humans will have more chances to live on other planets than before

C.  humans will be able to find more natural resources on other planets

D.  scientists will be able to find more natural resources from other planets





I took the bus to work for many years. No one knew each other; the passengers all sat there sleepily in the morning. The bus was cheerless and silent.

One of the passengers was a small gray-haired man who took the bus to the centre for senior citizens every morning. No one ever paid very much at?tention to him.

One July morning he said good morning to the driver and smiled. The driver nodded guardedly(谨慎地).The rest of us were silent.

The next day, the old man boarded with a big smile and said in a loud voice: "A very good morning to you all!" Some of us looked up, amazed, and murmured "Good morning. ,, in reply.

The following weeks, our friend was dressed in a nice old suit and tie. His thin hair had been carefully combed. He said good morning to us every day and we gradually began to nod and talk to each other.

One morning he even had a bunch of wild flowers in his hand. The driver turned around smilingly and asked : " Have you got yourself a girl?friend, Charlie?" We never got to know if his name really was "Charlie", but he nodded shyly and said yes. The other passengers whistled and clapped at him. Charlie waved the flowers before he sat down on his seat.

Every morning after that Charlie always brought flowers. Some pas?sengers also brought flowers for him. The bus became a happy place.

Then, one morning, as autumn was closing in, Charlie wasn't waiting at his usual stop. When he wasn't there the next day and the day after that. we started wondering if he was sick or―hopefully―on holiday somewhere.

When we came nearer to the centre for senior citizens, one of the pas?sengers asked the driver to wait. We all held our breaths when he went to the door.

The old gentle man was fine, but one of his close friends had died over the weekend. How silent we were the rest of the way to work.

The next Monday Charlie was waiting at the stop, stooping (弯腰)a bit more, a little bit more gray, and without a tie. Inside the bus was si?lent. Even though no one had talked about it, all of us sat there silently, our eyes filled with tears and a bunch of wild flowers in our hands.

1.  From the passage, we can infer that______ .

  A.  people always cared about each other on the bus

B.  people were unhappy and sleepy on the bus because they were tired

C.  smiles can shorten the distance between people

D.  people are not good at communicating in the country

2.  What are we sure about the old man? 

A. His name was Charlie.

B.  He worked at the centre for senior citizens.

C.  He got sick over the weekend.

D.  He was in great sorrow when we saw him the next Monday.

 3.  Which of the following is NOT true?

 A.  The atmosphere on the bus was cheerful and lively at first.

B.  People were surprised at the old man's first greeting.

C.  People were worried about the old man's absence.

D.  People on the bus at last shared happiness and sorrow together.

4.    Which would be the best title for the passage?

  A.  How to shorten the distance between people

B.  Smiles make a bus feel like home

C.  Charlie, a smiling gentle man

D.  The key to friendship—communication

 The medical world is gradually realizing that the quality of the environment in hospitals may play a significant role in the process of recovery from illness.

  As part of a nationwide effort in Britain to bring art out of the galleries(画廊)and into pub?lic places, some of the country's most gifted artists have been called in to change older hospitals and to soften the hard edges of modern buildings. Of the 2 , 500 National Health Service hospitals in Britain, almost 100 now have significant collections of modern art in corridors(走道),waiting areas and treatment rooms.

  These recent initiatives(new plans) owe a great deal to one artist,Peter Senior, who set up his studio at a Manchester Hospital in Northeastern England during the early 1970s. He felt the artist had lost his place in modern society, and that art should be enjoyed by a wider audience.

  A common hospital waiting room might have as many as 5 ,000 visitors each week. What a better place to hold regular exhibitions of art and paintings,in the outpatients waiting area of the Manchester Royal Hospital in 1975. Believed to be Britain's first hospital artist,Senior was so much in demand that he was soon joined by a team of six young art school graduations.

  The effect is striking. Now in the corridors and waiting rooms, the visitor experiences a full view of fresh colors, playful images and restful courtyard.

  The quality of the environment may reduce the need for expense when a patient is recovering from an illness. A study has shown that patients who had a view onto a garden nee?ded half the number of strong painkillers compared with patients who had no view at all or only a brick wall to look at.

(   ) 5. What does the author mean by using the phrase "to soften the hard edge of modern buildings" in the second paragraph?

A.     To hold exhibitions of art and paintings in hospitals.

B.     To tear down the old hospital and build a new one.

C.     To decorate hospitals with art collection.

D.     To paint the walls of hospitals in soft colors. 

(   ) 6. What is true about Peter Senior?

E.      A famous doctor in Manchester Hospital and a gifted artist.

F.      Britain's first hospital artist and a patient in Manchester Royal Hospital.

G.     One of the six young art school graduations.

H.     A gifted artist and a pioneer introducing art into hospitals.
(   ) 7. According to Peter Senior,we can infer that      

A.     modern hospitals have a lot of patients

B.     art is hot appreciated by a large number of people in modern society

C.     patients should be encouraged to learn painting

D.     artists can not find their positions in modern society 

(   ) 8. What does the last paragraph suggest?

A.    The improvement of hospital environment may help the patients recover from illness.

B.     The improvement of hospital environment may be more effective than the medical treatment.

C.     The hard wall of the hospital worsens the patients.

D.    The patients would suffer from no pain at all after they had a longer view onto the garden.

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