




I took the bus to work for many years. No one knew each other; the passengers all sat there sleepily in the morning. The bus was cheerless and silent.

One of the passengers was a small gray-haired man who took the bus to the centre for senior citizens every morning. No one ever paid very much at?tention to him.

One July morning he said good morning to the driver and smiled. The driver nodded guardedly(谨慎地).The rest of us were silent.

The next day, the old man boarded with a big smile and said in a loud voice: "A very good morning to you all!" Some of us looked up, amazed, and murmured "Good morning. ,, in reply.

The following weeks, our friend was dressed in a nice old suit and tie. His thin hair had been carefully combed. He said good morning to us every day and we gradually began to nod and talk to each other.

One morning he even had a bunch of wild flowers in his hand. The driver turned around smilingly and asked : " Have you got yourself a girl?friend, Charlie?" We never got to know if his name really was "Charlie", but he nodded shyly and said yes. The other passengers whistled and clapped at him. Charlie waved the flowers before he sat down on his seat.

Every morning after that Charlie always brought flowers. Some pas?sengers also brought flowers for him. The bus became a happy place.

Then, one morning, as autumn was closing in, Charlie wasn't waiting at his usual stop. When he wasn't there the next day and the day after that. we started wondering if he was sick or―hopefully―on holiday somewhere.

When we came nearer to the centre for senior citizens, one of the pas?sengers asked the driver to wait. We all held our breaths when he went to the door.

The old gentle man was fine, but one of his close friends had died over the weekend. How silent we were the rest of the way to work.

The next Monday Charlie was waiting at the stop, stooping (弯腰)a bit more, a little bit more gray, and without a tie. Inside the bus was si?lent. Even though no one had talked about it, all of us sat there silently, our eyes filled with tears and a bunch of wild flowers in our hands.

1.  From the passage, we can infer that______ .

  A.  people always cared about each other on the bus

B.  people were unhappy and sleepy on the bus because they were tired

C.  smiles can shorten the distance between people

D.  people are not good at communicating in the country

2.  What are we sure about the old man? 

A. His name was Charlie.

B.  He worked at the centre for senior citizens.

C.  He got sick over the weekend.

D.  He was in great sorrow when we saw him the next Monday.

 3.  Which of the following is NOT true?

 A.  The atmosphere on the bus was cheerful and lively at first.

B.  People were surprised at the old man's first greeting.

C.  People were worried about the old man's absence.

D.  People on the bus at last shared happiness and sorrow together.

4.    Which would be the best title for the passage?

  A.  How to shorten the distance between people

B.  Smiles make a bus feel like home

C.  Charlie, a smiling gentle man

D.  The key to friendship—communication

第一部分第一节 A


1. C 推理判断题。本文讲述了在公交车上有一个小个子老头,在七月的一个早晨对司机说,早上好,并对车上的人报以微笑。第二天他又这样做,接下来几周,他一直这样做,大家开始和周围的人聊天,拉近了彼此的距离,故C项正确。

2.  D 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段"The old gentle man was fine, but one of his close friends had died over the weekend. How silent we were the rest of the way to work."可知他的一个朋友去世了,他情绪低落,故选D项。

3.  A推理判断题。根据第一段的内容可知选A项。

4.  B 主旨大意题。本文讲述一个老头与司机打招呼,对公交车内的微笑,此后他一直这样做。然后大家逐渐开始聊天了,接近了彼此的距离。微笑让乘公交车的人有了家的感觉,故选B项。



   When studying abroad, do you worry about not understanding the local language?

   In Australia, this is not a problem. Almost all the colleges and universities General English programmes for you to grasp Australian Eng?lish. I am a General English at Greenwich College. Now let me tell you what you can learn from these classes.

I teach English at all levels from  3  to advanced. My usually start with a fun activity to get everyone thinking.

We play vocabulary and  games, and sometimes we listen to a famous Australian  6  and decide whether we like the lyrics or not.

we have all warmed up, we move onto the grammar or vocabulary of the day. Listening to the teacher,and then all talk together to try and  the new Eng?lish we have learned. We    9     it through writing or speaking.We focus on our other 10(reading, writing or listening) in the afternoon, and use these skills to better understand the grammar or vocabulary.

11,at the end of the day, we talk about how to live and work in  12  . We discuss the problems  13   how to understand different accents,new words and how to find jobs and make new friends. If there are any issues, we  14  each other,offering advice and support.

General English also offers specialized  15  classes to improve your accent. We also offer special grammar and conversation classes,  16  a movie club ! Do you enjoy watching American movies? You can also come on excursions(短途方接行) with us―to the Opera House, the beach, the zoo or even to a museum.  17  do you want to go in Sydney?

If you feel  18  about using your spoken English―don't worry ! Everyone feels the same. So,in General English we have activities  19  get you talking to classmates,excursions that build your confidence,and student parties that help you talk to others.

It's a great way to improve all your English skills as well as have a fantastic  20  .Maybe I'll see you in my class soon.

1.  A.   supply       B.  offer       C.  give       D. find

2.  A.   student      B.  worker      C.  teacher       D. guide

3.  A.   beginners   B.   learners    C.   courses       D. subjects

4.  A.   teachers     B.   books      C.  demands      D. classes

5.  A.   hearing      B.  writing     C.  grammar      D. speaking

6.  A.  pop song       B.  dialogue      C.  news         D. report

7.  A.  Before       B.  If         C.  When        D. After

8.  A.  understand                 B. realize
C.  get                         D. differ

9.  A.  grasp      B. practise     C.  appreciate       D. enjoy

 10.  A.   ways       B. training    C.  skills      D. practice

11.  A.  Firstly     B. Secondly    C.  Thirdly       D. Finally

12.  A.   America   B.   Australia    C.   Austria      D. Canada

13.  A.   such as    B.  for example     C.  and         D. but

14.  A.   learn from                B. know

C.  help                      D.  get along with

15.  A.  listening                 B. pronunciation
C.  accent                     D. reading

16.  A.   except      B. beside     C. like        D.  as well as

17.  A.  When      B.  How          C.  Where        D. Why

18.  A.   nervous                 B. comfortable
  C. excited                   D. proud

19.  A. what        B. that       C.  it         D. this

20.  A.  feeling                   B. thought

C.  adventure                  D. experience



   Here are some top tips for world travellers.Travel light. 16._______________  Its no fun carrying a huge bag around a foreign city. Don't take too many clothes and avoid heavy books and electri?cal equipment.

   17.______________ Always keep your passport on you in an inside pocket or special travel belt. There may be thieves about. It's a good idea to make a photocopy (复印件)of your passport and travel documents.

   Transport sense. Don't let go of your bags on the train. 18.______________There are always thieves on public transport. If you want to sleep, tie your bag to your arm. When you take a taxi, it's a good idea to ask for the driver's per?mit. Many foreigners pay too much money because they take unofficial taxis.

Keep clean. It's a good idea to wear dark clothes because they hide the dirt while white clothes attract it! Make sure you have plenty of clean underclothes and deodorant (除臭剂).19. ______________

20.______________ You should always be polite and respectful towards the locals. Even if you find their habits and behaviour a bit strange, you shouldn't show your feelings. Remember, you're their guest.

A.  Be polite.

B.  Keep your documents safe.

C.  You should carry a spare bag.

D.  You don't want to smell bad !

E.  Keep them with you at all times.

F.  Make sure your bag isn't too heavy.

G.  It's a good idea to wear similar clothes to the local people.



Recently, my husband and I had the opportunity to do something good for two complete strangers. This  21  us feel so good that I felt I had to share our experience.

We were travelling to Mexico for  22  week with our family.  23  I travelled a lot for work, we had enough frequent flier miles(累计飞行里程)and could upgrade(升级)our tickets to  24  class seats. We were sit?ting in the very first two seats in the first row of first class,  25  the plane to depart(离开).I overheard one of the flight attendants(空乘)tell?ing the others that there was a couple sitting in the  26  of the plane who had just got married the previous day and were heading off on their  27 . They had booked their flight eight months in advance  28  , due to some schedule changes, had not been able to get  29  together. No one else on the plane was willing to move and the bride was in tears.

I turned to my husband and told him what I  30  . We immediately  31   and I called the flight attendant over to tell her that we would be happy to  32  our seats for this couple.  The flight attendant seemed shocked and  33  and said* "Really? Are you sure?" We said, "Absolutely!"

So we moved to the back of the  34  . I sat in a middle seat part-way back and my  35  sat in the window seat in the last row of the plane.

The flight attendants were extremely thankful and  36 good care of us even though we were no longer sitting in first class. We both  37  friends with the people sitting around us and had a great flight. I had to go back to the front of the plane to retrieve(取回)a forgotten item at one point during the  38  I saw that the newly-weds(新婚者)were sitting very-close together,  39  enjoying champagne(香模酒).

It didn't just make my day―it made my whole Thanksgiving  40  !

21.  A. forced         B. made       C. got        D. persuaded

22.  A. Christmas                  B. New Year
C. Thanksgiving                   D. Halloween

23.  A. Since         B. When        C. While        D. If

24.  A. second        B. last        C. middle       D. first

25.  A. watching       B. waiting for    C. listening to    D. recognizing

26.  A. front         B. beside       C. back        D. left

27.  A. honeymoon       B. holiday      C. vacation       D. dream

28.  A. and            B. or           C. but         D, therefore

29.  A. bags          B. seats        C. luggage      D. wishes

30.  A. saw           B. noticed      C. found        D. heard

31.  A. agreed         B. answered      C. replied     D. moved

32.  A. give out       B. give up          C. give off     D. give away

33.  A. glad             B. interested      C. tired      D. amazed

34.  A. house          B. car          C. plane       D. train

35.  A. friend         B. husband        C. son         D. daughter

36.  A. cared          B. thought      C. took         D. looked

37.  A. made           B. helped       C. needed       D. asked

38.  A. time           B. flight       C. space        D. schedule

39.  A. satisfactorily      B. shamefully     C. terribly      D. happily

40. A. day            B. year        C. week        D. month

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