

1When was the sweater bought?

A.On September 25th.B.On October 12th.C.On October 25th.

2What is the speaker’s problem with the sweater?

A.It became out of shape.B.It was the wrong size.C.It was washed in a wrong way.

3What does the speaker mainly complain about?

A.The price.B.The service.C.The quality.

4Who is the speaker probably speaking to?

A.A manager.B.A shop assistant.C.A member of the helpline staff.








Good morning. This is Lydia speaking. Now I have no other choice but to call you to complain about the recent purchase of a woolen sweater from your department store on Philip Street, on September 25th. I recently washed the sweater in cool water, following the instructions. However, when I moved it from the machine, the sweater became too large and wrinkled and no longer fit me well. I phoned the store last Tuesday, which was October 12th, and spoke to the shop assistant, a Mr. Morris, who was rather rude on the phone and informed me that I could not get a replacement sweater as it was purchased at a reduced price. Later I phoned again but once more received a cold answer from one of your helpline staff that she could do nothing to help. I felt really upset, for I have been a regular customer of your store for many years and until this incident, I’ve never had any complaints. I must tell you, I feel disappointed to be treated in such a manner I demand an apology for this manner. And I think you should have a talk with your workers. I’m expecting you to ring me back as soon as possible.


【题目】 Olympic National Park, with its temperate rainforests and breath-taking views, exerts a natural pull on many Pacific Northwestemers. But Seattle writer Rosette Royale found it repellent. To Royale, the park seemed like a damp, dirty and unpleasant place. “I couldn’t figure out why anyone would want to carry a 50-pound pack into the wilderness and camp there for days,” he said. “It didn’t make sense.”

Then he met Bryant Carlin, a vendor (小贩) for Real Change, the Seattle weekly sold on the street by vendors who are homeless or low-wage earners. He was also a skilled outdoorsman and a nature photographer who would take weeks-long photographic journeys to the park. The two men connected in the fall of 2011 when Royale interviewed Carlin for a feature story in Real Change about Carlin’s photography.

That first time they met—and for years afterward—Carlin invited Royale to go camping with him. Each time, Royale said “Thanks, but no thanks.” Until one day, in the spring of 2015, Royale surprised himself by saying yes. “Little did I know,” said Royale, “that saying ‘yes’ would change the course of my life.”

Royale and Carlin went on five separate journeys to the Olympic wilderness. They camped in spring, summer, fall and winter. For Royale, the trips were exhausting and terrifying. But the trips were also inspiring, and helped Royale—a black, strange man—to develop a relationship with the outdoors that he had never experienced before.

For Carlin, the trips were an opportunity to throw off the label of “homeless”. In Olympic National Park, sleeping outside just means you’re a camper. But there was one aspect of Carlin’s life in the city that he couldn’t escape: alcohol abuse. While he never brought beer on their camping journeys, the effects of years of drinking weren’t so easy to leave behind.

1What does the underlined word “repellent” in paragraph 1 mean?



2According to Royale, what made his life course changed?

A.His first meeting with Carlin.B.His rejection of Carlin’s invitation.

C.His camping trips with Carlin.D.His reading of Carlin’s feature story.

3What did the trips with Royale mean to Carlin?

A.They improved his photography skills.

B.They helped him feel a sense of belonging.

C.They deepened his relationship with nature.

D.They enabled him to get rid of alcohol addiction.

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