

1When is the talk given ?

A. During the exams week. B. At the beginning of a term C. Before the start of a vacation.

2What is the main purpose of lectures ?

A. To introduce new topics. B. To explore topics in depth

C. To provide information on the textbooks.

3What advice does the speaker give about taking notes ?

A. Write the exact words. B. Remember the examples. C. Focus on the main points.

4What does the speaker remind the listeners to do in the end ?

A. Take notes on the lecture’s advice. B. Borrow recorders from other students.

C. Get the lecture’s permission before recording.













The most delicious memories seem to happen during the holidays. And like a squirrel preparing for winter, I put them away to enjoy slowly during the long winter months. Sometimes, I enjoy them for years.

Among them are sweetest recollections: my little girls at the church play and the moment they got their first angel wings; a pink dolly stroller(手推车) wheeled into the bedroom with a tiny voice declaring, 'Look what Santa Claus brought me! '; or New Year's snowmen wearing bright scarves borrowed from a grandma's fragrant drawer.

But there is one memory that is a little bittersweet -- sort of like 80% dark chocolate, but still good for you.

This story brings to mind a colorful candy dish and a very little boy. The occasion was somewhere between Christmas and New Year's when a few candies in a dish remained behind, a bright spot in dull winter gray.

Wrapped in December's chill, my then 3-year old grandson, Justin, and I had dashed from the warmth of my parked car into the building where I planned to take care of a few work-related tasks.

A smiling secretary greeted us as we brushed the snowflakes and rubbed our hands to chase the cold. Then with my grandchild close to my side, I busied myself, finishing the items of business that had brought us there. But while his hand remained in mine, his eyes fell on the candy dish sitting nearby.

As we turned to leave, the thoughtful and very observant woman behind the desk asked the question all children wait to hear.

'Honey, ' the kindly woman said, peering over her glasses at Justin. 'Would you like a candy bar? ' she asked, her hand pushing the dish close for an easier reach.

The boy looked up questioningly, his eyes meeting mine, permission hanging in the air. A slight nod from me and then a hurried beeline to the candy dish followed. One candy bar was already in his hand.

Para 1: 'Justin! ' I said from the doorway.


Para 2: In the humor of the moment, I felt something hard to swallow.


【题目】 Guan Moye, better known as Mo Yan, is a Chinese novelist and short story writer. He has been referred to by Donald Morrison of U.S. news magazine, TIME, as “one of the most famous and widely pirated(盗版)of all Chinese writers”. He is best known to Western readers for Red Sorghum Clan(红高粱家族), which was later adapted for the film, Red Sorghum. In 2012, Mo was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Mo Yan was born in Gaomi County, Shandong Province. He was 11 years old when the Cultural Revolution started, at which time he left school to work as a farmer. At the age of 18, he began to work at a factory. During this period, his access to literature was largely limited to novels.

At the close of the Cultural Revolution in 1976, Mo joined the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and began writing. During this period, the works of Chinese literature, as well as translations of foreign authors such as William Faulkner, made an impact on his works. In 1984, he received a literary award from the PLA Magazine, and at the same year he began attending the Military Art Academy, where he first used the pen name of Mo Yan. “Mo Yan” means “don’t speak” in Chinese. He explained that the name came from a warning from his father and mother about not saying what he thought when he was outside. It also related to the subject matter of his writings.

Mo’s first novel was Falling Rain on a Spring Night, published in 1981. Several of his novels were translated into English by Howard Goldblatt, professor of East Asian languages and literature, at the University of Notre Dame. He published his first novella(中篇小说), A Transparent Radish, in 1984, and released Red Sorghum Clan in 1986, making him a nationally recognized novelist. Five years later, he obtained a Master’s degree in literature from Beijing Normal University.

1The first paragraph tells us __________.

A.his achievementsB.his educationC.his worksD.his experiences

2The inspiration of the pen name “Mo Yan” comes from ______.

A.His parents.B.William Faulkner.

C.Howard Goldblatt.D.Donald Morrison.

3Mo got his Master’s degree in literature in __________.


4This passage is a (an)____________


【题目】Today, the technology that is being developed for cell phones is surprising. Soon our cell phones will be able to do things that we thought impossible or not even thought of at all.

When picturing the future, there are quite a few things that we would love our cell phones to be able to do. Let’s take a look at the ones that are likely to be in the next generation of cell phones. Cell phones of the near future will be able to start and unlock cars, turn lights on and off in houses, make payments(付款), work as computers. This sounds too good to be true, right? Fortunately, this future is just over the horizon; you won’t wait too long. New technology for phones is being developed to realize eye scans(扫描)and fingerprint scans as new“unlock your phone”, so you needn’t worry about your information being stolen.

What do I want my phone to be able to do? I want it to be special. For example, I will shout to my phone across the room“Give me directions to the market”and it pulls up the directions and sends them to my printer. Is it possible? Yes. Maybe someday cell phones will be able to change into robots and walk our dogs and clean our houses too. Who knows? In the last 30 years we have gone from hardly knowing what a cell phone was to surfing the Internet with excellent cell phones.

It is hard to believe that technology is advancing as quickly as it is, with no end in sight. In 5 years the technology of today will be a thing of the past, and the world won’t look back one bit.

1We learn from the text that cell phones________in the future.

A. can do a number of jobs you want it to do

B. only do the work we once thought of

C. don’t look like today’s cell phones at all

D. can pay for whatever you want to buy

2The underlined phrase“over the horizon”in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by“________”.

A. arriving as time goes B. what people all hope

C. what we work hard for D. coming in a short time

3If one’s eye scan is done by his cell phone, ________.

A. his picture is kept in it forever B. his information won’t be lost

C. his cell phone only serves him D. his cell phone won’t be stolen

4What is special about your future cell phone?

A. It works as a robot does. B. You can speak loudly to it.

C. It can give you information. D. It can warn you out of danger.

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