
A Dream Realized

Zhao Yang, 33, an employee of a French company in Beijing, who has traveled extensively in the United States by motorbike.

I have been addicted to Harley-Davidson motorcycles since I was young, and knowing that motorcycle-related culture is very popular in the US, I decided to take a trip. Along with my wife and a group of fellow enthusiasts, I participated in a 15-day tour in October last year. We had one free day, so I headed to Las Vegas.

Before arriving in the US, I researched a range of materials about riding a motorbike there. I also found some classic recommended routes on Chinese websites related to Harley Davidson clubs.

With the help of their suggestions, I designed my own route.

In accordance with the rules, before I left China I visited a notary office (公证机关), where my driving license was confirmed as acceptable in the US and my documents were translated into English. Only then did I buy my basic motorcycle equipment.

When we arrived at Las Vegas, we rented a Harley Davidson and rode around the city. It was an exciting, unforgettable experience, because it was not only the achievement of a dream, but I also experienced the regional motorcycle culture in the US. As we parked the bike at the roadside, some drivers rolled down their car windows and gave us the thumbs-up, and when we drove on the road, car drivers pulled over to let us pass. We also visited a motorcycle-themed restaurant for lunch and enjoyed the fantastic decoration and delicious food.

I believe that traveling by motorcycle in the US will become popular because of the recent joint efforts to promote Sino-US tourism, especially after the two countries decided to name 2016 as US-China Tourism Year. This new style of traveling will attract more young Chinese tourists, and people like me, who have a passion for freedom and adventure, will visit the US more frequently. For example, I am planning to travel along the famous highway called Route 66 with friends during next year's Spring Festival.

If travel agencies and governments can promote the need for motorcyclists to obtain accurate information before they head to the US - such as the required documents, how to rent a motorbike and local traffic laws - "riding the range" will become a safe and great way to spend a vacation.

1.Zhao Yang’s childhood dream was to ______.

A. become a professional motorcyclist

B. travel in Harley-Davidson motorcycles

C. take a trip in the USA along with his wife

D. travel to work on a fashionable motorcycle

2.To prepare for the motorcycle trip in the USA, Zhao Yang ______.

A. made various research and checked his driving license

B. took the suggestions given and chose the classic route

C. joined one of the Harley Davidson clubs and got suggestions

D. took lots of health examinations and bought some equipment

3.How did Zhao Yang feel when driving in Las Vegas?

A. disturbed B. disappointed

C. depressed D. excited

4.Zhao Yang thinks that traveling by motorcycle in the US will ______.

A. enjoy much popularity with Sino-US tourism

B. obtain less American fans in motorcycle travel

C. get less support from the modern motorcyclists

D. meet more challenge with the information gap


As the father of a student, I have experienced first hand what a great teacher is. My son was in the 4th grade last year, and he had a teacher called Miss Green. I believe that when he is an adult he will surely look back on her as the best teacher he has ever had.

My son has attention deficit disorder(注意力缺损症) that makes it a little more difficult for him to learn.She was able to change her teaching methods for him so that he could keep up with the rest of the class. As a result, he got straight As on many subjects. She regarded her class as a family and they even had their own class song. She would often have them sing it to encourage them and develop a team spirit for them. When she saw that they were no longer listening carefully to what she was teaching, she would have them close their textbooks, stand up all around the room and throw around a small football. This helped them clear their minds and then focus_on the lesson again.Besides, she was quick to reply to any phone calls or emails from us and got rid of our worries about children quickly.

When my son went to the 5th grade this year, we happened to pass her classroom.When she saw my son, her face lit up and she came out and hugged him.She generally loves all of the children in her classroom and that love really shows.I can only pray that my son will continue to get teachers just like her for the rest of his school years.

1.Which of the following is NOT true about Miss Green?

A. She regarded the students as members of a family.

B. She had special ways to help students study.

C. She was good at teaching football and music.

D. She usually made a quick reply to parents’emails.

2.We can learn from the text that ________.

A. Miss Green was the best teacher at the school

B. all the students in the school liked Miss Green

C. Miss Green didn’t teach the writer’s son in the 5th grade

D. the writer’s son had many teachers like Miss Green

3.In the text, the writer mainly tells us ________.

A. what his son studied at school

B. his son once had a good teacher

C. how to be a good and popular teacher

D. a teacher who liked playing with students

Andy Pope,a police community support officer for West Midlands Police,in the UK,has come to be known as a memory policeman for his surprising memory,which has helped him successfully recognize over 850 suspects(嫌疑犯)in the last four years.

Every day,Pope arrives at work half an hour early,opens his computer,and scans the pictures of suspects in his computer.He has been doing it even since he joined the West Midlands Police in 2013,and as his brain stores more faces,hrs record of recognizing bad guys keeps getting better.His skill has made him special,and when policemen use up all other possible ways trying to put a name to a suspect's face,they tum to him.

"If you look at a picture enough times,there is usually something that sticks in the mind.Maybe I can't remember what it is at the time,but when I see the person in the flesh,it causes that recognition,"Pope says.He once recognized a robber whose photo he had looked at a year before,and another from a CCTV video,by a tiny mole(痣)on his face.

Andy Pope first attracted the attention of the media in 2017 after recognizing about 250 suspects.But according to a recent ITV report,Pope's record has improved in the last four years.

"I thought I was just normal until inspector Morris told me I was recognizing more people than anyone else," Pope told The Telegraph in 2017."I don't know whether I have a photographic memory.My wife has to deal with things like birthdays.When it comes to remembering dates,I'm useless."

1.If work starts at 8:30,Pope will always reach the West Midlands Police at .

A. 7:00 B. 7:30

C. 8:00 D. 8:30

2.What is Pope's special skill?

A. Good memory for faces. B. Good communication ability.

C. Playing with computers D. Being good at taking photos.

3.What can we learn from the text?

A. Pope can remember anything he has seen.

B. Pope has recognized 250 suspects in total in the past four years.

C. Pope's wife isn't satisfied with him because he is always useless.

D. The suspect with a tiny mole on his face never escaped from Pope's recognition.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A. A Policeman with Super Memory B. Policemen and Robbers

C. Policemen in the UK D. A Happy Life of a Policeman

In a time when ivory poaching(偷猎)has gotten so bad that it threatens to wipe out several animal species,a young Dutch designer is creating "egalitarian(平等主义)jewelry" made of our very own ivory—teeth.

Lucie Majerus got the idea for her "human ivory" collection after having her wisdom teeth removed.She kept them and soon realized they would make great material for a jewelry collection."Why wouldn't we value our own material instead of the precious material from other species?And what if we mine our own ivory and turn it into pearls?"she asks.

Her own teeth became a ring,but in order to create a whole collection,she needed more material,and since having more of her teeth removed wasn't a very pleasant choice,she asked her dentist to save his patient's unwanted teeth.Most people choose not to keep their pulled teeth,so they are usually donated to dentistry schools.Majerus also received the lost teeth of two of-her teachers at Design Academy Eindhoven,so she had a nice supply of human ivory to experiment with.

To turn human teeth into attractive pieces of jewelry,Lucie Majerus first bleaches(漂白)them,and then uses a stone polishing machine to shape the teeth into various shapes.

Majerus displayed her human ivory jewelry collection at this year's Dutch Design Week,and claims that people's reaction was mostly positive."Surprisingly,most people aren't frightened at the sight of the jewelry,but really like the idea,"Majerus told Fast Co Design."Some regret that they didn't keep their tooth at the dentist and some,who will have teeth taken out soon,are now looking forward to it."

1.When did Majerus get the idea of collecting human ivory?

A. After she bought a ring.

B. Before her wisdom teeth appeared.

C. Before she was lacking in pearls.

D. After her wisdom teeth were pulled out.

2.Seeing Majerus's human ivory jewelry collection,most people felt .

A. frightened B. interested

C. sad D. curious

3.It can be inferred from the text that .

A. Majerus is the first woman to create jewelry using human teeth

B. other species' teeth are more precious than human teeth

C. most people don't like keeping their pulled teeth at home

D. Majerus's teachers objected to her experiments with teeth

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A. Elephants and Ivory

B. Human Ivory Jewelry

C. A Designer Removed Her Teeth

D. The Weakenesses of Human Teeth

When I was a kid, most of my friends could stay home from school due to a stomachache or a fever but not me. I had to be lying in order to ______ home. My parents used to say that they were teaching me how to have a ______ work ethic (职业道德). I didn’t see the ______ until last week.

I was on the train and sat behind a young man who was ______ to his friend about his life. His dream in life was to make movies but he wouldn’t ______ it because he had no clue if he could make enough money and he didn’t want to ______ time because it probably would take months or years to make it ______. He then admitted to thinking about becoming a(n) ______ because he thought he could easily make six figures within one year. His ______ agreed because as he put it, “I have no ______ to work long hours and not make much money. Besides, defending cases in court is good because you can make a lot of money and only work short hours.”

Many people these days don’t ______ that when things seem to happen immediately, it is only because a lot of ______, determination and time have ______ into it. It wasn’t due to some unbelievable ______. Someone once told me that you may know ______ someone is an expert in his given field or not by how easy he makes it look. The ______ it looks, the more hours go into it.

There is no excuse for ______. In the television show Fame, the dancer teacher told her students, “If you want fame, fame ______ and here’s how you start paying for it, in sweat.” Every time I watch that show, my dad would state how ______ she was because in order to ______ you have to work hard. He would go on and on about how bad it is to be lazy.

1.A. leave B. stay C. get D. call

2.A. reliable B. different C. good D. new

3.A. answer B. evidence C. result D. connection

4.A. explaining B. complaining C. writing D. lying

5.A. read B. follow C. appreciate D. change

6.A. share B. get C. save D. waste

7.A. big B. important C. strong D. proper

8.A. expert B. artist C. editor D. lawyer

9.A. companion B. teacher C. parent D. brother

10.A. choice B. time C. desire D. chance

11.A. convey B. ensure C. show D. realize

12.A. potential B. pressure C. effort D. intelligence

13.A. put B. gone C. broken D. reached

14.A. event B. accident C. story D. speed

15.A. because B. why C. whether D. when

16.A. easier B. lighter C. better D. harder

17.A. sorrow B. laziness C. despair D. envy

18.A. splits B. arises C. works D. costs

19.A. natural B. beautiful C. right D. kind

20.A. succeed B. develop C. finish D. rest

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