
7.With schools far away and little money to pay for transport costs,children in many developing countries like India and Kenya walk long distances to school.The situation is even worse for girls,who often experience violence on their way to school.So girls are often kept at home helping with the housework.
However,World Bicycle Relief is helping to change that.It is seeking to change girls'lives through the power of the bicycle.
Bihar,is the poorest state in India.Until 2007,too many teenage girls in Bihar were dropping out of school.But,that same year,World Bicycle Relief began offering bicycles to girls to help them get to school.And the results are measurable.A 2016 study found that providing bicycles to teenage girls in India increased school attendance by 28% and increased academic (学术的) performance by 59%.Loise Luseno is a 16-year-old girl.Members of her family work as farmers.They earn just about $ 30a month-not nearly enough for food,school costs and transport.In the past,she had to get up at 4a.m.and walk about 15kilometers to reach school.Last year,she dropped out of school because of the distance.But,a few months ago,Luseno went back to school-this time on a bicycle.
The positive influence has led to further projects across Africa,South America and South-East Asia,resulting in a running total of over 320,000 bicycles in the past ten years.
"Bicycles reduce the safety risks for girls because the girls get to school quicker.It also helps parents not to lose work time taking their girls to school."Christina Kwauk,an expert on girls'education,explains.She calls the bicycle programs a low-cost and very promising solution,saying that many organizations in wealthier countries would be happy to provide this kind of resource.

28.All the following stop girls in developing countries going to school exceptD.
A.transport costs
B.long distances to schools
C.safety risks
D.girls'poor academic performances
29.What is the aim of World Bicycle Relief?C
A.To help poor countries to raise education levels.
B.To expand bicycle markets in developing countries.
C.To allow girls in developing countries to have access to school.
D.To encourage wealthier countries to donate more bicycles.
30.What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?A
A.World Bicycle Relief has made a great difference in India.
B.The educational conditions of Bihar have been improved.
C.Indian families are thankful to World Bicycle Relief.
D.Loise Luseno is lucky to return to school.
31.What is Christina Kwauk's attitude toward World Bicycle Relief?B

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了世界自行车救济帮助让发展中国家的女孩能够上学

解答 28.D.细节理解题.根据第一段With schools far away and little money to pay for transport costs,children in many developing countries like India and Kenya walk long distances to school.The situation is even worse for girls,who often experience violence on their way to school可知发展中国家禁止女童上学是因为交通费用,距离学校路途遥远以及女童的安全风险;故选D.
29.C.细节理解题.根据文章However,World Bicycle Relief is helping to change that.It is seeking to change girls'lives through the power of the bicycle可知世界自行车救济的目的是让发展中国家的女孩能够上学;故选C.
30.A.细节理解题.根据第三段World Bicycle Relief began offering bicycles to girls to help them get to school.And the results are measurable.A 2016 study found that providing bicycles to teenage girls in India increased school attendance by 28%可知世界自行车救济给印度带来很大的不同;故选A.
31.B.推理判断题.根据最后一段Christina Kwauk,an expert on girls'education,explains.She calls the bicycle programs a low-cost and very promising solution,saying that many organizations in wealthier countries would be happy to provide this kind of resource可知.Christina Kwauk对于世界自行车救济的态度是积极支持的;故选B.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

15.Have you ever lost your car on a parking lot?It happens.You park and go shopping.When you get back,you fail to find your car.Then you press the button on your car keys so the alarm goes off.It can be frustrating,especially on a hot,sunny day.No,you don't need to install(安装) an expensive GPS system to keep track of your car.That's too expensive.But is there a way to track your car without spending money?Yes,now there is!
A California-based startup company was able to make this a reality.They created a small device(装置) that works with your smartphone,and it could be exactly what you're looking for!
What is it?
It's called TrackR.It is a state-of-the-art tracking device the size of a quarter.It's changing the way we keep track of the important things in our lives.
How Does it Work?
It's easy!Install the free TrackR app on your smartphone,connect the app to your device and you're ready to go!Simply attach TrackR to whatever you want to keep track of.It only takes 5 minutes or less.You can attach it to your keys,briefcase,wallet,and anything else you don't want to lose.Then use the TrackR app to locate your missing belongings in seconds.Forget expensive GPS systems or tracking services.TrackR is your VIP when you need to take cars of more important things in life.
How Much is This Thing Going To Cost Me?
You're probably thinking that this device is very expensive…False!TrackR only costs $29!That's a small price to pay for peace of mind,isn't it?
Where can I buy one?
You can buy it directly from the company's website.They ship worldwide and you'll receive your TrackR within a week.
19.TrackR can be used toC.
A.replace GPS system
B.save money and time
C.find missing belongings
D.connect the app with the phone
20.From the passage we know TrackR isB.
A.hard to install
B.available online
C.free of charge
D.big in size
21.What is the writhing purpose of the passage?D
A.To show how TrackR words
B.To make TrackR well-known
C.To introduce the usage of TrackR
D.To persuade readers to buy TrackR.
2.Luciano Baietti,a retired school,headmaster from Italy,holds the Guinness record for the most university degrees.The 70-year-old currently has 15 bachelors or masters degrees from various universities across Italy,and is getting ready to get his 16th.
Getting more than one college degree is not exactly unheard of,but 15 is apparently quite impressive,since it's only been done by one man.Although he spends his days working around his house and garden,like most people his age,at night,Baretti turns into n student again.Every morning,at 3 a.m.,when most of the world is sleeping,he wakes up and studies by the light of his desk lamp.He claims studying helps keep his mind active and that every degree he has obtained has helped broaden his knowledge of the world around him.
"Thanks to books,I feel free.After all,the words share the share root,"he says,referring to the Italian words libro (book) and libero (free)."Me claims to have been inspired by the 19th century French essayist Louis-Francois Berlin,whose portrait is also on display in his study,alongside his many framed university degrees,and whom he describes as"a man of culture and knowledge.
Baietti first made it into the Guinness Book of Records in 2002,after his eighth degree.Then he spent the next 15 years adding seven more bachelors and masters degrees to his collection.
"Each time I set myself a new challenge to see how far my body and my brain can go."At 70-years-old,Baietti thinks he has enough energy for at least one more degree,this time in food science.
Probably the most important thing about Baietti's achievement is that he managed to get most of his university degrees while working as headmaster of a secondary school,and volunteering with Italy's Red Cross.The secret was always getting up at 3 in the morning to make sure that his thirst (渴求) for knowledge didn't affect his professional activity and his family life.He spent 3 hours studying every day,and that was apparently all he needed to pass his exams and write his thesis (论文).
32.Which of the following is true according to the passage?D
A.Louis-Francois Berlin is on good terms with Baietti.
B.Baietti is the first Italian to break a Guinness record twice.
C.Nobody but Baietti has ever got more than one college degree.
D.Challenging himself opens up a broader world to Baietti.
33.Baietti can be best described asC.
A.honest and considerate
B.optimistic and generous
C.determined and hardworking
D.reliable and imaginative
34.The key to Baietti's success isC.
A.the support from his family
B.his eagerness for fame
C.his nonstop daily learning
D.his unusual brain and energy
35.What lesson can we learn from the story of Baietti?B
A.Well begun is half done.
B.Never too late to learn.
C.Take things as they come.
D.Strike the iron while it is hot.
12.It's that time of year again,when college graduates attend graduation ceremony,half-listening to celebrity speakers'wisdom and advice.Here are the don't-miss graduation speeches of 2016.
◆President Obama at Howard
At Howard University,Obama had some tough love for young people with enthusiasm,saying that's just not enough:"Change requires more than anger.It requires a program and it requires organizing.Enthusiasm is very important,but you have got to have a strategy."
◆Michelle Obama at Santa Fe Indian School
"I want you to keep pushing forward.Just keep pushing forward.And I want you to reach out and ask for help.I know your teachers tell you that all the time,but please understand that no one gets through college---or life,for that matter-alone.No one.I certainly didn't.
◆SheryI Sandberg at Berkeley
As the chief operating officer of Facebook,SheryI Sandberg is one of the most famous figures in tech.last year,her husband suddenly died.In a speech at Berkeley a year later,Sandberg spoke about his death and her experience for the first in public:"My hope for you is that you can find that thankfulness-not just on the good days,like today,but on the hard ones,when you will really need it."
◆Elizabeth Warren at Suffolk
"Knowing who you are will help when it's time to fight.Fight for the job you want,fight for the people who mean the most to you and fight for the kind of world you want to live in.It will help when people say that's impossible or you can't do that.Look,if you take the unexpected opportunities when they come up,if you know yourself,and if you fight for what you believe in,I can promise that you will live a life that is rich with meaning."

21.Who stressed the importance of strategies in the speeches?A
A.President Obama               B.Michelle Obama
C.SheryI Sandberg               D.Elizabeth Warren
22.If you like struggling alone,whose speech may touch you most?B
A.President Obama's            B.Michelle Obama's
C.SheryI Sandberg               D.Elizabeth Warren
23.In which university did the speaker mention appreciation?C
A.Howard            B.Santa Fe Indian School         C.Berkeley          D.Suffolk
24.What does Elizabeth Warren want to tell the graduates?D
A.Fight for the job you want           B.Fight for the people you love
C.Fight for the world you want         D.Fight for what you believe in.
19.On the occasional clear-frost autumn right,I was hiking through the dark forest with my GMO wolf.Yes,my best friend is a genetically modified organism(转基因生物);deliberate selection has produced the blunt-toothed,small-pawed wonder that walks by my side.
Our world is changing rapidly.In the last five decades,global population has fully doubled,with 3.7billion hungry mouths added to our planet.During this same time span,the amount of land suitable for agriculture has increased by only 5%.Miraculously,this did not result in the great global famine(饥荒)one might have predicted..
How do scientists modify a plant so that it makes more food than its parents did?We could treat each harvest like a litter of wolf pups and select only plants bearing the fattest;richest seeds for the next season.This was the method our ancestors used to engineer rice,corn and wheat from the wild grasses they encountered.
During my childhood,advances in genetic technologies allowed scientists to identify and clone the genes responsible for repressing stem growth,leading to shorter,stronger stalks that could bear more seed-the high-yield crops that feed us today.The 21st century has brought with it a marvelous new set of high-tech tools with which to further quicken the process of artificial selection.Plant geneticists can now directly edit out or edit in sections of DNA using molecular scissors.We can minimize a plant's weaknesses while adding to its strengths,and we don't have to wait for seasons to pass to test the result.
It is the transformative potential of these techniques to quickly supply the next-generation crops required for upcoming climate change that has led me to believe in the safety and function of GMO plants in agricultural products.We need more GMO research to feed the world that we are creating.
I love the quiet forest that stands between my lab and my home.But I know that as a scientist,I am responsible first to humanity.We must feed,shelter and nurture one another as our first priority,and to do so,we must take advantage of our best technologies,which have always included some type of genetic modification.We must continue as before,nourishing the future as we feed ourselves,and each year plant only the very best of what we have collectively engineered.I keep the faith of my ancestors each night when I walk through the forest to my lab,and my GMO wolf does the same when she guards my way home.

63.Why does the author mention the wolf in the 1st paragraph?D
A.To advise people to keep wolves as pets
B.To persuade readers to welcome the new technology
C.To change people's attitude towards wolves
D.To introduce a technology used to humans'advantage
64.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?B
A.GMO technology will help weatherproof future crops.
B.With GMO technology,famine has been eliminated.
C.Artificial selections make high-yield plants possible.
D.The author believes technology should contribute to future generations.
65.What can be learned about modifying a plant?C
A.It takes scientists seasons to know whether their selection is correct.
B.One way for ancestors to change a plant was to clone some genes.
C.Modern techniques help speed up the artificial selection by altering DNA.
D.The general public show strong faith in GMO plants.
66.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?B
A.GMO Technology-Turning Wolves into the Best Pets
B.Engineered Food-Feeding Future Generations
C.Engineered Food-To Be or Not To Be
D.GMO Technology-A Driving Force in World Peace.
16.All through history,people from different countries and cultures have lived together in Britain.English is made (61)up of both grammar and vocabulary these people brought to Britain.That is why English has so many (62)confusing (confuse)rules.
Before the middle of the 5th century,people in Britain all spoke Celtic.Then two Germanic groups from the European mainland--the Angles and the Saxons (63)occupied (occupy) Britain.Old English,(64).which is very different from the English we speak nowadays,consisted of a mixture of their languages.
Middle English was used from around the 12th to the 15th century.Many things,(65)especially (especial) the Norman Conquest,contributed to the development of this new type of English.After the Norman Conquest,high-class people spoke French (66)while common people spoke English.In 1399,HenryⅣbecame king of England,and he used English for all official events.
Modern English appeared during the Renaissance in the 16th century.It went through huge (67)changes (change) during this period.However,this was not the end of the changes in (68)the English language.It is certain (69)that this process will continue.The question of whether English will keep changing in the future is easy (70)to answer(answer).
19.In my mind,there is a moving story about a skinny young boy who loved football with all his heart.
Practice after practice,he eagerly gave everything he had.Being half the size of the other boys,he got absolutely nowhere.Despite his hard training at all the games,this hopeful athlete sat on the bench and hardly ever played.
This teenager lived alone with his father,and the relationship between the two of them was very special.Even though the son was always on the bench,his father was always in the stands cheering.He never missed a game.This young man was still the smallest of the class when he entered high school.But his father continued to encourage him.
The young man loved football and was determined to try his best at every practice,and perhaps he'd get to play when he became a senior.All through high school he never missed a practice nor a game but remained a benchwarmer.Besides,his faithful father was always in the stands,always with words of encouragement for him.When the young man went to college,he decided to try out for the football team as a"walk-on".Everyone firmly believed that he could never make the cut,but he did.
The news that he had survived the cut thrilled him so much that he rushed to the nearest phone and called his father.His father shared his excitement and was sent season tickets for all the college games.This persistent young athlete never missed practice during his four years at college,but actually he never got the real chance to play in a game.
It was at the end of his senior football season that the coach met him with a telegram.The young man read the telegram and he became totally silent.Swallowing hard,he mumbled to the coach,"My father died this morning.Is it all right if I miss practice today?"The coach put his arm gently around his should and said,"Take the rest of the week off,son.And don't even plan to come back to the game on Saturday."
Saturday arrived,and the game was not going well.In the third quarter,when the team was ten points behind,a silent young man quietly slipped into the empty locker room and put on his football gear.As he ran onto the sidelines (边线),the coach and his players were surprised to see their faithful teammate back so soon."Coach,please let me play.I've just got to play today,"said the young man.
The coach pretended not to hear him.There was no way he wanted his worst player in this close play-off game.But the young man insisted,and finally feeling sorry for the kid,the coach gave in."All right,"he said."You can go in.''Before long,the coach,the players and everyone in the stands could not believe their eyes.This little unknown,who had never played before,was doing everything right.The opposing team could not stop him.He ran,passed,blocked,and tackled like a star.His team began to succeed.The score was soon tied.In the closing seconds of the game,this kid got a pass and ran all the way for the winning touchdown.
Finally,after the stands had emptied,the coach noticed that this young man was sitting quietly in the corner all alone.The coach came to him and said,"Kid,you were unbelievably fantastic!Tell me what got into you?How did you do it?"
He looked at the coach,tears in his eyes,and said"Well,you knew my had died,but did you know that my dad was blind?"The young man swallowed hard and forced a smile,"Dad came to all my games,but today was the first time he could see me play,and I wanted to show him I could make it!"

28.What's the writer's attitude toward the young boy in this passage?A
29.From the passage,we can infer thatB.
A.the young man's coach played an important role in his growth
B.the young man's father had a great positive influence on him
C.not until his father passed away did the young man train hard
D.the young man's road to success in football was always smooth
30.Why did the young man return to the match on Saturday?A'
A.He hoped his dead father could be proud of his performance.
B.He thought he was much better than other players in his team.
C.He wanted to defeat the opposing team in this significant game.
D.He planned to make money to cure his father of his blindness.
31.What's the best title of the passage?B
A.A thrilling football match
B.Determined father and son
C.The power of dreams
D.The encouragement of a coach.

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