
14.Joseph Pulitzer(April 10,1847-October 29,1911)was a Hungarian-American publisher best known for establishing the Pulitzer Prizes after death.
Pulitzer was born in Makó,Hungary.At 17,Pulitzer attempted to join the Austrian army.but was turned down due to age,bad health and poor eyesight.Disappointed but still with hope,he traveled first to Paris and then to London,hoping to join the army there.And he was rejected for the same reasons.Finally,he moved to the United States in 1846and served in the Lincoln Army when he was just 18until the end of the American Civil War.After the war he settled in St.Louis Missouri,where in 1868he started working as a reporter for a German-language daily newspaper,the Westliche Post fro 3,000.Then,in1879,heboughttheSt.LouisDispatchfor2,700and merged (合作) the two papers as the St.Louis Post-Dispatch,which remained St.Louis'daily newspaper.He bought the New York World in 1883,which turned out to be a successful decision,and which made Pulitzer wealthy.In 1885,he was elected to the U.S.House of Representatives,but resigned after a few months'service.In 1895the New York World introduced the first newspaper comic printed with color.Under Pulitzer's leadership circulation (发行量) grew from 15,000to 600,000,making it the largest newspaper in the country.But unfortunately from 1890,Pulitzer's already failing health worsened rapidly and he with drew from direct management of the newspaper,and simply gave some instructions from his vacation houses in Maine or in New York.At the ago of some instructions from his vacation houses in Maine or in New York.At the age of forty,he was struck blind,but he still continued to run his press empire for twenty-two more years.
In 1892,Pulitzer offered Columbia University's president money to set up the world's first school of journalism.But the university turned down the offer.In 1902,Columbia's new president willingly accepted the plan for a school and prizes,but it would not be until after Pulitzer's death that this dream would come true.Pulitzer left the university$2million in his will,which led to the creation in 1912of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.And up till now,Columbia's Graduate School of Journalism still remains one of the most famous in the world.
Joseph Pulitzer died aboard his sailing boat in 1911.He was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in The Bronx,New York.In 1917.the first Pulitzer Prizes were awarded,as Pulitzer wished to.
In 1989,in honor of his great achievements and contributions,Pulitzer was included in the St.Louis Walk of Fame.
Title:A biography of a famous person
NameJoseph PulitzerDates of birth and deathApril 10,1947-October 29,1911
Birth placeMakó,Hungary(71)Burial/BuryingplaceThe Woodlawn Cemetery,The Bronx,NY
(73)experiences/storiesMilitary career
•at 17,made several (74)attemptsto join the army,but failed for his age,bad health and poor eyesight.
•at 18,eventually served in the Lincoln's Army in the USA
Newspaper career
Newspaper career
•in 1868.began working as a reporter for the Westliche Post,a daily newspaper
•from 1872to 1882,succeeded in (75)purchasing/buyingthree newspapers
•in 1895,introduced the first newspaper comic printed with color
•from 1890,managed the newspaper (76)indirectlyfor health reason
•joined the Republican Party and in 1869was elected to the Missouri State Assembly
•in 1885,was elected to the U.S.House of Representatives.but (78)served
for only a short time.
made the New York World the largest newspaper in the country,with it.
circulation(发行量)growing from 15,000to 600,000
•in 1912,helped to (79)create/establish/foundthe Columbia University Graduate School of
Journalism,which remains one of the most famous in the orld
•established the Pulitzer Prizes through his will
(80)Honor•In 1989,was included in the St.Louis Walk of Fame.

分析 短文主要描写了匈牙利裔美国人约瑟夫-普利策的基本信息,介绍了他的军事生涯和他的新闻事业以及他在政治上的成就,最后他建立了普利策奖,对后世具有很大影响力.

解答 71.Burial/Burying,由最后一段He was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in The Bronx,New York.可知此处是他的埋葬地.
72.Nationality,由文章第一句Joseph Pulitzer(April 10,1847-October 29,1911)was a Hungarian-American publisher 可知匈牙利裔美国人是他的国籍.
74.attempts,由句子At 17,Pulitzer attempted to join the Austrian army.but was turned down due to age,bad health and poor eyesight.可知他尝试几次加入军队不成功,此处attempt to do sth.=make attempts to do sth.,表示"尝试做某事".
75.purchasing/buying,由Then,in1879,heboughttheSt.LouisDispatchfor2,700and merged (合作) the two papers as the St.Louis Post-Dispatch,which remained St.Louis'daily newspaper.He bought the New York World in 1883,which turned out to be a successful decision可知他成功了买了三家报纸.
76.indirectly,由句子But unfortunately from 1890,Pulitzer's already failing health worsened rapidly and he with drew from direct management of the newspaper,and simply gave some instructions from his vacation houses in Maine or in New York可知由于身体健康问题,他间接地管理着报社.
78.served,由句子In 1885,he was elected to the U.S.House of Representatives,but resigned after a few months'service.可知他加入众议院只任职了一个月.
79.create/establish/found,由句子Pulitzer left the university$2million in his will,which led to the creation in 1912of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.可知他在1912年建立了哥伦比亚新闻学院.
80.Honor,由最后一句In 1989,in honor of his great achievements and contributions,Pulitzer was included in the St.Louis Walk of Fame.可知这是他获得的荣誉.

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2.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Robert Frost was no longer young when he published his first book of poems,A Boy's Will,in 1913.Though born in San Francisco,the USA,he came from a New England family which returned there when he was ten.Like many other writers,he had a brief brush with college and then supported himself by trying different jobs.However,he had been brought up on a farm and he liked farming.Most of all,he liked to write but he could not support himself by writing.In his late 30s he moved to England,where he produced his first book.
At the outbreak of World War I,Frost went back to farming in New Hampshire.From then on,although he made many journeys elsewhere,he considered the farm to be his home and farming activities became the focus of his poetry.
Frost's verses(诗,诗体) are a part of a great tradition,shaped by the Roman poet Vergil,whose poetry was mainly about farming.However,though he used farm situations in much of his poetry,he gave them a wide application.He might write about stepping on a rake(耙子) and describe the feeling when it hit him,but he used the incident to show how life gave us lessons.
Some talents in poetry are used up early,but not Frost's.He continued to publish fine poetry for fifty years.He reached the height of his popularity after World War II.If America had a national poet in the 20th century,it was Frost.He was chosen to read one of his poems at the inauguration(就职典礼)of the late President John F.Kennedy,the first poet ever so honored.
The (71)Introductionto Robert Frost
Personal InformationNationality:(72)American  Topic of poetry:(73)Farming/Farming activities  
Life experiences
☆Coming from a   (75)farmer's family/New England family  
☆Having a brief brush with college
☆Trying different jobs   (76)to support himself  
☆(77)Producing/Writing   his first book of poem in his late 30s
☆Becoming   (78)the most popular/famous/well-known   poet after World War II
☆Publishing fine poetry continually for fifty years
☆Being regarded as a national poet
☆Being the first poet   (80)chosen/to be chosen   to read his poem at the inauguration of an American president
9.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
The festival season is on us again and like every year,we work hard in terms of cleaning,cooking,shopping,and so on for the season.With it,it also brings a lack of sleep.This could be because you are feeling overworked and stressed out.
We should always sleep for at least 6-8 hours but a recent survey has shown that more women than men do not get enough sleep and at times some women are functioning on less than five hours of sleep a day.
Often,some choose sleeping tablets to aid their sleep.If you are going through an extreme period of stress or pain,your doctor may subscribe to you some sleeping tablets.However,they should be taken with care,as the body takes just two weeks to adjust to them and they are not as effective.Then there is a problem that they are dependent on sleeping tablets.So you can try the healthier alternatives listed below to deal with the sleeping problem.
Use the bedroom to sleep-not as an extension of your office or entertainment center.Keep the TV switched off.
Relax before going to bed.Drinking some milk and listening to music will be beneficial.
Have a hot shower and keep the room cool.Often a temperature change can cause sleep.
Don't do anything which may raise anxiety levels just before bed.It takes your mind a long time to get calm after anxiety.
Try to get to bed at the same time every day for a week,and wake up at the same time every day for a week.Once you get used to the routine,sleep will become a natural experience.
So these are alternative ways of helping you to relax before bed.Try some or a combination of the above tips to experiment on what suits you most.
Title:How to deal with(71)the sleeping problem/lack of sleep  
Introduction☆The festive season brings(72)hard workin terms of housework and a lack of sleep
Facts☆People should have 6-8(73)sleeping hoursevery day.
☆More women(74)have/get less (insufficient) sleep/sleep less (insufficiently)than men in a survey.
An/A(75)unhealthy/ineffective way   ☆taking sleeping tablets:
The body adjusts to them quickly and people will(76)depend on/be dependent onthem.
Healthy ways
☆using the bedroom and(77)switching off/turning offthe TV
☆relaxing yourself:It's(78)beneficial/of benefitto drink some milk or listen to music.
☆having a hot shower
☆stopping doing anything raising your(79)anxiety (levels)   
☆having a regular sleeping schedule
  (80)Conclusion   ☆Try the above tips to find out the most suitable way for you.
19.A.Don't neglect using the web.
B.Get your facilities ready.
C.Make paying for your items or service convenient.
D.Move forward and get started.
E.Put together a business plan.
F.Include a section on financing.
                 Starting Your Own Business
Start with an idea.This doesn't have to be a brand new invention or new product.In fact,many successful small businesses have found a way to deliver an existing service more efficiently or economically or have customized an existing product or service.Evaluate your competitors-how many competitors,how strong are they,where are they,how will you compete.State what is required to enter this market,barriers to entry such as high fixed costs (factories,restaurants) and government regulations that must be met.E
This doesn't mean build a big factory or a fancy office.It simply means keep accurate customer records,a clean set of updated books and a technology foundation,if necessary.One of the downfalls of many small businesses is that they don't know if they're making or losing money (i.e.the need for a clean set of books).Another downfall is when small business owners try to sell their company years later but lack accurate customer history and customer information.B
Once you know you can be profitable take the leap and get started.Besides getting business supplies or advertising,plan ahead by establishing some new business clients ahead of time.If your business is unlike a restaurant,that physically needs to wait for customers to walk into its doors,establish accounts ahead of time.In this way,you will have pre-planned future receivables to look forward to.D
Use every technology available that will give your business a competitive advantage.The internet is a customers'research tool.Help future customers learn more about you and the details about what you sell and why your products or services are different and better for them than other competitors.A
Carrying cash can be risky.Therefore,most people choose to carry Visa,Mastercard,American Express and Discover.All these credit cards are part of our everyday life when it comes to making purchases.Debit cards are especially popular.So,along with having a sales counter cash register,get set up to accept credit cards for your business.To do this,also purchase a new credit machine.C.
6.This is a true story.Tristin Saghin enjoyed the movie Black Hawk Down very much,which is about the conflict in Somalia.The battle scenes and the exciting rescues of people who are dying,interested him greatly.
There was just one problem:Tristin was only 9years old,and it was thought that movie was not for children.When his parents caught him watching it on TV,they made him turn it off,though he had finished his homework and it was not late.Then one day,Tristin and his family were visiting his grandmother in Mesa,Arizona.Tristin's 20-year-old sister got out of the house and fell in the backyard pool.Realizing the little girl was missing,the family ran outside,only to find the girl had fallen into the water.
Pulled from the pool and placed on the ground,the child wasn't breathing.The family called the ambulance (救护车),but no one knew how to do first aid.No one,that is,except for Tristin.A scene in Black Hawk Down describes a doctor giving first aid.Tristin remembered it.Then the 9-year-old gave first aid to his sister at once and saved her life.
His parents don't stop him seeing the movies he likes any more.Tristin taught himself how to do first aid but he had never thought he could use it to save his little sister's life.Any skill can be used in time,so you should always learn.

33.According to the text,Tristin SaghinD.
A.was interested in war
B.disliked studying very much
C.was always ready to help others
D.was nine years old
34.Why did Tristin Saghin's parents order him to turn off the TV?C
A.They wanted him to help look after his sister.
B.He often spent too much time watching films.
C.They thought the film was not good for children.
D.He was asked to finish his homework first.
35.The author's purpose in writing the text is to advise readers toB.
A.see more movies 
B.learn more skills
C.save others bravely   
D.do what they like.

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