
19.A.Don't neglect using the web.
B.Get your facilities ready.
C.Make paying for your items or service convenient.
D.Move forward and get started.
E.Put together a business plan.
F.Include a section on financing.
                 Starting Your Own Business
Start with an idea.This doesn't have to be a brand new invention or new product.In fact,many successful small businesses have found a way to deliver an existing service more efficiently or economically or have customized an existing product or service.Evaluate your competitors-how many competitors,how strong are they,where are they,how will you compete.State what is required to enter this market,barriers to entry such as high fixed costs (factories,restaurants) and government regulations that must be met.E
This doesn't mean build a big factory or a fancy office.It simply means keep accurate customer records,a clean set of updated books and a technology foundation,if necessary.One of the downfalls of many small businesses is that they don't know if they're making or losing money (i.e.the need for a clean set of books).Another downfall is when small business owners try to sell their company years later but lack accurate customer history and customer information.B
Once you know you can be profitable take the leap and get started.Besides getting business supplies or advertising,plan ahead by establishing some new business clients ahead of time.If your business is unlike a restaurant,that physically needs to wait for customers to walk into its doors,establish accounts ahead of time.In this way,you will have pre-planned future receivables to look forward to.D
Use every technology available that will give your business a competitive advantage.The internet is a customers'research tool.Help future customers learn more about you and the details about what you sell and why your products or services are different and better for them than other competitors.A
Carrying cash can be risky.Therefore,most people choose to carry Visa,Mastercard,American Express and Discover.All these credit cards are part of our everyday life when it comes to making purchases.Debit cards are especially popular.So,along with having a sales counter cash register,get set up to accept credit cards for your business.To do this,also purchase a new credit machine.C.

分析 本文为信息匹配题,向读者介绍如何创业.

解答 76---80 EBDAC
76.答案E.细节理解题.根据"Evaluate your competitors-how many competitors,how strong are they,where are they,how will you compete."和"State what is required to enter this market,barriers to entry such as high fixed costs (factories,restaurants) and government regulations that must be met."可以推测,这是创业的第一步,市场调查、预估等,故选E Put together a business plan.做这些前期工作便是为了E选项中的"business plan",提出商业计划.故选E.
77.答案B.细节理解题.根据"It simply means keep accurate customer records,a clean set of updated books and a technology foundation,if necessary"可知,该部分涉及保存顾客档案、更新数据和技术支持,故选择B Get your facilities ready.准备好所有设备.
78.答案D.细节理解题.根据"take the leap and get started"可知,此段提及开始创业的部分,对应D Move forward and get started.
79.答案A.细节理解题.根据"Use every technology available that will give your business a competitive advantage."和"The internet is a customers'research tool"可知,本部分主要陈述推广自己产品的工具,比如Internet.故选A Don't neglect using the web.也不要忘了使用web网页.
80.答案C.细节理解题.根据"Visa,Mastercard,American Express and Discover""along with having a sales counter cash register,get set up to accept credit cards for your business""purchase a new credit machine"可推断,该部分主要陈述支付部分,故选C Make paying for your items or service convenient,让支付变得很方便.

点评 做信息匹配题的关键在于划关键词和找对应点,无论是原词重现还是同义转述,只要快速、细心匹配好对应点,就可以在该题型上拿到高分.建议考生根据老师提出的建议多加练习,控制做题时间.

2.Singles'Day----the Chinese opposite of Valentine's Day has turned into a massive online shopping event.It is a day when single people are supposed to buy themselves presents.But there are sociological reasons behind China's"celebration"of single life.And the imbalance could have big consequences for the country.
There were 34million more men than women in China in 2011.Part of that is natural-usually there are 105boys born for every 100girls.But the Chinese gender ratio  (性别比例) at birth is much more obvious.It was 116boys to 100girls in 2012.The one child policy is largely to blame.Brought in to limit population expansion,the policy allows only one child per family.But because male children are seen as more valuable,as well as more likely to support their parents in old age,some parents choose to have a son over a daughter.The result is that large numbers of men will likely never get married.In fact,one study has predicted that by 2030,1in 5Chinese men in their 30s will never have married,while another states that 94% of unmarried people in China are men.
Traditionally,China h as seen high levels of marriage,usually among the young.Besides,the increased education and career opportunities for women have meant that marriages are happening later.It is also traditional that women often marry men of a higher socioeconomic status than themselves.So women at the top and men at the bottom find themselves alone.One study has even suggested a link between an imbalanced gender ratio and growth in violent crime in the country.
Singles'Day can't solve all the problems China's singles face.Indeed,it is possible that it is causing even more problems,as men resort to increasingly risky lines of work to increase their chances of gaining money and thus a wife.I am worried that as money starts to overcome romance,there is evidence that China's marriage market is increasingly materialistic.
28.In 2012,if 50girls were born,how many boys were probably born?C
29.What made wome in China get married late?B
A.Their support of the government's late marriage policy.
B.Their higher education level and more work chances.
C.That they expect to enjoy their single time when young.
D.That there are too many excellent young men to choose from.
30.What's the writer's attitude to the imbalance gender ratio in China?B
31.We can learn from the passage that.C
A.Singles'Day is celebrated all over the world.
B.by 2030,1in 5Chinese women in their 30s will be out of marriage.
C.an imbalanced gender ratio is related to the growth in violent crime.
D.Singles'Day will solve all the problems China's singles face.
3.Some parents of elementary school students in America are receiving letters about their children's weight.If a child is found to have a weight problem,his parents will get a letter from the school informing them that their child could be overweight.
And what do students call these notes?"Fat letters."
Kids already have to put up with being frightened or hurt by other kids at school.Now they also have to protect themselves from insults from the adults who work in those schools?
Don't they think that parents know whether their children are overweight?Do we really want to encourage a trend we already see:children going on diets?According to a study by Duke University,more than 40% of 9-and 10-year-old girls have gone on a diet.
In Massachusetts,state lawmakers are considering a bill that bans school from collecting student's weight information.
Many public school educators actually consider themselves to be more enlightened(开明的) than the rest of us.That's why they have spent so much time insisting that we must not label children over their academic performances.They had a point.Schools have been putting labels on students since before the invention of blackboards.Students who might have once been labeled"lazy"simply because"uninterested."Immigrant students who were once considered"limited English proficient(熟练的)"became"English learners."
My wife is a former teacher.She works with students who have difficulty in reading and spelling.The kinds of students she helps were once said to have a"learning disability."We don't say that anymore.Today,acknowledging that human beings process information in a variety of ways,we say that these kids have a"learning difference."
There you go.Academically,the enlightened view nowadays is that all students are different,that their brains are all wired in unique ways,and that it's wrong to try to assess them with a one-size-fits-all standard to determine who is intelligent and who isn't.It is agreed that children's brains come in all shapes and sizes.
So why not be really enlightened and learn to think the same way about children's bodies?
32.The underlined word‘insults'in Paragraph 3probably meanA.
A.rude remarks
B.unhealthy food     
C.dangerous actions   
D.unfair judgments
33.According to the text,what may happen if fat letters become popular?D
A.Stopping children's secrets from being revealed will become law.
B.Parents will realize their children's weight problem early.
C.People will pay more and more attention to their weight.
D.More and more children will eat less to get thinner.
34.The author mentions his wife's work toD.
A.prove learning disabilities don't exist
B.show the importance of teachers'work
C.explain the meaning of learning differences
D.suggest people differ widely in varied ways
35.What is the author's attitude towards fat letters?B
7.Relations between the United States and Spain were not very good in 1898.On February 15,a battleship called the USS Maine blew up and sank in the harbor at Havana,Cuba.More than 260Americans were killed.Many Americans thought that Spanish saboteurs (破坏者) had set an underwater mine that caused the explosion.
Witnesses and survivors had different versions of what happened.Some said that they heard two explosions.It was discovered that the magazine-which is a storage place for arms,ammunition(军火),and explosives-had exploded.Questions were raised about what caused the first explosion.Did the first explosion come from outside the ship,causing the magazine to explode?Or,did something on the ship blow up the magazine?
Other witnesses said that there was only one explosion.If they are right,then what on the ship caused the magazine to explode?A theory supporting the two-explosion version was that rebels from Cuba had caused the explosion.The rebels were aware of the bad feelings between the United States and Spain.They would have been willing to cause trouble between the nations to bring an end to Spanish rule in Cuba.
The United States government issued an ultimatum(最后通牒) to the Spanish government to end its occupation of Cuba.When Spanish officials refused,Congress and President William McKinley declared war on Spain.The war did not last long,because the United Sates forced an early surrender.
More than 100years after the explosion of Maine,the cause of the explosion is still unknown.Many questions remain.If an attack from outside the ship caused the magazine to explode,why didn't witnesses see a splash in the water?Why were there no dead fish in the water if there was an external explosion?
With the mystery still unsolved,the question of what really happened to the USS Maine may never be answered.

(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.)
81.On February 15,1898,more than 260Americans lost their lives because ofthe explosion and sinking of the USS Maine.
82.According to the passage,the"magazine"was used tostore arms,ammunition,and explosives.
83.According to the two-explosion version,what's the probable purpose of the Cuban rebels to cause the explosion?To cause trouble and end the Spanish rule/occupation.
84.What's the main topic of the passage?The Mystery of the USS Maine./The(possible)causes of the USS Maine's Explosion.
14.Joseph Pulitzer(April 10,1847-October 29,1911)was a Hungarian-American publisher best known for establishing the Pulitzer Prizes after death.
Pulitzer was born in Makó,Hungary.At 17,Pulitzer attempted to join the Austrian army.but was turned down due to age,bad health and poor eyesight.Disappointed but still with hope,he traveled first to Paris and then to London,hoping to join the army there.And he was rejected for the same reasons.Finally,he moved to the United States in 1846and served in the Lincoln Army when he was just 18until the end of the American Civil War.After the war he settled in St.Louis Missouri,where in 1868he started working as a reporter for a German-language daily newspaper,the Westliche Post fro 3,000.Then,in1879,heboughttheSt.LouisDispatchfor2,700and merged (合作) the two papers as the St.Louis Post-Dispatch,which remained St.Louis'daily newspaper.He bought the New York World in 1883,which turned out to be a successful decision,and which made Pulitzer wealthy.In 1885,he was elected to the U.S.House of Representatives,but resigned after a few months'service.In 1895the New York World introduced the first newspaper comic printed with color.Under Pulitzer's leadership circulation (发行量) grew from 15,000to 600,000,making it the largest newspaper in the country.But unfortunately from 1890,Pulitzer's already failing health worsened rapidly and he with drew from direct management of the newspaper,and simply gave some instructions from his vacation houses in Maine or in New York.At the ago of some instructions from his vacation houses in Maine or in New York.At the age of forty,he was struck blind,but he still continued to run his press empire for twenty-two more years.
In 1892,Pulitzer offered Columbia University's president money to set up the world's first school of journalism.But the university turned down the offer.In 1902,Columbia's new president willingly accepted the plan for a school and prizes,but it would not be until after Pulitzer's death that this dream would come true.Pulitzer left the university$2million in his will,which led to the creation in 1912of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.And up till now,Columbia's Graduate School of Journalism still remains one of the most famous in the world.
Joseph Pulitzer died aboard his sailing boat in 1911.He was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in The Bronx,New York.In 1917.the first Pulitzer Prizes were awarded,as Pulitzer wished to.
In 1989,in honor of his great achievements and contributions,Pulitzer was included in the St.Louis Walk of Fame.
Title:A biography of a famous person
NameJoseph PulitzerDates of birth and deathApril 10,1947-October 29,1911
Birth placeMakó,Hungary(71)Burial/BuryingplaceThe Woodlawn Cemetery,The Bronx,NY
(73)experiences/storiesMilitary career
•at 17,made several (74)attemptsto join the army,but failed for his age,bad health and poor eyesight.
•at 18,eventually served in the Lincoln's Army in the USA
Newspaper career
Newspaper career
•in 1868.began working as a reporter for the Westliche Post,a daily newspaper
•from 1872to 1882,succeeded in (75)purchasing/buyingthree newspapers
•in 1895,introduced the first newspaper comic printed with color
•from 1890,managed the newspaper (76)indirectlyfor health reason
•joined the Republican Party and in 1869was elected to the Missouri State Assembly
•in 1885,was elected to the U.S.House of Representatives.but (78)served
for only a short time.
made the New York World the largest newspaper in the country,with it.
circulation(发行量)growing from 15,000to 600,000
•in 1912,helped to (79)create/establish/foundthe Columbia University Graduate School of
Journalism,which remains one of the most famous in the orld
•established the Pulitzer Prizes through his will
(80)Honor•In 1989,was included in the St.Louis Walk of Fame.
4.The fact that people are no longer tied to specific places for functions such as studying or learning,says William Mitchell,a professor of architecture and computer science at MIT,means that there is"a huge drop in demand for traditional,(51)C,enclosed spaces"such as offices or classrooms,and simultaneously"a huge rise in demand for semi-public spaces that can be informally appropriated to ad-hoc workspaces".This shift,he thinks,amounts to the biggest change in (52)Bin this century.In the 20th century architecture was about (53)Astructures-offices for working,cafeterias for eating,and so forth.This was necessary because workers needed to be near things such as landline phones,fax machines and filing cabinets.
The new architecture,says Mr Mitchell,will"make spaces intentionally(54)C".Architects are thinking about light,air,trees and gardens,all in the service of human connections.Buildings will have much more varied shapes than before(55)B,people working on laptops find it comforting to have their backs to a wall,so hybrid(混合的) spaces may become curvier,with more nooks(角落),in order to (56)Cthe surface area of their inner walls.
"This(57)Dis what separates successful spaces and cities from unsuccessful ones,"says Anthony Townsend,an urban planner at the Institute for the Future,a think-tank.Almost any public space can assume some of these features.For example,a not-for-profit organization in New York has(58)BBryant Park,a once abandoned but charming garden in front of the city's public library,into a hybrid space popular with office workers.The park's managers noticed that a lot of visitors were using mobile phones and laptops in the park,so they (59)AWi-Fi and added some chairs with foldable lecture desks.The idea was not to distract people from the flowers but to let them customize their little bit of the park.
The academic name for such spaces is"third places",a term originally coined by the sociologist Ray Oldenburg in his 1989 book,"The Great,Good Place".At the time,long before mobile technologies became widespread,Mr Oldenburg wanted to (60)Dbetween the sociological functions of people's first places (their homes),their second places (offices) and the public spaces that(61)Asafe,neutral and informal meeting points.As Mr Oldenburg saw it,a good third place makes admission free or cheap-the price of a cup of coffee,say-offers creature comforts,is within walking distance for a particular neighborhood and (62)Da group of regulars.
As more(63)Dplaces pop up and spread,they also change entire cities.Just as buildings during the 20th century were specialized by(64)A,towns were as well,says Mr Mitchell.Suburbs were for living,downtowns for (65)Band other areas for playing.But urban nomadism makes districts,like buildings,multifunctional.Parts of town that were monocultures,he says,gradually become"fine-grained mixed-use neighborhoods".
55.A.In additionB.For instanceC.On the contraryD.Meanwhile
61.A.serve asB.appeal toC.identify withD.put away

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