
Life skill is one of the most important, 1. (factor) to support students. Therefore, some people hold the idea 2. unpaid community work should be a compulsory part of high school programs to help students gain life skills and knowledge. And there are a lot of high schools 3. (perform) some programs like that. 4. (person), I think those programs are very good because they help students to get the opportunity 5. (see) and experience different aspects of life.

Instead of watching TV or playing games on the computer at home, students will accumulate a lot of useful experience and knowledge 6. working in the community. Through some activities like that, students will become creative and active since they 7. (know) how to communicate and keep a good relationship with other people. Especially, in the future, some experiences from participating in community organizations will be very 8. (value) because it is a vital part in CV when students want to apply for a job.

To sum up, it will be 9. good idea for students to carry out unpaid community service in high schools. These programs will improve students’ life skills and 10. (they) understanding of life.


One day, Lindsay and Erica were sitting at Lindsay’s house working very hard. Fourth grade was tough, and they were working on a science project about weather. Lindsay was a hard worker like Erica, so the two girls were happy to have each other as partners. They were writing about rain and were amazed to learn that Hawaii is the world’s wettest place. Lindsay found that Mount Waialeale, on the island of Kauai, gets about 460 inches of rain a year! In 1982, Mount Waialeale set an all-time world record when it received 666 inches of rain! The girls knew that their classmates would find all these facts interesting.

The girls were enjoying the fun facts they were finding when all of a sudden, Lindsay saw Erica choking. Erica had been chewing on a pen cap and had accidentally swallowed it! Erica started pointing to her neck. Lindsay asked her if she was choking. When Erica nodded to say yes, Lindsay quickly stood up and did the Heimlich maneuver (策略) to try to help Erica stop choking.

Lindsay was afraid of hurting her friend, so the first time she tried the Heimlich maneuver, she did not do it very hard. She tried a second time, and nothing happened. After trying it a third time, the pen cap flew out of Erica’ mouth!

Erica was very grateful to Lindsay. She was terrified when she realized she had swallowed the pen cap and could not breathe. Lindsay was very brave and saved her friend. This was one science project that both girls would never forget!

1.What did the two girls think of the facts they were finding?

A. Simple B. Abstract

C. Interesting D. Tough

2.Eric was choking because ______.

A. she swallowed a pen cap by accident

B. she was hurt by a pen cap

C. food was stuck in her throat

D. her neck was hurt by a pen point

3.What does the Heimlich maneuver probably refer to?

A. Person B. Book

C. Tool D. First aid

4.It can be inferred that ________.

A. Lindsay has a good knowledge of first aid

B. Erica pretended to be choking

C. Lindsay could not breathe without Erica

D. Eric would be sent to the hospital

Almost everybody in America will spend a part of his or her life behind a shopping cart. They will in a lifetime, push the chrome?plated_contraptions many miles. But few will know—or even think to ask—who it was that invented them.

Sylvan N. Goldman invented the shopping cart in 1937. At that time he was in the supermarket business. Every day he would see shoppers lugging groceries around in baskets they had to carry.

One day Goldman suddenly had the idea of putting baskets on wheels. The wheeled baskets would make shopping much easier for his customers, and would help to attract more business.

On June 4, 1937, Goldman’s first carts were ready for use in his market. He was terribly excited on the morning of that day as customers began arriving. He couldn’t wait to see them using his invention.

But Goldman was disappointed. Most shoppers gave the carts a long look, but hardly anybody would give them a try.

After a while, Goldman decided to ask customers why they weren’t using his carts.“Don’t you think this arm is strong enough to carry a shopping basket?”one shopper replied.

But Goldman wasn’t beaten yet. He knew his carts would be a great success if only he could persuade people to give them a try. To this end, Goldman hired a group of people to push carts around his market and pretend they were shopping! Seeing this, the real customers gradually began copying the phony (假的) customers.

As Goldman had hoped, the carts were soon attracting larger and larger numbers of customers to his market. But not only did more people come — those who came bought more. With larger easier?to?handle baskets, customers unconsciously bought a greater number of items than before.

Today’s shopping carts are five times larger than Goldman’s original model. Perhaps that’s one reason why Americans today spend more than five times as much money on food each year as they did before 1937—the coming of the shopping cart.

1.What do the underlined words“chrome?plated contraptions” in the first paragraph refer to?

A. Shopping carts. B. Suitcases.

C. Private cars. D. Baskets.

2.What was the purpose of Goldman’s invention?

A. It was to reduce the burden of his employees’work.

B. It was to prove him to be a good inventor.

C. It was to make shopping easier and attract more business.

D. It was to help the disabled make shopping easily in his market.

3.Goldman hired a group of people to push carts around his market in order to ________.

A. attract people to buy things in his market

B. make his market different from the others

C. keep the groceries from being stolen

D. encourage people to use his shopping carts

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Goldman will become very famous because of his invention.

B. Supermarket business has benefited a lot from Goldman’s invention.

C. Goldman’s invention will be regarded as the greatest one in the world.

D. There will be nothing that can replace Goldman’s invention.

I stand outside waving at the car pulling slowly out of our driveway. I force a smile, hoping it will cover up my tearing eyes, but I know it’s not working. I run into the house, slam the door behind me, and begin crying. It’s just occurred to me that I can’t see my elder sister, Monsura, in the next four months.

I ask myself why it is that I’m crying when I know she's doing something good for herself. I feel selfish for thinking about it but I’d be lying if I said I was happy for her choosing to study in a university in Boston. When my brother, Shafat, left for college, it was different. I still had one sibling at home to call me the stupidest person on a daily basis.

I am reminded of the things we did together as kids. In our old two-bed-room apartment, our parents gave in to our constant begging and traded rooms with us for one night. It was like being part of the amusement park, using our parents’ big bed as a trampoline (蹦床).It was during the first night that I witnessed a full moon. My sister and I believed my brother. He said that the moon was yellow because it was made from cheese. We made plans to visit the moon so we could melt a part of it and make cheese dip. But now I laugh at myself for being so innocent.

Sitting in front of my computer, I listen to songs that remind me of my two best friends. I come to terms with the fact that there's no longer anyone here to laugh uncontrollably with me or to turn to at night when I have a nightmare.

I’m shaken into reality by the sound of my cell phone ringing. Shafat is calling. I pick up and he immediately says “Thank you for such a great childhood.'' Those few words mean the world to me. We three-way call Monsura and spend the next hour reliving memory after memory, and by the end, I forget that I’m alone at home.

1.Why does the writer feel very sad?

A. She isn't admitted to a university.

B. She has no one to accompany her at home.

C. Monsura thinks she is stupid.

D. Monsura and Shafat didn’t go to the same college.

2.The kids traded rooms with their parents because .

A. they hoped to sleep in one room

B. they expected to see a fall moon

C. they could play together on their parents’ bed

D. they wanted to make plans to visit the moon

3.What is the turning point of the story?

A. That the writer’s brother left home for college.

B. That the writer cried hard on the day when Monsura left.

C. That the writer listened to songs that remind her of something.

D. That the writer talked with her sister and brother on the phone,

4.What might be the best title for the passage?

A. My childhood B. A very sad day

C. A hard-won family union D. The most precious family love

A survey has shown that what you do on a plane can be determined by which nationality is listed on your passport.

According to the results of an international passenger survey, Australians are the biggest drinkers on board with 36 percent choosing to down the hatch, compared to 35 percent of Americans and 33 percent of Brits.

The Airline Passenger Experience Association(APEX) spoke to around 1,500 people, aged 18 and older, who have traveled by plane at least once during the last three months and were living in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, China, Singapore, Australia and Brazil.

The results found Chinese travelers are most likely to nod off once the seat-belt sign switches off. They are also the first to take out their credit card for some in-flight shopping and the biggest fans of gaming. Americans on the other hand like to use their time in the air more productively---- when not drinking---- choosing to work while flying at 35,000 feet.

Meanwhile, Brits and Germans are the best at making chat with random strangers----spending 50 percent more time than any other nationality. Comparatively, Brazilians conduct their conversations online via email, messaging apps or social media.

Despite plane food having a bad reputation, seven out of ten interviewees said they were happy to eat up on the selection of in-flight snacks and meals. In-flight magazines were also popular with four out of five passengers.

The international flyers did however express their desire for better in-flight entertainment. “The industry has greatly improved the comfort, entertainment and onboard service, and passengers are accepting those improvements” said Russell Lemieux, APEX executive director. “At the same time, passengers are demanding more from their air travel experiences which will drive more improvements touching all aspects of the journey.” he added.

1.What can you probably see in the flight according to the passage?

A. Brazilians choose to drink.

B. Americans do in-flight shopping.

C. Germans chat to kill the time.

D. The Chinese switch off the seat-belt sign.

2.When on board the plane, ______.

A. passengers from one nation have little in common

B. most passengers like to read in-flight magazines

C. more than half of the passengers don’t enjoy plane food

D. most people tend to use in-flight time to have a good sleep.

3.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. Flyers care little about entertainment.

B. Flyers are not satisfied with the improvements.

C. Flyers are expecting better flight experiences.

D. Flyers have more and more demands from airlines.

4.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A. To entertain readers with interesting stories.

B. To encourage people to behave well in public.

C. To criticize impolite behaviors on the plane.

D. To inform readers of the results of a survey.

Ways to Improve Your Luck

Some people have all the luck!Or does it just seem that way?Why did your co-worker get that big promotion while you were overlooked?Why do some of us seem to experience these lucky things more than others and how can you improve your luck?1.

What You Tell Yourself Matters!

Do you know that people who are lucky tell themselves they're lucky?Has your own self-talk been filled with less-than-lucky talk?Do you say things like:"I'm just not a lucky person."or "Good things never happen to me?" 2.They say things like---"This setback is only temporary.I know things will turn around."or"Things have a way of working out for me."

Expect and Acknowledge Your Good Luck.

3. Research suggests keeping a "good luck journal" helps people become even luckier.Did someone bring you coffee at work today?Did you find a random quarter on the street?Did your husband or wife do something nice for you today?Did your child get a good grade at school?Write them down! 4. Begin to notice all the good that comes to you.

Do Something New and Different.

Make contact with people.Take risks.People who try new things are much more open to luck and good fortune than those who don't.This doesn't mean you have to quit your job or take up skydiving! It could be as simple as starting a conversation with a stranger,taking a class in an unfamiliar subject, learning some words and phrases in a foreign language,or trying a new ethnic restaurant.5. And this greater openness can help promote chance opportunities in their lives.

A.You probably have many more lucky things happening in your life than you think.

B.Lucky people generally expect good fortune.

C.All of these things count.

D.You will never forget your lucky friends.

E.Here are ideas that researchers tell us about luck.

F.A lucky person generally receive good fortune in the future.

G.Lucky people score much higher on openness than unlucky people.

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