

1Mum gave me her c__________ the moment she knew I got the first prize in the speech competition.

【2The cost of living in Glasgow is among the lowest in Britain, while the q___________ of life there is probably among the highest.

【3It was quite terrible. It took me some time to c___________ down myself.

【4If you throw rubbish in public, you will be f_____________.

【5After the policeman went into the house, he l______ up a cigarette and began to search for evidence.

【6The task was difficult, but Helen’s d___________ expression let me know that she would not give up.

【7News came that Michael Schumacher got badly i____________ in a skiing accident the other day.

【8Michael once lived in China for ten years. No wonder he speaks Chinese as f________ as native Chinese.

【9My father never complains and always takes a positive a___________ towards life.

10China is one of the developing countries b_________________ to the third world














【1】congratulations 考查名词。复数形式的congratulations 表示祝贺,恭贺。句意:得知我在演讲比赛中获得一等奖,妈妈立刻向我表示祝贺。故填congratulations。

【2】quality 考查名词。the quality of life 生活质量。此处是说,那里的生活质量可能是最高的。故填quality。

【3】calm 考查动词短语。此处是说:太可怕了,我好长时间才让自己冷静下来。calm down 冷静下来,是固定短语。故填calm。

【4】fined 考查被动语态。本处是一般将来时的被动语态,空缺处要填过去分词;再结合句意:如果你在公共场合扔垃圾,你将被罚款。fine sb.罚某人款,其过去分词为fined,故填fined。

【5】lit/lighted 考查动词的时态。after引导的从句用的是一般过去时,所以主句也要用一般过去时;结合句意,此处为点燃,点亮,用light up,light的过去式为lighted/lit,故填lit/lighted。

【6】determined 考查形容词。空缺处修饰后面的名词expression,要填形容词;再结合句意:这项任务很艰巨,但海伦的坚定的表情让我知道她不会放弃的,可知此处要填坚定的,坚毅的,有决心的,故填determined。

【7】injured 考查固定短语。get badly injured 某人严重受伤,injured 是过去分词形式的形容词,意为受伤的,故填injured。

【8】fluently 考查副词。此处的as....as...结构修饰动词speak,要用副词;再结合句意:Michael曾在中国居住了十年,难怪他的汉语说得和中国人一样地流利,故填fluently。

【9】attitude 考查固定短语。take a positive attitude towards sth.对...持乐观的态度;句意:我爸爸从不抱怨,总是对生活持有乐观的态度。故填attitude。

【10】belonging 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知空缺处为后置定语;根据句意可知中国是发展中国家,属于第三世界,属于译为belong to,该短语没有进行时,没有被动语态,故要用其现在分词作后置定语,故填belonging。


【题目】Long ago, in a far-away place, an old tribal chief found himself terminally ill. So he called three most promising young villagers to his bedside and said, “As I1(leave)you soon, I hope you can do one more thing for me. Young men, you three are all2(usual)strong and resourceful, so I’d like you to strive to climb that high mountain we have always been worshipping3a sacred place. Try to reach the top and then turn back to tell me about your findings.

Three days later, the first young man returned smartly dressed and said4(smile), “Lord, I’ve been to the mountaintop5I saw flowers of all sorts, spring water and singing birds. That’s a real nice place. ”

The old tribal chief replied with a smile, “Son, I’ve been there before. It’s not the mountaintop6the foot of the mountain. You can leave now. ”

A week later, the second young man also returned. “Lord, I’ve been to the mountaintop7a forest of tall pine trees and vultures circling in the air. That’s a really nice place. ”

“What a pity! ”said the chief. “Son, you’ve been halfway up the mountain rather than to the summit. Now you can leave. ”

A month later, the third young man showed up in rags, his hair off-colored but his eyes clear and bright.

“Lord, I succeeded in reaching the summit. There was nothing there but the highland wind and the blue sky8(hang)over the land. ”

“So you saw nothing at all? Not even9butterfly? ”

“No, Lord, nothing. All you can see is yourself. You just feel how insignificant you are in this infinite universe10standing at the top! ”

“Son, you’ve reached the real mountaintop. Congratulations! You will be undoubtedly made our new tribal chief! ”

【题目】 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

【1】 Half a minute? A few seconds?

Google engineers have discovered that even 400 milliseconds-as short as the blink of an eye-is too long for most Internet users.

A millisecond is one thousandth of a second. People hardly notice such a small time difference, but it does cause them to stop searching, reported The New York Times.

Nowadays, millions of smart-phones and computers are constantly gathering and sending out information. 2 you can get digital "traffic jams". Meanwhile, users are expecting faster and faster service.

Google found that if one website is 250 milliseconds slower than another website ,then people will visit it less often. 3 Google said people do expect different things from different websites because they realize not all loading times are the same. For example ,a person will be more patient waiting for a video clip to load than for a search result.

Even so, four out of five online users will click away if a video takes too long to load. This makes “difficult for video websites to choose between the quality of pictures and fast loading times.

Pursuing a higher speed has always been part of the history of the Internet.

In the 1990s,when the World Wide Web first started to become popular, 4 people called it the "World Wide Wait". But engineers managed to fight the problem with new inventions. They laid a lot of fiber optic cables for high-speed transmissions , they improved software so it would work more smoothly; they placed computer servers all around the world to be nearer to users; all this increased speed.

Nowadays we can enjoy much faster Internet ._ 5 But they will need to keep fighting to keep up with the developing demands of internet users.

A. internet is becoming faster and faster.

B. With so many people downloading maps, sports videos, news and restaurant recommendations,

C. Major search engines such as Google and Microsoft's Bing usually find search results in less than a second.

D. We can not expect a faster speed about the internet.

E. This is why technology companies are now competing to be the fastest.

F. How long are you willing to wait for a webpage to open before you start to lose your patience?

G it was very crowded and slow;

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