
My father was in the navy, which meant that my mother was married to both my father and the sea. As was often the __1__, we had to pack our belongings into boxes and __ 2__ those we had grown to love. We would arrive at our new home and find ourselves once again __3__ at the pier(码头)waving good-bye to my father as his ship pulled him away from us. My mother would turn my brother and me around before the ship was out of __4__, wipe our tears, and take us back home to start the process of __5__ in the new environment again.
Throughout the years of changing __6__, schools and friends, there remained one constant in my childhood — my mother. For both my __7_ and me, she was the cook, maid and teacher. She played these roles while __8__ some type of part-time job. Leaving a promising career is just one of the __9__ which my mother made for my family as we moved around the world with our father every three years or so. __10__ she had to deal with only a small budget, my mother __11__ managed to make each house the very home that is safe and __12__.
This probably sounds like a depressing way to live, __13__ with two small children: “single” parenthood, short-term friendships, and the inability to __14__ a career or establish a home. But it was not for my mother. She turned this __15__ into adventure for us all! Each relocation was a chance to __16__ another part of the world. My mother __17__ each new culture, climate and neighborhood. Each new house was a __18__ to rearrange furniture, make curtains and hang pictures. Every part-time job was an opportunity to learn something new and work with interesting people.
No matter how difficult the life was, she was always having a __19__ attitude. She always had strength in the face of struggle and change. My mother was so __20__all those years of my childhood — she was my island in a sea of change. She is my hero.
A.situationB.caseC.matter D.rule
A.leave behindB.leave outC.leave offD.leave for
A.adaptingB.suitingC.matching D.fitting
A.OnceB.WhileC.When D.Unless
A.somewhereB.somewhat C.sometime D.somehow
A.generallyB.actually C.especiallyD.unfairly
A.desert B.pursueC.affectD.limit
A.metB.greeted C.agreedD.suspected
A.changeableB.cautious C.positive D.negative


小题1:这里想说,这种事例经常发生,situation处境 case事例matter问题 rule
小题2:这里想说留下我们成长中喜爱的一些东西,leave behind留下 leave out省略 leave off戒除 leave for离开,故选A。
小题3:这里表示再一次站在码头上,standing 站在,故选C。
小题4:根据wipe our tears, and take us back home to start the process of fitting
in the new environment again,可知这里想说在轮船消失在视线中之前,out of sight在视野之外,故选C。
小题5: 这里想说再次适应新的环境,fit in适应,故选D。
小题6:根据We would arrive at our new home,可知这里想说经常地换地址,学校和朋友,故选C。
小题7:根据My mother would turn my brother and me around before the ship was out of sight,故选C。
小题8:根据She played these roles ,故选A,performing履行,扮演。
小题9:根据as we moved around the world with our father every three years or so可知这里想说妈妈放弃她很有前途的职业是她为家庭做的牺牲之一,sacrifices牺牲,故选B。
小题20:根据she was my island in a sea of change. She is my hero.可知我的母亲很勇敢,故选B。
I got interested in the idea of standing desks about a year ago. The health advantages of standing instead of sitting for eight hours a day are clear, so when the company Ergotron invited me to review their WorkFit C-Mod Dual Desk, I jumped out of my chair---really.
After several hours putting the desk together, I finally got to try it out. The standing desk had a desktop that I could use for writing.
At first I absolutely loved it. Standing during the day instead of sitting was fantastic. Although I felt more tired after all that standing during the day, I knew the health benefits were worth the slight discomfort. However, after the initial novelty (新奇)of the desk wore off, I realized that I could not use it in the long term.
It was just not practical. While using the desk for a month , I could definitely foresee problems arising from using it full time.
I enjoy having a lot of things on my desk. The standing desk just did not have enough room for all of my things.
I can easily foresee awkward situations when I put that desk in an office space. When someone comes into your office, does your guest have to stand as well? If you office is big enough, maybe you have room for two chairs for you and a visitor, which is great. Yet for the ordinary worker in a small office, the standing desk creates a very awkward situation.
Additionally, the amount of money I would have to spend to replace my current workspace with a standing desk was another issue. The desks I have looked at were highly expensive.
Yes, spending the day standing can offset(抵消) many of the negative effects of too much sitting, but we humans are designed for movement. Through activity changes like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, you can easily increase the time you spend on your feet. Best of all, those options are completely free.
小题1:When the author was asked to try the standing desk out, he was ____.
小题2:When first using the standing desk, the author ___.
A.thought it was boringB.thought it was wonderful
C.felt less tired than usualD.felt quite uncomfortable
小题3:According to the author, a standing desk ____.
A.takes up too much spaceB.is suitable for long-term use
C.is cheaper than traditional desksD.is impractical though good for health
小题4:What does the author mainly tell us in the text?
A.How to use the standing desk.B.What he does during the workday.
C.His opinion on the standing desk.D.The advantage of the standing desk.
Maybe you’ve just invented something better than the iPhone or a solar-powered car. You don’t want anyone to steal your design. What should you do? Patent (申请专利) it! Patents are the best way to get credit for your work and help others continue advancing in that field. Here’s what you need to know.
A patent gives you the right to an invention. The patent protects its owner, which means the invention can’t be copied or sold without their agreement. In exchange, the owner must reveal information about the invention. This contributes knowledge that helps other inventors improve on their own research. A patent usually lasts about 20 years.
The first step to getting a patent is the application. The person applying must name the invention, explain its use and describe it clearly. The invention must be practical and contain some new characteristic — something that hasn’t been seen or used before. But not everything “new” can be patented. Many countries don’t allow patents on things like new concepts, scientific theories, medical procedures or substances already found in nature.
You may not be able to see patents, but they’re connected to nearly everything. There are patents on things you use every day, like plastic, medicine and your computer. There are patents on things that are unavailable on the market, too. Apple is well-known for its patents on potential products, such as the “iBike” or the “iKey”.
Of course there are also patents on inventions like this. Take the anti-eating face mask for example. This device locks around your head with a metal cage covering your mouth. You can breathe and speak, but you can’t eat!
Although many patented inventions can be failures, there’s plenty of room for success. So if you have a cool invention, try to patent it.
小题1:Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?
A.A patent can last for around 20 years.
B.Everything new can be patented.
C.Your invention is protected after you have applied for a patent.
D.Some patents are on the things that we use every day.
小题2:We can infer that Apple’s iBike is _____.
A.a popular productB.a mere new concept
C.a famous brand in the worldD.a practical bike on the market
小题3:The underlined word “device” in Paragraph 5 can best be replaced by “_____”.
A.weapon B.medicineC.equipment D.strength
小题4:The purpose of writing this passage is to _____.
A.advertise B.persuadeC.warnD.inform
Everyone gets sick of hearing. “Put on your seat belt!”But it’s good advice. People who wear seat belts are 45 percent less likely to be killed while riding in the front seat of a car.
The US government wants more seat belt laws. It says children aged 4 to 15 are often killed in car accidents. In 2005, there were 1,627 children aged 4 to 15 killed in car accidents. More than 1,000 of those children were not wearing seat belts. If they had been wearing seat belts, 500 of those children could be alive today.
These children are too old to be in car seats, but they often sit in the back seat. Seat belt laws in many states, including Wisconsin, only require people in the front seat to wear seat belts. Children who aren’t wearing seat belts can be thrown from the car. The risk of dying in an accident is three times greater if the person is thrown from the car.
New laws could require children aged 4 to 8 to be in booster seats in the car. Booster seats help seat belts fit children properly. Right now, only 5 percent of children aged 4 to 8 are seated in booster seats.
While parents have the choice of whether wearing seat belts or not, children are too young to make that choice. Even if you decide not to wear a seat belt, make sure you children are in seat belts and car seats. It’s the law and it will save their lives.
小题1:The underlined sentence “Everyone gets sick of hearing”in the first paragraph means“________”.
A.there is something wrong with everyone’s ears
B.all people fall ill when they hear something
C.many people don’t pay attention to wearing seat belts
D.none of the people knows it is a piece of good advice
小题2:More than two-third of 1,627 children were killed because ___________.
A.they weren’t using seat belts
B.they were too careful when they walked on the road
C.they were not old enough to sit in the car
D.they wore seat belts
小题3:You must get your children to put on seat belts in order to ________.
A.keep them comfortable in the car seatB.keep them safe
C.keep them awake in the car all the timeD.prevent all kinds of traffic accidents
小题4:What would be the best title of this passage?
A.Children Should Put on Seat Belts.
B.Too Many Traffic Accidents Happened Recently.
C.Traffic Laws Are Very Important.
D.Parents Are Important to Children.
James is a good student and he has lots of friends,but he also has a problem.Some older boys are bullying(欺负)him at school.James is very unhappy and he doesn't know what to do about it.Here are some suggestions to him and other teenagers in this situation.
Don't feel worried.It's not your fault(过错)! Being bullied can make you feel very lonely and angry,but you are not alone.Don't feel that you have to hide the problem.You should find a person you can trust,and tell them.It might be your teacher,your parents,or even your friend's parents.After you tell someone,you will get some support and feel some relief(解脱).
Speaking to an adult might make you nervous,but here are other things you can do.Some people express their feelings more easily on paper.Write a letter to someone or keep a diary.Include all the details about what the bullies do, as well as when and where the bullying happens.You can use it as proof to show what is going on.And it is a wonderful idea to show your letter or diary to a teacher or another responsible adult.Then the bullies will feel very afraid if their names appear in a letter!
Also,don't show you are sad and don't try and fight with the bullies. You could get in trouble yourself. Ignore them and just walk away. The bullies will soon stop.
小题1:What do you think the text is trying to tell us?
A.What to do about being bullied.B.How to be a good student at school.
C.What to write well in a diary.D.How to give suggestions to teenagers.
小题2:Why does the text advise you not to feel worried if bullied?
A.Because you are not alone.B.Because it is not your fault.
C.Because someone has known about it.D.Because you' re doing something wrong.
小题3:You'd better go and find a person you can trust and ____.
A.know what happensB.learn from themC.ask for help D.make them lonely
“NOW I just don't believe that. ”Surely all of us, at some point, have watched a movie and thought: It's simply badly researched,or the makers must think we're fools. Recently, The Daily Telegraph ran a humorous piece on untrue tech moments from some top movies. Let’s see what they are all about.
Tom Chiver, the writer of The Daily Telegraph uses his first example from the movie Independence Day, in which a character comes up with a virus(病毒)which destroys Windows the computer system the alien (外星人)spacecraft uses. “It's a good thing that they didn't have Norton Anti-virus,” jokes  Chivers.
It's just one case of a movie that takes a lot of license with its science. Another one Chivers mentions is from the movie Star Wars, where the glowing light beams (光束)traveling through space look very impressive. But the problem is that in space there are no air particles (粒子)for the light to reflect off. In reality, they'd be invisible(看不见的), which wouldn’t look so cool on the big screen.
Most people think that the mind—bending Matrix films are made for great viewing. But for Chivers, the science in the movies is a little bit silly. He comments “…the film is based on the idea that humans are kept alive as electricity generators (发电机). This is not just unlikely —it's basically impossible. They would need more energy to stay alive than they would produce. It's just like saying that you'll power the car with batteries, and keep the batteries charged by running a generator from the wheels. ”
And finally, as Chivers points out, DNA is not replaceable. But this bit of elementary genetics passed the makers of the 2002 Bond film Die Another Day by. In the film the bad guy has “gene treatment” to change his appearance and his DNA, which is completely impossible in our real world.
小题1:Which of the following does the writer agree with about the movie Independence Day?
A.It's a science fiction movie.
B.It's about the alien spacecraft.
C.It's produced by Tom Chiver.
D.It's a jokey and humorous one.
小题2: What is mainly talked about in the 4th paragraph?
A.How we can power the car with batteries.
B.How Tom Chiver thinks of the Matrix films.
C.How humans are kept alive as power generator.
D.How the Matrix films are made for great viewing.
小题3:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.The movie Star Wars is about the light beams in space.
B.The author doesn't take the science in movies seriously.
C.Nowadays nobody believes in science movies any more.
D.There is a horrible virus in the movie Independence Day.
小题4:The underlined word “They” in the 4th paragraph refers to ______.
A.human beings B.car wheels
C.Matrix films D.electricity generators
What is your body language saying to your children? What is their body language telling you? I had the honor of hearing Jan Hargrave speak the other day. She is one of four body language experts in the US. Jan Hargrave says we lie with the right side of our brains, so it is our left hand that gives us away. A person touching his nose, pulling at his ear or rubbing his eye with his left hand might be lying to you. Also, a person who, in any way, crosses any fingers might just be lying. That, she says, is a holdover(遗留物) from childhood, when we crossed our fingers to signal that we didn’t mean what we were saying. When children squint(眨) their eyes, move their body away from you, or can’t seem to make good eye contact, you may need to ask for a little more clarification.
But just as important, children learn early how to read our body language when they are conversing(交谈) with us. Here are some acceptance signals to let them know you are interested when they are talking to you. Lean(倾斜) towards them. Make good eye contact and smile. Open your arms. Let your hands relax with the palms(手掌) showing: an open, upward palm always show acceptance. If your legs are crossed, make sure you are not crossing them away from your child. These are important because they signal to your child that you are focused on them and are accepting and welcoming them into your world.
By paying attention, we can open those lines of important communication with our children and we can see the truth more clearly. I think it would be a mistake to use these tools to lie, but we need to be aware of the signals we are giving so we can show people that they really do matter to us.
小题1:According to Jan Hargrave, we can tell whether a person is lying by _______.
A.observing his/her left hand’s movements.
B.looking at how he/ she crosses his/ her fingers
C.observing whether he/ she uses body language
D.making good eye contact with him/ her
小题2:We can learn from the passage that body language _______.
A.is hard to master for children
B.can be understood in different ways
C.may help improve communication
D.is more likely to hide the truth
小题3:Which of the following does NOT show acceptance to people?
A.Smile while making eye contact.
B.Open your arms to them.
C.Relax your hands with the palms showing.
D.Cross your leg away from them.
小题4:In the last paragraph, the author seems to suggest that parents_______.
A.spend more time with their children
B.learn to read and use body language
C.pay attention to family communication
D.try to prevent their children from lying
Snow falls in the Earth’s extreme North and South throughout the year. However, the heaviest snowfalls have been reported in the mountains of other areas during winter. Snow is even known to fall near the Equator (赤道),but only on the highest mountains.
Snow contains much less water than rain, but much of the water the world uses comes from snow. Melting snow provides water for rivers, electric power stations and agricultural crops. In the western United States, mountain snow provides up to seventy-five percent of all surface water supplies.
Snowfall helps to protect plants and some wild animals from winter weather. Fresh snow is made largely of air trapped among the snow crystals (晶体). Because the air has trouble moving, the movement of heat is limited. Snow also influences the movement of sound waves. The surface of the snow takes in, or absorbs, sound waves. As snow grows older or if there have been strong winds, it can become hard and flat. Then, the snow,s surface will help to send back sound waves.
Snow may be beautiful, but it can be deadly. It is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people. Many people die in traffic accidents on roads covered with snow and ice or from being seriously stuck in the winter storm. Others die from heart attacks caused by too much physical activity out in the cold.
People may not be able to avoid living in areas where it snows often. However, they can avoid becoming victims of snowstorms. People should stop driving and stay at home until the storm has passed. People living in these areas should carry emergency supplies in their vehicle. These include food,emergency medical supplies,and extra clothing to stay warm and dry.
小题1:Mountain snowfall _____.
A.is heavier than that in the South and the North Poles
B.has never occurred near the Equator of the earth
C.brings less of the water the world uses than rain does
D.provides up to seventy—five percent of water supplies worldwide
小题2:Snow protects plants and wild animals from cold weather by _____.
A.supplying much more air B.limiting heat movement
C.absorbing strong winds D.sending back sound waves
小题3:Snow can be deadly mainly because it can _____.
A.cause road accidents
B.make people stuck in winter storms
C.lead to heart attacks
D.make people victims of snowstorms
小题4:What will the text probably tell us following the last paragraph? _.
A.How to drive during snowstorms
B.Where we can get emergency supplies
C.How to prevent heart attacks out in cold
D.Why we should stay warm and dry in winter

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