Scientists believe that one of our most important means of knowing what is going on around us is the sense of sound. We are warned of danger by sounds. Sounds serve to please us in music. Sound has a waste product, too, in the form of noise. Noise has been called unwanted sound. Noise is growing and it may get much worse before it gets any better.

In order to know how noise affects people and animals, scientists have been studying for several years. They are surprised by what they have learned. Peace and quiet are becoming harder to find. Noise pollution is a threat that should be looked at carefully.

Sounds is measured in units called decibels (分贝). At a level of 140 decibels people feel pain in their ears.

Trucks , buses , motorcycles, airplanes, boats, factories---all these things make noise. They trouble not only our ears, but minds and bodies as well.

There is a saying that it is so noisy that you can’t hear yourself think. Doctors who study noise believe that we must sometimes hear ourselves think. If we don’t, we may have headaches, other aches and pains, or even worse mental problems.

Noise adds more tension (紧张) to a society that has already faced enough stress.

1.The sense of sound _________.

A. makes us feel excited

B. helps us hear more clearly

C. is something harmful to us

D. helps to know what is happening around us

2.When sound is turned into noise, ______________.

A. people grow worse and worse

B. it makes us forget all the past

C. people don’t know what to do with everyday life

D. it will be a kind of pollution to people

3.Why does the passage say peace and quiet are becoming harder to find?

A. Because the world is making more and more noise.

B. Because wars and battles happen here and there in the world.

C. Because all the sounds are becoming over 140 decibels.

D. Because some machines can make noise.

4.Doctors say we can hear ourselves think __________.

A. if we don’t like to hear noise

B. if we have no aches or pains in our bodies

C. if there isn’t too much noise

D. if we can’t be careful of noise

Most people feel lonely sometimes, but it usually only lasts between a few minutes and a few hours. This kind of loneliness is not serious. In fact, it is quite normal. For some people, though, loneliness can last for years. Now researchers say there are three different types of loneliness.

The first kind of loneliness is temporary. This is the most common type. It usually disappears quickly and does not require any special attention. The second kind is situation, for example, family problem, the death of loved one, or moving to a new place. Although this kind of loneliness can cause physical problems, such as headaches and sleeplessness, it usually does not last for more than a year. The third kind of loneliness is the most serious. Unlike the second type, chronic (the opposite of “temporary”) usually lasts more than two years and has no specific cause. People who experience habitual loneliness have problems socializing and becoming close to others. However, many chronically lonely people think there is little or nothing they can do to improve their condition.

Psychologists agree that one important factor in loneliness is a person’s social contacts, for example, friends, family members, co-workers, etc. We depend on various people for different reasons. For instance, our families give us emotional support, our parents and teachers give us guidance, and our friends share similar interests and activities. However, psychologists have found that, though lonely people may have many social contacts, they sometimes feel they should have more. They question their popularity.

Psychologists are trying to find ways to help habitually lonely people for two reasons: they are unhappy and unable to socialize and there is a connection between chronic loneliness and serious illness such as heart disease, while temporary and situational loneliness can be a sad, and sometimes dangerous condition.

1. How would you treat temporary loneliness according to the passage? ________.

A. Just ignore it

B. Talk to friends

C. Go to see a doctor

D. Ask your teachers for guidance

2.Why do psychologists want to help chronically lonely people? ________

A. Chronic loneliness can cause family problems.

B. Chronic loneliness can not be overcome.

C. Chronic loneliness can cause serious illness.

D. Chronic loneliness is incurable.

3.Loneliness is divided according to _____.

A. different seasons when it appears

B. different people it happens to

C. the time it lasts

D. the places where it appears

4.What is the best title for the passage? ________

A. Loneliness and diseases

B. Three kinds of loneliness

C. Loneliness and social contacts

D. Chronic loneliness


On behalf of the Obama family,I want to wish you a very happy Thanksgiving.

Like many of you. we'll spend the day with family and friends,catching up,eating some good food and watching a little football.Before we lift a fork,we lend a hand by going out in the community to serve some of our neighbors in need.And we give thanks for each other, and for all of God's blessings.We all share this day,united by the gratitude for the bounty(慷慨) of this nation.

And we welcome the contributions of all people-no matter their origin or color or beliefs-who call America home, and who enrich the life of our nation. It is a belief as old as our founding:“Epluribus unum” -- that out of many,we are one. We are reminded that this creed, and America itself was never an inevitability, but the result of ordinary people in every generation doing their part to uphold our founding ideals-by taking the blessings of freedom, and multiplying them for those who would follow.

As President Kennedy once wrote, even as we give thanks for all that we've inherited from those who came before us-“the decency(庄重,正派) of purpose, steadfastness(坚定)of resolve and strength of will, for the courage and the humility, which they possessed.” we must also remember that “the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.”

Today,we are grateful to all Americans who do their part to live by those ideals, including our brave men and women in uniform overseas and their families, who sacrifice so much to keep America safe.We are grateful to the countless Americans who serve their communities in soup kitchens and shelters,looking out for those who are less fortunate,and lifting up those who have fallen on hard times.

This generosity, this compassion, this belief that we are each other's keepers, is essential to who we are, not just on this day,but every day.It's easy to focus on what separates us.But as we gather with loved ones on this Thanksgiving, let's remember and be grateful for what ties us together.

Our love of country.Our commitment to justice and equality.Our belief that America's best days are ahead,and that her destiny is ours to shape-and that our inherited ideals must be the birthright of all of our children.

That's what today is all about: that out of many,we are one. Thank you, God bless you.

1.What makes America as it is today?

A.The blessings of God.

B.The persistent efforts of all Americans.

C.The contributions of people from different origin.

D.The bonus of World War II.

2.As is mentioned several times in the passage, the sentence “out of many, we are one” implies

A.although we come from different places, now we share the same culture.

B.onjy if we unite as one can we make a better world.

C.we are unique ones picked out by God.

D.among the many countries in the world, America is the best one to live in.

3.What's the purpose by referring to President Kennedy's saying?

A.To testify what we have today is inherited from our ancestors.

B.To emphasis the importance of giving thanks to our forefathers and fellows.

C.To remind people to share happiness with others.

D.To encourage every American to do their own part in building the country.

4.President Obama's speech is made to .

①call on Americans to unite together and help each other

② raise money to help the people in need

③clarify how the Thanksgiving comes into being

④express thanks to those who serve people at home or abroad

A.①② B.③④ C.②③ D.①④



As a general rule, all forms of activity lead to boredom when they are performed on a routine(常规)basis.As a matter of fact, we can see this at work in people of all .For example, on Christmas morning, children are excited about with their new toys.But their soon wears off and by January those toys can be found put away in the basement.The world is full of stamp albums and unfinished models, each standing as a monument to someone’s interest.When parents bring home a pet, their child________ bathes it and brushes its fur.Within a short time, however, the ________ of caring for the animal is handed over to the parents.Adolescents enter high school with great ________ but are soon looking forward to________ .The same is true of the young adults going to college.And then, how many ________ , who now complain (抱怨) about the long drives to work, ________ drove for hours at a time when they first ________ their driver’s license (执照)? Before people retire, they usually ________ to do a lot of ________ things, which they never had ________ to do while working.But ________ after retirement , the golfing, the fishing, the reading and all of the other pastimes become as boring as the jobs they ________ .And , like the child in January, they go searching for new ________ .

1.A.principle B.habit C.weaker D.power

2.A.parties B.races C.countries D.ages

3.A.working C.playing D.going

4.A.confidence B.interest C.anxiety D.sorrow

5.A.same B.extra C.funny D.expensive

6.A.well-organized B.colorfully-printed C.newly- collected D.half-filled

7.A.broad B.passing C.different D.main

8.A.silently B.impatiently C.gladly D.worriedly

9.A.promise B.burden C.right

10.A.courage B.calmness C.confusion D.excitement

11.A.graduation B.independence C.responsibility D.success

12.A.children B.students C.adults D.retirees

13.A.carefully B.eagerly C.nervously D.bravely

14.A.required B.obtained C.noticed D.discovered

15.A.need B.learn C.start D.plan

16.A.great B.strong C.difficult D.correct

17.A.time C.skills D.knowledge

18.A.only B.well C.even D.soon.

19.A.lost B.chose C.left D.quit

20.A.pets C.friends D.colleagues

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