
【题目】假定你是古风社”( Ancient Society)社长李华。新学期伊始,古风社要招募新成员,你得知你的美国朋友Jerry希望加入。请你给Jerry 写一封信,邀请他参加招募新成员的面试。




Dear Jerry,



Li Hua

【答案】Dear Jerry,

As the new term begins, our Ancient Society, which aims to arouse students’ awareness of Chinese ancient customs and traditional cultures, will recruit new members. As we all know that you are deeply interested in these subjects, I sincerely wish that you can join our club.

As scheduled, it is this Friday in Students’ Center that the interview will be held. All the candidates are expected to introduce themselves and state how much they feel interested in our club or the cultures. Would you like to challenge yourself and come to participate in the interview? I firmly believe that you will succeed and become a member of our society.

I would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation at your early convenience.





1步:根据提示可知,本文要求写一封书信:假定你是古风社”( Ancient Society)社长李华。新学期伊始,古风社要招募新成员,你得知你的美国朋友Jerry希望加入。请你给Jerry 写一封信,邀请他参加招募新成员的面试。要点如下:1.时间,地点;2.面试要求;3.表示期待。时态应为一般将来时。

2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如; recruit(招募),member(成员),awareness(意识),interview(面试), join(加入),candidate(申请者)及participation(参加)等。




【题目】 New Mexico has announced a plan to make public colleges and universities free for all people in the state, a Proposal considered one of the most ambitious attempts in education these years.

The plan, if approved, would allow students, regardless of household income, to attend any of the 29 states public colleges and universities. State officials estimate that the program, officially called the New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship, will help 55,000 students each year attend college.

Calling the plan “the moonshot for higher education,” New Mexico Gov. Michelle LujanGrisham announced it on Wednesday at the New Mexico Higher Education Summit in Albuquerque. “It means better enrollment (注册). It means better students' success. In the long run, it means economic growth, improved outcomes for New Mexico workers and thinkers and parents,” Lujan Grisham said, “It means a better trained workforce.”

Twenty other states have set up tuition free education programs for two-year community colleges. And New York created a scholarship program to allow students to go to public colleges and universities without paying tuition. But there are household income requirements and other rules, including that receivers live and work in New York for several years after graduating. The New Mexico proposal has no such restrictions. And some experts wonder if the lack of program regulations is one of its disadvantages.

Wil Del Pilar, the vice president for higher education at The Education Trust, said there is a risk that wealthier students will benefit the most in the program, since there are no income requirements. “When you have limited state dollars, I would argue that we should target those dollars toward those who struggle the most to pay,” Del Pilar told NPR.

Like the New York s scholarship program, New Mexico's covers just tuition, not other living costs. To Del Pilar that is a problem. He said the promise of free college takes more than eliminating (取消) tuition. Paying for housing, meals, books and transportation are still challenges for many low-income students, he said.

1What's the purpose of the New Mexico plan?

A.To reform the system of education.

B.To improve the quality of education.

C.To attract more students around the world.

D.To make higher education more accessible.

2What was Lujan Grisham’s attitude towards the New Mexico plan?

A.A little doubtful.B.A little confused.

C.Full of curiosity.D.Full of confidence.

3Compared with the New Mexico plan, the New York program .

A.has fewer restrictionsB.benefits more students

C.has more requirementsD.covers more living costs

4What is the problem with the New Mexico plan according to Del Pilar?

A.It is limited to tuition.B.It doesn't include tuition.

C.It opens to all college students.D.It's only available to poor students.

【题目】 The cracked step four years ago was the start of it. That day, I awoke tired—the children were tiny and needing so much—and I had a golden afternoon of rest ahead, my mother stepping in to allow me to catch up on my sleep. I dropped them off and drove home—the sun shining and my bed signaling. As I was about to enter the house, I caught sight of a deep crack beneath my feet.

Without thinking, I turned around, walked back to the car and drove to a DIY store. Four hours later, I had all the tools, mixed my own cement, filled in the crack and repaired the foundation. Perfect. As I stood up to take a photo of my handiwork, I realized that I was trembling. I’d forgotten my shot at a nice long nap, and my children were already on their way home. That sleep... that promise to self was broken, because I had focused, instead, on the crack in the step.

Suddenly, everything started to hurt. My head, my throat, my back. I couldn’t stop shaking. What earned then is that when we break the promises we make to our bodies they will not be silenced. This is when we overwork and overthink to the point of breaking down. Ironically (讽刺地), for many of us, it is only when we have no choice— when we fall ill—that we learn to listen. For me, when that crack ended in a hospital stay which sent me to bed for two unmoving weeks when my body worked to clear two different infections, the lesson is ever present. I did it to myself—a whole twisted spin on DIY.

Sadly it took another two ridiculous DIY projects to finally get through. The cracks will never be fully filled. Focus, then, on your own inner core, the feeding of light, fire and strength.

1What made the author so sleepy in the first place?

A.Taking care of the kids.B.Asking her mother for help.

C.Driving to her mother’s houseD.Dealing with DIY projects.

2How did the author feel as soon as she finished her repair work?



3What can be implied from Paragraph 3?

A.Our health is ignored deliberately.

B.Our body will respond to what we do.

C.The author took her mother’s advice.

D.The author was infected before the DIY.

4What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To describe an unfortunate event.

B.To show the danger of DIY.

C.To stress the importance of sleep.

D.To encourage focusing on oneself.

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