






Dear Mr Roy,

I'm glad to know that you are going to hold a seven-day summer camp called "Walking into the World-famous Campus".








Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


“She goes to the movies with her friends! How come I can’t go?”

“You love him more than me!”

“I wish I were an only child!”

Parents have heard them all when more than one child resides under their roof. Although siblings(兄弟姐妹) can be the closest of friends, it’s rare to find a child who gets along perfectly with all of his or her siblings.

Kids aren’t always the most rational of human beings----especially younger children. Sometimes, the smallest issue can turn into a major battle and strain a sibling relationship to the breaking point.

Attention. Children are always vying(竞争) for their parents’ attention. The busier the parents are, the greater demand is for their attention and the less they can focus on each child. When there’s a new baby, it can be hard for the other child (or children) to accept losing his or her position as the centre of attention. Sometimes the parents’ attention is focused on a child who is sick or has special needs. Kids will act out and misbehave to get the attention they want if they feel like they’re being ignored.

Sharing.Most homes don’t have unlimited resources. That means all siblings will unavoidably have to share at least some of their things. Giving up a toy or other favorite possessions to a sibling can be especially hard on young children.

Unique personalities. Your oldest child might be the headstrong one while the youngest is quieter and more introverted. Differences in character can lead to clashes. Age and gender differences can also lead to sibling fighting.

Fairness problems. Children are like little lawyers, always asking fairness and equality and fighting for what they consider are their natural-born rights. A younger sibling might complain that her elder sister goes to a concert and she has to stay home, while the elder sister complains that she has to babysit her little sister instead of going out with her friends. Feeling of unfair treatment and sibling jealousy can lead to hate.

1.The first three sentences are a kind of _______.

A. warning B. requirements

C. complains D. doubts

2.From the last paragraph we learn that _______.

A. children don’t like to do things for parents

B. children expect to be treated fairly

C. children have the right to play outside

D. children want to become lawyers

3.The purpose of writing this passage is to _________.

A. introduce the different characters of children

B. require parents to pay equal attention to children

C. give advice on dealing with sibling rivalry

D. explain the root of sibling conflict

A decade-long study, also the first major research into air pollution and disease has shown that living near a main road increases the risk of dementia(痴呆). The study of 6.6 million people found that one in 10 dementia deaths in people living within 50 metres of a busy road was due to waste gas and noise. 

Air pollution is already known to contribute to the deaths of around 40,000 people in Britain each year by worsening breathing and heart conditions, while previous research showed emissions (排放物) can cause brain shrinkage. But the new study by Canadian public health scientists is the first to find a link between living close to heavy traffic and the increasing of dementia, a discovery described as "believable" and "impressive" by British experts. 

Dr Hong Chen said. "Our study suggests that busy roads could be a source of environmental stressors that could give rise to the onset of dementia. Population growth and urbanization has placed many people close to heavy traffic, and with widespread exposure to heavy traffic and growing rates of dementia, even a modest effect from near-road exposure could cause a large public health burden.  More research to understanding this link is needed, particularly into the effects of different aspects of traffic, such as air pollutants and noise."

In the new study, the team tracked all adults aged between 20 and 85 living in Ontario for more than a decade from 2001 to 2012. They used postcodes to determine how close people lived to a main road and analyzed medical records to see if they went on to develop dementia, Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis(多发性硬化). 

While there was no correlation between living near a road and Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis, dementia risk reduced as people lived further from a main road, with a 7 percent higher risk in developing dementia among those living within 50 metres; a 4 percent higher risk at 50-100 metres and a 2 percent higher risk at 101-200 metres. After 200 metres there was no increase. Researchers believe that noise of traffic may also play a role in the raised risk as well as other urban pollution, which is often present near busy roads.

1.What can we know about Canadian's new study?

A. British experts think highly of it.

B. It brings benefits to dementia patients.

C. It shows that air production is very serious.

D. It shows that air pollution can cause brain shrinkage.

2.What Dr Hong Chen said showed that______.

A. people are diagnosed with dementia mainly due to air pollution

B. widespread exposure to traffic will reduce the risk of having dementia

C. the link between living near roads and having dementia was not obvious

D. busy roads could be a source of environmental stressors that caused dementia to increase

3.What does the underlined the word ‘correlation’ mean?

A. Change. B. Improvement.

C. Association. D. Secret

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. Living near a main road adds to the risk of noise.

B. Living beyond 300 metres of a main road is safe for people.

C. Living within 200 metres of a main road has a lower risk of having dementia.

D. The further people live away from heavy traffic, the smaller the risk of having dementia.

Not all students know how to prepare for exams. 1. With teachers’ help, students can prepare for exams much better, thus doing better in exams. Here are some ways that teachers can use to help students prepare for exams.

2. With lower-grade students, create a list of topics that they need to study. Higher-grade students can still benefit from a list, even if it’s a list of all the topics they’ve studied that year. That’s because a list gives them something to check off. Throughout your review time, encourage students to mark their topic list, crossing off things that they already know and highlighting or putting a star beside things they need to study.

3.Don’t just stand in front of the class and try to review everything. Instead, students should be the ones looking up things in their notes and trying to remember how to solve problems. The more actively involved the students are, the more focused they will be, and the more they will remember.

involve more deeply in the material. 4. After that, have them exchange with another student and take each other’s quiz. Finally they are to grade the quiz they wrote and discuss any wrong answers with the student who took their quiz.

Have students write quizzes for each other. When students write their own quiz questions, they Give students a practice exam. 5. Usually on the last review day, I will give a practice exam—a short, ungraded test that has similar questions as what will be tested in the exam. We then go over it during the second half of the class. It’s really helpful.

A. Have the students work, not yourself.

B. Remember to try to review everything.

C. So have them write a 5-10-question quiz.

D. Give students similar questions before the exam.

E. It means teachers should help students prepare for exams.

F. Give students a list of topics that could be tested in the exam.

G. This is a great way to help students know how prepared they are.

You've probably heard of sheepdogs that guard sheep.But on a small island off the coast of Australia,these specially trained little dogs protect fairy penguins from foxes.About 800 little blue penguins,once nested on Australia's Middle Island.They are the smallest species of penguin in the world.By 2015,there were fewer than 10 left on the island.

The problem started when people brought red foxes to Australia in the 1800s.The foxes made their way to Middle Island and began killing off penguins and other native wildlife.Local officials wondered what could be done.

In 2014,a local farmer named Allan Marsh had an idea.He advised training Maremma sheepdogs to protect the penguins.At that time,Marsh was using the dogs on his farm to guard his chickens from foxes.At first,local officials said no to the plan because they didn't think it would work.But they changed their minds when the penguins had almost completely disappeared."The powers wouldn't listen to me until it got down to six penguins,"Marsh told The New York Times.

The first sheepdog went to work on Middle Island in 2016,and dogs have been on duty ever since.The dogs bark at and go after foxes to frighten them away.Thanks to the sheepdogs,the number of fairy penguins on Middle Island has increased.Today,close to 200 penguins live on the island.In fact,officials report that no penguin has been killed since the dogs were on the job.

Eudy and Tula,the two dogs guarding Middle Island,are now 8 years old They are almost ready to retire(退休). Local groups are trying to raise $ 25,000 needed to buy and train two new pups.

1.How many little penguins are living on the island now?

A. Fewer than 10. B. About 200.

C. About 800. D. More than 25,000.

2.Why did the little penguins almost completely disappear?

A. Local officials didn't support the protection plan.

B. People destroyed their living environment.

C. The dogs couldn't protect them.

D. The red foxes hunted them.

3.What new problem will the penguins he faced with?

A. There are too many of them on the island.

B. They will disappear on Middle Island soon.

C. The two new pups won't he trained.

D. The dogs are too old to guard them.

4.From the text,we can learn that .

A. sheepdogs can really protect penguins on Middle Island

B. local officials didn't agree with Marsh's plan finally

C. the first sheepdog appeared on Middle Island in 2006

D. sheepdogs only guard sheep and chickens

An old Grandfather said to his grandson, who came to him with anger at a friend who had done him an injustice, “Let me tell you a(n)_______

“I too, at times, have felt great______for those who have taken so much, with no_______for what they do. But hate______you out, and does not hurt your enemy. It’s like taking poison and wishing your enemy would die. I have______these feelings many times.”

“It is as if there are two______inside me; one is good and does no harm. He lives _____all around him and does not take offense when no offense was intended. He will only______when it is right to do so, and in the right way.”

“But…the other wolf…ah! The littlest thing will send him into a fit of________He fights everyone, all of the time, for no_______ He cannot think because his anger and hate are so great. It is______anger, for his anger will change nothing.”

“Sometimes it is______to live with these two wolves inside me, for both of them try to ____my spirit.”

With great______, the boy looked intently(专注地)into his Grandfather’s eyes asked, “Which one wins, Grandfather?”

The Grandfather smiled and quietly said, “The one I________

You have two sets of feelings; positive feelings and negative feelings. And you know the ____ between the two because one makes you feel good, and the other makes you feel had. You should always remember that it is _____to feel good while having_______thoughts.

When you are feeling good, you must be thinking something good. So you are sending out a powerful frequency that is______back to you more good things that will make you feel good.______those moments when you are feeling good, and milk them. Be aware that as you are feeling good, you are powerfully attracting more good things to you.

1.A. adventure B. story C. joke D. challenge

2.A. hate B. regret C. envy D. tiredness

3.A. delight B. expectation C. appreciation D. sorrow

4.A. beats B. puts C. wears D. breaks

5.A. given out B. struggled with C. gone over D. thought about

6.A. devils B. pets C. wolves D. partners

7.A. in harmony with B. in company with C. in partnership with D. in agreement with

8.A. devote B. deliver C. fight D. offend

9.A. excitement B. temper C. happiness D. laughter

10.A. argument B. purpose C. judgement D. reason

11.A. helpless B. desperate C. effortless D. temporary

12.A. dangerous B. necessary C. tough D. funny

13.A. lift B. control C. weaken D. frighten

14.A. intention B. courage C. enthusiasm D. interest

15.A. feed B. arrest C. design D. resist

16.A. relation B. difference C. similarity D. distance

17.A. immoral B. impolite C. impatient D. impossible

18.A. anxious B. blank C. bad D. narrow

19.A. attracting B. dragging C. pushing D. expecting

20.A. Target B. Seize C. Interrupt D. Experience

I had dressed quite nicely for my first day as a student at St. Anne's College of Further Education. In celebration of this new beginning, I had changed my unusual clothes to formal clothing.

Like many young people my age, I was under the impression that the best way to show your personality was by wearing the kind of clothing that my mother considered was not fit to be seen in public. But for my first day as a student I had made an effort to look what my mother called ‘respectable’.

There were fifteen of us, sitting in the theatre hall, while the head of the drama department, Mr. Wilson, gave us a warm welcoming speech. To my horror (恐惧), he then invited us to say why we had decided to do a drama course. I had no idea what I would say. The truth was that although I had a taste for unusual clothing, I was painfully shy.

My worry grew as it came closer to my turn. One by one, the new students excitedly explained their reasons. Then it was the turn of a girl who I hadn't really noticed until that moment because I was too busy thinking about what I would say. ‘My name’s Tracy and I'm from Blackburn’, she said, and then added no further information.

Everyone smiled politely in silence but I was impressed at her bravery in saying almost nothing even under pressure (压力). I relaxed, knowing that you could get away with saying so little about yourself. It gave me confidence.

After Mr. Wilson at long last let us out of the hall to go to lunch, I managed to find the courage to go up to Tracy. She looked very unfriendly. Taking a deep breath, I introduced myself. To my surprise, she looked up at me and gave me a very bright, sweet smile. That was twenty-seven years ago, and although we never did become famous stars, we're still best friends.

1.Why did the author dress nicely for her first day at college?

A. She felt a need to dress properly.

B. She wanted to fit in with the other students.

C. She was under pressure from her mother.

D. She wanted to look like a great star.

2.Why did the author feel nervous?

A. Because she had never spoken in public

B. Because it was her turn to start first

C. Because she didn't know what to talk about

D. Because the other students were so excited

3.What does the underlined word "It" in Paragraph 5 refer to?

A. Tracy also seemed extremely worried.

B. Tracy hadn't said very much.

C. The other students reacted politely to Tracy.

D. All attention was on Tracy.

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