If you are afraid of the dark£¬it¡¯s not a big deal£®It¡¯s perfectly normal to feel afraid After all£¬animals do too. ¡°Fear matters£¬¡±says Karen Warkentin£¬an ecologist£®¡°It¡¯s a good thing£¬¡± she adds, ¡°because fear makes you do things that keep you alive.¡±

Like kids£¬many animals experience fear and they respond to the feeling in variety of ways£®A frightened turtle pulls its head and legs inside its shell£®A small fish will swim away when a big£¬hungry fish approaches£®

Some animals respond to fear in ways you might not expect£®The first example is that the fear of being eaten can scare some frogs right out of their eggs. Warkentin made the surprising discovery while studying red¡ªeyed tree frogs in Costa Rica.

In this species£¬female frogs attach jellylike clumps£¨¹û¶³Ò»ÑùµÄ¿é×´Îof their eggs to the undersides of leaves£®The leaves hang on branches that dangle£¨Ðü¹Ò£©over ponds£®After they hatch from the eggs£¬the tadpoles£¨òòò½£©then fall into the water£¬where they eventually grow into adult frogs.

Tree frog eggs usually grow for 6 days before hatching£®If they sense that a hungry snake is about to attack£¬however£¬they can hatch up to 2 days ahead of schedule. As the snakes are unable to swim£¬by falling into the water early£¬the tadpoles can escape.

If hatching early helps protect red¡ªeyed tree frogs from snakes£¬you might wonder why their eggs don¡¯t always hatch sooner£®It turns out that hatching early brings its own danger£®Once tadpoles land in the water£¬hungry fish and other animals like to eat them too£®Staying in their eggs for a full 6 days£¬then£¬allows frog embryos£¨ÅßÌ¥£©to grow big and strong£®This extra growth improves their chances of surviving in the water£®

1.It can be inferred from the passage that fears .

A. help animals grow bigger and stronger

B. are less common among young animals

C. help animals move a lot to fit the environment

D. are more or less important in order for animals to survive

2.We are told in the passage that tree frogs .

A. face danger both inside their eggs and in the water

B. will grow fast if they fall into the water later

C. are surprisingly clever when inside their eggs

D. stay in their eggs longer if they are frightened

3.Why do the tadpoles hatch up to 2 days ahead of the schedule£¿Because

A. They like falling into the water early

B. They want to grow into adult frog

C. They sense a hungry snake is about to attack

D. Frog embryos can grow strong

4.What is the best title of the passage £¿

A. What is Fear B. Why do we feel afraid

C. You feel afraid£¬animals do too D. Fear is a good thing

5.What do you think would be discussed in the following paragraph?

A. Further explanations as to why tree frogs hatch ahead of schedule£®

B. How the unborn frogs know when a snake is about to attack them£®

C. Another example of animals that responds to fear in an unexpected way£®

D. How tree frogs improve their chances of survival before falling into the water.


A recent study, while showing a generally positive attitude toward science, also suggests a widespread worry that it may be "running out of control". This idea is dangerous.

Science can be a force for evil as well as for good. Its applications can be channeled either way, depending on our decisions. The decisions we make, personally or collectively, will determine the outcomes of science. But here is a real danger. Science is advancing so fast and is so strongly influenced by businesses that we are likely to believe whatever decisions we come to will make little difference. And, rather than fighting for the best possible policies, we may step back and do nothing.

Some people go even further. They say that despite the moral and legal objections, whatever is scientifically possible will be done-somewhere , sometime. They believe that science will get out of control in the end. This belief is dangerous too, because it fuels a sense of hopelessness and discourages then from making efforts to build a safer world.

In our interconnected world, the lack of agreement in and out of the world of science can lead to the failure to control the use of science. Without a common understanding, the challenges of "controlling" science in this century will be really tough. Take human cloning for example. Despite the general agreement among scientists on its possible huge impact on traditional moral values, some countries still go ahead with the research and development of its related techniques. The outcomes are hard to predict.

Therefore, discussions on how science is applied should be extended far beyond scientific societies. Only through the untied efforts of people with hope, can we be fully safe against the misuse of science and can

science best serve mankind in the future.

1.What can we conclude from the recent study?

A. People think highly of science.

B. People hold mixed opinions about science.

C. Science is getting dangerously out of control.

D. Science is used for both good and bad purposes.

2.According to the passage, what will happen if we hold that science is getting beyond control?

A. The development of science will hopelessly slow down.

B. Businesses will have even greater influence on science.

C. The public will lose faith in bringing about a bright future.

D. People will work more actively to put science under control.

3.The discussion should reach beyond scientific societies because _____.

A. scientists have failed to predict the outcomes

B. the ties between different areas need strengthening

C. united efforts are necessary for the development of science

D. people need to work together to prevent the bad use of science

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Science and its applications bring us many dangers.

B. The development of science mostly lies in people's attitudes.

C. Mankind can largely take control of science with their efforts.

D. The future of science will be influenced by the dangerous ideas.







Have you ever had a headache during a test? Have you ever been too worried about something that you have a headache or even can¡¯t sleep at night? If so, then you know that stress is.

Not all stress is bad for you. Some kinds of stress can help you get things do better, like when you are running towards the finishing line or when you are being asked to give a speech to your class. Stress sometimes can help push you to make full preparation for a test. However, too much stress can result in anger, depression and other related problems, which we need to take serious.

There are many things in our life what might cause stress ------ having too much homework, taking a difficult test, and having economic problems.

It¡¯s impossible to live in a life completely free of stress, so you should learn to deal with stress. The best way reduce stress is to have a balance life. If you get enough sleep, eat properly, take more exercise and have enough fun time, you¡¯ll probably feel less stressed.

I always wanted to be a writer. When I was fifteen, I _______ to my English class that I was going to write my own books. My classmates fell out of their chairs laughing. ¡°Don¡¯t be _______. Only geniuses can become writers,¡± the English teacher said, ¡°And you are getting Ds.¡± I was so _______ that I burst into tears.

That night I wrote a short sad poem about _______ dreams and mailed it to a newspaper. To my _______, they published it and sent me two dollars. I couldn¡¯t believe it. I became a published and _______ writer. _______, I sold more poems. By the time I graduated, I had scrapbooks filled with my published work. I never _______ my writing to my teachers or classmates again as they were dream _______.

Years later, when I was ready to write my first novel, I already had four children. I wrote on my typewriter while they napped. It took nine months to finish. I ________ chose a publisher, put my book in a ________ and mailed it off. The letter I ________ read, ¡°I wrote this book myself and I hope you¡¯ll like it. Thank you.¡±

A month later I received a contract (ºÏͬ) and a/an ________ to start another book. My book, Crying Wind, became a best seller. Translated into fifteen languages, it was sold ________.

People asked what college I ________ and what qualifications I have to be a writer. The answer is: ¡°None¡±. I¡¯m not ________ and I just write. To those who ________ writing, I¡¯m shouting at you: ¡°Yes, you can. Don¡¯t ________ others.¡± I don¡¯t write right but I¡¯ve overcome the ________. Writing is ________, and anyone can do it.

1.A. announced B. admitted C. introduced D. advertised

2.A. optimistic B. enthusiastic C. silly D. sad

3.A. surprised B. confused C. worried D. ashamed

4.A. ambitious B. broken C. wild D. vivid

5.A. annoyance B. regret C. astonishment D. satisfaction

6.A. respected B. famous C. valued D. paid

7.A. Gradually B. Especially C. Finally D. Suddenly

8.A. submitted B. mentioned C. sold D. returned

9.A. savers B. makers C. killers D. seekers

10.A. randomly B. partly C. nervously D. naturally

11.A. collection B. bottle C. suitcase D. package

12.A. covered B. attached C. received D. published

13.A. request B. doubt C. instruction D. attempt

14.A. separately B. originally C. freely D. internationally

15.A. entered B. established C. attended D. operated

16.A. satisfied B. trained C. courageous D. hard-working

17.A. approve of B. dream of C. succeed in D. believe in

18.A. argue with B. rely on C. fight against D. listen to

19.A. uncertainties B. qualities C. difficulties D. curiosities

20.A. easy B. challenging C. boring D. logical

From an early stage in your life, you are taught to respect others, and do kind things for them. However, in some cases, people begin to take advantage of your kind nature, expecting more from you.1. If you feel as if there are people in your life who take you for granted, it¡¯s time to protect yourself.

Know that you have the right to feel respected. Social and cultural pressures may encourage you to believe that it¡¯s rude to say ¡°no¡± to others when they ask you for things. You may also have been taught to feel that your work is less valuable than others¡¯ and does not deserve recognition 2.. Everyone has the right to be respected and appreciated, and it isn¡¯t wrong to want to be treated that way.

Identify what has changed in the relationship. If you feel taken for granted, it may be because you once felt valued by the person who is now taking you for granted. It might also be because the knowledge that you should feel appreciated but do not 3.. It can also help you find a solution for the relationship.4.You know that you don¡¯t want to feel taken for granted. But what do you want It will be hard to see any change in your situation if you feel vague dissatisfaction but have no clear ideas on what would improve it.

5.Once you know the change about the relationship clearly, you¡¯ll be able to take better action to get you there.

A. Think about what you want.

B. Practice what you want to say.

C. These things can lead to you feeling taken for granted.

D. Try making a list of things that you would like to see the change about the relationship.

E. If you feel taken for granted by others, you need to communicate that to the other person.

F. Such people may repeatedly ask you for favors without returning any favors or showing you any respect.

G. Whatever the cause is, identifying what has changed your interactions with the other person can help you feel better.

Are you interested in higher education in the United States? The following advice might help you.

¡ñ College, University or Institute

College and universities offer undergraduate degrees in arts and sciences. And both can help prepare young people to earn a living. But many colleges don't offer graduate studies. Universities are generally bigger, offer more programs and do more research. An institute of technology can offer a wide choice of programs and activities. Seventy-five percent of freshmen go there with a strong interest and involvement in the arts.

¡ñ The Application Process

International admissions officers advise students to apply to at least three schools. You may be able to apply online and pay the application charge with a credit card, or by mail. You should study the websites of schools to find information about how and when to apply, how much it will cost and whether any financial aid is available.

¡ñ Get a Student Card

If you requesting a visa for the first time, you will have to go to an American embassy or consulate£¨Áìʹݣ©. You will need to bring a government form sent to you by your American school that shows you have been accepted. A consular official will also take your picture and your fingerprints. You will also need banking and tax records that show you have enough money to pay for your education.

¡ñ Financial Aid

American schools provide aid, like scholarships, fellowships, to almost half of foreign graduate students, but only ten percent of undergraduates. But grants, which, unlike a loan, does not have to be paid.

1.It can be inferred from the passage that American colleges and universities .

A. have their own origins in institutes of technology

B. have both similarities and differences

C. can offer a wide choice of programs and activities

D. provide about seventy-five percent students with art courses

2.In what order should the steps for applying to an American school be completed by a foreign student?

a. Apply online

b. Find out how much it will cost and whether any financial aid is available online

c. Pay the application charge with a credit card, or by mail

d. Choose at least three schools

e. Find information about how and when to apply online

A. a-c-e-d-b B. e-d-c-a-b

C. d-a-c-e-b D. b-c-e-d-a

3.To apply for a vise for the first time, you'll have to do the following things EXCEPT .

A. paying an American embassy or consulate some money

B. taking your picture and your fingerprints

C. showing a government form given by the American school admitting you

D. providing evidence that you have enough money to pay for your education

4.The purpose of the passage is .

A. to make some money

B. to provide foreign students with a guide

C. to improve education quality

D. to attract foreign visitors to America

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