
It was time to break free.

I needed to run away and the Bloomsburg Fair was the best place to go.

I don’t know if you can call it running away wince it was only and hour away from my home. But once I entered the fair grounds, I crossed over into another world. The loudspeaker offered background music over the sounds of people of people talking, bargaining and food sellers yelling for your attention.

I belonged here. I didn’t know if I had it in my blood or not, but I always wanted to have a small food stand and travel in my off season from fair to fair selling goodies. Perhaps one day. It certainly wasn’t a priority(优先考虑的事)in my life , Perhaps it should be.

After I was there a while, I needed to get away to a quiet spot. Most of the time, I could find that anywhere the farm animals were kept. They needed the quiet. So I went there to find peace with the cows, goats, horses, pigs and yes, the turkeys. You'd think being this close to "Thanksgiving", they'd be a little scared, but they were not.

It was in the dairy barn(仓库)where I found peace this time. I so admired the young folks who tended to farm animals. I thought they had a greater appreciation for life. They participated in it firsthand. I once watched a young fanner help bring a baby cow into the world.

My favorite scene was to come across a young cowboy lying in the hay asleep among the cows that had settled down for a rest. There, with his heads in a small soft spot alongside his favorite cow, I had seen him in a much deserved sleep. Perhaps better at rest there than in his own bed.

I had the pleasure of speaking with a young teenage farm girl that day.

"You look so comfortable," I said to her.

"Oh I am," she said. "Life makes it comfortable for me."

"You mean being a farm girl?"

"No, Life! That's the name of my cow," she said, smiling as she gently patted the cow's side.

"I thought they called cows Betsy and Elsie. Why did you call her Life?"

“I discovered life again here. It was the only meaningful name that came to mind. I had been raised in the big city and really hated it. Then we moved to the country, running away from Lt all. I think my parents called it a mid-life crisis," she said, laughing.

"Oh, I can understand that. I've been in one since birth," I said.

"It was on the farm that I learned to love life again. I was there when Life was born. It was so exciting. My whole outlook on the world changed. So I named her Life. Now, I can say I really love 'Life'," she said.

"How amazing! I write stories and I am always trying to get people to enjoy life, to wake up each day expecting the best from it. But they all too often go to bed with so much bad stuff in their soul, and on their mind, that they wake up feeling bad and expect it to only get worse from there. All too often it does, just because that's all they choose to see in that otherwise perfectly beautiful day," I told her.

"That's too bad. They need to see a cow born, a chicken hatch. I guess they need to wake up early and hug Life!" she said, laughing.

"When was the last time you hugged Life?" she asked me.

"I am sorry to say even I have had trouble doing that lately," I said.

"Come here!" she said.

Then standing up and stepping aside, she said, "Go ahead…hug Life!"

I paused for a moment and dropping all thoughts of looking silly, I did. I hugged a cow.

1.The writer went to the Bloomsburg Fair probably in order to .

A. have fun B. get ideas for writing

C. do shopping D. escape something he disliked

2.The following things happened in the Bloomsbury Fair except .

A. food sellers' shouting

B. the writer's selling goodies

C. people's bargaining and talking

D. the loudspeaker's broadcasting music

3.What can we learn from Paragraphs 5, 6 and 7_______?

A. The writer tended to farm animals firsthand.

B. The cowboy was lazy and fell asleep among the cows.

C. The writer found peace where farm animals were kept.

D. The turkeys got into panic with "Thanksgiving" approaching

4.The underlined word "it"(Paragraph 14)refers to .

A. the city B. the country C. the barn D. the fair

5.The writer was surprised at the farm girl's words and he thought people often________.

A. expected to get the best things

B. enjoyed perfectly beautiful days

C. ignored the bright side of each day

D. felt really bad due to poor sleep at night

6.What can be the best title for the passage?

A. Farm Life and Happiness B. Hugging Life

C. A Farm Girl and Her Cow D. Enjoying Freedom










1.I needed to run away and the Bloomsburg Fair was the best place to go.”可知,作者想逃走,避开一些东西,故选D。

2.The loudspeaker offered background music over the sounds of people of people talking, bargaining and food sellers yelling for your attention.”可知,音响播放着音乐,伴随着人们的谈话声、讨价还价声和叫卖声,A、C、D是正确的,故选B。

3.I needed to get away to a quiet spot. Most of the time, I could find that anywhere the farm animals were kept. They needed the quiet. So I went there to find peace with the cows, ...It was in the dairy barn(仓库)where I found peace this time.”可知,作者想前往一个安静的地方,因为牧场比较安静,因此,作者去了那里,作者在仓库找到了安静,故选C。

4.I had been raised in the big city and really hated it.”可知,小女孩以前生活在大城市,她并不喜欢大城市,故选A。

5.But they all too often go to bed with so much bad stuff in their soul, and on their mind, that they wake up feeling bad and expect it to only get worse from there. All too often it does, just because that's all they choose to see in that otherwise perfectly beautiful day,”可知,人们常常看到不好的一面,而忽视了每天的美好,故选C。

6."When was the last time you hugged Life?" she asked me. ..."I am sorry to say even I have had trouble doing that lately," I said. ...Then standing up and stepping aside, she said, "Go ahead…hug Life!"”可知,人们因匆忙的生活而忽视了生活美好的一面,通过作者和小女孩的对话,文章的主题显现了出来,即我们应该给生活一个拥抱,故选B。




A. It’s bonding time.

B. It’s time for family updates.

C. It can keep kids out of trouble.

D. It offers all kinds of activities.

E. It’s healthy for the whole family.

F. It’s a chance to resolve problems.

The Importance of Family Dinnertime

Over the past few years, more and more families are making great efforts to have regular family meals because it is very important.

1.__________________ Kids who live in families that eat dinner together regularly are less likely to be involved in risky behaviors. According to statistics, children who don’t eat dinner with their families are 61% more likely to use alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs. By contrast, children who eat dinner with their families every night of the week are 20% less likely to drink, smoke or use illegal drugs.

2.__________________ Families who eat dinner together regularly are more likely to have stronger, happier family relationships. As families struggle to find amounts of quality time together, family dinnertime provides the opportunity for both. When families hang out together and communicate, they grow strong and healthy.

3._________________ Families who eat dinner together regularly can keep in touch with each others’ lives. Everyone — kids and parents alike — can keep up-to-date during your family dinnertime on what is going on with school, jobs, family life and friends.

4.__________________ A regular family dinnertime provides natural opportunities for planning and problem solving. Scheduling family meeting times to discuss planning, needs and problem solving can be difficult. A regular family mealtime can offer a natural solution to the challenge.

5.__________________ Kids are likely to receive better nutrition when eating dinner regularly with their families. A simple, but true rule applies — when kids eat with their families, they eat better. A family dinnertime means kids are more likely to eat a nutritionally balanced meal, lower in sugar and fat content, than if they prepare or purchase meals on their own.


LONDON, Feb. 18,2014 (Xinhua News agency) —Britain will send experts to East China's Shanghai to learn from the city's experience in maths teaching in an attempt to raise the teaching standards.

British Education Minister Elizabeth Truss is to lead a delegation of experts on a fact-finding mission to Shanghai's schools next week to see how children there have become the best in the world at maths, to get a first-hand look at maths classes and teaching methods there, and particularly to investigate why the performance of almost all children in Shanghai is high, regardless of gender or income.

Britain was last year placed 50th out of 148 countries and regions in the World Economic Forum's competitiveness ranking in quality of maths and science education. Two years ago, Shanghai topped the 2012 international PISA tables for maths, while England was ranked in 26th place. The top five were all in Southeast Asia, with 15-year-olds in Shanghai judged to be three years ahead of their peers in maths.

The education department said: "England's performance in maths has lagged behind while other countries have improved and overtaken us, including Poland and Germany." Actually, it is the latest step in the government's drive to raise standards in maths, looking at what has made schools in the far East the most successful in the world in teaching the subject.

"Shanghai is the top-performing part of the world for maths—their children are streets ahead. Shanghai and Singapore have teaching practices and a positive mind that make the difference. They have a belief that diligence makes up for lack of ability," Truss said. "Our new curriculum has borrowed from theirs because we know it works—early learning of key arithmetic, and a focus on times tables and long division(长除法), for instance."

She was determined to change the situation as performance in maths is weakening the country's skills base and threatening the productivity and growth. The government is emphasizing maths because of the importance of good grades in the subject to young people competing for good jobs in a global labor market and to the economy more generally.

An education and skills survey released by the Confederation of British Industry last year showed that 30 percent of employers reported dissatisfaction with the standard of school and college leavers' numeracy. More than two-thirds of employers said they wanted both maths and science promoted more in schools.

1.Why does the British government send a delegation of experts to Shanghai?

A. To see how children from rich families have become the best at maths.

B. To investigate why the performance of almost all children in China is high.

C. To get a first-hand look at science classes and teaching methods there.

D. To raise the teaching standards in maths in Britain.

2.Which of the following statements is true according to the two international competition results?

A. British students performed better in 2013 than in 2012.

B. British students did better than the students from Poland in 2013.

C. The students from Singapore did better than the students from Germany.

D. The students from Germany did better than the students from Poland.

3.What has made schools in Shanghai the most successful in teaching maths in the eye of Truss?

A. Curriculum and teaching methods.

B. Teaching practices and a positive mind.

C. Early learning of key arithmetic and times tables.

D. A focus on times tables and long division.

4.How will students’ poor performance in maths affect the country eventually?

A. By threatening the country's competitiveness of economy.

B. By weakening the country's political system.

C. By losing international competitions in education.

D. By failing to find jobs in a global labor market.

5.What can we infer from the news?

A. The students in Britain don’t work hard at Maths.

B. The students in shanghai are the smartest in the world.

C. The education of science in Britain is no better than that of maths.

D. Most British citizens are dissatisfied with teachers’ work.


The connection shared by grandparents and grandchildren is something very special and despite the changing family situation, it still remains strong across generations. For most of us, our grandparents were our first best friends, the ones with whom we shared our secrets and our pain.

In majority of the cases, grandparents would have babysat their grandchildren while parents were busy working and didn't have much time for their children. Even as a kid grows up, the love and affection for grandparents never dies, and for many teens, visiting grandparents or living with them in the same house is a pleasure. Kedar Patwary, a mass communication student, says, "I often end up having long conversations with my grandfather about the evolution of Indian society and I really admire him for the patience with which he answers all my questions. "

Many teenagers feel that their parents treat them as grown-ups, while their grandparents give them much freedom.

Leela Narayanan, a grandmother. says that she loves to pamper her grandchildren and cook favorite dishes for them. She further adds that her eldest granddaughter, who is now 19, was brought up by her till she was four and the closeness they shared remains the same even now。

At times, the gap m generations plays a negative role, when grandparents find it difficult adjusting to the modern lifestyle. Technology is what works against this relationship. Youngsters' eing crazy about with gadgets leaves them with no time for their loved ones.

Maria Kutty, is a grandmother t0 12 kids. Her face lights up every time her grandchildren are mentioned. But she has one complaint. "All my children stay close to me but when they come to visit and I want to spend time with them, I can't find them anywhere. They only have time for clickety-clackety things in their hands. Sometimes they listen to loud music and talk about things I don't understand. I feel very sad when I think of all those times," she says.

1.The author uses Kedar Patwary as an example ______.

A. to show Indian society is full of perfect harmony

B. to stress all the children admire their grandparents

C. to show grandparents get on well with grandchildren

D. to indicate grandparents are all good babysitters

2.What does the underlined word "pamper" mean in the passage?

A. Spoil. B. Raise. C. Manage. D. Educate.

3.The gap generation sometimes is negative because_______.

A. grandchildren can 't fit in with modern lifestyle

B. grandparents are eager to know more technology

C. grandchildren are addicted to their digital products

D. grandparents spared no time with their grandchildren

4.How does the author develop the passage?

A. By giving example.

B. By following the order of time.

C. By making comparisons.

D. By his personal experience.


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