

1. The word has long been in common _________ (使用).

2. It’s well known that Zheng He’s _________ (航行) made the connections between East and West closer.

3. A _________ (指令) is an order to a computer to take some kind of action.

4. I was certain that love was quite enough to _________ (战胜) our differences.

5. At the end of that summer vacation, I found I could speak English nearly as ________ (流利地) as a native English speaker.

6. The best way of learning a foreign language is to speak to the n________ speakers.

7. An elderly woman rang up the police at the r_________ of her neighbor.

8. By this time she was in her nineties and needed help more and more f_________.

9. Police are trying to discover the i_________ of a baby found by the side of a road.

10. You can g________ increase your running until you can do 30—40 minutes of running at a time, 4 days a week.


International Exhibition for Animal Husbandry(畜牧业)& Processing of Grain,Fruits & Vegetables

Date: 11-13 August,2015

Place: London,England

Registration Deadline: 30 June,2015

Exhibition and Market

The market

The British agricultural market provides very good chances for international companies since the demand for modern technologies is continuously rising.And the existing market can't satisfy the local development.Great potential is to be found also in livestock(家畜)and livestock farming.In particular,investment in cattle farming and pig husbandry is to be further increased.

The exhibition

It is the most important platform for animal husbandry and agricultural technology in Britain.Last year,537 companies from 14 countries showed their advanced solutions for livestock,animal husbandry and agricultural technology to over 13,540 business professionals.


London International Contract Fair and IF Wexpo Heidelberg GmbH Heidelberg,Germany

Phone: +49-(0)6221 -13 57 -0

Fax: +49-(0)6221 -13 57 -23

E-mail info@ifw-expo.com

Opening time

11 August-12 August,2015 ,09:00-16:30

13,August,2015,09:00 -15:30

Main Industries

Agricultural Technology,Cereal Grain Technology,Animal Husbandry

Main Topics

Equipment for soil working and seed-bed preparation●Harvesting equipment●Plant breeding(繁殖)●Plant protection●Grain processing●Storage and transport●Animal breeding●Animal husbandry●Livestock housing●Feed industry

Entrance fee

2,000 pounds/per stand/per day

1.The text tells us the following information EXCEPI______.

A. the time of the exhibition B. the topics of the exhibition

C. the rules of the exhibition D. the site of the exhibition

2.Which of the following statements is true?

A. London has the largest agricultural market in the world.

B. International companies can find more business opportunities in the British agricultural market.

C. Almost all countries in the world take part in the exhibition.

D. The exhibition covers all kinds of living goods.

3.If you want to take part in the exhibition,you______.

A. can contact the organizer in three ways

B. must register between 30 June and 13 August,2015

C. have to buy some equipment on display during the exhibition

D. need not pay the organizer of the exhibition


Fear of Puberty(青春期)

When young people get to puberty, it causes the physical and mental changes that can bring stress and even fear to them. 1

Consider how often you worry about it. If it regularly happens more than twice a day, it’s time that you started taking the problem seriously. You should look out for feelings of panic when you think about puberty. You may have frequent stressful dreams or feel depressed when you notice changes in your body. 2 By identifying them, you can start to do something about them.

3 If you have had a happy childhood it’s natural to feel sad that it’s coming to an end. Many aspects of adult life can be fearful, but remember that you don’t have to face them all at once.

Apart from these, some teenagers worry about putting on weight or feel discomfort with how people treat them or feel their body doesn’t fit them. Remember that this fat is usually temporary. 4 If you feel stressful, find help from your teachers.

Besides parents, teachers and school medical staff, there are a number of other places where you can seek help. ____8___ Your doctor can provide support on body issues and you can insist on seeing the doctor alone if that makes it easier.

You are not alone in your feelings. There are ways to deal with many of the specific problems puberty can cause. The sooner you seek help, the sooner it will get better.

A. Get into the habit of focusing yourself.

B. You should know the source of your stress.

C. These feelings shouldn’t be a cause of worry.

D. You may feel grief at the passing of childhood.

E. Exercise and healthy eating will help you rid it sooner.

F. You can turn to Childline at any time of the day or night.

G. Knowing your feelings better can make it easier to deal with them.

In March 2007,I was recovering from an operation for breast cancer and going through a terrible time.I spent my days at home______everything to myself.Then one of my colleagues suggested______,“Why don't you pick a couple of days and go to Ireland and escape?”I______the tip.

The trip was fun,but when I got on the______to go home,I wasn't feeling well.My plan was to sleep for the______journey,but the guy next to me looked good-hearted for a conversation______he had kind eyes.

“I had an operation,”I said______.‘‘I had breast cancer.’’He paused for a moment and said,“What's wrong with that?Breast cancer is just a small______of you,like going to college or getting married.”

I could feel my eyes______up with tears.

“Don't think too much of your problem,”he said.“Instead,think about how many people you could help.”

I had tears coming down my face,and said,“I can't______I'm crying in front of you,I don't______know you.”

“Look,you have a______in life,”he said.“You can either______your things deep in your pockets and take them to your grave,or you can help someone.”

I've always been a very______person,and aside from the few people who needed to know,I'd kept my illness secret.I didn't want to be______by my weakness.

But this man,whose name was Ken Duane,showed me that my illness gave me______-because it gave me the ability to______someone else's load.I decided at that moment that I was going to try to help others by sharing my story______,in hopes of inspiring those who were in the same or similar situation.Later that year,I talked about my illness and my______with Ken on air.

I am forever______that I never took a nap on that flight over the Atlantic.

1.A. devoting B. explaining C. keeping D. storing

2.A. seriously B. hurriedly C. kindly D. confidently

3.A. overlooked B. dismissed C. doubted D. accepted

4.A. bus B. plane C. train D. ship

5.A. whole B. last C. exact D. normal

6.A. if B. because C. while D. though

7.A. willingly B. quickly C. cheerfully D. weakly

8.A. part B. centre C. pain D. symbol

9.A. coming B. filling C. taking D. ending

10.A. bear B. realize C. believe D. deny

11.A. still B. already C. then D. even

12.A. decision B. choice C. goal D. belief

13.A. clear B. sort C. put D. mix

14.A. private B. outspoken C. clumsy D. polite

15.A. defeated B. blamed C. affected D. defined

16.A. surprise B. strength C. advice D. reference

17.A. broaden B. worsen C. lighten D. brighten

18.A. publicly B. officially C. clearly D. sharply

19.A. expectation B. exploration C. appointment D. conversation

20.A. grateful B. conscious C. pitiful D. regretful

Many years ago, there was an emperor(皇帝). One day he told his horseman that if he could ride on his horse and ________ as much land area as he liked, he would give him the area of land he had covered.________ enough, the horseman quickly jumped onto his horse and _____ as fast as possible to cover as much land area as he could.

He _____ riding and riding, whipping the horse to go as fast as possible. Even when he was _______or tired, he did not stop _______he wanted to cover as much area as possible. When he at last covered a large amount of land, he was exhausted and was _________. Then he asked himself, “Why did I _____myself so hard to cover so much land area? Now I am dying and I only _____ a very small area to _____myself.”

The above story is _____ to the journey of our _____. We push ourselves very hard every day to make more ________, to gain power or recognition. We neglect(疏忽,忘记) our ________, time with our family and to appreciate the surrounding ______and the things we love to do. One day __________ we look back, we will ______that we don’t really need that much, ____________ then we cannot turn back time for what we have __________

Life is not about making money. Life is definitely(肯定地) not about work! Work is only _________ to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty and pleasures of life.

1.A. use B. get C. work D. cover

2.A. Sure B. Strange C. Good D. Interesting

3.A. rode B. ran C. expanded D. struggled

4.A. gave up B. asked for C. kept on D. succeeded in

5.A. sad B. hungry C. confused D. excited

6.A. because B. so C. but D. if

7.A. dying B. arguing C. sleeping D. smiling

8.A. make B. push C. destroy D. prove

9.A. find B. have C. need D. show

10.A. live B. support C. bury D. sleep

11.A. useful B. certain C. special D. similar

12.A. future B. past C. history D. life

13.A. money B. progress C. discoveries D. friends

14.A. freedom B. career C. honor D. health

15.A. things B. condition C. beauty D. people

16.A. before B. when C. unless D. since

17.A. regret B. realize C. apologize D. explain

18.A. but B. until C. however D. or

19.A. saved B. won C. reduced D. missed

20.A. possible B. probable C. necessary D. suitable

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