

Christ child Market is a pleasant festival for children in Kitchener, Canada. My husband, my daughter and I attended1 this year.

As we walked through Victoria Park, I breathed in the fresh smell of winter. The bare branches of the trees were shining with Christmas lights2the new-fallen snow. In the open areas were children, parents, grandparents and their relatives,3smiling as they held their can dies in their hands and waited 4(patience) for the magic event to begin.

As we joined the crowds, we quickly forgot about that COM, for I saw the excitement of the children and the 5(welcome) smiles of the people around me. Soon the crowd moved to Kitchener City Hall. In the distance we could see all the officials 6 (wait) for us. At the center of the square, the summertime fountain had turned to ice, 7 young children were playing about.

8the crowds walking into the square, the opening ceremony began: songs, dances and9performances. Then the Christmas lights on the Christmas tree were turned10, causing everyone to cheer with delight. Christ child Market officially opened!














1考查代词做宾语。句意:我丈夫、女儿和我今年都参加了。前面提到Christ child Market这个节日,这里缺少宾语,用it。故填it


3考查不定代词。句意:在空旷的地方,有孩子、父母、祖父母和他们的亲戚,他们都微笑着,手里拿着罐子,耐心地等待着魔术活动的开始。前面提到children, parents, grandparents and their relatives,那么他们所有的人都在微笑, all指代他们所有人。故填all


5考查形容词。句意:当我们加入人群的时候,我们很快就忘记了那个COM,因为我看到了孩子们的兴奋和我周围的人的欢迎热情的微笑。修饰名词smileswelcome的形容词形式。welcoming的意思是热情的,欢迎的,友好的 故填welcoming

6考查固定搭配。句意:从远处我们可以看到所有的官员正在等我们。分析句子,此处表示正在进行的动作,用现在分词做宾语补足语。see sb. doing表示看见某人正在做……”故填waiting

7考查定语从句。句意:广场中央,夏日喷泉变成了冰,小孩子们在那里玩耍。分析句子为非限制性定语从句,where关系副词在从句中作状语表示前面的at the center of the square。故填where



10考查固定搭配。句意:圣诞树上的圣诞灯被打开了。turn on固定搭配,意为“开灯,打开”。故填on


【题目】 Daniel Anderson, a famous psychologist, believes it’s important to distinguish television’s influences on children from those of the family. We tend to blame TV, he says, for problems it doesn’t really cause, overlooking our own roles in shaping children’s minds.

One traditional belief about television is that it reduces a child’s ability to think and to understand the world. While watching TV, children do not merely absorb words and images. Instead, they learn both explicit and hidden meanings from what they see. Actually, children learn early the psychology of characters in TV shows. Furthermore, as many teachers agree, children understand far more when parents watch TV with them, explaining new words and ideas. Yet, most parents use an educational program as a chance to park their kids in front of the set and do something in another room.

Another argument against television is that it replaces reading as a form of entertainment. But according to Anderson, the amount of time spent watching television is not related to reading ability. TV doesn’t take the place of reading for most children; it takes the place of similar sorts of recreation, such as listening to the radio and playing sports. Things like parent’s educational background have a stronger influence on a child’s reading. “A child’s reading ability is best predicted by how much a parent reads,” Anderson says.

Traditional wisdom also has it that heavy television-watching lowers IQ scores and affects school performance. But here, too, Anderson notes that no studies have proved it. In fact, research suggests that it’s the other way around. “If you’re smart young, you’ll watch less TV when you’re older,” Anderson says. Yet, people of lower IQ tend to be lifelong television viewers.

For years researchers have attempted to show that television is dangerous to children. However, by showing that television promotes none of the dangerous effects as conventionally believed, Anderson suggests that television cannot be condemned without considering other influences.

1Which of the following is most related to children’s reading ability?


C.Parents’ reading list.D.Parents’ educational background.

2Anderson believes that ______.

A.the more a child watches TV, the smarter he is

B.the younger a child is, the more he watches TV

C.the smarter a child is, the less likely he gets addicted to TV

D.the less a child watches TV, the better he performs at school

3What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To advise on the educational use of TV.

B.To describe TV’s harmful effects on children.

C.To explain traditional views on TV influences.

D.To present Anderson’s unconventional ideas.

【题目】 A 74-year-old man is pounding(沉重地走)the pavement in the hope of finding a kidney for his sick wife. Wayne Winters began walking along the streets near his home in Farr West, Utah early this month with a sandwich board containing an unusual request. “Need Kidney for Wife, "the sign reads. Winters' phone number and his wife Deanne's blood type are also included.

Deanne has severe kidney failure and is in need of a transplant. Desperate to do something to help his sick wife, Winters walks along the streets armed with a new suitnew shoes, and his sign with a piea(恳请)for a kidney. Though he doesn' t walk fast. Winters' unusual method of tracking down a kidney for Deanne has attracted plenty of attention. In addition to the motorists and passers-by who have seen Winters out walking miles a day, his request for a kidney has now hit the In ternet and attracted the attention of millions more people.

Winters said he was inspired to pound the pavement on behalf of his wife after seeing a story online about another man who did the same thing and got national attention. Rush hour is his favorite time to walk up and down the streets because drivers are slowed down.

Though he hasn't had any success yet, Winters remains confident he will find a kidney for

Deanne, and says he won’t rest until he makes it. Winters has stated even after a match for Deanne is found, he will continue to raise awareness about kidney donation because it is now his Mlife mission". In fact, the back of his current sign includes a message aimed at helping others in need. It read," 1,000 kidneys are needed in Utah and Idaho. "

The National Kidney Foundation reports the average wait for an individual s first kidney transplant is over three and a half years, and can vary depending on health, compatibility(兼 容性)and availability of organs. The organization also notes over 3,000 new patients are added to the kidney waiting list each month, and 13 people die each day while waiting for a life-saving kidney transplant.

1Why is the old man walking along the streets?

A.To help his sick wife.B.To do some exercise.

C.To look for something he has lost.D.To appreciate the sights of the city.

2What encouraged Winters to think of walking along the streets?

A.Others' advice.B.A moving movie.

C.A story online.D.His devotion to his wife.

3According to Para . 4, how can we describe Winters?

A.Optimistic and kind.B.Patient and generous.

C.Passive and stubborn.D.Positive and successful.

4What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.A kidney transplant is a life-saving operation.

B.Getting a suitable kidney for a patient is not easy.

C.New patients that are added to the kidney waiting list.

D.The success of a kidney transplant depends on several factors.


You can seldom see homeless people on the street.So what could you do if you want to help them? Here are some ways.

Donate(捐赠) money.The easiest way to help the homeless is to donate your money.When you want to do thatyou can donate your money to local organizations.Most charity organizations know where the most help is needed.

Donate things.Donating your used or new things is another easy way to help.Donate these things to local organizations which help the homeless or give them to homeless people you see often.The best things to donate include things like: professional clothingnew socks...

Provide food.52.There are lots of ways that you can help homeless people get food.You can donate fresh fruits and vegetables to local soup kitchens.You can also drop off bananasapplesor sandwiches.

Call emergency(紧急)services.If you see someone who may be a danger to themselves or otherscall emergency services.53.If someone is clearly having a serious problemcall for help also. If someone is in danger because of weather conditionscall Emergency Services also.




1What is the easiest way to help the homeless?


2Where can you donate your used or new things?





【题目】 Yousuf and his family left their home in eastern Afghanistan eight years ago. They went to the city of Kabul to escape war, but they could not escape sadness. Five of Yousuf's children died in the Afghan capital, not from violence, but from air pollution.

Kabul has become one of the most polluted cities in the world. On many days, a mix of smog and smoke lies over the city. In some cases, families burn whatever they can to keep warm in cold weather. The air in their own homes then poisons them. Many years of war have worsened the damage to Afghanistan's environment. At the local Children's Hospital, doctors say they have seen the number of patients with pollution-related health problems increase. Saifullah Abassin, a doctor at the hospital, says his hospital ward(病房) can hold 10 patients but often has three times that number.

“Thirty years ago, it was a wish for people to come to Kabul and breathe its air,” said Ezatullah Sediqi, deputy director for the National Environmental Protection Agency. “But in the wars since, we lost all our urban infrastructure(基础设施) for water, electricity, public transportation, green areas, all these things.”

Kabul's environmental department has started a program to control old vehicles, one major source of pollution. City officials have called on people to use fuel instead of burning garbage for heat. But there are other steps officials need to take, such as passing a plan to stop unplanned development and creating more green spaces.

1What made Yousuf and his family leave their home?

A.War.B.Sadness.C.Violence.D.Air pollution.

2What is NOT the cause of Afghanistan's environment problem?

A.Burning garage.B.Creating green spaces.

C.Using old vehicles.D.Losing urban infrastructure.

3In which part of the newspaper may this text appear?


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