

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。


修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。




Dear Li Feng,

I’m sorry hear that you find English so difficulty that you even want to give it up. So now, I’ll tell you how I learned to ride a bicycle, which may be helpful.

I got a nice bike as a birthday gifts at the age of nine. So excitedly was I that I couldn’t wait to ride it. However, it was the more challenging than expected. I couldn’t control it in all. I got discouraged and wanted to stop try, but my father encouraged me. With a little more practice, I finally learned what to ride them.

You should never got discouraged. Remember you can learn English well as long as you keep learning it.



【答案】(第一句) hear前加上to;

(第一句) difficulty改为difficult;

(第三句) gifts改为gift;

(第四句) excitedly改为excited;

(第五句) 去掉more前的the;

(第六句) in改为at;

(第八句) try改为trying;

(第九句) what改为how;

(第九句) them改为it;

(第十句) got改为get


1. hear前加to.考查动词不定式此处表示很遗憾听到,用动词不定式作宾语,故hear前加to。

2.difficulty改为difficult.考查形容词。此处是so… that句型意为“如此……以至于”,so 后加形容词,表示如此困难,故difficulty改为difficult。

3. gifts改为gift.考查名词。根据a nice bikea birthday…可知,是一辆自行车作为一件生日礼物,用单数。故gifts改为gift。

4. excitedly改为excited.考查形容词。此处是倒装句,正常语序是I was so excited,用形容词作动词be的表语,故excitedly改为excited。

5.去掉more前的the.考查形容词比较级。根据than expected可知,是比较级,最高级前加the,比较级前不加。故去掉more前的the。

6. in改为at.考查介词。in all总共,合计,not at all根本不,一点也不。此处指我根本就控制不住,用not at all。in改为at。

7. try改为trying.考查动词形式。stop后不能加动词原形,要加非谓语动词。stop doing“停止做某事”,stop to do“停下来去做某事”。此处表示停止做某事,故try改为trying。

8. what改为how.考查副词。此处指学会了怎样骑自行车,表示方式用how。what改为how。

9. them改为it.考查代词此处指代骑自行车,用单数形式。故them改为it。

10. got改为get.考查动词形式。情态动词should后用动词原形,故got改为get。


【题目】Effective Time Management Tips from Students

College years are something that many people remember mostly, like parties, meeting life-long friends and romantic adventures. Between those fun things, students have to find time for their actual studying. Many of them do it so skillfully that their professors wouldn’t even guess that they partied all night. 1 Here are some effective time management tips that can be used outside of college.

Use technologies

Many modern students can support the fact that technologies make studying easier and faster 2 You can save time on solving different problems as there are now many apps for that. Using technologies for work is also a must if you want to improve your productivity.


As you know, students have a strict class schedule. It helps them organize their days and be ready for each class. Having a schedule for work and life is also a good thing. If your day is planned by hours, it is easier to get every task done fast and effectively.

Learn something new all the time

4 They know that the more knowledge they possess, the easier it can be for them to get out of different situations. You need to be hungry for knowledge. Many people who graduate from college think that they’ve learned all the secrets of the universe and have nothing more to study. However, you still need to give some work to your brain. 5

A. Have a schedule

B. Learn a lot of things

C. Smart students complete their tasks faster.

D. Thus, you will do your work slower and waste a lot of time.

E. Read books and learn new skills, which will make you smarter and more productive.

F. You needn’t always waste time to go to a library when you can find everything online.

G. How do they manage to complete plenty of homework and still find the time to have fun?

【题目】As is often the case, parents are very shocked to discover their children have lied to them for the first time. But new research has suggested many parents may not even notice many of the lies their children tell them.

Psychologists have discovered that most parents are over-confident in their children’s honesty and this may impair their ability to discover a lie.

The findings may help to explain why some parents seem to be willing to let their children get away with almost anything even in the face of the evidence. They say parents suffer from a “truth bias(偏见)” with their own youngsters, but when faced with lies from other people’s children, they have less difficulty telling if a statement is true or not.

Dr Angela Evans, a psychologist at Brock University in Canada, said, “The close relationship that parents share with their own children may lead to parents failing to detect their children’s lies. Parents’ truth bias may result in parents being less suspicious of their children, allowing them to successfully cheat them.”

Most children are thought to start lying as early as two years old but start telling more believable lies at around the age of four years old. Learning how to lie is considered as a key part of cognitive(认知的) and social development in children. But many parents are shocked when their children start lying to them. In their study, Dr Evans and her colleagues filmed 108 children aged between 8 and 16 as they performed a test after being asked not to look at the answers. They were then asked afterwards if they had looked, with 50 truthfully denying looking, 49 lying about looking and 9 admitting to looking.

Videos of those denying looking were then shown to 152 parents of children aged 8 to 16, 80 of whom had children who had taken part in the test. The researchers found that the parents were less able to spot lies told by their own children than by other people’s children.

1What does the underlined word “impair” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Show. B. Develop. C. Recognize. D. Damage.

2When lying to their parents, children can’t be easily found because ________.

A. their parents aren’t prepared for the lies

B. their parents can’t notice any of their lies

C. they are very good at hiding their lies

D. they know how to lie to their parents

3What does Dr Evans want to find about children’s lying?

A. What makes parents lose trust in their children.

B. What causes children to tell lies to their parents.

C. What makes parents fail to see their children’s lies.

D. What affects children’s relations with their parents.

4What can be inferred from Dr Evans’s study in the last two paragraphs?

A. Parents tend to protect their own children.

B. Lying is a part of children’s development.

C. Children aged 8 to 16 are very likely to tell lies.

D. Parents can easily judge lies told by children of others.

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