
When you close your eyes and try to think of the shape of your own body, what you imagine (or rather, what you feel) is quite different from what you see when you open your eyes and look in the mirror. The image you feel is much vaguer(模糊的) than the one you see. And if you lie still, it is quite hard to imagine yourself as having any particular size or shape.
When you move, when you feel the weight of your arms and legs and the natural resistance of the objects around you, the “felt” image of yourself starts to become clearer. It is almost as if it were created by your own actions and the feelings they cause.
The image you create for yourself has rather strange proportions(部分); certain parts feel much larger than they look. If you get a hole in one of your teeth, it feels enormous; you are often surprised by how small it looks when you inspect it in the mirror.
Although the “felt” image may not have the shape you see in the mirror, it is much more important. It is the image through which you recognize your physical existence in the world. In spite of its strange proportions, it is all one piece, and since it has a consistent(前后一致的) right and left and atop and bottom, it allows you to locate new feelings when they occur. It allows you to find your nose in the dark and point to a pain.
If the felt image is damaged for any reason—if it is cut in half or lost as it often is after certain strokes (中风)which wipe out recognition of one entire side –these tasks become almost impossible. What is more, it becomes hard to make sense of one’s own visual appearance. If one half of the “felt” image is wiped out or injured, the patient stops recognizing the affected part of his body. It is hard for him to find the location of feelings on that side, and, although he feels the doctor’s touch, he locates it as being on the undamaged side.
小题1:According to the passage the “felt” image       the mirror image.
A.is precisely the same asB.is as clear as
C.often differens fromD.is always much smaller than
小题2:Which the following staterants is NOT true?
A.The felt Image is much more important because it helps you locate new feelings.
B.When you are in bed with your eyes closed, it is not easy to imagine your image.
C.When you move, the “felt” image of yourself starts to become clearer.
D.The “felt” image is not so important as the mirror image.
小题3:If a man loses the ability to recognize his right side,           .
A.he can’t locate the doctor’s touch on his left side
B.he can’t locate the doctor’s touch on his right side
C.he loses his sense of touch on the left side
D.he loses feeling on both sides
小题4:What is this passage mainly about?
A.Stroke victims’“felt” imagesB.Stroke victims’ mirror images.
C.The importance of “felt” imagesD.The importance of mirror images.

Elderly adults who regularly drink green tea may stay more active and independent than their peers over time,according to a Japanese study that covered thousands of people.
Green tea contains antioxidant chemicals that may help ward off the cell damage that can lead to disease.Researchers have been studying green tea's effect on everything from cholesterol(胆固醇)to the risk of certain cancers,with mixed results so far.
For the new Japanese study,researchers decided to examine the question of whether green tea drinkers have a lower risk of frailty and disability as they grow older.
Tomata and his colleagues followed nearly 14,000 adults aged 65 or older for three years.
They found those who drank the most green tea were the least likely to develop “functional disability”,or problems with daily activities or basic needs,such as dressing or bathing.
Specifically,almost 13 percent of adults who drank less than a cup of green tea per day became functionally disabled,compared with just over 7 percent of people who drank at least five cups fl day.
The study did not prove that green tea alone kept people active as they grew older.
Green-tea lovers generally had healthier diets,including more fish,vegetables and fruit,as well as more education.lower smoking rates,fewer heart attacks and strokes,and greater mental sharpness.
They also tended to be more socially active and have more friends and family to rely on.
Although it's not clear how green tea might offer a buffer(缓冲剂)against disability,Tomata's team did note that one recent study found green tea extracts(提炼物)seem to increase leg muscle strength in older women.
While green tea and its extracts are considered safe in small amounts,they do contain caffeine and small amounts of vitamin K,which means it could block drugs that prevent blood thickened.
小题1:Which of the following can summarize the passage best?
A.Green tea makes you less active.
B.Green tea makes you less disabled.
C.Green tea makes you more friendly.
D.Green tea makes you more educated.
小题2:The underlined word“ward off”in Paragraph 2 probably means     .
A.formB.absorbC.remove D.prevent
小题3:Tomata and his colleagues wanted to     .
A.prove whether the Japanese study is correct
B.know if green tea drinkers are independent
C.help nearly 14,000 adults aged 65 or older
D.study green tea's effect on cholesterol
小题4:Which of the following is NOT the advantage of green tea?
A.Reduce functional disability.
B.Keep old people active.
C.Make more friends.
D.Suffer fewer heart attacks.
小题5:It can be inferred from the last paragraph     .
A.green tea is safe to drink
B.green tea should be drunk properly
C.green tea is poisonous for old people
D.vitamin K is helpful to us
Paragraph 1
Scientists have learned a lot about the kinds of food people need. They say that there are several kinds of food that people should eat every day. They are: (1) green and yellow vegetables of all kinds. (2) citrus(柑桔) fruits and tomatoes; (3) potatoes and other fruits and vegetables; (4) meat of all kinds, fish and eggs; (5) milk and foods made from milk; (6) bread or cereal(谷类), rice is also in this kind of food; (7) butter, or something like butter.
Paragraph 2                                                                 
People in different countries and different places of the world eat different kinds of things. Foods are cooked and eaten in many different kinds of ways. People in different countries eat at different times of the day. In some places people eat once or twice a day; in other countries people eat three or four times a day. Scientists say that none of the differences is really important. It doesn’t matter whether foods are eaten raw or cooked, canned or frozen. It doesn’t matter if a person eats dinner at 4 o’clock in the afternoon or at eleven o’clock at night. The important thing is what you eat every day.
Paragraph 3
There are two problems, then, in feeding the large number of people on earth. The first is to find some ways to feed the world’s population so that no one is hungry.The second is to make sure that people everywhere have the right kinds of food to make them grow to be strong and healthy.
小题1:According to the scientists, which of the following groups of food is the healthiest for your lunch?
A.chicken, apples, cereal, cabbagesB.potatoes, carrots, rice, bread
C.oranges, bananas, fish, tomatoesD.beef, pork, fish, milk
小题2:It is important for people to eat _______.
A.three times a dayB.dinner at twelve o’clock
C.cooked food all the dayD.something from each of the seven kinds of food every day
小题3:People in different countries and different places of the world _______.
A.has the right kinds of food to eatB.cooks their food in the same way
C.has their meals at the same timeD.eat food in different ways
小题4:If there is Paragraph 4, what do you think is going to be talked about?
A.When people eat their lunchB.What to do with the two problems
C.How to cook food in different waysD.Why people eat different kinds of food
Europe is now the biggest market for organic food in the world, having grown by 25 percent a year over the past 10 years. Denmark’s agriculture minister is herself an organic farmer. The UK market for organic food grew by 55 percent in 2000, while the food market as a whole grew by only one percent. Yet only seven percent of British shoppers account for nearly 60 percent of organic sales. However popular the idea of organic farming may be, it is still an interest for only a few people.
So what makes the idea of organic farming popular? Organic farming means farming with natural materials, rather than with man-made fertilizers or pesticides. Organic farmers rely on many  methods — such as crop rotation (农作物的轮作) and the use of resistant(有抵抗力的) varieties, because they are necessary for organic farmers to compensate for the shortage of man-made chemicals.
Organic farming is often supposed to be safer than traditional farming for the environment. Yet after a long research on organic farming worldwide for a number of years, science continues to be against this opinion. The House of Commons committee on agriculture publicized that, even with complete research work, it would fail to find any scientific evidence to prove “that any of claims (宣称) made for organic farming is always true”.
However, the talk about the benefits of organic farming is going on. This is partly because many people depend on their individual farm, the soil, the weather, and so on.
小题1:The first paragraph mainly tells us _____.
A.organic farming has been performed only in Europe over the past 10 years
B.governments of European countries have cared less about organic farming
C.organic farming is far from being as popular as expected
D.European countries need organic food more than the other countries in the world
小题2: The underlined words “compensate for” in the second paragraph probably mean “________”.
A.argue forB.care forC.struggle forD.pay for
小题3: What can we know about organic farming?
A.It refers to farming with natural materials, instead of chemical fertilizers.
B.It refers to farming with chemical fertilizers rather than natural fertilizers.
C.It refers to farming with soil rather than any other thing.
D.It refers to growing crops with man-made fertilizers and pesticides.
小题4:According to the third paragraph, _____.
A.organic farming is safer than traditional farming for the environment
B.the idea that organic farming is safer has not been proven by science
C.organic farming is accepted by the UK’s House of Commons committee
D.organic farming is preferred to traditional farming
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?
A.The UK’s agriculture minister is an organic farmer.
B.Organic farming is popular with young people.
C.Farmers make use of many different kinds of methods to improve the organic sales system.
D.Ninety-three percent of British shoppers don’t buy organic products.
As is known, healthy foods can help save your life. Now, here is a list of healthy foods that can save your memory. It is best that every person knows what he eats, as he takes in, can make or break himself, in terms of health.
Fish is helpful in regaining back the kind of memory that a person once has. Eating fish can help you save the trouble of forgetfulness. Vegetables rich in fiber and other dark and green leafy kinds are very suitable for people who want to avoid mental blocks. These foods contain high units of vitamin E.
Another food that is considered having different effects on preventing this brain deficiency (缺陷) is avocado (鳄梨), which is also rich in vitamins E and C. It is really good to know these healthy foods that can save your memory are always at hand so as to help you in your fight against diseases. Sunflower seeds are regarded as Vitamin C-powered seeds and also give you enough energy.
As for red wine, do not over consume it, as it is said to have to be taken in moderate amounts in order to help the body. Over-drinking can cause illness and like anything else. This is considered as one of the healthy foods that can save your memory; alcohol can otherwise lose it.
It is better to consume colored bread, rice and whole grains for you to get the best out of fiber. These foods can lower the body’s risk of being infected with Alzheimer’s disease(老年痴呆病).
Knowing the healthy foods that can save your memory is living the life that you have longed and desired. Among the others, the best, of course, is exercise. Taking in different kind of exercises, physical activities or sports can keep both your body and mind healthy.
小题1: If you suffer from loss of memory, you _______.
A.should eat cucumbers and cabbagesB.can drink as much wine as possible
C.had better take in fish in your mealsD.may as well take more Vitamin C
小题2: To prevent mental disease from happening, _______.
A.people are advised to take avocadosB.it is best to eat vegetables high in fiber
C.it is better to have more sunflower seedsD.red wine is the first and best choice
小题3: Which of the following is the most important for health?
A.Drinking a proper amount of red wine every day.
B.Eating bread made of whole grains.
C.Adding Vitamin C-powered seeds to meals.
D.Taking moderate exercise every day.
小题4: How many means for health does the author mention in the passage?
小题5: Which of the following is most suitable for the passage?
(①="Para.1  " ②="Para.2  " ③="Para.3  " ④="Para.4  " ⑤="Para.5  " ⑥=Para.6)
①                          ①
↙ ↘                     ↙ ↘     
↖ ↗                             ↙↘
⑥                               ④ ⑤
Ever since news of widespread food recalls caused by a carcinogenic dye(颜料) broke, there has been confusion over possible links to the country of the same name, but Sudan officials say there is no connection whatever.
Sudan1 is a red industrial dye that has been found in some chilli powder, but was banned in food products across the European Union (EU) in July 2003.
Since the ban was put in place, EU officials have been striving to remove some food products from the shelves. So far 580 products have been recalled.
Last week Sudan’s Embassy in the United Kingdom asked the Food Standards Agency (FSA) for clarification of the origin of the dye’s name.
Omaima Mahmoud Al Sharief, a press official at Sudan’s Embassy in China, explained the purpose of the inquiry was to clear up any misunderstanding over links between the country and the poisonous dye.
  "We want to keep an eye on every detail and avoid any misunderstanding there," she said. "Our embassy to Britain asked them how the dye got that name and whether the dye had something to do with our country. But they told us there was no relationship."
The FSA, an independent food security watchdog in Britain, received a letter from the Sudanese embassy last week.
 "They asked us why the dye is named Sudan, however, we also do not know how it got the name," she said. "People found the dye in 1883 and gave it the name. Nobody knows the reason, and we cannot give any explanation before we find out."
Sudan dyes, which include Sudan1 to 4, are red dyes used for colouring solvents(溶剂), oils, waxes, petrol, and shoe and floor polishes. They are classified as carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
小题1:What does the underlined word mean in paragraph one?
A.Causing cancer.B.Having side effect.C.Containing poison.D.Poisonous.
小题2:How did the Sudan1 get its name?
A.The dye is often produced in Sudan.
B.The dye has something to do with the country named Sudan.
C.Nobody is sure of the origin of the name.
D.Many foods produced in Sudan contain the dye.
小题3:We can infer from the passage that        .
A.the Sudan government is paying much attention to the food safety
B.Sudan1 is often used to be added to the food
C.people didn’t realize the danger of Sudan1 until 2003
D.many food shops will be closed down
小题4: Which of the following is the best title?
A.Keep away from Sudan1
B.No Sudan1 dye links to the country
C.How Sudan1 dye got its name?
D.Pay attention to the food safety
Choose the yum(美味的东西) and risk the yuk(讨厌的东西)?
Scientists have given us a lot of health warnings. The advice from cancer experts for avoiding bowel(肠) cancer is "try to avoid processed(加工过的) meats such as bacon, ham, corned beef and some sausages", and women fearing breast cancer are told "there doesn't seem to be a starting point at which alcohol consumption is safe",
But all these health warnings tend to have little influence on behavior, So who is being unreasonable —the scientists who give us health advice, or the public that just ignores it?
The curious fact is that both might be right. The reasoning behind these health warnings seems to be this: if you do more of something pleasurable (which we shall give the name “yum”) there is a higher risk of something bad (which we shall give the name “yuk”)occurring, so you should avoid yum.
But when presented with this argument you might ask two questions.
First, maybe the pleasure of yum makes the risk worth taking, especially if yuk might occur a long time in the future? Second, maybe there are other benefits of yum that could cancel out the risks of the particular yuk that has been identified (确认) ?
So suppose bacon sandwiches are your particular yum: research shows that 50g per day — that is a great greasy sandwich — increases your risk of bowel cancer by 20%.
But this means that out of every 100 people who stuffed down that big bacon sandwich every day of their lives, the number of bowel cancers would rise from five to six.
In addition, if a middle-aged woman gave up alcohol, it might reduce her risk of breast cancer, but could increase risk of some other cancers as well as heart disease.
So we need to look at the whole picture before trying to get people to change what they do, since everything has benefit and harms — just think of the joggers(慢跑者) who get knocked down by cars — and people need to be able to find their own balance.
Therefore, as you reach for your yum, perhaps sometimes pause a moment and realize that you are taking a gamble(赌博) on the yuk occurring, but that it may be a risk worth taking.
小题1:What is the advice given by scientists for avoiding breast cancer?
A.Try to avoid processed meat.B.Try to avoid alcohol.
C.Try to choose the yum.D.Try to risk the yuk.
小题2: What does “this argument” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.If you choose the yum, you will risk the yuk.
B.If you risk the yuk, you’ll choose the yum.
C.The yum is worth taking, especially if yuk might occur in the future.
D.Other benefits of yum could cancel out the risks of the yuk.
小题3:Why do we need to look at the whole picture before trying to get people to change what they do?
A.Because giving up alcohol might reduce breast cancer.
B.Because people are not able to find their own balance.
C.Because all the things have both sides.
D.Because the advice given by scientists is not true.
小题4:According to the passage, which of the following is correct?
A.People are often influenced by the health warnings.
B.Both the scientists and the public are not reasonable.
C.Alcohol consumption has both benefit and harms.
D.People should avoid yum to reduce the risk of yuk.
You maybe surprised to learn that one of the best steps you can take to protect your health is to step outside and spend some time in the grass, dirt and water.
Our ancestors enjoyed the healing power of nature , and now scientists are starting to catch up.According to research in recent years, just having a view of nature has been shown to improve hospital patients'  recovery and reduce illness rates among office workers.Also, exposure (曝露)to wildlife, horseback riding, hiking, camping and farms can be helpful for a variety of health conditions in adults and children.
Much of this type of research is focusing on children, and in fact an entire movement has quickly developed to connect kids with the healing power of nature.
Obesity (肥胖).Rates of childhood obesity have grown sharply in recent years, and this is partly because of reduced outdoor activity time.Increasing the time students spend learning about nature, both in and outside the classroom, would help solve this problem.Such lessons are often more attractive for students and often lead them to become more active outside.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (注意力缺失症).Exposure to ordinary natural settings (环境) in the course of common after-school and weekend activities may be effective in reducing attention deficit symptoms in children.Participation in green activities —such as nature walks—helped ADHD patients from a wide range of backgrounds to stay focused and complete tasks.
Stress.Access to nature, even houseplants, can help children cope with stress.
Depression  and  seasonal  emotional  disorder.Major  depression requires medical treatment, but physical activity, especially outdoors, can help ease symptoms.For your average case of winter blues, experts suggest spending time outside every day and, if possible, taking the family to a sunny vacation spot in mid-winter.
Experts emphasize that you needn' t go to wilderness preserves to enjoy nature' s benefits—simply walking in a city park or growing in a rooftop garden can make a difference.
小题1:It can be inferred from the first two paragraphs that____.
A.ancient people were not familiar with the healing power of nature.
B.modern people are not familiar with the healing power of nature.
C.the healing power of nature works better on children.
D.the healing power of nature works better on office workers.
小题2:According to Para.4, lessons about nature_____.
A.should engage parents in them
B.should take place outdoors
C.are used widely at schools
D.are liked by students
小题3:Exposure to green areas in neighborhoods can_____.
A.improve children' s skills at learning
B.help reduce ADHD symptoms
C.treat major depression
D.cure winter blues
小题4:What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.You can only enjoy nature's benefits in the wilderness.
B.A common natural setting is beneficial to your health.
C.A city park and a rooftop garden have different benefits.
D.Too many people in the wilderness will reduce the benefits of nature.

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