
You maybe surprised to learn that one of the best steps you can take to protect your health is to step outside and spend some time in the grass, dirt and water.
Our ancestors enjoyed the healing power of nature , and now scientists are starting to catch up.According to research in recent years, just having a view of nature has been shown to improve hospital patients'  recovery and reduce illness rates among office workers.Also, exposure (曝露)to wildlife, horseback riding, hiking, camping and farms can be helpful for a variety of health conditions in adults and children.
Much of this type of research is focusing on children, and in fact an entire movement has quickly developed to connect kids with the healing power of nature.
Obesity (肥胖).Rates of childhood obesity have grown sharply in recent years, and this is partly because of reduced outdoor activity time.Increasing the time students spend learning about nature, both in and outside the classroom, would help solve this problem.Such lessons are often more attractive for students and often lead them to become more active outside.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (注意力缺失症).Exposure to ordinary natural settings (环境) in the course of common after-school and weekend activities may be effective in reducing attention deficit symptoms in children.Participation in green activities —such as nature walks—helped ADHD patients from a wide range of backgrounds to stay focused and complete tasks.
Stress.Access to nature, even houseplants, can help children cope with stress.
Depression  and  seasonal  emotional  disorder.Major  depression requires medical treatment, but physical activity, especially outdoors, can help ease symptoms.For your average case of winter blues, experts suggest spending time outside every day and, if possible, taking the family to a sunny vacation spot in mid-winter.
Experts emphasize that you needn' t go to wilderness preserves to enjoy nature' s benefits—simply walking in a city park or growing in a rooftop garden can make a difference.
小题1:It can be inferred from the first two paragraphs that____.
A.ancient people were not familiar with the healing power of nature.
B.modern people are not familiar with the healing power of nature.
C.the healing power of nature works better on children.
D.the healing power of nature works better on office workers.
小题2:According to Para.4, lessons about nature_____.
A.should engage parents in them
B.should take place outdoors
C.are used widely at schools
D.are liked by students
小题3:Exposure to green areas in neighborhoods can_____.
A.improve children' s skills at learning
B.help reduce ADHD symptoms
C.treat major depression
D.cure winter blues
小题4:What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.You can only enjoy nature's benefits in the wilderness.
B.A common natural setting is beneficial to your health.
C.A city park and a rooftop garden have different benefits.
D.Too many people in the wilderness will reduce the benefits of nature.


If you have to miss a meal a day, which meal will cause you fewest health problems if you don’t eat it? If you have to make a decision of this type, most people (especially very busy people) will choose to skip breakfast.
However, many experts in the field of health consider breakfast ( the meal which “break” you “fast” ) to be the most important t meal of the day. If we eat a good breakfast, they say, we will have the energy and nutrients (营养) we need to begin our working day with vigor(活力) and stay hopeful with good honor. However, many people skip breakfast or substitute a cup of coffee for a well balanced meal. What happens if we ignore the importance of breakfast?
One recent study conducted in the United States tested a large number of people. Participants included both males and females who ranged in age from 12 to 83. The results showed that if a person eats an adequate breakfast, he or she will work more efficiently and more productively than if he or she skips breakfast or eats a very poor breakfast. This fact appears to be especially true if a person’s work involves mental(脑力的) activities. The study showed that if school-children eat fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, they will learn more quickly and will be able to concentrate (集中)on their lessons for a longer period of time than if their breakfast is inadequate.
The study also showed that contrary to what people believe, if you skip breakfast, you will not lose weight. This is because people become so hungry if they skip breakfast that they eat too much for lunch and end up gaining weight instead of losing. So remember, if you want to lose weight, skipping breakfast will not help you. You will likely lose more weight if you decrease your other meals.
小题1:According to experts, breakfast is the most important meal of the day because _____.
A.a good breakfast breaks you down fast
B.you’ll lose weight quickly if you skip breakfast
C.breakfast provides what a person needs to work
D.after a long night, you’ll feel very hungry
小题2:The underlined part “substitute a cup of coffee for a well balanced meal”(Para. 2) probably means _______.
A.to exchange a cup of coffee for a well balanced meal.
B.To drink a cup of coffee instead of a well balanced meal.
C.To change a cup of coffee into a well balanced meal.
D.To regard a cup of coffee as a well balanced meal.
小题3:The example of school-children in para.3 shows that _______.
A.school-children will be quick and attentive all day if they eat breakfast
B.a proper breakfast will make mental workers more efficient
C.fruit, eggs, bread and milk are the best breakfast for mental workers
D.school-children who have breakfast are much brighter than those who don’t
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true according to Para. 4?
A.Some people skip breakfast because they want to be slimmer.
B.Most people who skip breakfast actually eat more for lunch.
C.People put on weight because they eat too much breakfast.
D.Skipping breakfast won’t help people who want to lose weight.
小题5:The best title of the passage is _______.
A.How to Lose Weight
B.What’s a Healthy Diet
C.Surprising Results of a Study
D.Breakfast – A Meal That Breaks You Fast
A Concussion(脑震荡) happens when the brain is shaken, often in a car crash or a fall or a strike on; the head in sports.Concussions can be mild, but doctors may order a CT scan to look for a more serious injury.But a recent study warned that more children than necessary are being exposed(使遭受) to radiation this way.
A national team led by two doctors at the University of California, Davis, studied hospital records from thousands of children with head injuries. They found that in many cases, the risk of developing cancer from the radiation outweighed the risk of a serious brain injury.
The study found that one in five children over age two had a low risk of serious injury but received CT scans anyway. The same was true of almost one in four children under two years of age.
The researchers have developed rules to predict if a head injury is serious enough for a scan. For children under two, doctors are advised against it if there is:
·Normal mental activity.
·No swelling in the back of the head.
·No feeling of a broken bone in the skull. (头骨)
·And no loss of consciousness for more than five seconds.
Doctors should also consider how the child was injured and whether the parents say the child is acting normally.
For patients from two to eighteen, the guidelines are similar —— except there should be no l vomiting(呕吐)and no severe headache.
Earlier this year, the British Journal of Sports Medicine published new guidelines for concussions in children and teens. International experts said they should not return to sports or school until fully recovered. The brain also needs a "cognitive rest," they say, by restricting activities like video games, texting and watching TV.
It often take longer than adults to recover from a concussion than adults. The experts say individual progress and not a set time period should always guide a decision to return to play.
小题1:The researchers at the -University of California found that children who received CT scans
A.were likely to suffer brain injuries
B.wouldn’t have normal mental activity
C.would lose consciousness now and then
D.were likely to develop canter
小题2:How many aspects should doctors consider when deciding whether a child under two needs a CT scan?        
小题3:What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?
A.Texting is harmful to patients’ recovery from concussions.
B.Patients with brain injuries can play many sports.
C.Adults need a longer time than teens to recover from concussions.
D.It takes at least a year for individuals with brain injuries to fully recover.
小题4:The author of the passage mainly___.
A.describes the risks of brain injuries
B.suggests CT scans are of practical use
C.tells us about the risks of brain injury tests
D.argues against new guidelines for concussions
Forgiving someone who has hurt you or let you down is never an easy thing. Several new studies, however, say that it could have a lot of health benefits. When you think of forgiveness, you probably don’t think of it as being a health or medical problem. Studies from Stanford University, on the other hand, show that something like anger can change your well-being.
When cartoon book characters like the Incredible Hulk get angry, they change colours and often gain special power. In the real world, anger is less obvious and may be more dangerous. That’s why Professor Fred Luskin, founder of the Stanford Forgiveness Project and author of Forgive for Good, says holding on to anger and hatred can harm your physical and mental health. Two new studies seem to show the same idea.
The studies find that people who are able to forgive feel less stress, less back pain, and less depression. They also have fewer headaches, lower blood pressure, and fewer problems on sleeping.
So it doesn’t matter if your anger is caused by the traffic or other things. Learning to let it go is important. Techniques such as deep breath or thought can help. Or just ask yourself if it’s worth hurting yourself by staying angry with someone else.
Forgiveness does not mean that you simply accept what happened and say it’s OK. Instead, it’s a way of making peace with yourself about what happened in the past.
小题1: The author of the passage tries to make his viewpoint clear ______.
A.by raising his own examplesB.based on his own experience
C.by mentioning some studiesD.by mentioning some typical patients
小题2: The example of the cartoon book characters is taken in the passage to______.
A.support the viewpoint that anger and hatred harm physical and mental health
B.introduce a famous expert
C.let the reader know the different colours of cartoon faces
D.show how to control one’s temper
小题3:The underlined phrase“holding on to”in this passage possibly means“______”.
A.removingB.keeping upC.getting rid ofD.learning about
小题4: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage?
A.People who are able to forgive feel less stress.
B.People who are able to forgive feel less depression.
C.People who are able to forgive have fewer problems on sleeping.
D.People who are able to forgive feel less tired.
小题5:The best title for this passage is probably _______.
A.ForgivenessB.Forgiveness Is Good for Health
C.A Secret to Keeping HealthD.Anger Is Bad for Health
Most children, even the youngest of children, are delighted to be around cats and dogs. But these pets carry plenty of germs and allergens(过敏原),prompting researchers to ask: Are cats and dogs really safe for children?
A study finds that, contrary to many parents' fears, owning cats or dogs does not increase a child's risk of developing allergies, and in fact, may actually protect them. The study's lead author, Dr. Dennic Ownby of the Medical College of Georgia, says that even he was "very surprised" by the results. Ownby and colleagues followed more than 470 children from birth to age 6 or 7, comparing those exposed to cats and dogs during their first year of life to those who were not.
By using skin-prick tests for detecting common allergies, the researchers found that, contrary to what many doctors had been taught for years, children who had lived with a pet were not at greater risk.
Even more remarkable, children who had two or more dogs or cats had an even greater reduction, up to 77 percent, in risk of allergies. Researchers suggest this protective effect may be the result of early exposure to lots of bacteria that are carried by dogs and cats. Exposing young children to these bacteria helps" exercise" their immune systems early in life so that they're better able to resist allergic diseases later.
There's something very important in that first year of life when the immune system is developing that we can retrain it away from an allergic response, said Dr. William Davis.
And while researchers are not encouraging parents to buy dogs or cats just to reduce a child's allergy risk, they say if a family already has one or more animals, there's no need to get rid of them.
小题1:Why do the researchers feel “very surprised” by the results of the study?
A.Because the results are contrary to their expectation.
B.Because so many children are playing with cats and dogs.
C.Because parents are so much worried about their children.
D.Because children with animals may develop allergies easily.
小题2:Compared with children who have pets,those who haven’t  ______.
A.will lose the chance to develop immune system
B.may suffer allergic diseases more often
C.will reduce the harm from bacteria
D.can keep doctors away
小题3:It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A.pets are ill-treated by their owners
B.less families would like to own cats and dogs
C.keeping pets is a good way to keep children healthy
D.the results of the study can make families with pets feel at ease
小题4:The underlined word “it” in the fifth paragraph refers to________.
A.the early life
B.an allergic disease
C.immune system
D.something important
小题5:What may be the best title of the passage?
A.How to protect your kids from allergies
B.Your pets may be helping your kids
C.Bacteria do good to your kids
D.Advantages of owning pets
Below is some advice on how to sleep better.
1. Maintain a regular bed and wake time schedule
Go to bed at the same time every night. Choose a time when you normally feel tired, so that you don’t toss or turn. Try not to break this routine on weekends when it may be tempting to stay up late. If you want lo changeyour bedtime, help your body adjust by making the changein small daily increments, such as 15 minutes earlier or later each day. As with your bedtime, try to maintain yourregular wake-time even on weekends.
2.Fight after-dinner drowsiness(睡意)
If you find yourself getting sleepy before your bed-time, get off the couch and do something mildly stimulating to avoid falling asleep, such as washing the dishes, calling a friend, or getting clothes ready for the next day. If you give in to the drowsiness, you may wake up later in the night and have trouble getting back to sleep.
3. Keep your room dark and cool
When it’s time to sleep, make sure that your environment is dark. Even dim light —especially those from TV or computer screens —can confuse the body clock. Heavy curtains or shades can help block light from windows, or you can try an eye mask to cover your eyes. The temperature of your bedroom also affects sleep. A bedroom that is too hot or too cold can interfere with quality sleep.
4. Turn off your television
Many people use the television to fall asleep or relaxat the end of the day. You may even have a television inyour bedroom. However, television actually stimulates themind, rather than relaxing it. Part of this is due to con­tent. Late night news and prime time shows frequently have disturbing, violent material. Even non-violent pro­gramming can have commercials that are jarring and loud.
5. Exercise early
Exercise helps promote restful sleep if it is done sev­eral hours before you go to bed. Exercise can help you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly— as long asit ’s done at the right time. Try to finish exercising at least three hours before bed or work out earlier in the day.
6. Consult your doctor
Use a sleep diary and talk to your doctor. Note what type of sleep problem is affecting your sleep or if you aresleepy when you wish to be awake and alert. Try these tips and record your sleep and sleep-related activities in a sleep diary. If problems continue, discuss the sleep diary with your doctor. There may be an underlying cause and you will want to be properly diagnosed. Your doctor will help treat the problem or may refer you to a sleep specialist.
小题1:To prevent yourself from sleeping too much on weekends, you should________.
A.go lo bed 15 minutes earlier than usual
B.go to bed at usual time
C.go to bed at any time
D.make an adjustment to your bedtime
小题2:Which of the following makes it easier for you to have a sound sleep?
A.Watching violent programmesbefore going to bed.
B.Changing your bedtime only a little every day.
C.Using heavy curtains or an eye mask to block light.
D.Completing your workout just before bedtime.
小题3:The following ways can help fight after-dinner drowsinessEXCEPT_______.
A.making a telephone call
B.doing some washing
C.getting clothes ready for the next day
D.having a rest on the sofa
小题4: If your sleep problems continue, you’d better_____________
A.move into a new house
B.discuss it with your family
C.change your present job
D.turn to the doctor for help
When you close your eyes and try to think of the shape of your own body, what you imagine (or rather, what you feel) is quite different from what you see when you open your eyes and look in the mirror. The image you feel is much vaguer(模糊的) than the one you see. And if you lie still, it is quite hard to imagine yourself as having any particular size or shape.
When you move, when you feel the weight of your arms and legs and the natural resistance of the objects around you, the “felt” image of yourself starts to become clearer. It is almost as if it were created by your own actions and the feelings they cause.
The image you create for yourself has rather strange proportions(部分); certain parts feel much larger than they look. If you get a hole in one of your teeth, it feels enormous; you are often surprised by how small it looks when you inspect it in the mirror.
Although the “felt” image may not have the shape you see in the mirror, it is much more important. It is the image through which you recognize your physical existence in the world. In spite of its strange proportions, it is all one piece, and since it has a consistent(前后一致的) right and left and atop and bottom, it allows you to locate new feelings when they occur. It allows you to find your nose in the dark and point to a pain.
If the felt image is damaged for any reason—if it is cut in half or lost as it often is after certain strokes (中风)which wipe out recognition of one entire side –these tasks become almost impossible. What is more, it becomes hard to make sense of one’s own visual appearance. If one half of the “felt” image is wiped out or injured, the patient stops recognizing the affected part of his body. It is hard for him to find the location of feelings on that side, and, although he feels the doctor’s touch, he locates it as being on the undamaged side.
小题1:According to the passage the “felt” image       the mirror image.
A.is precisely the same asB.is as clear as
C.often differens fromD.is always much smaller than
小题2:Which the following staterants is NOT true?
A.The felt Image is much more important because it helps you locate new feelings.
B.When you are in bed with your eyes closed, it is not easy to imagine your image.
C.When you move, the “felt” image of yourself starts to become clearer.
D.The “felt” image is not so important as the mirror image.
小题3:If a man loses the ability to recognize his right side,           .
A.he can’t locate the doctor’s touch on his left side
B.he can’t locate the doctor’s touch on his right side
C.he loses his sense of touch on the left side
D.he loses feeling on both sides
小题4:What is this passage mainly about?
A.Stroke victims’“felt” imagesB.Stroke victims’ mirror images.
C.The importance of “felt” imagesD.The importance of mirror images.
Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity. It may be walking, cycling, or swimming, or in winter, skating or skiing. It may be games of football, hockey, golf, or tennis. It may be mountaineering.
Those who have a passion for climbing high and difficult mountains are often looked upon with astonishment. Why are men and women willing to suffer cold and hardship, and to take risks on high mountains? This astonishment is caused probably by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activity to which men give their relaxation.
Mountaineering is a sport and not a game. There are no man-made rules, as there are for such games as golf and football. There are, of course, rules of a different kind which it would be dangerous to ignore, but it is this freedom from man-made rules that makes mountaineering attractive to many people. Those who climb mountains are free to use their own methods.
If we compare mountaineering and other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is that mountaineering is not a “team game”. We should be mistaken in this. There are, it is true, no “matches” between “teams” of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may depend, there is obviously teamwork.
The mountain climber knows that he may have to fight forces that are stronger and more powerful than man. He has to fight the forces of nature. His sport requires high mental and physical qualities.
A mountain climber continues to improve in skill year after year. A skier (滑雪者) is probably past his best by the age of thirty, and most international tennis champions are in their early twenties. But it is not unusual for a man of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mountains in Alps. They may take more time than younger men, but they probably climb with more skill and less waste of effort, and they certainly experience equal enjoyment.
小题1: The main difference between a sport and a game lies in       .
小题2: Mountaineering can be called a team sport because      .
A.mountaineers depend on each other while climbing
B.teams compete against each other
C.it is an Olympic event
D.there are five climbers on each team
小题3:Which of the following might be the best title?
A.How to Climb High MountainsB.Mountain Climbers
C.Challenging Sports ActivitiesD.Mountaineering
What is TOVIAZ?
TOVIAZ is a medicine used in adults to treat the symptoms of a condition called overactive bladder(膀胱).
Who is TOVIAZ for?
Adults 18 years older with symptoms of overactive bladder.
Don’t take TOVIAZ if you:
★ Your stomach empties slowly.
★ Have eye problems.
★ Are allergic to any ingredients of TOVIAZ.
Possible side effects of TOVIAZ
★ Dry mouth.
★ Constipation
★ Dry eyes.
★ Trouble empting the bladder
These aren’t all possible side effects of TOVIAZ. For a complete list, ask your doctor.
How to take TOVIAZ:
★ Your doctor may give you the lower 4mg dose of TOVIAZ if you have severe kidney problem.
★ Take TOVIAZ with liquid and swallow the tablet whole. Do not chew, divide or crush the tablet.
★ You can take TOVIAZ with or without food.
★ If you miss a dose of TOVIAZ, start taking it again the next day.
Things you should keep in mind when taking TOVIAZ:
★ Decreased sweating and severe heat illness can occur when medicines such as TOVIAZ are used in hot environments.
★ Drinking alcohol while taking TOVIAZ may cause increased sleepiness.
What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To show the importance of taking proper medicine.
B.To present a report on a scientific research.
C.To give information about a kind of medicine.
D.To teach patients ways of recovery from illness.
The main function of TOVIAZ is to treat__________.
A.kidney problem
B.stomach problem
C.dry mouth or eyes
D.overactive bladder
What can be inferred from the passage?
A.There are only four possible side effects of TOVIAZ.
B.It’s suggested that TOVIAZ be used for adults 18 years older.
C.Don’t take TOVIAZ if you are allergic to its ingredient.
D.You may feel excited while eating TOVIAZ with alcohol.
Which of the statements about taking TOVIAZ is TRUE?
A.If you miss a dose of, do take it right away on the same day.
B.It’s OK to take it with food or without food.
C.Chew the tablet well before you swallow it.
D.Use TOVIAZ in hot environment to cure heat illness.

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