







Last Sunday, the Student Association of our school was organized an activity to visit the children in the poorest village of our city.As one of the volunteer, I took part in it.We took many books as well many kinds of school supplies and toys for the children.They were excited to receive our gifts.In the morning, we played some games with them which were played in our childhood.Then we cooked and have lunch there.In a afternoon, we gave them some performances.Before leaving the village, we had photos take with them and gave them our contact details so that they could keep in touch with one another.Each of us had a happily time.We gave the children our care and help, but in return, they gave us their thanks and smiles.


You’ve probably heard of Marco Polo, but how much do you actually know about him and his incredible journey? Marco was the original travel writer, whose trade contacts with Asia changed Europe, opening it up to new ideas and cultures.

Marco Polo was born in the Venetian Republic around 1254.At the time, Venice was one of the most powerful trading cities in the world, and was ruled as an independent city state.Marco’s mother died when he was young, so he was brought up by his aunt and uncle.When Marco was born, his brother (Maffeo) and father (Niccolo), who were successful merchants, were away on a trading voyage.They didn’t get back until Marco was about 15.

In 1271, Niccolo and Maffeo set off again for Asia, this time taking Marco with them.On a previous journey they’d met Kublai Khan (the Yuan Dynasty), and they were keen to establish trade links between Kublai’s empire and Venice.The Polos sailed across the Mediterranean to Acre (now in northern Israel).Then, they traveled by camel to the port of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf.Their plan was to sail to China but they couldn’t find any good boats.So, they continued the journey overland, finally meeting Kublai Khan at his summer palace in Xanadu, about 275 kms north of modern Beijing.Marco was now probably 21 years ol

The journey had taken over three years.

The Polos had learnt a great deal about the world during their travels and so Kublai employed Marco as a government official.This gave Marco the opportunity to travel around much of Kublai’s empire in China.In fact, Kublai found the Polos so useful that he was unwilling to let them return home.However, in 1292, the Polos eventually left, sailing from China and ending up in Hormuz again.The journey was extremely dangerous: of the 600 travelers who set off, only 18 arrived in Hormuz, including all three of the Polo family.

The Polos finally returned to Venice in 1295, twenty-four years after setting off.They had traveled 24,000 kms.By this time Venice was at war with Genoa, its trade rival.Unfortunately for Marco, he was captured by the Genoese and imprisione

However, he used his time as a prisoner to write a book about his family’s travels: II Milione (known as The Travels of Marco Polo in English).It was the first book to tell Europeans about China and the East.No original copy survives, but there are several versions of it.Marco’s writings influenced many other travelers, most notably Christopher Columbus, who carried a copy of II Milione with him on his voyage in search of Asia.

After his release from prison in 1299, Marco rejoined his father and uncle in Venice.The family were now even wealthier than before thanks to the many treasures they’d brought back from the East.Marco financed many more trading journeys but never left the city again.He died in 1324 and was buried in the church of San Lorenzo in Venice.

1.What is the correct order of what Marco Polo has done?

a.met Kublai Khan in Xanadu

b.sailed across the Mediterranean

c.sailed for Hormuz

d.left Venice for Asia

e.went to Hormuz by camel

f.employed as a government official in China





2.The last paragraph but one mainly tells us something about _____.

A.Marco’s life in Genoa

B.Marco’s book II Milione

C.Marco’s influence on Columbus

D.Marco’s safe return to Venice

3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Soon after his mother’s death, Marco was raised by his father.

B.Marco spent about six years on the way to China and back to Venice.

C.Marco died at the age of 70 in the church of San Lorenzo in Venice.

D.Marco was born into a very poor family but died in wealth.

4.The passage is most probably taken from _____.

A.a newspaper

B.a geography book

C.a history book

D.a traveler’s guide

I have been in Limoges for a month now.since living here, I have tried to integrate(融合) into the local community and one way I have found to do this is by following the local rugby team.

I decided to look for information on the local rugby team after the tourism office could not help me.I searched for the club office online and decided to look into it.The following day I went back to the club after speaking with them and decided to get a season ticket for the rest of my stay here.I will now be going to each home game as well as travelling to the away games with the team and the fans.I am sure that it is going to be a great experience during my time abroad here.I will also be travelling through various regions of France so I will be visiting new places throughout the season.There is another team in a town called Brive not so far away who play in the top league in France, but I decided to stay local.I may go and see them with other assistants if possible during our stay.

I witnessed a friendly match on Saturday when they played Stade Dijon in the division below them.The match finished 70-12.After the match, both teams went to the club house to see the Rugby World Cup semi-final between New Zealand and Australia.Both teams respected each others which is something you don’t always see in other sports.I spoke to the president of the club after the game and he told me, “This is a family club.” Hopefully this year will be a good year for Limoges.

1.How did the writer try to combine into Limoges' community?

A.By taking part in the local rugby team.

B.By watching the rugby matches in Limoges,

C.By playing often with the people in Limoges.

D.By paying close attention to the local rugby team.

2.The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to_____________,

A.the club office

B.the local rugby team

C.the tourism office

D.the local community

3.Why did the two teams go to the club house aft6r the match?

A.To show respect to each other.

B.To watch the Rugby World Cup semi-final.

C.To clean the club together.

D.To exchange experience with each other.

4.What can we infer from the text?

A.The writer must be a top rugby player.

B.The writer is likely to be a boss of a rugby club.

C.The writer is likely to come from Australia.

D.The writer probably works as an assistant in France.

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