
Last Friday I went to pay a visit for my former teacher,Mrs.Wang.We used to living
next to each other for many years.About half a year ago,an order came which the old building,along with many other similar ones,were going to be pulled down to make room for a main street.
Mrs.Wang now lives in his new apartment in the suburb,which is much more bigger
than before.The only problem now is that it took quite a long time to get to the downtown area.However,Mrs.Wang doesn't seem to be concerning about the long diatance.She says that new subway line is to be built in a few year and she is sure life will be better in the future.

分析 本段文字讲述了作者上周五去拜访了以前的老师王小姐,他们以前住在隔壁好多年.大约半年前,政府下令要将这些旧建筑拆除以便修一条大路.王小姐现在住在她郊区的一所公寓里,公寓要比她以前的房子大得多,唯一的问题就是离市区有很远的一段路.然而王小姐并不担心这个,她说几年以后这里会修建一条地铁,生活会好起来的.

解答 1.for改为to;考查介词,pay avisit to是固定搭配,意为"拜访…".                
2.living改为live;考查不定式,used to do是固定搭配,表示过去常常做某事.
3.which改为that;考查关系词的用法,这里是that 引导同位语从句后置,不能用which.当谓语较短,同位语从句较长时,从句常后置.
4.were 改为was;考查主谓一致,这里was 的主语是the old building,所以应该用单数形式.
5.his改为her;考查物主代词的用法,主语是Mrs Wang,所以物主代词用her.
6.去掉more;考查形容词的比较级,much 可以修饰比较级,more不能修饰比较级.
7.took 改为takes;考查时态,这里是一般现在时态,主语是it,所以用takes.                         
8.concerning改为concerned;考查分词的用法,be concerned about表示"担心".
9.that和new之间加a;考查冠词,line 是可数名词,加不定冠词a表示一条地铁线路.      
10.year改为years;考查名词复数,a few后面跟可数名词的复数形式.

点评 短文改错题首先要整体理解短文意思,抓住中心思想,结合语境和上下文关系,充分运用平时掌握的固定搭配,习惯用法,句型结构等等来发现文章的错误之处,加以修正.

12.Once upon a time in a land far far away,there was a wonderful old man who loved everything.Animals,spiders,insects…
One day while walking through the woods the nice old man found a cocoon(茧) of a butterfly.He took it home.
A few days later,a small opening appeared; he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole.Then it seemed to stop making any progress.It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther.
Then the man decided to help the butterfly,so he took a pair of scissors and cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon.The butterfly then came out easily.
But it had a swollen body and small,shriveled (萎缩的) wings.The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that,at any moment,the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body.Neither happened!In fact,the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings.It never was able to fly.
What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were Nature's way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.
Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life.If we were allowed to go through our life without any obstacles,it would cripple us.We would not be as strong as what we could have been.And we could never fly.
Kuringai Chase National Park Guided Walks and Nature Activities
SUNDAY     MAY 7            EASY
Early Morning Stroll in Upper Lane Cove Valley
Meet at 7:30a.m.at the end of Day RD,Cheltenham,while the bush is alive with birdsong.
Round trip:4hours
FRIDAY      MAY 12         MEDIUM
Possum prowl
Meet 7:30p.m.at Seaforth Oval carpark.Enjoy the peace of the bush at night.Lovely water views.Bring torch and wear non-slip shoes as some rock climbing involved.Coffee and biscuits supplied.
SUNDAY     JUNE 4            HARD
Baime Basin Track
Meet 9:30a.m.Track#8,West Head Road,Magnificent Pittwater views.
Visit Beechwood cottage.Bring lunch and drink.Some steep sections.
Reasonable fitness required.
FRIDAY    JUNE 6               EASY
Poetry around a campfire
Meet 7:00p.m.Kalkaari Visitor Center.Share your favourite poem or one of your own with a group around a gently cracking fire.Drinks and food to follow.Bring a cup and a blanket (or a chair).
Cost:﹩4.00per person.
SUNDAY    JUNE 25             EASY
Morning Walk at Mitchell Park
Meet 8:30a.m.entrance to Mitchell Park,Mitchell Park Rd.Cattai for a pleasant walk wandering through rainforest,river flats and dry forest to swampland(沼泽地).Binoculars(双筒望远镜)a must to bring as many birds live here.Finish with morning tea.
EASY      suitable for ALL fitness levels
MEDIUM  for those who PERIODICALLY exercise
HARD     only if you REGULARLY exercise
70.If you seldom exercise,prefer nature to literature and are used to getting up early,you're most likely to joinA.
A.Early Morning Stroll in Upper Lane Cove Valley
B.Baime Basin Track
C.Poetry around a campfire
D.Morning Walk at Mitchell Park
71.If you want to enjoy the peace of the bush at night,you are required toC.
A.meet at 7:30p.m.June 6
B.bring slippers with you
C.prepare a torch
D.climb rocks for two hours
72.How many guided walks and nature activities provide food or drink?C.
A.1.  B.2.  C.3.  D.4.
73.In the activity"Morning Walk at Mitchell Park",one may have no chance toB.
A.appreciate bird watching
B.enjoy mountain climbing
C.take a relaxing walk
D.have morning tea.
6.There are many good online universities available.If you are considering this option for getting your degree,don't forget to check out this gem.Rather than give the standard sales pitch I will list the top reasons that I chose Western Governor's University for my master's degree.
Lower tuition(学费)
    The tuition is lower than comparable online schools.Each term is six months long,giving me more time to complete the requirements for the term.In addition,if I finish early and still have time left in my term,I can do a part-time job to earn enough money for me schooling.I find this option to be very cost-effective.
Flexible courses.
     If I have learned enough either through life experience,on the job training,or in class,I can take the exam and skip the other course.For example,I learned a great deal about special education law from working in the field,attended conferences,and took classes for my second bachelor's degree.1 was able to take the test,and pass,thus finishing the class quickly and focusing on other areas where I needed more studying time.
Personal support
    I have a mentor assigned to me.My mentor is my contact person for questions and support.I get calls on a regular basis.We talk about where I am in my studies,what my next steps are,and any question I may have.I also have the online Communities where I can go on the discussion with my schoolmates when I have questions.
Respected degree
    I checked with the State Office of Education to find out if this was a good way to go.I learned that a degree from Western Governor's University Was a respected degree that is considered comparable to a degree from a traditional brick and mortar(灰泥)university.
    I am nearly finished with my degree from Western Governor's University.I gain confidence in my abilities,and I am very happy with my decision.

36.From this passage we learn that Western Governor's UniversityD 
A.is a key American university     
B.attracts a great number of students
C.is a brick and mortar university   
D.is a good online university
37.How can the author get enough money for his schooling?B
A.He depends on his family's support   
B.He does a part-time job to pay for it.
C.He studies hard to get scholarship.  
D.He has a good job and a good pay.
38.We can infer that the authorA.
A.had received a bachelor's degree        
B.Hover went to university before
C.wanted to study special education law   
D.only studied the courses he liked
39.How does the author get in touch with his mentor?B
A.He calls his mentor at regular time.
B.His mentor calls him at regular intervals.
C.He calls on his mentor every few days.
D.He often talks with his mentor online.
40.The author writes the articleC.
A.in order to let others know his studies and dream
B.in order to cause others to like online universities
C.to use his experience to praise his university
D.to show what he chooses is always right.
High school students are overweight,out of shape and not interested in sports.And according to high school officials across the country,the situation is not getting better,based on a recent study claiming that high school student fitness has declined steadily for the last twenty-five years.This has put many high schools in a dilemma:they want students to become more fit,but they also fear that strenuous(剧烈的) exercise may harm their unfit students.
As a result,a number of high schools have cancelled long-distance running as part of their sports meetings,saying the races were cancelled because of lack of interest,but in the back of their minds,they must have also been thinking of the forty students in China between 2002and 2010who died suddenly after running long-distance races.
Long-distance running is not for the casual jogger.It is a sport that requires strength and endurance and a great deal of training.Most high school students have trouble running 1000meters without huffing and puffing (气喘吁吁).Five thousand meters,for them,is just a race too far.But by cancelling the race,high schools are sending mixed signals about fitness to their students:get fit,but don't sweat.
Some people show their understanding towards the cancellation of long distance running but more people criticize these schools,saying they try to run away from the problem instead of solving it.

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