
7._________along the quiet road at forty miles an hour,and then an old man suddenly started to cross the road in front of me.(  )
A.DrivingB.When I was driving
C.I was drivingD.Having driven

分析 我沿着僻静的小路以每小时40英里的速度行驶,这时有一个老人突然开始从我车前横穿马路.

解答 答案:C.

点评 并列连词用来连接并列句.常用的并列连词有:表并列关系的and,neither…nor.,either…or…,as well as,not only…but also…;表转折关系的but,yet,however,still,while;表选择关系的either…or…,neither…nor…,or,otherwise;表因果关系的for,therefore,so,学习时要加以区分和掌握.

Nowadays,a new way of shopping is attracting increasing customers:online group buying,also known as collective buying,which offers products and services at reduced prices on the condition that a minimum number of buyers would make the purchase.Origins of group buying can be traced to China where group buying or team buying was executed to get discount prices when a large group of people were willing to buy the same item.
China group buying business hit 1.74billion dollars in 2011,up 55% from the same period in 2010,according to a report.The report also shows that 2011was the year that the Chinese group-buying market got more and more concentrated with more and more Chinese,most of whom are white collars,teenagers and college students enjoying the benefits of group buying,and among most of favorable buying categories are restaurant,movie and hotel booking for traveling.
Through grouping buying,on one hand,customers get a lower price than normal.On the other hand,businessmen also cut down expense on marketing.That is the reason why group buying websites spring up like mushrooms in recent years.What is the most attractive in group buying must be the unbelieving discount.Facing the discount,customers always couldn't resist the impulse to buy the product,even though they don't need them.
2.Luo Gang was just five years old when he was kidnapped on his way to kindergarten by a couple he thought were friends of his parents.
   The bewildered(困惑的) young boy was plucked from his home in Yaojia Village and taken 900 miles away to Sanming,on the other side of China.
   There his new mum and dad changed his name,and he grew up with a sister instead of his biological brother.
   But he never forgot his first family and as an adult spent many years trying to track them down-despite being unable to remember his parents'names or that of the village where he was born.
   Incredibly 23 years later-thanks to the power of the Internet and a team of volunteers-he has found them."Fallen leaves will always find their way back to their roots,"he says,reciting a Chinese idiom.
   Luo,28,vowed not to marry until he had found his birth family but now he's set to wed his long-term girlfriend next year.
   And in another extraordinary twist,he says that both families will be invited.
   Luo's story is widespread and his remarkable power of forgiveness has moved people around the world.
"My adoptive family raised me for 23 years,"he says."But my biological family are also my family.I will spend time with both."
   For the first five years of his life Luo was called Huang Jun,living in his village in Sichuan Province with his father Huang Qingyong,a builder and his shopkeeper mother Dai Fang.
   It was in 1990 that he became one of the thousands of children abducted (诱拐)every year in China,where the country's one-child policy and lax adoption laws have fuelled a black market in trafficked children.

56.What happened when Luo Gang was young?(within 8 words)He was kidnapped on his way to kindergarten.
57.What made it possible for Luo Gang to find his way back to his birth family?(within 10 words)The power of the Internet and a team of volunteers.
58.Why is Luo Gang planning to marry next year?(within 7 words)Because he has found his birth family.
59.Why did people get moved after hearing about Luo Gang's story?(within 7 words)Because he has remarkable power of forgiveness.
60.Whom did Luo Gang decide to live with?(within 8 words)His biological family and his adoptive family..

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