Think about the different ways that people use the wind. You can use it to fly a kite or to sail a boat. Wind is one of our cleanest and richest power sources, as well as one of the oldest. Evidence shows that windmills began to be used in the ancient Iran back in the seventh century BC. They were first introduced to Europe during the 1100s, when armies returned from the Middle East with knowledge of using wind power.

For many centuries, people used windmills to grind(磨碎)wheat into flour or pump water from deep underground. When electricity was discovered in the late 1800s, people living in remote areas began to use them to produce electricity. This allowed them to have electric lights and radios. However, by the 1940s when electricity was available to people in almost all areas of the United States, windmills were rarely used.

During the 1970s, people started becoming concerned about the pollution that is created when coal and gas are burned to produce electricity. People realized that the supply of coal and gas would not last forever. Then, wind was rediscovered, though it means higher costs. Today, there is a global movement to supply more and more of our electricity through the use of wind.

1.From the text we know that windmills _______.

A. were invented by European armies

B. have a history of more than 2,800 years

C. have rarely been used since electricity was discovered

D. used to supply power to radio in remote area

2.The underlined word in Paragraph 2 probably means________.

A. making something cleaner

B. making something flow freely

C. making something flow in a particular direction

D. making something into small parts

3.One of the reasons wind was discovered in the 1970s is that_______.

A. it is one of the oldest power sources

B. wind power is cleaner

C. it was cheaper to create energy from wind

D. coal and gas failed to meet the needs

4.What would the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?

A. The global trend towards producing power from wind.

B. The design of wind power plants.

C. The worldwide movement to save energy.

D. The advantages of wind power.


Teenage years can be confusing for both teenagers and parents.At about 15, many teens start thinking about how they feel about themselves and out how this matches or mismatches what others think of them.Most teens work through this by the age of 16 or 17.

Often teenagers are treated like bigger children, but they will never become and responsible if they are not allowed to make some decisions for themselves.If parents forbid their children from doing something, chances are that they will do it without permission anyway.The role of a parent must, therefore, change from that of protector and keeper to that of friend and

Yet even the most caring parents misunderstand their children sometimes, and some think of teenagers as insecure, stubborn and .As a result, teenagers always keep their .from their parents.Teens often that their parents repeat the same things over and over again and never listen to them.Parents must understand that teens need to be allowed to their side of any problem and express their point of view.

Thus, more private and level-headed communication is needed for the parents.Every parent should try to schedule time to be with their child, like taking a short trip together.This time allows parents to talk and listen without from work or other family members.It might also be good to encourage teens to important issues at dinner.Discussion time shows teens that parents are interested in them and their lives.

A person’s teenage years are a key time for them to identify their own ,like distinguishing good from evil.Handling and improving communication with teenagers is not easy, but success will be for parents and teens alike.

1.A. pointing B. figuring C. turning D. standing

2.A. Stage B. Difficulty C. Routine D. procedure

3.A. obviously B. lightly C. extremely D. slightly

4.A. tall B. healthy C. strong D. independent

5.A. Bravely B. individually C. secretly D. willingly

6.A. guide B. relative C. volunteer D. judge

7.A. mature B. polite C. disrespectful D. dangerous

8.A. relation B. distance C. balance D. attitude

9.A. appreciate B. complain C. condemn D. approve

10.A. hide B. solve C. tolerate D. present

11.A. angry B. pleased C. alone D. strict

12.A. suffer B. delay C. interruption D. escape

13.A. discuss B. manage C. quarrel D. improve

14.A. opinions B. interests C. determinations D. values

15.A. rewarding B. challenging C. difficult D. impossible


One night I decided to spend some time building a happier and closer relationship with my daughter. For several weeks she had been me to play chess with her, so I suggested a game and she eagerly . It was a school night, however, and at nine o’clock my daughter asked if I could________ my moves, because she to go to bed; she had to get up at six in the morning. I ________ she had strict sleeping habits, ________ I thought she ought to be able to ________ some of this strictness. I said to her,“ ________ , you can stay up late for once. We’re having ________ .” We played on for another fifteen minutes, during which time she looked ________ . Finally she said, “Please, Daddy, do it quickly.” “No.” I replied. “If you’re going to play it________ , you’re going to play it slowly. ”And so we ________ for another ten minutes, until ________ my daughter burst out crying, and ________ that she was beaten.

Clearly I had made ________ . I had started the evening wanting to have a ________ time with my daughter but had ________ my desire to win to become more ________ than my relationship with my daughter. When I was a child, my desire to win ________ me well. As a parent, I ________ that it got in my way. So I had to change.

1.A. guiding B. asking C. training D. advising

2.A. followed B. expected C. replied D. accepted

3.A. change B. repeat C. hurry D. pass

4.A. agreed B. needed C. begged D. hated

5.A. knew B. learned C. guessed D. heard

6.A. so B. for C. but D. or

7.A. put up B. take up C. pick up D. give up

8.A. As usual B. Go ahead C. By the way D. Come on

9.A. patience B. luck C. fun D. success

10.A. excited B. proud C. anxious D. angry

11.A. well B. again C. fairly D. regularly

12.A. discussed B. continued C. counted D. argued

13.A. nervously B. immediately C. strangely D. suddenly

14.A. promised B. admitted C. wondered D.discovered

15.A. a mistake B. a decision C. an attempt D. an effort

16.A. free B. different C. full D. happy

17.A. managed B. recognized C. allowed D. reduced

18.A. important B. attractive C. practical D. interesting

19.A. offered B. served C. controlled D. taught

20.A. realized B. apologized C. imagined D. explained


___1.__Being angry doesn’t really solve much, but what people do when they feel angry is important. The goal is to calm down and try to solve what is bothering you. This is hard for some kids and adults, too. Instead of calming down, some kids might keep getting more and more upset until they explode like a volcano!

_2.__Their anger might be so strong that they lose control of their temper. They may act in ways unacceptable and hurtful. People may say that someone has trouble controlling their temper.

__3.__Some kids might get so angry that they scream at their parents, break something, or even worse , hit their brothers or sisters. 4.___However, it’s not OK for a kid to do any of those things .Kids don’t want to act in this way , but sometimes angry feelings can be hard to manage. So what to do?

Well, the good news is that kids don’t just have to keep making the same mistakes over and over again. 5.__Imagine your temper as a puppy inside you that needs some training. The puppy is not bad ---- it will probably turn out a great dog. It just needs to learn some rules because, right now, that puppy is causing some problems to you.

A. You can train you temper.

B. You don’t want to cause trouble.

C. Kids should be allowed to express their feelings, even angry ones.

D. Everybody gets angry sometimes.

E. In fact, they usually mean that a kid behaves badly when feeling angry.

F. Instead of thinking of the person you’re angry with, think of something else.

G. Some kids get angry more often or more easily than some other kids

Roughly half of college students will have some degree of depression at some point during their time in school. Even more startling, 6.2 percent of college students surveyed in 2012 considered suicide and 1.3 percent attempted it, according to an American College Health Association study released this spring. If you’re feeling depressed on campus, you may find the following tips helpful.

Exercise: Physical activity releases endorphins – chemicals that produce an overall positive feeling within the body, which fight depression naturally. Mental health experts claim that exercise is a solution to those feeling mild or moderate depression. However, for those severely depressed, simply doing sports is not enough.

Use school counseling services: Campuses don’t employ mental health experts simply to throw thousands of dollars down the drain. Their job is to help students, so experts recommend you use them. Most students, however, are hesitant to take a trip to their college’s counseling center, fearing being laughed at by peers. As a result, some schools like Texas Christian University, are testing students for mental health problems when they get sick and visit the campus health clinic.

Take advantage of technology: Staying in touch with family members and friends from childhood and high school has become easier than ever with the coming of Facebook and video chat services like Skype. While mental health experts insist that it’s important to make friends in your new environment and be involved in the college community, it’s also significant to keep in touch with the people you knew before college.

Go to sleep: Following a fairly regular sleep pattern can defend you against depression. In college, many students’ sleep patterns are irregular thanks to late-night studying and partying, which is harmful to their mental health. Research strongly suggests that sleep is the key to learning and memory formation.

1.According to the passage, physical activity __________ .

A. is regarded as the best way to fight depression

B. contributes to the release of endorphins

C. can’t help the seriously depressed students

D. improve people’s ability to learn and memorize

2.It can be inferred from the 3rd paragraph that __________ .

A. employing mental health experts on campus is a waste of money

B. students with mental health problems can’t get on well with others

C. going to college’s counseling center for help requires a lot of courage

D. sick students in Texas Christian University must take psychological tests

3.Taking advantage of technology is encouraged because it ____

A. enables students to get involved in college life

B. helps students stay in contact with others

C. offers students a way to make new friends

D. provides a way to avoid getting bored

4.which of the following can NOT help one reduce depression?

A. Taking exercise regularly every week

B. Chatting with old friends with Skype

C. Turning to mental health experts for advice

D. Holding parties deep into the night to relax

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