

One night I decided to spend some time building a happier and closer relationship with my daughter. For several weeks she had been me to play chess with her, so I suggested a game and she eagerly . It was a school night, however, and at nine o’clock my daughter asked if I could________ my moves, because she to go to bed; she had to get up at six in the morning. I ________ she had strict sleeping habits, ________ I thought she ought to be able to ________ some of this strictness. I said to her,“ ________ , you can stay up late for once. We’re having ________ .” We played on for another fifteen minutes, during which time she looked ________ . Finally she said, “Please, Daddy, do it quickly.” “No.” I replied. “If you’re going to play it________ , you’re going to play it slowly. ”And so we ________ for another ten minutes, until ________ my daughter burst out crying, and ________ that she was beaten.

Clearly I had made ________ . I had started the evening wanting to have a ________ time with my daughter but had ________ my desire to win to become more ________ than my relationship with my daughter. When I was a child, my desire to win ________ me well. As a parent, I ________ that it got in my way. So I had to change.

1.A. guiding B. asking C. training D. advising

2.A. followed B. expected C. replied D. accepted

3.A. change B. repeat C. hurry D. pass

4.A. agreed B. needed C. begged D. hated

5.A. knew B. learned C. guessed D. heard

6.A. so B. for C. but D. or

7.A. put up B. take up C. pick up D. give up

8.A. As usual B. Go ahead C. By the way D. Come on

9.A. patience B. luck C. fun D. success

10.A. excited B. proud C. anxious D. angry

11.A. well B. again C. fairly D. regularly

12.A. discussed B. continued C. counted D. argued

13.A. nervously B. immediately C. strangely D. suddenly

14.A. promised B. admitted C. wondered D.discovered

15.A. a mistake B. a decision C. an attempt D. an effort

16.A. free B. different C. full D. happy

17.A. managed B. recognized C. allowed D. reduced

18.A. important B. attractive C. practical D. interesting

19.A. offered B. served C. controlled D. taught

20.A. realized B. apologized C. imagined D. explained


Analysis of the composition of quicksand shows that there are four key ingredients—sand, obviously water, clay and salt. Together these materials form a structure resembling a house of cards, with large water-filled gaps between the sand particles, which are loosely glued in place by the clay. As long as it’s left alone, the structure remains stable. But as soon as it’s disturbed, by stepping on it, the clay changes from a jelly-like consistency to a runny liquid. The effect is the same as stirring a pot of yoghurt. Liquefying(溶解)the clay makes the quicksand about one million times runnier, and the whole house of cards comes tumbling down, with you inside it.

Very quickly, the sand sinks to the bottom and the water floats to the top. This is where the salt comes in. When there’s enough salt present, as soon as the clay particles liquefy, electrical charges make them begin to stick together to form bigger particles and these also settle with the sand. Quicksand is a mixture which looks like solid, but behaves more like a liquid.

Despite its murderous reputation, quicksand does not such people under and swallow them, although it can hold a person in firm grip. The human body is more buoyant(有浮力) in quicksand than in water, and sooner or later anyone trapped in it will float.

Unlike most liquids, quicksand’s viscosity, or “runniness” can suddenly change if it comes under pressure, for example under a human foot. The surface gives way and the victim quickly sinks in up to the knees, surrounded by an area of dirty things that turns semi-solid around its victim. Escaping from the quicksand’s grip(紧握) requires a large amount of force. Without something solid to pull at, people often find they are stuck fast. Pulling at one leg simply makes the other one sink further.

So how do you escape from quicksand’s control? Stay still and call for help. Staying still stops you sinking any further, until--with luck--help arrives on the scene. If no one appears and you need to draw yourself out, gently lie down on your back until your body is floating on the sand. Next, roll over onto your stomach and pull yourself forwards with your hands, so that you gradually “swim” towards firmer ground. It is a slow and dirty business, but it works.

This technique has one barrier: it goes against a very powerful human nature. Faced with danger in the open, nine out of ten stay on their feet so that they can run away, in which case it can worsen the situation.

1.Which ingredient of the quicksand make someone trapped in it stuck and stuck fast?

A. Sand B. Clay C. Water D. Salt

2.From the passage we can learn that ________

A. as long as you are strong enough, you can pull yourself up from quicksand on your own

B. clay glues sand particles loosely, which makes quicksand stable, unless it is disturbed

C. because anyone trapped in quicksand will float, there is little possibility of him dying

D. looking like solid ground, quicksand is actually liquid

3.If someone is trapped in quicksand, what should he do?

A. Remain calm and wave for help

B. Stand in quicksand and get ready to run away as quickly as possible

C. “Swimming” is one of the best choices he can use to escape

D. Once in quicksand, lie down on his stomach immediately and swim slowly to safety

4. What might be the best title of the passage?

A. A human killer--quicksand

B. How to escape from danger

C. An awful experience in quicksand

D. What to do if trapped in quicksand

Investing in yourself

Figuring out how to invest your money can be a difficult task. This is something that you will want to learn how to do.

1.Things that will improve your knowledge, skills or health are all great investments. However, before you start, you need to be clear about what you will gain out of doing all of these things.

You may think investing in yourself means investing in your education.2. There are some other things you can do as well as buying a gym membership or learning a new skill.

So what are some specific things you can do? 3.. Reading books can really expand your mind and allow you to learn different skills and gain knowledge. I’m talking about the books where you will actually learn a new skill, not fiction books. You can also take courses and attend seminars. These programs are taught by people with a high level of knowledge or skill. 4.. Only in this way can you avoid being fooled by some sales presentation. Moreover, investing in yourself is a safe way to keep your money. Although a savings account is seen as the most secure investment, that isn’t 100% safe. Even if you never experience your bank closing down, the return is little when inflation(通货膨胀) is taken into consideration.5.. But over time, they will show up in terms of your happiness level as well as your level of success.

A. This is just one way.

B. The benefits will stay with you.

C. If you aren’t a reader, you should start with that.

D. The more you do this, the more valuable you will be.

E. Of course, you need to do some research before investing.

F. The best way to invest your money is to invest it in yourself.

G. When you invest in yourself, you may not see gains right away.

When 47?year?old volunteer Susan Boyle stepped onto the stage of Britain's Got Talent and announced she was unemployed, had never been married and “never been kissed, actually”, few in the audience would have wondered why. This Ms Boyle, looking unfashionable, from a village in Scotland, shocked the three judges and the audience with the song I dreamed a dream on a show of Britain's Got Talent.

She couldn't hide the awkwardness when walking to the center of the stage in a house dress, and everyone — including the judges — seemed laughing at her when she said she wanted to be as successful as Elaine Paige. As soon as she began singing, however, everyone in the hall fell silent, then rose within seconds to admire her wonderful voice as the celebrity judges sat open?mouthed, and remained standing to the end.

After her performance, one of the judges Piers Morgan said,“Without doubt that was the biggest surprise I've had in three years of this show. When you stood there everyone was laughing at you. No one is laughing now. That was amazing.” Actress Amanda Holden followed,“I'm so thrilled because I know that we everybody were against you. I honestly think that we were all being very cynical (愤世嫉俗的) and I think that's the biggest wake?up call ever.”

Susan obviously won over the hearts of millions around the world with success spreading across the Atlantic. Hollywood actor Ashton Kutcher, who has nearly 1.5 million followers, speaks highly of her. Kutcher posted a link to the video clip (片段). The Scottish talent made her live American show via satellite connection on CBS's The Early Show, doing an interview and singing live from her room. And she already accepted an invitation from talk show hostess Oprah Winfrey.

Now Boyle has become one of the world's hottest celebrities. The video clip of her performance has been viewed more than 50 million times on Youtube, becoming a hit on the Internet.

1.We learn from the passage that Susan Boyle ________.

A. rose from a low social class

B. had an unhappy marriage

C. lived with a dog alone on a farm

D. won the championship in the Britain's Got Talent show

2.At the beginning of the show, almost everybody ________.

A. looked forward to her wonderful performance

B. was attracted by her beautiful dress

C. looked down upon her

D. placed great hope on her

3. The 4th paragraph is mainly about ________.

A. how Susan Boyle achieved her success

B. the comment made by American actor Ashton Kutcher

C. Susan Boyle's influence in the USA

D. Oprah Winfrey's invitation to Susan Boyle

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