
Once upon a time, a man punished his 5-year-old daughter for using up the family's only roll of expensive gold wrapping paper. Money was tight, and he became even more____when on Christmas Eve, he saw____ the child had pasted the gold paper so as to decorate a shoebox to put under the Christmas tree.
______, the next morning the little girl, filled with excitement, brought the gift box to her ____ and said, "This is for you, Daddy!" As he opened the box, the father was _____ by his earlier overreaction.____when he opened it, he found it was____ and again his anger flared. "Don't you know, young lady,” he said harshly, “____ you give someone a ____ there's supposed to be something inside the package!"The little girl looked____ at him with tears rolling from her eyes and said: "Daddy, it's not empty. I blew kisses into it until it was all full." The father was ____. He fell on his knees and put his arms around his precious little girl. He begged her to____ him for his unnecessary anger.
An accident took the____ of the child only a short time later. ____is told that the father kept that little gold box by his bed for all the years of his life. ____ he was discouraged or faced difficult problems he would open the box, take ____ an imaginary kiss, and remember the love of this beautiful child ____ had put it there.
In a very real sense, each of us as human beings have been given an____golden box filled ____ unconditional love and kisses from our children, family, friends and God. There is no more____possession anyone could hold.
A.happyB.sadC.upsetD. confident
A.thatB.whichC. whoD. whom
A.thereforeB.forC.soD. Nevertheless
A. motherB. sisterC. brotherD. father
A.satisfiedB.embarrassedC.hopefulD. surprised
A.soB. butC. andD. though
A.fullB. prettyC. humorousD. empty
A.ifB. whether C. howD. when
A.surpriseB. shockC. challengeD. present
A. upB. intoC. downD. out
A. attackedB. trappedC. crushedD. left
A. defendB. rebuildC. followD. forgive
A. experienceB. booksC. lifeD.friendship
A. itB. thatC. thisD. where
A. Whenever B.howeverC.whateverD.whichever
A. outB. upC. overD. after
A. whichB.who C. whom D.what
A. personalB. ordinaryC. invisibleD. visible
A. withB. toC. downD. off
A. preciousB. ordinaryC. normalD. cheap


小题1:考查形容词。根据he saw____ the child had pasted the gold paper so as to decorate a shoebox to put under the Christmas tree.可知这里想说父亲变得更加心烦意乱,他看到了圣诞树下的一个鞋盒,女儿原来把金纸贴在了这个鞋盒上做装饰。Happy高兴;sad悲伤;upset心烦意乱;confident有信心的,故选C。
小题3:考查副词。根据the next morning the little girl, filled with excitement, brought the gift box to her ____ and said, "This is for you, Daddy!"可知这里表示转折关系,故用Nevertheless,故选D。
小题4:考查名词。根据"This is for you, Daddy!"可知这里想说,圣诞日的早上,小女孩满是兴奋得把这个圣诞礼盒呈到了父亲面前,说到:“爸爸,这个送给你!”。故选D。
小题5:考查形容词。根据"This is for you, Daddy!" As he opened the box,可知是自己之前批评了女儿,而女儿却送自己礼物,所以他为自己之前的行为感到很尴尬。satisfied 满意的;embarrassed尴尬的; hopeful有希望的;surprised惊奇的,故选B。
小题6:考查连词。根据he found it was____ and again his anger flared.可知这里表示转折关系,故选B。
小题7:考查形容词。根据and again his anger flared.可知这里想说,但是当他打开盒子后,发现里面是空的,他的怒火再次爆发了。Full满的;pretty漂亮的;humorous幽默的;empty空的,故选D。
小题8:考查连词。根据上下文,这句话表达的意思是:当你送人礼物时,盒子里面应该是有东西的。If如果;whether是否;how  怎样;when当……时候。故选D。
小题9:考查名词。根据there's supposed to be something inside the package!可知这里想说当你送人礼物时,盒子里面应该是有东西的。Surprise惊奇;shock打击;challenge挑战;present礼物。故选D。
小题10:考查副词。根据The little girl looked____ at him with tears rolling from her eyes and said: "Daddy, it's not empty. I blew kisses into it until it was all full."可知这里想说小女孩抬头看着气头上的父亲,泪水在她的眼眶中打转。故选A。
小题11:考查动词。根据He fell on his knees and put his arms around his precious little girl.可知这里想说男人顿时被击垮了。Attacked攻击;trapped困住;crushed击垮;left离开,故选C。
小题12:考查动词。根据He fell on his knees and put his arms around his precious little girl.可知这里想说他跪下双膝,双手环抱着自己珍爱的小女孩,祈求她的原谅。Defend防守;rebuild重建;follow跟随;forgive原谅。故选D。
小题13:考查名词。根据____is told that the father kept that little gold box by his bed for all the years of his life. ____ he was discouraged or faced difficult problems he would open the box, take ____ an imaginary kiss, and remember the love of this beautiful child ____ had put it there.可知小女孩在事故中失去了生命。故选C。
小题15:考查连词。根据he was discouraged or faced difficult problems he would open the box, take ____ an imaginary kiss, and remember the love of this beautiful child ____ had put it there.可知这里想说无论何时他感到气馁或者遇到难办的事情,他就会打开礼盒。故选A。
小题16:考查短语。根据an imaginary kiss,可知这里想说取出一个假想的吻。Take out是固定用法,意思是取出。故选A。
小题18:考查形容词。根据golden box filled ____ unconditional love and kisses from our children, family, friends and God.可知这里想说我们每个人都被赠与过一个无形的金色礼盒,那里面装满了来自子女,家人,朋友及上帝无条件的爱与吻。Personal个人的;ordinary普通的;invisible看不见的;visible看得见的,故选C。
小题19:考查短语。句意:那里面装满了来自子女,家人,朋友及上帝无条件的爱与吻。Be filled with是固定用法,意思是充满,故选A。
小题20:考查形容词。根据There is no more____possession anyone could hold.可知这里想说人们所能拥有的最珍贵的礼物莫过于此了。Precious珍贵的;ordinary普通的;normal正常的;cheap便宜的,故选A。
When I was a small child,during the war,we were very poor and we lived in a faraway village.One day,on the road,I found the ____ pieces of a mirror.There was a motorcycle accident.
I ____ to find all the pieces and put them ____,but it was not possible,so I used only the ___ piece and I made it round.I could ____ with it as a toy and became greatly attracted by the ____ that I could reflect light to dark places where the sun would never shine—in ____ holes and some other dark places.It became a game for me to ____ light into the darkest places I could find.
I ____ the little mirror,and,as I grew up,I would take it out ____ I had nothing to do and ____ the game.As I became a man,I grew to realize that this was not ____ a child’s game but a metaphor(暗喻) for what I might ____ my life.I came to ____ that I am not the light or the source of light.But light—truth,understanding,knowledge—is there,and it will shine in many dark places ____ I reflect it.
I am just a single piece of a mirror whose ____ design and shape I do not know.___,with what I have I can reflect light into the dark places of this ____—into the black places in the ____ of men—and change some things in some people.Perhaps others may see and do the same.This is what I am about.This is the ____ of my life.
C.deal D.share
C.when D.after
C.remember D.change
A.just B.wholly
A.get fromB.owe to
C.tell aboutD.do with
A.so thatB.now that
C.even ifD.only if
C.special D.other
Does a drink a day keep heart attacks away? Over the past 20 years, numerous studies have found that moderate alcohol consumption, s ay, one or two beers, glasses of wine or cocktails daily helps to prevent coronary heart disease. Last week a report in the New England Journal of Medicine added strong new evidence in suport of that theory. More important, the work provided the first solid indiction of how alcohol works to protect the heart.In the study, researchers from Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School compared the drinking habits of 340 men and women who had suffered recent heart attack with those of healthy people of the same age and sex. The scientists found that people who sip one to three drinks a day are about half as likely to suffer heart attacks as nondrinkers are. The apparent source of the protection: those who drank alcohol had higher blood levels of high?density lipoproteins, the so?called good cholesterol, which is known to prevent heart disease.
As evidence has mounted, some doctors have begun recommending a daily drink for patients of heart diseases. But most physicians are not ready to reommend a regular happy hour for everyone. The risks of teetotalling(绝对戒酒) are nothing compared with the dangers of too much alcohol, including high blood pressure, strokes and liver troubles—not to mention violent behaviour and traffic accidents. Moreover, some studies suggest that even  moderate drinking may increase the incidence of breast and colon cancer. Until there is evidence that the benefits of a daily dose of alcohol outweigh the risks, most people won’t be able to take a doctor’s prescription to the neighbourhood bar or liquor store.
1.The medical article quoted in the first paragraph indicates            .
the way in which alcohol can help the heart      
how a couple of cocktails daily can stop heart problems
why alcoholic drinks are dangerous to one’s health 
that reports on the advantages of alcohol were misled
2.Experiments showed that nondrinkers had .
A.larger amounts of good cholesterol
B.smaller amounts of good cholesterol
C.higher blood pressure
D.lower blood pressure
3.According to the passage, moderate drinking            .
is recommended by most doctors for heart patients    
should be allowed on prescription
is still not medically advisable                     
is not related to liver problems
4.The main theme of this passage is .
the change in recent drinking habits                
the connection between cancer and alcohol
whether moderate drinkers outlive nondrinkers       
whether alcohol may be good for one’s health
I was at the post office early that morning, hoping to be in and out in a short while. Yet, I    myself standing in a queue that went all the way into the hallway. I had never seen so many people there on a weekday. It seemed someone might have made an announcement,    customers to carry as many packages as they could. I also needed to have my own package    . The queue moved very slowly. My patience    and I got annoyed. The longer it took, the angrier I became. When I got to the counter finally, I finished my    quickly and briefly, and then walked past the queue that was now extending past the front door.
“Excuse me,” I said, trying not to be too pushy. Several people had to move    to make room for me to get to the     .
I stepped out,    about the service conditions. Thinking I was going to be late for my dentist appointment, I    into the parking lot.
A woman was coming across the lot in my    . She was walking with determination, and each step sounded very    . I noticed that she looked as if she could breathe fire. It stopped me in my tracks. Had I looked like that? Her body language said that she was having a      day. My anger melted away. I wished I could wrap her in a      but I was a stranger. So I did what I could in a minute    she hurried past me-I smiled. In a second everything changed. She was astonished, then somewhat    . Then her face softened and her shoulders    . I saw her take a deep breath. Her pace slowed and she smiled back at me as we passed each other.
I continued to smile all the way to my car. Wow, it’s amazing    a simple smile can do.
From then on, I became aware of people’s     and my own, the way we show our feelings. Now I use that    every day to let it      me that when facing the world, I can try a smile.
A.hoping B.welcomingC.requiringD.ordering
A.paidB.receivedC.weighed D.bought
A.died outB.faded outC.burst outD.ran out
A.rough B.dullC.smoothD.bright
A.smile B.hug C.bagD.touch
A.until B.thoughC.beforeD.since
A.excitedB.frightenedC.cheered D.confused
A.trembledB.raisedC.relaxed D.tightened
A.whatB.thatC.how D.when
A.treatment B.awarenessC.conclusionD.achievement
Mark Twain said that "habit is habit, and not to be flung(扔) out the window by anyone, but coaxed(劝诱) downstairs a step at a time. " The chances of successfully changing negative behavior    when you make gradual changes that give you time to _   _ negative patterns for positive ones.
On any given day, countless numbers of us get out of bed and _   _ to begin to change a given behavior "today." Whether it be exercising more, drinking less, managing time      or some other change in a negative behavior, we start out with high       . In a short time, however, a vast majority of people fail and are soon doing    it was they thought they shouldn't be doing.
After considerable research, some researchers believe that behavior changes usually do not       if they start with the change itself.      , they believe that we must        a series of “stages” to adequately prepare ourselves for that       change. Once you have analyzed all the factors that       what you do ,you must decide which behavior-change technique will work best for you.
According to the psychologist Albert Ellis, most     problems and related behaviors arise from irrational (不理性的) statements that people make to      when events in their lives are different from what they would like them to be. For example, suppose after doing       on an exam, you say to yourself, “I can not believe I failed that easy exam. I am so stupid.”By changing this irrational “catastrophic” self-talk into rational,   statements about what is really going on, you can increase the       that positive behaviors will occur.
Positive self-talk might be     as follows: "I really didn't study enough for the exam. I just need to prepare for the next     ”.
Such self-talk will help you to recover quickly from      and take positive steps to correct the situation. Some other technique like purposefully      or stopping negative thoughts and refusing to dwell on (沉湎于) negative images can also spare you wasted energy, time and emotional resources and move on to positive changes.
A.decline B.remainC.disappearD.improve
A.substituteB.cancelC.find D.ignore
A.refuseB.determineC.hesitate D.advocate
A.whicheverB.howeverC.wherever D.whatever
A.succeed B.failC.existD.fade
A.look throughB.break throughC.go throughD.pull through
A.poorly B.carefullyC.completelyD.slowly
A.positiveB.ridiculousC.negative D.explicit
A.danger B.awarenessC.amountD.probability
A.researchB.testC.talk D.problem
A.recallingB.startingC.blocking D.holding
My daughter Allie is leaving for college in a week. Her room is piled with shopping bags filled with blankets, towels, jeans, sweaters. She won’t talk about going.
I say, “I’m going to miss you,” and she gives me one of her looks and leaves the room. Another time I say, in a voice so friendly it surprises even me: “Do you think you’ll take your posters and pictures with you, or will you get new ones at college?”
She answers, her voice filled with annoyance, “How should I know?”
 My daughter is off with friends most of the time. Yesterday was the last day she’d have until Christmas with her friend Katharine, whom she’s known since kindergarten. Soon, it will be her last day with Sarah, Claire, Heather... and then it will be her last day with me.
 My friend Karen told me, “The August before I left for college, I screamed at my mother the whole month. Be prepared.”
 I stand in the kitchen, watching Allie make a glass of iced tea. Her face, once so open and trusting, is closed to me. I struggle to think of something to say to her, something meaningful and warm. I want her to know I’m excited about the college she has chosen, that I know the adventure of her life is just starting and that I am proud of her. But the look on her face is so mad that I think she might hit me if I open my mouth.
 One night — after a long period of silence between us — I asked what I might have done or said to make her angry with me. She sighed and said, “Mom, you haven’t done anything. It’s fine.” It is fine — just distant.
 Somehow in the past we had always found some way to connect. When Allie was a baby, I would go to the day-care center after work. I’d find a quiet spot and she would nurse — our eyes locked together, reconnecting with each other.
 In middle school, when other mothers were already regretting the distant relationship they felt with their adolescent daughters, I hit upon a solution: rescue measures. I would show up occasionally at school, sign her out of class and take her somewhere — out to lunch, to the movies, once for a long walk on the beach. It may sound irresponsible, but it kept us close when other mothers and daughters were quarrelling. We talked about everything on those outings — outings we kept secret from family and friends.
 When she started high school, I’d get up with her in the morning to make her a sandwich for lunch, and we’d silently drink a cup of tea together before the 6:40 bus came.
 A couple of times during her senior year I went into her room at night, the light off, but before she went to sleep. I’d sit on the edge of her bed, and she’d tell me about problems: a teacher who lowered her grade because she was too shy to talk in class, a boy who teased her, a friend who had started smoking. Her voice, coming out of the darkness, was young and questioning.
 A few days later I’d hear her on the phone, repeating some of the things I had said, things she had adopted for her own.
 But now we are having two kinds of partings. I want to say good-bye in a romantic way. For example, we can go to lunch and lean across the table and say how much we will miss each other. I want smiles through tears, bittersweet moments of memory and the chance to offer some last bits of wisdom.
But as she prepares to depart, Allie has hidden her feelings. When I reach to touch her arm, she pulls away. She turns down every invitation I extend. She lies on her bed, reading Emily Dickinson until I say I have always loved Emily Dickinson, and then she closes the book.
Some say the tighter your bond with your child, the greater her need to break away, to establish her own identity in the world. The more it will hurt, they say. A friend of mine who went through a difficult time with her daughter but now has become close to her again, tells me, “Your daughter will be back to you.”
“I don’t know,” I say. I sometimes feel so angry that I want to go over and shake Allie. I want to say, “Talk to me — or you’re grounded!” I feel myself wanting to say that most horrible of all mother phrases: “Think of everything I’ve done for you.”
Late one night, as I’m getting ready for bed she comes to the bathroom door and watches me brush my teeth. For a moment, I think I must be brushing my teeth in a way she doesn’t approve of. But then she says, “I want to read you something.” It’s a brochure from her college. “These are tips for parents.”
I watch her face as she reads the advice aloud: “ ‘Don’t ask your child if she is homesick,’ it says. ‘She might feel bad the first few weeks, but don’t let it worry you. This is a natural time of transition. Write her letters and call her a lot. Send a package of candies...’ ”
Her voice breaks, and she comes over to me and buries her head in my shoulder. I stroke her hair, lightly, afraid she’ll run if I say a word. We stand there together for long moments, swaying. Reconnecting.
I know it will be hard again. It’s likely there will be a fight about something. But I am grateful to be standing in here at midnight, both of us tired and sad, toothpaste spread on my chin, holding tight to—while also letting go of—my daughter who is trying to say good-bye.
小题1:Why is there a period of silence between the author and Allie one night?
A.Allie is tired of the author’s suggestions.
B.The author is angry with Allie’s rudeness.
C.Allie is anxious about talking about leaving.
D.The author is ready to adjust her way of parenting.
小题2:How did the author deal with the possible distance with Allie when Allie was in middle school?
A.She would chat with Allie till late at night.
B.She would invite Allie and her friends home.
C.She would visit Allie at school and take her out.
D.She would communicate with Allie by telephone.
小题3:It can be inferred from the passage that__________.
A.Allie is emotional and only has a few good friends
B.the author is not satisfied with the college Allie has chosen
C.there is a lack of communication between the author and Allie
D.there are different attitudes to parting between the author and Allie
小题4:What Allie reads to the author is__________.
A.the tips to parents on how to educate their children
B.the suggestion on how to deal with the generation gap
C.the tips to parents on when they depart with their children
D.the suggestion on how to ease the homesickness of children
小题5:The author doesn’t say anything to Allie when they are standing together because_________.
A.she can’t read Allie’s mind
B.she is afraid that Allie will leave
C.she is too excited to speak a word
D.she doesn’t know how to speak to Allie
小题6:From the underlined part in the last paragraph we can know that___________.
A.the tie between the author and Allie is broken
B.Allie doesn’t need the author’s care any more
C.the author expects Allie to live an independent life
D.the author will keep a close relationship with Allie as before
A person, like a commodity(商品), needs packaging. But going too far is absolutely undesirable. A little exaggeration(夸张) will do no harm when it shows the person’s unique qualities to their advantages. To show personal attractiveness in a casual and natural way, it is important for one to have a clear knowledge of oneself. A skilled packager knows how to add art to nature without any signs of embellishment so that the person so packaged is not a commodity, but a human being, lively and lovely.
A young person, especially a female, shining with beauty and full of life, has all the favor granted. Youth however, comes and goes in a flash. Packaging for the middle-aged is primarily to hide the marks made by years. If you still enjoy life enough to keep self-confidence and work at pioneering work, you are unique in your natural qualities, and your attractiveness and grace will remain. Elderly people are beautiful if their river of life has been, through plains, mountains and jungles, running its course as it should. You have really lived your life, which now arrives at a self - satisfied stage of quietness and calmness with no interest in fame or wealth. There is no need to make use of hair dyeing. The snow-capped mountain itself is a beautiful scene of fairyland. Let your looks change from young to old in step with the natural ageing process so as to keep in harmony with nature, for harmony itself is beauty, while the other way round will only end in unpleasantness. To be in the company of the elderly is like reading a thick book of good edition, which attracts one so much that one is unwilling to part with it. As long as one finds where one stands, one knows how to package oneself, just as a commodity sets up its brand by the right packaging.
小题1:The underlined word in the first paragraph is closest to the word ______ in meaning.
小题2:It can be concluded from the text that ______.
A.people should be packaged at all ages
B.people should be packaged in a special way
C.elderly people also care about packaging
D.proper packaging makes people attractive
小题3:For the middle-aged, attractiveness ______ .
A.hardly existsB.is the strongest
C.comes from the insideD.comes from the appearance
小题4:According to the author, if you want to keep in harmony with nature, you should ______.[源
A.dye your hairB.make up at a young age
C.follow the ageing processD.give up fame and wealth
小题5:The underlined sentence means that elderly people ______.
A.are usually packaged like a finely-made book
B.experience a lot and have rich knowledge of life
C.do a lot of traveling and can give you much information
D.enjoy reading thick books about beautiful nature and fairyland
Growing up, I remember my father as a silent, serious man—not the sort of person around whom one could laugh. As a teenager arriving in America, knowing nothing, I wanted a father who could explain the human journey. In college, when friends called home for advice, I would sink into deep depression for what I did not have.
  Today, at twenty-seven, I have come to rediscover them in ways that my teenage mind would not allow—as adults and as friends with their own faults and weaknesses.
  One night after my move back home, I overheard my father on the telephone. There was some trouble. Later, Dad shared the problem with me. Apparently my legal training had earned me some privileges in his eyes. I talked through the problem with Dad, analyzing the purposes of the people involved and offering several negotiation strategies(策略).He listened patiently before finally admitting, “I can’t think like that. I am a simple man.”
 Dad is a brilliant scientist who can deconstruct the building blocks of nature. Yet human nature is a mystery to him. That night I realized that he was simply not skilled at dealing with people, much less the trouble of a conflicted teenager. It’s not in his nature to understand human desires.
  And so, there it was—it was no one’s fault that my father held no interest in human lives while I placed great importance in them. We are at times born more sensitive, wide-eyed, and dreamy than our parents and become more curious and idealistic than them. Dad perhaps never expected me for a child. And I, who knew Dad as an intelligent man, had never understood that his intelligence did not cover all of my feelings.
  It has saved me years of questioning and confusion. I now see my parents as people who have other relationships than just Father and Mother. I now overlook their many faults and weaknesses, which once annoyed me.
  I now know my parents as friends: people who ask me for advice; people who need my support and understanding. And I have come to see my past clearer.
小题1:What was the author’s impression of her father when she was a teenager?
A.Friendly but irresponsible.
B.Intelligent but severe.
C.Cold and aggressive.
D.Caring and communicative.
小题2:Why did the author feel depressed when her friends called home?
A.She did not have a phone to call home.
B.Her father did not care about her human journey.
C.Her father was too busy to answer her phone.
D.Her father could not give her appropriate advice.
小题3:After the author overheard her father on the telephone, _________ .
A.he blamed her for impoliteness.
B.he rediscovered human nature.
C.he consulted with her about his problem.
D.he changed his attitude towards the author.
小题4:Which of the following is the best title of this passage?
A.My Parents as Friends.
B.My Parents as advisers.
C.My father—a serious man.
D.My father—an intelligent scientist.
My father was a foreman of a sugar-cane plantation(甘蔗种植园) in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. My first job was to drive the oxen that ploughed(耕) the cane fields. I would walk behind an ox(牛), guiding him with a broomstick. For $ 1 a day, I worked eight hours straight, with no food breaks.
It was very tedious work, but it prepared me for life and taught me many lasting lessons. Because the plantation owners were always watching us, I had to be on time every day and work as hard as I could. I’ve never been late for any job since. I also learned about being respectful and faithful to the people you work for. More important, I earned my pay; it never entered my mind to say I was sick just because I didn’t want to work.
I was only six years old, but I was doing a man’s job. Our family needed every dollar we could make because my father never earned more than $ 18 a week. Our home was a three-room wood shack with a dirty floor and no toilet. Nothing made me prouder than bringing home money to help my mother, father, two brothers and three sisters. This gave me self-esteem(自尊心), one of the most important things a person can have.
When I was seven, I got work at a golf course(高尔夫球场) near our house. My job was to stand down the fairway and spot the balls as they landed, so the golfers could find them. Losing a ball meant you were fired, so I never missed one. Some nights I would lie in bed and dreamt of making thousands of dollars by playing golf and being able to buy a bicycle.
The more I dreamed, the more I thought. Why not? I made my first golf club out of guava limb(番石榴树枝) and a piece of pipe. Then I hammered an empty tin can into the shape of a ball. And finally I dug two small holes in the ground and hit the ball back and forth. I practiced with the same devotion and intensity. I learned working in the field — except now I was driving golf balls with club, not oxen with a broomstick. 
小题1:The word “tedious” in Paragraph 2 most probably means _______.
小题2:The writer learned that_______ from his first job.
A.he should work for those who he liked most
B.he should work longer than what he was expected
C.he should never fail to say hello to his owner
D.he should be respectful and faithful to the people he worked for
小题3:_______ gave the writer self-esteem.
A.Having a family of eight people
B.Owning his own golf course
C.Bringing money back home to help the family
D.Helping his father with the work on the plantation

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