
【题目】 You already know many things that can reduce your chances of getting various types of cancer. Avoiding tobacco (烟草) products is an important thing, but have you ever considered your choice of dinner time as a reason for your risk of cancer? Probably not, but new research suggests that you might want to consider it.

A new study published in the International Journal of Cancer draws some very interesting connection between people’s time for dinner and their risk (风险) of developing certain types of cancers, including breast and prostate (前列腺) cancer, which are two of the largest killers of men and women.

“Modern life often means mistimed sleeping and eating that are connected with poor health effects in experimental studies,” the researchers explain. The research mainly focuses on how long before bedtime a person eats their last meal of the day. People who eat before 9 p. m or eat at least n couple of hours before hitting the sack have lower risks of developing cancers. The scientists find that these people enjoy a 20% drop in cancer risk when compared to those who eat dinner after 10 p.m. or eat right before climbing into bed.

The researchers followed the habits of thousands of people and tracked their nighttime eating habits and whether or not they developed cancer over the long term. The numbers seem to point towards early dinners being a very beneficial thing if you’re hoping to avoid some of the more common types of cancer, but the scientists still don’t know exactly why that’s true. At the moment they believe circadian rhythm (生物钟) is playing a role, though they can’t say exactly how.

1Why are tobacco products mentioned (提到) in Paragraph 1?

A.To introduce the topic.

B.To make comparisons.

C.To advertise some products.

D.To show the harm of smoking.

2What does the underlined part “hitting the sack” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Getting up.B.Going to bed.

C.Drinking some soup.D.Taking some medicine.

3What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The researchers didn’t have long-term research plans.

B.The researchers need further work to improve their study.

C.The researchers have confirmed the way of circadian rhythm works.

D.The researchers have found the real causes of some types of cancer.

4What is mainly talked about in the passage?

A.Food and cancer.B.Tobacco and cancer.

C.Sleeping and cancer.D.Dinner time and cancer.








1推理判断题。第1段中提到“避免烟草产品可以减少患各种癌症的几率”,然后用转折词but转换话题,引出下面的话题“晚餐时间和患癌症风险”。因此作者在第1段中提到“烟草产品”是为了引出文章的话题。故选A 项。

2词句猜测题。在第3段中,作者将“People who eat before 9 p. m or eat at least a couple of hours before hitting the sack”和“those who eat dinner after 10 p.m. or eat right before climbing into bed”这两类人进行对比,可以推测“hitting the sack”和“climbing into bed”含义相同。因此“hitting the sack”意为“上床睡觉”。故选B 项。

3推理判断题。根据第四段“but the scientists still don’t know exactly why that’s true. …though they can’t say exactly how”,科学家们还不能准确地知道为什么早吃晚餐对身体有益,也不能准确地说明生物钟是如何发挥作用的。因此可以推测,研究者们还需要作出进一步的研究。故选B项。

4主旨大意题。文章介绍了一项新的研究引起人们关注晚餐时间和患癌症风险的关系。第一段 have you ever considered your choice of dinner time as a reason for your risk of cancer?”就是该研究要探究的话题。因此文章是关于晚餐时间和患癌症风险之间的关系。故选D项。


【题目】阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

Danger at Scituate Lighthouse

Rebecca stood by her father, looking out the windows of Scituate Lighthouse. Low sand dunes(沙丘) with sea grass topped the Massachusetts beach. There were no clouds in the sky—nothing at all to give warning of the danger that was sailing toward them.

"Now, Rebecca, " Mr. Bates began, gazing out across the open sea, "I want you and Abigail to help your mother and take care of things while I go to town for food and supplies. I won’t be gone long. "

"We’ll help, " Rebecca promised.

"I know I can count on you. "

Still, Mr. Bates looked a little worried about leaving the lighthouse. After all, peace between the US and the UK had not yet been declared, even though the war of 1812 was nearly over. Although English warships used to frequently attack towns along the coast—including Scituate—no English soldiers had been sighted for a long time. Besides, Rebecca thought as she watched her father set off, the family would soon starve if he didn’t go for food.

Her father hadn’t been gone long when Rebecca happened to look out the window at the ocean. What she saw nearly made her heart stop. It was an enemy ship: a small, light-gunned British warship. Calling for her mother, she grabbed her father’s telescope and could just make out the name painted on the side: La Hogue.

Rebecca, Abigail, and their mother stood together, frightened, as they watched the ship sail closer. Mother told the girls to watch the ship while she tried to sound the alarm and warn the home guard in the nearby village. The girls watched helplessly as the great ship drew near. Two small boats were lowered off the side, and Rebecca knew the boats would come ashore quickly.

It was time to run. As they ran down the lighthouse stairs, Rebecca suddenly stopped when she saw her fife(横笛). Oh my! She thought. It just might work… Rebecca grabbed the fife and the drum() that Abigail had been learning to play.

Paragraph 1

She and her sister hurried out of the lighthouse and over to the large sand dunes that lay behind it.


Paragraph 2

The English soldiers looked nervously at one another—the music of “Yankee Doodle” had to be coming from the confident American soldiers.


【题目】 Researchers from Pennsylvania University suggest that loud snoring can be caused by having a fat tongue. Scientists have long known that losing weight can help the condition, but now they know why. It explains why losing weight reduces the risk of obstructive sleep apnoea (阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停).

Improved symptoms are linked to slimming down the unexpected part of the body - opening the door to better treatments. Professor Richard Schwab, chief of sleep medicine at Pennsylvania University, said: "Most clinicians, and even experts in the sleep apnoea world, have not typically focused on fat in the tongue for treating sleep apnoea."Having a large neck was previously believed to be the culprit(引起问题的事物). Prof Schwab said: "Now we know tongue fat is a risk factor and sleep apnoea improves when tongue fat is reduced, we have established a unique therapeutic target that we've never had before.

In sleep apnoea the airways become blocked - leading tosnoring. It blights the lives of four and two percent of middle aged men and women, respectively, in the UK. Long term, sleep apnoea is linked with a number of chronic diseases, including highblood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and depression.

Analyzing MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans of the throat and nose of obese patients, the researchers found reducing tongue fat is the key. They found that a reduction in tongue fat volume was the key factor. Weight loss also resulted in a smaller pterygoid - the jaw muscle that controls chewing. This is irrespective of whether they appear to fall into the typical "high-risk" obese categories, said Prof Schwab.

He added: "Primary care doctors, and perhaps even dentists, should be asking about snoring and sleepiness in all patients, even those who have a normal body mass index, as, based on our data, they may also be at risk for sleep apnoea."

Twenty-two million Americans suffer from sleep apnoea, in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts, causing patients to wake up randomly throughout their sleep cycles. One of the recommended treatments is CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), which has been free on the NHS since March 2008.

1What can we learn from Prof Schwab?

A.People with high tongue fat must be at high risk of obesity.

B.Sleep apnea improves when tongue fat is reduced.

C.Patients with a normal body mass index won’t develop sleep apnea.

D.Most clinicians focus on the fat on the tongue to treat sleep apnea.

2What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?

A.The shape of tongue fat.

B.The harm of tongue fat.

C.The feature of tongue fat.

D.The cause of tongue fat.

3What does the underlined word “blight” in the third paragraph most probably mean?



【题目】 For the most part, American children aren’t great at math. But Chinese children tend to be excellent. It’s consistently found Chinese students at the top of the academic pile and Americans much nearer the bottom.

In Lenora Chu’s book “Little Soldiers: An American Boy, a Chinese School”, she begins to reveal the cultural differences that lead to this gap. The differences she notices in children’s focus and discipline are dramatic, but she also notices cultural differences that influence how Chinese schools are run, and the reason why its students test so well. Along with factors such as highly trained teachers and an emphasis on memorizing before pursuing deeper understanding, the difference comes down to a belief that has begun slowly making its way across the US: achievement is the result of hard work, not natural ability.

This approach comes from a firm belief that anything is possible with hard work, with chiku, or “eating bitter”. Studies show that for kids who score poorly. Chinese teachers believe a lack of effort—rather than of smarts — is to blame.

Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, author of “Mindset (心态)”, is responsible for making up the terms “growth mindset” and “fixed mindset”. Chinese students are trained to have a growth mindset: if they aren’t doing well, they’11 work harder, and they’ll be successful. American children tend to be trained to have a fixed mindset about academics: their abilities are largely predetermined and static. If they aren’t doing well, it’s because they’re not good at it.

In America students are told that learning is fun and easy. But real learning is actually very difficult and takes suffering and anxiety. If you’re not willing to go through that you’re not going to learn deeply. The downside is these students often give up when something gets hard or when it’s no longer fun.

1According to Lenora Chu, what contributes most to the Chinese students’excellent academic performance?

A.School operation model.B.The emphasis on memorizing.

C.High-qualified teachers.D.Chinese culture.

2According to Chinese teachers, students failing an exam are______.



3Which of the following is TRUE according to Carol Dweck’s theory?

A.A majority of Chinese students are born excellent learners.

B.American students tend to believe learning ability is genetically determined.

C.Amerlcan students should choose a Chinese school to achieve success.

D.American students are lacking in a fixed mindset, compared to Chinese students.

4What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.Students should study in a fun way.

B.American students are always anxious about their study.

C.American students have no difficulty in learning deeply.

D.Diligence plays an essential part in learning.

【题目】 We just waved goodbye to this year's Mother's Day.1, but there are still things you might not know about Mother's Day.

The founder fought back.

Although Julia Ward Howe first suggested a day for mothers, Anna Jarvis campaigned for a national day for moms, in memory of her own mother, Ann Jarvis, who had spent years working to provide resources for poor mothers in West Virginia.2, but within a few years, Jarvis became annoyed with how commercial the day had become and started a petition(请愿)to cancel the holiday.That clearly didn't come to pass.

It is an active day on the phone lines.

3. One study suggests that the more widespread use of cell phones has greatly increased the amount of contact adult children have with their mothers. So don't be lazy: your mom definitely expects to receive your call, and not just with a text message.


If you're thinking about taking your mom out to eat, you might want to consider which time of the day will have enough open tables. Mother's Day is the busiest day of the year for restaurants, with some 80 million adults dining out, which tops even Valentine's Day. Therefore, if you'd like to treat your mom to her favorite cuisine, go earlier on that day.

All in all, Mother's Day is set up to honor mothers' love and care for the family, so even a handmade card can show your appreciation.5

A.Mother's Day became an official holiday in 1914

B.Their devotion deserves your attention and respect

C.Some of you may find that day not new to you at all

D.Some of you might have forgotten to send greetings

E.Many people honor more than one mother in their life

F.It is the busiest day of the year in the restaurant industry

G.Call volume in the US goes up 11 percent on Mother's Day

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